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Document dump for the PJL at UofC

To Do List

XML validation (done)
PHP to handle database edit POSTS (done)
Refine site-wide/page-specific scripts and stylesheets and implement page-specific JS namespaces (done)
Dashboard to edit XMLs (removed from project - functionality incorporated into inventory page)
Populate equipment tags in lab XML (done)
Populate topics / disciplines / ID#s (done)
Add legacy labs (done)
Support docs
External references (done)
Companion guides
325 final project ideas

Pages to add

Landing page (completed)
Repository (completed)
Equipment page template with URL string queries (completed)
Database editing dashboard(s) (removed from project)
Staff profiles (removed from project)
Room scheduling interactive map (removed from project)
Demos repository (removed from project)
403, 404, 500, 503 HTTP error pages

Lab Meta Data


Labs are identified with disciplines when the discipline constitutes a significant focus of the lab (This is a master list. Disciplines added to this list will be read by to validate the XML)

Newtonian Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism
Fluid Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Particle Physics
Nuclear Physics
Laboratory Skills
Computer Skills


Labs are identified with topics when the topic constitutes a significant focus of the lab or if the topic is an explicitly necessary pre-requisite (This is a master list. Topics added to this list will be read by to validate the XML)

Linear Algebra
Rotational Motion
Work and Energy
Friction and Drag
Conservation Laws
Newton’s Laws
Wave Mechanics
Gas Laws

Database Templates

Lab XML Template

    <Lab labId="0001">
        <Name />
            <Discipline />
            <Topic />
                <Path />
                <Semester />
                <Year />
                <Course />
                <Directory />
            <Item id="0001">
                <Name />
                <Amount />
        <Equipment />
        <Type />
                <Name />
                <Path />
            <Name />

Equipment XML Template

    <Item id="0001">
        <InventoryName />
            <Manufacturer />
            <Model />
        <Kit isKit="false"/>
                <Room />
                <Storage />
            <Total />
            <InService />
            <UnderRepair />
                <Name />
                <Location />

PJL Website Use Cases

An instructor will be teaching PHYS 325 for the first time in several years. They want to see the lab experiments that have been run in the intervening time period.

An instructor would like to modify last semester's lab experiment document to correct errata found by TAs.

A PJL lab tech just pulled a force plate out of service and wants to update the equipment inventory to reflect this change.

A PJL lab tech has just finished repairing a broken force plate and wants to update the equipment inventory to reflect this change.

An instructor wants to add a lab involving Statistical mechanics and wants to know if the PJL has any labs covering that topic.

An instructor thinks there may be an error in a companion guide and wants to investigate the original data.

A PJL tech is doing repairs and wants to prioritize their efforts by focusing on the equipment with the most items down for repair. They want to see any equipment with a repair backlog greater than 5.

The repair backlog of Cenco power supplies is quite high. Concerned that there may not be enough power supplies to service upcoming labs, a PJL lab tech wants to know which labs the Cenco power supplies are used in. Documentation

Example Code

Importing the Module and Creating a Database Object

from pjlDB import *

#lab database
db = LabDB("path/to/labDB.xml")

#equipment database
db = EquipDB("path/to/equipmentDB.xml")

Modifying a Lab in the Database

#get the lab you want by name
lab = db.getLab(name="Faraday's Law")

#or by id number
lab = db.getLab(idnum="0037")

#change any of its properties
lab.topics = ["PDE", "Polarization"]
lab.addVersion({"path": "/data/repository/path/to/version.pdf, 
                "semester": "Winter", 
                "year": "2018", 
                "course": "PHYS 369", 
                "directory": "/data/repository/path/to/directory"})
lab.addEquipment({"id": "0001", 
                  "name": Fluke multimeter", 
                  "amount": "2", 
                  "alt-id": "0005", 
                  "alt-name": "Philips multimeter"})
lab.addSupportDoc({"name": "user manual", 
                   "path": "/path/to/support/doc.pdf"})

