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A generative RNN-LSTM Deep Learning Model trained on Bach's Fugues and Preludes.

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The following is a project development daily journal comprised of notes and findings accompanying my work. It is to be replaced by a proper README file at the end of the project.

June 19, 2016 - Sunday

Believe it or not, I accidentally ran rm -rf /* on my computer when i wanted to type rm -rf ./*!!!.

I stopped the deletion when it was going thru Applications/ directory. It was throwing Permission denied errors all over the place. But, it deleted Ableton Live and all my instrument patches. I ended up having to download Ableton from their website. It was easy because I registered it when I bought it. I'll have to re-install the patches some other time. I hope this is the whole extent of the damage.

Deleting .DS_Store remotely on git repo:

find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec git rm --cached -f {} \;.
git commit -m "delete files"
git push

Python MIDI

python MIDI
Python, for all its amazing ability out of the box, does not provide you with an easy means to manipulate MIDI data.

markdown cheatsheet

Andrej Karpathy

MIDI PYTHON Midi keyboard offers 128 keys (0 thru 127), whereas a piano offers 88 keys.

midi.C_0 => returns 0
midi.Cs_0 => returns 1  it's C sharp
midi.Db_0 => returns 1  it's D flat
midi.D_0 => returns 2
midi.C_1 => returns 12 (one octave above midi.C_0)
midi.G_10 => returns 127 (highest note on MIDI)

midi.NoteOnEvent(tick=24, channel=0, data=[62, 127]),

In a MIDI file, all NoteOn and NoteOff events are ordered sequentially.

  • The tick argument is set to tick count after the most recent NoteOn or NoteOff Event.
  • data argument is equal to [pitch, velocity] of the current note.
  • velocity is how hard the note is played. Varies from 0 to 127.
  • If the velocity is set to 0 in a NoteOnEvent(), it becomes a NoteOffEvent().

Source Code/Python MIDI preprocessing Stage 0 finished OUTPUT: time_series LIST = [(time, pitch, duration), (...), (...)]


I have only worked with one single Bach Fugue MIDI File: bwv733.mid It looks like there were errors in this midi file. And there might be similar errors on other data files.

at track=1: len(NoteOnEvent) = 849
            len(NoteOffEvent) = 850

Also, my script gave negative duration error. However, when I imported the midi file to Ableton Live and then exported it back and then ran the on it, all the negative duration errors were gone!!! and the redundant NoteOff events were also gone.

at track=1: len(NoteOnEvent) = 849
            len(NoteOffEvent) = 849

I might need to manually import and export the midi files in and out of Ableton Live before feeding them to RNN as training set.


Tests to check basic parameters.
Import the time_series back to MIDI

June 20, 2016 - Monday

Had a great meeting/ Brainstorming session with Kamil.
A Crude Road Map:

- Stage 0: Key & Chord Sequence Prediction
- Stage 1: INPUT: Bass line
           OUTPUT: Generate a Melody
- Stage 2: INPUT: Ignore the Bass Line and consider the new Melody created
           OUTPUT: Write a new Melody.

pre-processing Helper Functions.

- Stage 0: MIDI to TimeSeries -- finished
- Stage 1: TimeSeries to MIDI -- today
- Stage 2: TimeSeries to ChordSequence
- Stage 3: ChordSequence to Key

Interaction btw Bass Lines and Melody Lines

Melody: 1---2---2---1---5---5---5--|5|-|4|--6---6---4

..Bass: 1---3---3---3---2---2---2---2--|4|--4---4---4

Set up the RNN such that the melody note at time = t is influenced by a melody note at time = t-1 and bass note at time = t

June 21, 2016 - Tuesday

Preprocess Pipe Line

          (import)      (export) |bwv733_t1.mid| (merger)
bwv733.mid ----> Ableton ------> |bwv733_t2.mid| -------> bwv733_io.mid

When bwv733.mid is imported into and exported out of Ableton the timeSignature info in the midi file gets modified. I tried to reimport it from the original bwv733.mid file to no avail. I'll abandon this endeavor now and instead will write a script to get the note value info based on all the tracks in the midi file.


