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An API implementation for Saarang Shaastra like fests, including ERP and Mainsite and Mobile interface

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An API implementation for Saarang Shaastra like fests, including ERP and Mainsite and Mobile interface

  1. Setup :

    • Create a virtual env
    • Install configs/requirements.txt
        • Install libmysqlclient-dev python-dev using 'apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev python-dev'
      • use
         pip install -r configs/requirements.txt (read 8.c if pip is not installed. 
      • and then to make sure of all versions
         pip install -r configs/requirements.txt --upgrade
    • Install libmysqlclient-dev python-dev if not already installed
    • (If a previous version of django is already installed or if you are not sure if you have a previous version read 8.d)
  2. Change the following in the fest-api/configs/

    • Change the filename to
    • Set the database settings (If you need details on how to do this read 8.a. If you are having problems with mysql installation follow 8.b)
    • (specific to ERP) In set 'USE_EXTERNAL_SITES' to False
    • In terminal type 'python syncdb' followed by 'python migrate'. If these 2 worked your database settings worked fine
  3. Tastypie (NOT NEEDED for ERP)

    • Till now, tastypie(v1.11) has some issues with through tables.

    • Need to replace (in the save_m2m function ~line 2300):


      with :

       if hasattr(related_mngr, 'add'):
       	# handle m2m with a "through" class
       	for other_obj in related_objs:
       			related_mngr.source_field_name: bundle.obj,
       			related_mngr.target_field_name: other_obj
  4. Setup Social Accounts : (NOT NEEDED for ERP)

    . FACEBOOK - Add your facebook credentials (token, key) into settings

    . GOOGLE - Go to {{SITE_URL}}/docs/refresh_token to create a new refresh token. - This will ask access to a Google account - use the account on which to store Docs and accept. - Now this will store the refresh_token in a configs file and ask you to restrat server. - Restart Server to refetch all settings. - Now you can access Google Drive and Google Picker API

    - Also, add google credentials into settings
    	- Gogole Public Key
    	- Google oauth configs into configs/docs_oauth2_credentials.json

    . GITHUB - Add your github credentials (token, key) into settings

  5. Setup Database Appropriately :

    . Management command add_colleges is used to populate some data - Colleges from Shaastra 2014 (optional) (In other words type 'python add_colleges')

    . Management command update_email_templates is used to update email templates and store onto the database for Django Post office (optional)

    . Management command populate_db can be used to get dummy data (IMPORTANT)

    . Management command jsonify_data is used by atwho for data. Autogenerates some json objects which are easy to use

    . Management command jsonify_data is used to fix all permissions for the users in the beginning

  6. Haystack and Solr . Commands to install Solr:

    tar xvzf apache-solr-3.5.0.tgz
    cd apache-solr-3.5.0
    cd example
    java -jar start.jar```
    . Next, generate schema from ```python build_solr_schema```. Take the output from that command and place it in ```apache-solr-3.5.0/example/solr/conf/schema.xml```. Then restart Solr
    . Solr needs to be run continuously on server
    . Ref:
  7. (specific to ERP)(Create a blank document called meta.html in files/templates/base/

  8. Common Installation Problems

  • At any point if you get permission denied type 'sudo' followed by the required command

8.a. - Details on how to set up MySQL Server.

To run the mysql prompt and create a database in the terminal type

	mysql -u root -p
	##Then type the root user password or set the password if it asks you to
	## The MySQL shell should open. type-  CREATE DATABASE django_db;
	## In under the database settings add 
    	'NAME': 'django_db',
    	'USER': 'root',
   		 'PASSWORD': whatever you set while creating the database,
   		 'HOST': '',
    	'PORT': '',
- In terminal type 'python syncdb' followed by 'python migrate'. If these 2 worked your database settings worked fine	

8.b. For mysql installation problems

- Type the all of the following commands to delete any version of mysql that you have

	sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common
	sudo apt-get autoremove
	sudo apt-get autoclean
- To install mysql

	sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
	sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
- To run the mysql prompt and create a database

	mysql -u root -p
	##Then type the root user password or set the password if it asks you to
	## The MySQL shell should open. type-  CREATE DATABASE django_db;
	## In under the database settings add 
    	'NAME': 'django_db',
    	'USER': 'root',
   		 'PASSWORD': whatever you set,
   		 'HOST': '',
    	'PORT': '',
- In terminal type 'python syncdb' followed by 'python migrate'. If these 2 worked your database settings worked fine	

8.c. If pip is not installed check the following link

8.d. If an older version of django is installed or you are unsure of the version. Type the following in terminal

- python #(to enter python shell)
- import django #(if youn get an error here, django is not installed)
- print(django.get_version())

if the version is 1.6.5 you are fine. If not then read on - you will have to delete and reinstall django. Tpe the following

- python -c "import sys; sys.path = sys.path[1:]; import django; print(django.__path__)"
- cd <type the output from the above command until the site-packages file only. e.g /....../sitepackages>
- sudo rm -rf django
- pip install Django==1.6.5
Now repeat the steps till 'print(django.get_version())' to check your django version

8.e. static files are not loading Or the css files are not showing

- set STATIC_URL to '/static/' in

8.f. Static(css/js) files are loading but not getting the shaastra/saarang logo on the login page

- go to files/static/img/shaastra_pics Copy login_page_logo.jpg
- go to files/static/img/ . Create a folder called fest_pics and paste the photo there (since the src attribute for that photo is files/static/img/fest_pics)

8.g. The following error is showing on the browser - The storage backend of the staticfiles finder <class 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder'> doesn't have a valid location.

- In remove the following line in Staic_file_finders 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder',

8.h. Some Module like apiclient, south or any app mentioned in the Third-Party-Apps in is not installed.

- Google 'install apiclient library' or whatever the module name is and type the command that you find in any of the results in terminal

Experimental Features :

  • Content Editable divs


An API implementation for Saarang Shaastra like fests, including ERP and Mainsite and Mobile interface






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