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Pay Box

DockerHub Travis Commit

Pay Box is a service for handling payments with multiple gateways. Currently supported gateways are:

  • Bahamta
  • Zarin pal
  • Sep (Saman Bank)
  • AP (Asan Pardakht)
  • Eghtesad Novin
  • Mellat
  • Paypal


You need Postgres and Redis to use pay box. You can install them from these links:


You can run it with docker using this image or this repo.

If you want to run it as a Django project, you can follow these instructions:

Installing python-pip

You can install python pip based on your OS with this instruction

Installing virtualenv

$ pip install virtualenv

Create a virtualenv

$ virtualenv -ppython3 venv

Install dependencies

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.pip

Set envrionment variables

There are some envrionment variables to configure:

Name Description Defalut
BASE_URL The base url that used to generate urls -
REDIS_HOST Redis host redis
REDIS_PORT Redis port 6379
DB_HOST Postgres database host db
DB_PORT Postgres database port 5432
DB_NAME Postgres database name pay
MEDIA_ROOT Media folder in project root media
STATIC_ROOT Static folder in project root static

Run project

Debug mode

$ python runserver

Release mode

$ uwsgi --http :8100 --wsgi-file pay/ --master --processes 6 --threads 2

How to use it

There are multiple ways to handle payments. The entities are:


Applications are used to set tokens for using APIs.


Gateways are methods that provide payments. Currently we support only Bahamta type gateways. You can add gateways to use them to pay.


Forms are for making templates to generate payments. You can have a fixed or dyanmic amount that users enter it before paying or you can set one or more gateways to be available for users.


Transactions are payment logs. Pending payments are stored in Redis, but successful or rejected payments are stored in database.

Create Request

You can make request with this api.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d '{
	"amount": 10000,
	"currency": "irr",
	"gateway_id": 1,
    "continue_url": "",
    "phone_number": "989xxxxxxxxx",
    "email" : "",
    "username" : "fdsfsewrwer423423o4iewor3",

The currency parameter is required and the others are optional. If you send amount, the amount is fixed and if amount is empty, amount is dyanmic and user will enter it. If you send gateway_id, the payment transaction will be fixed and if not, user should choose from gateways with entered currency. The continue_url is the url that is shown to user when payment is completed. phone_number, email, and username are fields for setting user to the transaction. if all of them is empty or username doesn't exist in user database, a new user is created and is set to the transaction.

Get Transaction Detail

You can get transaction detail with this endpoint.

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache'


Any idea is very welcomed, feel free to contribute your or other's ideas. To submit ideas, please submit an issue with idea tag and if its an improvement, tag it with improvement or if its a bug, tag it with bug. if you have fixed an issue, please send a PR and I merge it if it's possible.