[0.46  0.0  0.07 0.35 0.0   0.14 0.0   0.35  0.07  0.0    0.14   0.0  ] minor
[0.46  0.0  0.07 0.35 0.0   0.14 0.0   0.35  0.07  0.0    0.     0.14 ] minor_harmonic
[0.45  0.0  0.07 0.34 0.0   0.14 0.0   0.34  0.0   0.203  0.     0.203] minor_melodic
[0.46  0.0  0.07 0.35 0.0   0.14 0.35  0.0   0.07  0.14   0.     0.035] minor_diminished
[0.46  0.0  0.07 0.35 0.0   0.14 0.35  0.0   0.07  0.0    0.14   0.0  ] minor_half_diminished
[0.38  0.0  0.06 0.0  0.29  0.11 0.0   0.29  0.0   0.057  0.     0.114] major
[0.38  0.0  0.06 0.0  0.29  0.0  0.12  0.12  0.0   0.058  0.     0.116] major_augmented
[0.38  0.0  0.06 0.0  0.29  0.12 0.0   0.29  0.0   0.058 -0.576  0.0  ] dominant
[0.37  0.11 0.0  0.11 0.28  0.0  0.29  0.0   0.113 0.0    0.113  0.0  ] dominant_altered
[0.33  0.0  0.03 0.0  0.26  0.0  0.15  0.25  0.0   0.025  0.099  0.0  ] dominant_sharp_11

June 22, 2016 - Wednesday

Working on chord-note similarity.
Today's to do list:

  • Run the Chord Sequencer on a MIDI file. Calculate the sequence of chords per quarter note.
def extract_chord_sequence(filename):
	# INPUT : filename STR, 
	# OUTPUT: LIST of strings ['Am', 'GMaj aug', 'G7', 'Dm_harmonic', ...]
  • Create RNN Input file for each MIDI (Lee)
  • Implement the Cost Function term that accounts for chord-melody mismath (Lee)
# group of pitches. This is in Cm [0,3,7,10] transposed up 3 semitones.
In [5]: gr_pitches = np.array([7+12+3, 10+24+3, 7+24+3, 0+12+3, 3+24+3, 3+24+3, 0+36+3])

In [6]: gr_notes = pitches_to_notes(gr_pitches); gr_notes
Out[6]: array([ 1,  3,  6, 10])

In [7]: find_chord(gr_pitches)
Out[7]: ('D#', 'minor')

pitch_matrix is sucessfully constructed on quarter notes

12:10 AM Bart, sitting on the ground against the wall

I was able to run the code that builds chord_sequence. The chords are not looking so bad, either. Thus far, I made it run for only

Note: When I have time I will think of a better way to construct canonical_chord_vectors. I'm lacking a foolproof consistency across the vocab of chords. The Root, 3rd, 5th and 7th should all have same weights across the board including dominant altered and minor harmonic octatonic scale. Then, I have to find a way to deal with color tones for the more complicated chord. It's doable. Only not my top priority righ now.


  • Time to go thru all bwv*.mid files to prepare the training data. Use os module to take the filenames in and construct a pitch_matrix and a chord_sequence for all of them. Then I can cPickle the output and feed it as training data to RNN model.
  • build your custom RNN model on Lasagne.

Here's the pitch_matrix for

and here's the canonical_chords_vector

June 23, 2016 - Thursday

To clean up folders in github repo remotely.

git rm -r --cached some-directory
git commit -m 'Remove the now ignored directory "some-directory"'
git push origin master Theano Tutorial

  • Some files have 3/4 time signature. Better just take them out of the training set
  • Some files have two movements in the same file.

I'm having a block accepting the idea of running the model with a sole naive pitch matrix as training data.

June 24, 2016 - Friday
  • Find key of the fugue by pitch counter.
  • Look for the pitchwise span of each fugue. Then cut down your feature set accordingly
  • Double check the minor diminished scale.
  • Define a cosine cost function. (np.arccos(cosine_similarity)/(pi)))
  • Incorporate note duration in extract_chord(). Only consider notes that have low pitch and large duration.

  • I have the training data pitch_matrix_list – a list of size 29. Each item of the list is a pitch_matrix of type ndarray and of shape 61-by-N where N is dependent on the fugue.
  • For each of the 29 fugues in the training set, I suppose I need to create 11 more fugues transposed one semitone up to fit all the rest of the possible roots.

June 25, 2016 - Saturday
  • Training data is ready. I have 29 separate pickle files per each 12 parallel transposed keys. For instance, pitch_matrix_24ticks_sh2.p corresponds to sampling at every 24 ticks. sh2 points out the original MIDI file has been transposed up 2 semitones. If I'm gonna use the whole 12 key corpus of pitch_matrix training set, I'll concatenate them into a single pitch_matrix. Each pickle is 130 MB of size.
  • get_chord now works on a vector of total number of keys and predicts a chord out of the 11 canonical_chord_vectors I manually defined and a root associated with it.

