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Cant Keep Up

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This tool is made to make programmers more productive through issuing commands via the address bar of their favorite browser.

How to enable it in chrome

goto settings then under the search section press Manage search engines now we will add cantkeepup here, scroll down until you find 3 empty boxes. In the first box Add a new search engine type cantkeepup. In the second box Keyword type cantkeepup. In the last box URL with %s in place of query type Then press enter, and make it the default one by pressing the Make default button that appears when you hover over it.


How to build

First of all you need both pip and python2 installed then navigate to the project directory and install all the requirement:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure you are running your own psql server with a database named cantkeepup_dev, and having virtualenvwrapper installed, and $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate contains:

# This hook is sourced after this virtualenv is activated.
export APP_SETTINGS=config.DevelopmentConfig

# this assumes you have posgresql server installed locally, and you have
# a db named cantkeepup_dev already created.
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://localhost/cantkeepup_dev

You will need to run the '' once in order to populate your local db.

$ python

Finally run the application:

$ python runserver

Making changes to the database

We are using Flask-Migrate, and it can be done in a couple of easy steps. First, make your changes to the models, then from the terminal issue this command: python migrate and then python upgrade. To check what exactly happens check the function upgrade in the last created file in cantkeeup-directory/migrations/versions. As for moving or deleting the data you have to do it yourself, either manually or automatically.

Currently available functions

  • ocvs <keywords> --- search in OpenCV codebase in github
  • s <keywords> or g <keywords> --- search using google
  • t <keywords> --- translate from English to Arabic using google translate
  • p --- redirect to
  • ulib <keywords> --- search AUC library
  • <keywords> --- search using google (this is the default case by the way)

Deployment to Heroku

In order to install bower we have built our own buildpack, use this command to activate it:

heroku create --buildpack

Make sure to add the correct these environment variables to heroku: APP_SETTINGS, and SECRET_KEY


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