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Runs molecular docking programs in parallel on an MPI cluster. Currently supports idock and smina. This program is currently being used on Cal Poly's Massively Parallel Accelerated Computing (MPAC) lab and DIRAC cluster.


  • A cluster with an MPI implementation installed. This has been developed with OpenMPI.
    • This program was rewritten to use local storage on each node in the MPI cluster for faster io speeds. A nfs could likely be used without issue.
  • python3. However, this has been developed with python3.4, solely because that was the newest version of python available across every machine in the MPAC lab. It should work on newer version of python3.
  • python packages: mpi4py PyYAML. See requirements.txt


Clone the repo into a shared folder common to all the workers (ie a drive on the NFS):

git clone
cd distributed-docking

Install the requirements. Whichever pip you use, just make sure it is the pip for the version of python you're using as the executable in the config file.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user


pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user


pip install -r requirements.txt --user


python3.4 --cfg <yaml config file>


python3.4 --cfg config/dirac_config_rabies.yaml

What exactly does it do? finds hosts from the supplied hosts that are reachable over ssh and constructs and launches an mpiexec process with the supplied arguments and hosts.

The first reachable host supplied in the configuration file becomes the master node. Each node sets up a workspace directory in the local_workspace directory specified in the configuration file.

Each worker node downloads the configuration folder specified by config_folder_dir in the configuration file.

The master node then begins running batches (in the order specified by batches in the configuration file) that do not yet have summary and archive files in the processed directory.

For each a batch, the master node checks to see if the batch has already been downloaded and unarchived in the workspace directory. If it has not, the master downloads and unarchives the batch. The master node then finds ligands that have not yet been run (by comparing the ligands in the unarchived batch directory and ligands in the local results directory). These ligands are then distributed to available workers.

When all ligands have been distributed, a summary file is created by combining all partial summary files from each individual worker and then sorting in order of increasing energy. An archive file containing the output files from the docking program and the combined summary file is created. The archive and summary files are then sent to the processed location specified in the configuration file.


All options are supplied via the configuration file. All options listed below are required. See example_config.yaml for a full example.

library: Directory containing archive files of the ligand library to run. Can be a remote directory. The ligand directory should have the following structure:


Each archive file should have the structure:


processed: Directory to put archive and summary files of processed batches in. Can be a remote directory.

archive_prefix: Prefix of processed ligand archive filenames (not a directory, simply for naming files meaningfully).

summary_prefix: Prefix of processed summary filenames.

docking: Type of docking to run. Options are: idock or smina.

config_folder_path: Directory containing the docking program executable, docking program configuration file, and receptor pdbqt file. Can be a remote directory.

receptor: name of the receptor pdbqt file inside the directory at config_folder_path

batches: A list of batches to be run (['p01', 'p02', ...]). Order matters.

chunk_size: The number of ligands distributed to a worker at one time.

python: Name or path to python executable.

mpiexec_path: Path to mpiexec executable

mpi_args: List of command line arguments for mpiexec executable. For example:

    - --mca plm_rsh_no_tree_spawn 1

local_workspace: Directory used by each worker process to store data related to the run. Can be a local or shared directory. A local drive is usually faster than an NFS.

hosts: A list of hosts to run workers on. Each entry in the list has a hostname and number of slots. The number of slots corresponds to the number of processes that will be launched on the machine. The first node listed will always be made the master node. This is important if you want to be able to resume runs if they are stopped for some reason. For example:

        slots: 2 # one master process, one worker process
        slots: 3 # three worker processes


The program got interrupted

If the program gets interrupted when it is screening ligands, just restart the program. It will pick up mostly where it left off, but it will have to rerun ligands that the workers were currently working on when they got interrupted.

If the program gets interrupted when it is creating an archive file, just restart the program.

If the program gets interrupted when unarchiving a new batch from the library, you will have to remove the partially unarchived directory and restart the process. This means deleting the <local_workspace>/distributed-docking/ligands. If you do not remove the partially unarchive ligands directory, the next time the program runs it will use the partially unarchive directory, instead of the full batch you wanted it to run. This might be changed in the future.

The program hangs after launching the mpi process

One of the hosts may not be responsive to MPI. This can happen a lot on the MPAC lab. You may have to comment out all the hosts in the configuration file and start adding them one by one, making sure the process runs with the addition of each new host.

The program hangs when "rsyncing ligands"

If the the program hangs after printing, rsyncing ligands to csm-dirac-2a:/scratch1/distributed-docking/worker-3/ligands, make sure you can ssh to that host and then ctrl-c and rerun. Sometimes this happens if the hosts RSA key is not recognized.

Look at that uptime:

retrieving chunk from
ligand01\_120045.pdb     ZINC000062701440        -3.394
ligand01\_40398.pdb      ZINC000218765417        -3.810
ligand01\_38205.pdb      ZINC000001066168        -3.822
ligand01\_81292.pdb      ZINC000534652416        -3.732
summary summary\_w57\_09-05-2020\_15-37-55.tsv written
retrieving chunk from
done distributing
Checking again for stragglers
Creating summary file
Creating archive file
storing results
cleaning up results and ligands directories
sending stop signals...done

real    14523m26.706s
user    103978m46.638s
sys     13495m15.916s


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