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spec2scl is a tool to convert RPM specfiles to SCL-style specfiles.

To get more info about Software Collections, see:

Usage (print this by running spec2scl -h):

usage: spec2scl [-h] [--meta-specfile] [-i] [-m] [-s] [-k SKIP_FUNCTIONS]
                    [-v VARIABLES] [-n | -l SCL_CONTENTS_LIST]
                    [ARGUMENT [ARGUMENT ...]]

Convert RPM specfile to be SCL ready.

positional arguments:
  ARGUMENT              Paths to the specfiles or name of the meta package,
                        see --meta-specfile.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --meta-specfile       If used, spec2scl will produce metapackage specfile
                        based on ARGUMENT, ARGUMENT must be the metapackage
                        name, see SCL docs for metapackage naming.
  -i                    Convert in place (replaces old specfiles with the new
                        generated ones). Mandatory when multiple specfiles are
                        to be converted.
  -m, --meta-runtime-dep
                        If used, runtime dependency on the scl runtime package
                        will be added. The dependency is not added by default.
  -k SKIP_FUNCTIONS, --skip-functions SKIP_FUNCTIONS
                        Comma separated list of transformer functions to skip
  -v VARIABLES, --variables VARIABLES
                        List of variables separated with comma, used only with
                        --meta-specfile option
  -n, --no-deps-convert
                        Don't convert dependency tags (mutually exclusive with
                        List of the packages/provides, that will be in the SCL
                        (to convert Requires/BuildRequires properly).

spec2scl is licensed under MIT license.