RNN model cost function:

note_cost = binary_crossentropy(predictions, target).mean()
note_predictions = predictions[predictions > .5]
chord_predictions = get_chord(note_predictions)
chord_cost = cosine_distance(chord_predictions, chord_target)

I sat down and skimmed through some RNN sources including Doug Eck and Jurgen Schmidhuber's 2002 paper, and They have essentially made the most important points that I had thought but was not able to implement in my model explicitly.

  • ...that a musical piece can be transformed up and down freely. And the result wouldn't change the compositional information contained in it. Therefor, either all training data should be recreated to represent the same composition in all 12 possible keys, or the whole training set should be transposed to a single key –– typically C minor or C Major etc. It would be best to only include compositions that don't feature a key change.

  • RNN synthesized music loses coherence past its memory window unless a chord structure is pre-established. Hence, the idea to have a Stage 0 model that generates a chord progression to form a backbone of the syhtesized composition. Subsequently at Stage 1, another model will generate the melodies based on this chord progression.


How to deal with chord progression and separate keys

  1. Transpose all training set to the rootkey of C. [Link to keys of all Fugues of Bach] (

  2. Prescribe a chord progression for the model where a cyclical chord progression is enforced along with the target pitch_matrix , thereby, circumventing Stage 0.

chord_cost term chord_target = get_chord(target)

June 26, 2016 - Sunday

Eben Olson's PyData Conference Talk by Eben Olson from Yale University. NYC, Nov 2015.

  • Amongst all the Pyhton Conference Talks on Neural Networks, theano and lasagne, I found the most useful to actually help me get a RNN pipeline on lasagne.
  • Fil's notes ssh and scp on his repo are also very concise and helpful.
  • Tomorrow I have to get the in proper running shape. Then carry out some experiments in chords_cost term.

June 27, 2016 - Monday

a word of advice from Me to myself: ALWAYS BE MODELING !!!

Reference for optimization algorithms (Adagrad etc):

tmux tips from Fil:
  • tmux: start
  • sudo python run your script
  • Disconnect: Ctrl+B and let go.
    Then press D for detach.
    You can exit safely and leave the job running.
  • exit: exit out of AWS.
  • Reconnect to AWS: ssh g2
  • tmux ls: show all sessions running
  • tmux attach -t 1: reconnect to session 1
  • tmux attach: reconnect to session (when there's only one session)
  • exit: end the tmux session.

June 27, 2016 - Monday

Last night, for once, I left Galvanize at 10ish. But, I worked at home from 11 pm to 3:30AM. I was able to pickle.dump() the pitch_matrix of a synthesized fugue on AWS before my laptop battery ran out. In the morning, I retrieved the .p file and wrote it to a MIDI file and played it on Ableton. I did all that during the daily scrum meeting.

I had set the model to extract only a single line at a time step. Though, the audio file sounded gibberish with erratic random jumps between notes, it's apparent that it's beginning to learn some patterns. It was repeating some bass notes, and was constrained within an approximately 3-octave range. MIDI file is kept under Synthesized_Fugues/fugue_N768epoch180.mid

This midi file is

Further Improvements:
  • Get generate_a_fugue() write the output to a pickle file as time_series and write to a MIDI file..
  • Incorporate polyphonic capability. (select predictions[prediction>threshold])
  • Compute cross_validation_error.
  • Each successive Fugue in training data should be separated by a
    pause of length SEQUENCE_LENGTH. (Lee's start-marker -- end-marker idea)
  • Network will ultimately be trained on a 12-step, sequentially transposed pitch_matrix.
    • Build chord_sequence for the training data, and
    • incorporate the chord_cost term based on the chord_sequence

June 28, 2016 - Tuesday

I made a New Decision.
Polyphony might require a more novel Network Architecture and a Modeling Schema. Right now, my target is to produce something that sounds decent and playable. Therefor, I'll focus on training the model solely on monophonic bass lines extracted from the pitch_matrix.

I got the results out of the model for a polyhonic training dataset to a monophonic output. The structure is very clear, even though the music itself is not very exciting.
Trained only for the first 4 bars of pitch_matrix


MIDI output saved at Synthesized_Fugues/fugue_N768epoch311.mid

  • Postprocess the synthesized fugues on Python to incorporate:
    • Legato: successive notes of same pitch must be continuously played.
    • octave shift: The training data was shifted down by 2 octaves


The illustration for the pitch_matrix (on the left) and the X matrix.

