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nodemcuload: NodeMCU file system utility

PyPi version Build status

A simple command-line interface and Python (2 and 3) library for reading and writing files to the spiffs filesystem of an ESP8266 wifi IoT device running NodeMCU.

Optional: Install using

$ python install

You can alternatively use the file standalone. Make sure you have the pyserial library installed and substitute python in place of nodemcuload in the examples below.


Write myscript.lua to main.lua in flash:

$ nodemcuload --write main.lua < myscript.lua

Read main.lua back from flash and print it to myscript.lua:

$ nodemcuload --read main.lua > myscript.lua

List all files on the device:

$ nodemcuload --list
Total 1 file, 2117 bytes
main.lua  2117

Delete main.lua from flash:

$ nodemcuload --delete main.lua

Reformat the flash (erasing all files):

$ nodemcuload --format

Move/rename foo.lua to bar.lua in flash:

$ nodemcuload --move foo.lua bar.lua

Start executing main.lua on the device using the Lua dofile command:

$ nodemcuload --dofile main.lua

Instruct the device to reset itself and wait until the prompt returns:

$ nodemcuload --restart

To use a specific device and baudrate:

$ nodemcuload --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --baudrate=115200 ...

Use as a Python library:

$ python
>>> from serial import Serial
>>> from nodemcuload import NodeMCU
>>> n = NodeMCU(Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600, timeout=2.0))
>>> print(n.get_version())
(1, 4)

Implementation Note

This tool functions by sending commands to the Lua interpreter provided by NodeMCU. This means that if this functionality is unavailable (e.g. due to a rogue init.lua) the command will fail.

Running Tests

To run all tests automatically against various versions of Python run:

$ pip install tox
$ tox

Alternatively you can run the pytest based test suite by hand like so:

$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
$ py.test --cov --cov --cov-fail-under=100 --cov-report=term-missing

Code formatting should also be checked by flake8:

$ pip install flake8
$ flake8