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Implementation of progressive growing of GANs with Keras + tensorflow (tpu support)

This repository contains the partial implementation of progressive growing of GANs. The code supports different type of GAN objective functions (for more information see, historical buffer, mixup and training on Google Colab TPU. The implementation could be used for tasks of image generation, style transfer and even improving the accuracy of the image classifier.

The code is tested on cifar-10 dataset.

This project is the part of the datascience portfolio. Other projects can be found here:

Table of Contents


The implementation does support training on Google Colab TPU and because of that there are some several limitations:

  1. The losses with Gradient Penalty and Lipschitz Penalty are not supported on TPUs.
  2. To use losses with gradient penalty on GPU or CPU, the image size of each subsequent stage must be twice as large than previous (e.g. 4x4 -> 8x8).
  3. Historical buffer is not supported on TPUs.
  4. Weight scaling is not yet supported as it was proposed in the original paper because of TPUs, but instead you could specify the learning rate for each training stage individually (see
  5. Minibatch standard deviation works with one group only.
  6. The model cannot be saved, only the weights. The weights are saved as a numpy array.
  7. Due to the unstable learning process on TPUs at a later stages, it is recommended to use larger batch size and lower learning rate.


Make sure you use Python 3.

Clone this repo to your local machine

$ git clone

Go into the project directory

$ cd pg-gans-keras-tf/

Create a virtual environment if needed:

$ python3 -m venv env

Use the package manager pip to install requirements.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Edit to specify the base configuration or create a new in the desire location.

Run the training script. For instance, if new were created under the name, run:

$ python3 --path-config /

The weights for the configured model will be saved to the newly created subdirectory ./weights as ./generator.npz and ./discriminator.npz

The code is tested on cifar-10 dataset.

Training progress


Stage 0

The loss plot for training stage 0

Stage 1

The loss plot for training stage 1

Stage 2

The loss plot for training stage 2

Stage 3

The loss plot for training stage 3


usage: [-h] [--path_config PATH_CONFIG] [-f FILENAME] [-s]
              [-l {-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}]
              [--stage_nums [STAGE_NUMS [STAGE_NUMS ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        a path to the
  -f, --filename
                        a filename to save generated images
  -s, --show            show generated images
  -l, --label
                        Use this option in case the model was trained conditionally:
                           [0-9] - generate images with selected label
                           -1 (default) - generate images for each label presented
                           -2 - generate randomly labeled images
                        defines the stages for which images will be generated

To simply generate images with random labels and the size of the last stage, run:

$ python3 --show --labels -2

The generated images will be automatically saved to the ./results folder.

Use --filename key to specify filename of the generated images. In order to specify stages number or , run:

If you want to generate images for each stage and for each label presented, run:

$ python3 --show --stage_nums 0 1 2 3


Stage 0

The generated images for training stage 0

Stage 1

The generated images for training stage 1

Stage 2

The generated images for training stage 2

Stage 3

The generated images for training stage 3


  1. Generative Adversarial Networks
  2. Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation
  3. mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization
  4. Learning from Simulated and Unsupervised Images through Adversarial Training


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:


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