  • pitch_matrix is comprised of all fugues appended together. (shape: N-by-NUM_FEATURES)
  • X is a 3D tensor of data points, (shape:data_size-by-SEQUENCE_LENGTH-by-NUM_FEATURES, where data_size = N - SEQUENCE_LENGTH)
  • Y is a 2D tensor of corresponding target 2D tensor (shape:data_size-by-NUM_FEATURES

the data points will be collected from X and Y in small batches of size BATCH_SIZE. Preferably. data_size % BATCH_SIZE = 0 so there won't be any left overs at the last iteration of each epoch.


June 29, 2016 - Wednesday

Command to see Disk Usage on ssh: df -h .

  • code cleanup
  • Work with classes and objects.
    • Attach appropriate functions to pitch_matrix and time_series objects.
  • define a new function that computes data-matrix X and target-matrix Y once and for all, then take batches from it.
    • X,Y = make_X_Y(pitch_matrix)
    • x,y = make_batch(X, Y)

June 30, 2016 - Thursday

Last night and today, I've been cleaning up the code. But the is not running properly. Function generate_a_fugue() gives me the same note prediction at each epoch. Need to correct this and re-run the model 1. with monophonic data, and 2. with the unmodified data.

  • some function names changed:
    • time_series_list_TO_pitch_matrix
    • pitch_matrix_TO_time_series()
    • time_series_TO_midi_file()
  • Cost function is decreasing but the generated fugues are solely comprised of a single note.
  • then pickle the mid-training data, particularly the train variable.
  • Modify time_series_legato() so it works on a polyphonic time_series. Do it by first making an accompanying pitch_matrix

  • Haven't been able to successfully save the train object. Pickling gave me an error -- I don't remember now. Could try saving the params only.
  • The model has been predicting one note. I looked at the code. It doesn't seem to have a bug in it. It must be the parameters like SEQUENCE_LENGTH and BATCH_SIZE etc that's effecting the learning. The cost has consistently been coming down, though.

fugue_N768epoch180.mid for monophonic and

fugue_N768epoch311.mid for polyphonic models

sound decent and shows hints of learning. They have a date tag of June 28th.

July 1, 2016 - Friday

Pulling an all-nighter.

model is training under pitch_matrix[:4800] with

data_size = 4784

I also wrapped all np.array assignments in an np.copy() like this:

x = np.copy(X[p : p+batch_size])
y = np.copy(Y[p : p+batch_size])

I produced 2 awesome sounding monophonic songs, premature convergence and with only 4784 data points.

x, _ = make_batch(data_size/1*3, X, Y, 1)

  • make the training data super clean and consistent and in perfect 16ths or above.
July 2, 2016 - Saturday

I realized I could install ipython on my AWS instance. I need to start it as sudo ipyton and then I can import all the modules I want

I added this to my .bash_profile. It's so handy

alias scpget='scp g2:Source_Code/Synthesized_Fugues/* ~/Bach2.0/Source_Code/Synthesized_Fugues/new/'
alias scppush='scp ~/Bach2.0/Source_Code/*py g2:Source_Code/'
  • After sleeping for 10 hours today, I was able to fix the bug in
data_size = 4784

has converged well but the music doesn't sound too good. I'll try longer SEQUENCE_LENGTH and BATCH_SIZE parameters.

  • the Code Calculates the leftOver parameter from the given data_size and pitch_matrix.shape[0] and pads pitch_matrix with zeros so the last batch ends at the last entry of pitch_matrix

  • Can go thru the fugues and clean them up better.

  • Ideally, each fugue must have a skip index (len(fugue)-batch_size) where, the batch should be broken when it reaches the end of the fugue. Then, the batch should skip over to the next fugue. This can be done before flatten_pitch_matrix() is called.

July 6, 2016 - Wednesday

I've been busy with the hiring day duties, and making up the presentation. But in the meantime, I got to do a few run with 2 hidden layers.

FINDING: I accidentally left the GRAD_CLIPPING parameter at 1000. The cost function was reduced but the generated melody was only a single pitch. Now, I got to run it with 2 hidden layers and GRAD_CLIPPING=10. It already is performing better at epoch 200 with a full melody produced. Code is running.


A generative RNN-LSTM Deep Learning Model trained on Bach's Fugues and Preludes.







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