#add back to the db to replace the previous version
db.addLab(lab)"../../dev/updated_lab_database.xml", ignore_validation=False)

Adding a New Lab to the Database

#Import an XML and make a database object
db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

#make a new lab object with the next available lab ID
newlab = db.newLab(db.new_id)

#Add the simple stuff; name and type = "Fraunhofer Diffraction"
newlab.lab_type = "Lab"

#Add disciplines and topics
newlab.disciplines = ["Optics", "Math", "Laboratory Skills"]
newlab.topics = ["ODE", "PDE", "Polarization"]

#Add versions
versions = [{"path": "/data/repository/path/to/pdf",
             "semester": "Fall",
             "year": "2013",
             "course": "PHYS 375"},
            {"path": "/data/repository/path/to/pdf",
             "semester": "Summer",
             "year": "2016",
             "course": "PHYS 369"},
            {"path": "/data/repository/path/to/pdf",
             "semester": "Winter",
             "year": "2015",
             "course": "PHYS 375"}]
newlab.versions = versions

#Add equipment
equipment = [{"id": "0035", "name": "Fluke multimeter", "amount": "2", "alt-name": "Philips multimeter", "alt-id": "0005"},
             {"id": "0003", "name": "Anatek power supply", "amount": "1", "alt-name": "", "alt-id": ""},
             {"id": "0143", "name": "small optical bench mount", "amount": "12", "alt-name": "", "alt-id": ""},
             {"id": "0205", "name": "1 m optical bench", "amount": "1", "alt-name": "", "alt-id": ""}] = equipment

#Add support documents and software
supportdocs = [{"name": "Hugo's notes", "path": "/data/repository/path/to/file"},
               {"name": "TEX document", "path": "/data/repository/path/to/file"}]
newlab.support_docs = supportdocs
software = ["1D motion.cmbl", "Vernier Logger Pro", "VPython"] = software

#Add this new lab to the database and save the changes
db.addLab(newlab)"../../dev/updated_lab_database.xml", ignore_validation=False, error_log=True)

Adding New Equipment to the Equipment Database

db = EquipDB("path/to/equipmentDB.xml")

newitem = db.newItem(db.new_id)

#add equipment info
#you may also simply add the item with only an ID and modify its information via
#the website equipment edit page = "Canon digital camera"
newitem.manufacturer = "Canon"
newitem.model = "ABC-123"
newitem.is_kit = False
newitem.locations = [{"room": "ST039", "storage": "Other"}]
newitem.quantity = {"total": "12", "service": "12","repair": "0"}
newitem.documents = [{"name": "warrantee", "location": "/path/to/document.pdf"}]
newitem.kit = "name1, name2, name3 (2)"

db.addItem(newitem)"path/to/updated/equipmentDB.xml", ignore_validation=False, error_log=False)

Use Cases

A PJL lab tech wants to add the previous semester's lab versions to existing labs in the database.

from pjlDB import *

new_versions = [[0001, '/data/repository/path/to/PDF.pdf', 'Fall', 2017, 'PHYS 397'],
                [0032, '/data/repository/path/to/PDF.pdf', 'Fall', 2017, 'PHYS 375'],
                [0101, '/data/repository/path/to/PDF.pdf', 'Fall', 2017, 'PHYS 211']]

db = LabDB("path/to/labDB.xml")

for version in new_versions:

    lab = db.getLab(idnum=version[0])

    new_version = {"path": version[1],
                   "semester": version[2],
                   "year": version[3],
                   "course": version[4],
                   "directory": "/" + "/".join(version[1].split("/")[:-1])}

    db.addLab(lab)"/dev/updatedlabDB.xml", ignore_validation=False, error_log=True)

The PJL has received a new multimeter that will replace the Philips multimeter in all lab setups. A lab tech wants to replace instances of the Philips multimeter with the new multimeter but keep the Philips as an alternate.

