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A template django project

Initial creds are admin/admin.

local installation

git clone
cd django_template/provisioning/vagrant
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
ulimit -n 4048;vagrant up;

host machine and can be visited after vagrant up. To query cigar shops by lat, long, and distance in miles do:

remote installation


git clone
cd django_template/provisioning/terraform/aws

At this point you'll need to open up the file and put in your keys, local ip address, and aws keypair name. If you change the region you'll need to change the ami in the aws_instance section. We're based off of the official Centos 7 HVM ami. After that do:

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey" 
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
terraform plan -out the_plan
terraform apply the_plan
terraform show

The last command will show you the public ip of the aws_instance that got created. The terraform script completes before the cloud init script finishes. ssh and tail /var/log/cloud-init-output.log, or wait ~15 minutes, the app will be up and running. After that you can go to and; The site forwards to 443 uses a self signed cert so you'll need to add an exception when your browser complains. Ssh username is centos

Digital ocean

git clone
cd django_template/provisioning/terraform/do

At this point you'll have to do a couple of things.

  1. Open and put in your digital ocean token
  2. replace django_template/provisioning/ with your own public key(keep the name the same, or edit the .tf file to reflect the change). You only need to do this if you plan to ssh into the box that gets stood up. After that do:
terraform plan -out the_plan
terraform apply the_plan
terraform show

As with aws, the last command will show you the ip of the instance that got created, it takes ~15 minutes for the app to be ready, you can go to the /welcome/ and /admin/ pages, and you'll need to add the browser exception for the self signed cert. Ssh username is root

Useful bits

To destroy the aws/digitalocean stuff(and stop being charged $) do:

terraform destroy

If you modified stuff and wanna see it show up, or ran selenium tests or a precommit do

ssh to local or remote box as user with sudo bits

sudo su - dtuser
sg dtowners
source /opt/django_template/venv/bin/activate
cd /opt/django_template/code
fab vagrant refresh_local


ssh to local or remote box as user with sudo bits

sudo su - dtsudo
sg dtowners
source /opt/django_template/venv/bin/activate
cd /opt/django_template/code
fab vagrant sudo_refresh_local

This will make the box start hosting the regular site again.


Fixture test_user password is testing123

Example run_list invocation

python run_list '/home/dtuser/Desktop/latest_meetings.txt' '/opt/django_template/code/reports/load_meetings_err.txt' '/opt/django_template/code/reports/load_meetings_err_detail.txt'

Invoke seleniums with(might wanna do it from 2 terminal windows):

ssh to local or remote box as user with sudo bits

sudo su - dtuser
sg dtowners
source /opt/django_template/venv/bin/activate
cd /opt/django_template/code/
fab vagrant_selenium refresh_local
sudo su - dtsudo
sg dtowners
source /opt/django_template/venv/bin/activate
cd /opt/django_template/code/
fab sudo_prepare_for_selenium
sudo su - dtuser
sg dtowners
source /opt/django_template/venv/bin/activate
cd /opt/django_template/code/
fab vagrant_selenium run_selenium_tests