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This project runs a SPARQL endpoint for Update and Select Queries and enables versioning with Git for each Named Graph.

Preparation of the Store repository

  1. Create a directory, which will contain your RDF data
  2. Run git init in this directory
  3. Put your RDF data formated as N-Quads into this directory (an empty file should work as well)
  4. Add the data to the repository (git add …) and create a commit (git commit -m "init repository")
  5. Create a configuration file named config.ttl (an example is contained in this directory)

Configuaration of config.ttl

Adjust the config.ttl. Make sure you put the correct path to your git repository ("../store") and the URI of your graph (<>) and name of the file holding this graph ("example.nq").

conf:store a <YourQuitStore> ;
    <pathOfGitRepo> "../store" ; # Set the path to the repository that contains the files .
    <origin> "" . # Optional a git repo that will be cloned into dir given in line above on startup.

conf:example a <Graph> ; # Define a Graph resource for a named graph
    <graphUri> <> ; # Set the URI of named graph
    <isVersioned> 1 ; # Defaults to True, future work
    <graphFile> "example.nq" . # Set the filename

The config.ttl could as well be put under version control for collaboration, but this is not necessary.

Run from command line

Install libgit2 needed for pygit2 bindings. Install pip and optionally virtualenv resp. virtualenvwrapper:

pip install virtualenv
cd /path/to/this/repo
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.5 quit

Install the required dependencies and run the store:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Command line options

-cm, --configmode

Quit-Store can be started in three different modes. These modes differ in how the store choses the named graphs and the corresponding files that will be part of the store.

  1. localconfig - Use the graphs specified in a local config file (e.g. config.ttl).
  2. repoconfig - Search for a config.ttl file in the specified repository.
  3. graphfiles - Graph URIs are read from *.graph files for each RDF file (as also used by the Virtuoso bulk loading process), furthermore found N-Quads files are analyzed to get the URI of named graphs from the used context.

-b, --basepath

Specifiy a basepath/application root. This will work with WSGI and docker only.

-t, --targetdir

Specifiy a target directory where the repository can be found or will be cloned (if remote is given) to.

-r, -repourl

Specifiy a link/URI to a remote repository.

-c, --configfile

Specify a path to a configuration file. (Defaults to ./config.ttl)

-nv, --disableversioning

Run Quit-Store without versioning activated

-gc, --garbagecollection

Enable garbage collection. With this option activated, git will check for garbage collection after each commit. This may slow down response time but will keep the repository size small.

-f, --features

This option enables additional features of the store:

  • provenance - Store provenance information for each revision.
  • persistance - Store all internal data as RDF graph.

-v, --verbose and -vv, --verboseverbose

Set the loglevel for the standard output to verbose (INFO) respective extra verbose (DEBUG).

-l, --logfile

Write the log output to the given path. The path is interpreted relative to the current working directory. The loglevel for the logfile is always extra verbose (DEBUG).


The Quit-Store comes with three kinds of interfaces, a SPARQL update and query interface, a provenance interface, and a Git management interface.

SPARQL Update and Query Interface

The SPARQL interface support update and select queries and is meant to adhere to the SPARQL 1.1 Protocol. You can find the interface to query the current HEAD of your repository under http://your-quit-host/sparql. To access any branch or commit on the repository you can query the endpoints under http://your-quit-host/sparql/<branchname> resp. http://your-quit-host/sparql/<commitid>. Since the software is still under development there might be some missing features or strange behavior. If you are sure that the store does not follow the W3C recommandation please file an issue.


Execute a select query with curl

curl -d "select ?s ?p ?o ?g where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o} }" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" http://your-quit-host/sparql
curl -d "select ?s ?p ?o ?g where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o} }" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" http://your-quit-host/sparql/develop

If you are interested in a specific result mime type you can use the content negotiation feature of the interface:

curl -d "select ?s ?p ?o ?g where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o} }" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+json" http://your-quit-host/sparql

Execute an update query with curl

curl -d "insert data { graph <> { <urn:a> <urn:b> <urn:c> } }" -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-update"  http://your-quit-host/sparql

Provenance Interface

The provenance interface is available under the following two URIs:

  • http://your-quit-host/provenance which is a SPARQL query interface (see above) to query the provenance graph
  • http://your-quit-host/blame to get a git blame like output per statement in the store

Git Management Interface

  • /commits: Get commits, messages, committer and date of commits
  • /pull, /fetch, /push, /merge, /revert which are parallel to the respective Git commands

Tips and Tricks

If you want to convert an N-Triples file to N-Quads where all data is in the same graph, the following line might help.

sed "s/.$/<http:\/\/\/> ./g" data.nt > data.nq


We also provide a Docker image for the Quit Store on the public docker hub. The Image will expose port 80 by default. An existing repository can be linked to the volume /data. The default configuration is located in /etc/quit/config.ttl, which can also be overwritten using a respective volume or by setting the QUIT_CONFIGFILE environment variable.

Further options which can be set are:

  • QUIT_TARGETDIR - the target repository directory on which quit should run
  • QUIT_CONFIGFILE - the path to the config.ttl (* /etc/quit/config.ttl)
  • QUIT_LOGFILE - the path where quit should create its logfile
  • QUIT_BASEPATH - the HTTP basepath where quit will be served

* defaults to

To run the image execute the following command:

docker run --name containername -v /existing/store/repo:/data aksw/quitstore

The following example will map the quit store port to the host port 8080.

docker run --name containername -p 8080:80 -v /existing/store.repo:/data aksw/quitstore


Reinit store with data from commit with id


Copyright (C) 2017 Norman Radtke and Natanael Arndt

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see Please see LICENSE for further information.


Quads in Git - Distributed Version Control for RDF Knowledge Bases







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