#import packages
from pjlDB import *

eqdb = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

#create the new item and fill in its properties
new_item = eqdb.newItem(eqdb.new_id)

#any or all of these properties may be unassigned
#a valid equipment item only needs an ID number = "Pasco multimeter"
new_item.manufacturer = "Pasco"
new_item.model = "A1"
new_item.is_kit = False
new_item.locations = [{"room": "ST038", "storage": "C4"}]
new_item.quantity = {"total": "24", "service": "24", "repair": "0"}
new_item.documents = [{"name": "user manual", "location": "/data/equipment/0601/manual.pdf"}]

#add new item to the inventory and save

#now that we've created a new equipment item we need to find all labs
#that contain the item it will replace

#we're replacing the Philips multimeter, id=0005
replaced = "0005"

#we're replacing it with the newly created item
replaced_with = new_item

#open up the lab database
labdb = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

#push_to_alternate will make the old item an alternate piece of equipment for the lab
labdb.replaceEquipment(replaced, replaced_with, push_to_alternate=True)"updatedlabDB.xml")

Convenience Functions


Checks if idnum is a valid ID number. Returns True if valid, False if not.


Returns a list of valid topics taken from the pjl-web README.


Returns a list of valid disciplines taken from the pjl-web README.

pjlDB.crossValidateEquipment(eqdb, labdb)

This function returns nothing. It checks if every equipment item listed in the lab database has an entry in the equipment database. If an item is found listed in the equipment list for a lab and it isn't listed in the equipment database an error log will be printed in the console.
As arguments it takes database objects where eqdb is an EquipDB object and labdb is a LabDB object.



Properties can be assigned to directly but beware that you will overwrite what was there before.


An xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object for the database being held.


An xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object that is the root element of LabDB.tree.


a list of _LabItem objects. All the properties and methods of this class are described below.


This will always return the next available unused lab ID in the appropriate string form.


This will always return the current number of labs in the held database.



Returns an open error log file object that can be written into.

with LabDB.log_file_object() as f:
    f.write("my custom error message")

Returns an empty _LabItem object with lab ID set to idnum. Throws an exception if idnum is not a valid form or if idnum already exists in the database.

LabDB.getLab(idnum=None, name=None)

Returns a _LabItem object belonging to either idnum or name. Either lab ID or lab name may be used to access one of the labs in the database. Throws an exception if a matching lab cannot be found or if invalid arguments are passed.


Adds a _LabItem object to the held database. If an identical lab already exists, it is replaced. If it does not already exist, a new lab entry is appended to the held database.

LabDB.deleteLab(idnum=None, name=None)

Deletes a _LabItem object belonging to either idnum or name. Either lab ID or lab name may be used to access one of the labs in the database. Throws an exception if a matching lab cannot be found or if invalid arguments are passed., ignore_validation=False, error_log=False)

Saves the database as an XML file with UTF-8 encoding. If ignore_validation is True, LabDB will attempt to write the XML without any validation of its contents. If False, a full validation will be performed before writing. If error_log is True, an error report will be saved to the working directory. If False, the error log will be printed to the console.


Performs a full validation of the database being held. If error_log is True, the error log is written to a file in the working directory. If False, the error log is printed to the console.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")
LabDB.replaceEquipment(replaced, replace_with, push_to_alternate=False)

Replace all instances of equipment item (id=replaced) with a new piece of equipment (a valid _EquipmentItem object). Optionally, the replaced item may become an alternate piece of equipment by setting push_to_alternate=False. If push_to_alternate=True, the equipment will simply be replaced in all lab equipment lists.

eqdb = EquipDB("equipmentDB.xml")
labdb = LabDB("labDB.xml")

replaced = "0005"
replace_with = eqdb.getItem(idnum="0001")

labdb.replaceEquipment(replaced, replaced_with, push_to_alternate=True)"updatedlabDB.xml")

Checks if the database contains any duplicate lab IDs. Returns True if no duplicates found, False if duplicates found. if log_file is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Checks if the database contains any non-unique equipment IDs. Returns True if none found, False if found. if log is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Checks if the database contains any improper directory roots. Returns True if no improper paths found, False if found. if log is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Checks for invalid topics. Returns True if no invalid topics found, False if any found. if log is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Checks for invalid disciplines. Returns True if no invalid disciplines found, False if any found. if log is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Checks for invalid lab types. Returns True if no invalid types found, False if any found. if log is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Checks if an equipment item, specified by its 4 digit ID number, idnum, is a kit. Kits have the unique ability to have multiple names in the lab database as different parts of a kit may be used in the set up for a lab. Regardless of the name used, there will be one ID number shared by all which will correspond to one entry in the equipment database.

pjlDB._LabItem(lab=None, idnum=None)

Used by LabDB objects to store lab items. Type checking and validation of its properties is performed by the LabDB object not the _LabItem object. Optional arguments are an xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object representing a lab entry or a lab ID number (see properties for idnum format).


Properties can be assigned to directly but beware that you will overwrite what was there before.


An integer between 0001 and 9999 inclusive. These are ID numbers and are unique to each lab.

A string representing the name of a lab.


A list of strings representing valid disciplines associated with a lab. Valid disciplines are those listed in the pjl-web README.


A list of strings representing valid topics associated with a lab. Valid topics are those listed in the pjl-web README.


A list of dictionaries representing individual versions. Each dictionary has 4 keys: "path", "semester", "year", and "course".

#a single-element list containing one version dictionary
_LabItem().versions = [{"path:"/data/repository/path/to/file.pdf", "semester":"Fall", "year" : "2012", "course":"PHYS 397"}]

A list of dictionaries representing individual equipment items. Each dictionary has 5 keys: "id", "name", "amount", "alt-id", and "alt-name". The last two key/value pairs are for alternate equipment, if it exists. If there is no alternate equipment item then the values must be empty strings, i.e., {"alt-id": "", "alt-name": ""}.

_LabItem().equipment = [{"id":"0001", "name":"Fluke multimeter", "amount" : "2", "alt-id": "0132", "alt-name": "some item"},
                        {"id":"0003", "name":"string", "amount" : "1", "alt-id": "", "alt-name": ""}]

A string containing either "Lab" or "Labatorial" representing the type of the lab.


A list of dictionaries representing individual documents. Each dictionary has 2 keys: "name" and "path".

_LabItem().support_docs = [{"name":"Hugo's notes", "path":"/data/repository/path/to/file.pdf"},
                           {"name":"source", "path":"/data/repository/path/to/file.tex"}]

A list of strings representing required software, libraries, or files for a lab.



Appends a new version to an existing _LabItem object's version list. Takes a valid version dictionary as an argument. The dictionary must have keys for "path", "year", "course", "semester", and "directory". These may be empty strings but they must exist.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

lab = db.getLab(idnum=0001)

new_version = {"path": "/data/repository/path/to/pdf",
               "semester": "Fall",
               "year": "2013",
               "course": "PHYS 375",
               "directory": "/data/repository/path/to/directory/"}


Appends a new equipment item to an existing _LabItem object's equipment list. Takes a valid equipment item dictionary as an argument. The dictionary must have keys for "id", "name", and "amount". These may be empty strings but they must exist.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

lab = db.getLab(idnum=0001)

new_item = {"id": "0001", "name": "Fluke multimeter", "amount": "1"}

#optionally, an alternate equipment item may be specified
new_item = {"id": "0001", "name": "Fluke multimeter", "amount": "1", "alt-id": "0106", "alt-name": "Philips multimeter"}



Appends a new support document to an existing _LabItem object's support document list. Takes a valid document dictionary as an argument. The dictionary must have keys for "name" and "path". These may be empty strings but they must exist.

db = LabDB("../labDB.xml")

lab = db.getLab(idnum=0001)

new_doc = {"name": "manual", "path": "/path/to/file"}





Properties can be assigned to directly but beware that you will overwrite what was there before.


An xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree object for the database being held.


An xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object that is the root element of EquipDB.tree.

a list of _EquipmentItem objects. All the properties and methods of this class are described below.


This will always return the next available unused equipment ID in the appropriate string form.


This will always return the current number of items in the held database.



Returns an open error log file object that can be written into.

with EquipDB.log_file_object() as f:
    f.write("my custom error message")

Performs a full validation of the database being held. If error_log is True, the error log is written to a file in the working directory. If False, the error log is printed to the console.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

Checks if the database contains any duplicate equipment IDs. Returns True if no duplicates found, False if duplicates found. If log_file is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:

Confirms that equipment document locations have the proper directory prefix. Returns True if path roots are valid, False otherwise. If log_file is None then error log is printed to the console. If a file object is passed as an argument then the error log is written to that file.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

with db.log_file_object() as f:
EquipDB.getItem(idnum=None, name=None)

Returns an _EquipmentItem object belonging to either idnum or name. Either equipment ID or equipment name may be used to access one of the items in the database. Throws an exception if a matching item cannot be found or if invalid arguments are passed.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

equipment_item1 = db.getItem(idnum=0012)
equipment_item2 = db.getItem(name='Fluke multimeter')
EquipDB.deleteItem(lab_database, idnum=None, name=None)

Deletes an _EquipmentItem object belonging to either idnum or name. Either equipment ID or equipment name may be used to access one of the items in the database. The argument lab_database is a LabDB object and is used to confirm if the item being deleted is an essential part of any lab set ups. Throws an exception if a matching item cannot be found or if invalid arguments are passed.

labdb = LabDB("../labDB.xml")
eqdb = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

eqdb.deleteItem(labdb, idnum="0001")

Returns a new _EquipmentItem object with ID number idn. If an item already exists in the database with ID number idn an exception is thrown. Use with EquipDB.new_id to generate a new item with the next available free ID number.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

new_item = db.newItem(db.new_id)

Adds an _EquipmentItem object to the held database. If an identical item already exists, it is replaced. If it does not already exist, a new equipment entry is appended to the held database.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")

new_item = db.newItem(db.new_id)

db.addItem(new_item), ignore_validation=False, error_log=False)

Saves the database as an XML file with UTF-8 encoding. If ignore_validation is True, EquipDB will attempt to write the XML without any validation of its contents. If False, a full validation will be performed before writing. If error_log is True, an error report will be saved to the working directory. If False, the error log will be printed to the console.

db = EquipDB("../equipmentDB.xml")



Properties can be assigned to directly but beware that you will overwrite what was there before.


An integer between 0001 and 9999 inclusive. These are ID numbers and are unique to each equipment item.

A string representing the inventory name of an equipment item.


A string representing the manufacturer of an equipment item, if one exists.


A string representing the model of an equipment item, if one exists.


returns a Boolean if the equipment item is a kit.


A list of dictionaries identifying storage locations of the item.

_EquipmentItem.locations = [{"room": "ST037", "storage": "C12"}]

A dictionary identifying the total, in service, and under repair quantities of an item.

_EquipmentItem.quantity = {"total": "30", "service": "25", "repair": "5"}

A list of dictionaries identifying relevant documents to the item.

_EquipmentItem.documents = [{"name": "Manual", "location": "/path/to/doc"},
                            {"name": Warrantee, "location": "/path/to/doc"}]



Appends a new document to an existing _EquipmentItem object's document list. Takes a valid document dictionary as an argument. The dictionary must have keys for "name" and "location". These may be empty strings but they must exist.


Appends a new location to an existing _EquipmentItem object's location list. Takes a valid location dictionary as an argument. The dictionary must have keys for "room" and "storage". These may be empty strings but they must exist.

Page Tour

Landing Page

Lab Repository

Equipment Inventory

Inventory Edit Page


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published