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S.M.O.R.E.S. Simulator

This repo is no longer maintained !!!

The code has been moved to another repo

Author: Yunkai (Edward) Cui, Modlab, University of Pennsylvania
Co-author: Adam Trofa, Cornell University
Co-author: Gangyuan (Jim) Jing, Cornell University
Co-author: Tarik Tosun, University of Pennsylvania

Started Date: 08/2013

Last Edti: 12/24/2013


The SMORES simulator aims to model the capabilities of the SMORES modular robot platform, allowing researchers to rapidly assess the capabilities of different hardware configurations and develop the algorithms required to exercise the powerful flexibility available to them. In addition to providing accurate dynamics modeling of a given robotic configuration, the simulator aims to model the reconfiguration and sensing capabilities of the SMORES modules as well.

The core physics and control of the simulator are currently being developed at Modlab at Penn using the simulation software Gazebo. The sensor add-ons that can be used to provide individual modules with specific sensing capabilities are being developed by Autonomous Systems Lab at Cornell. Both groups are cooperating on a NSF funded project.

For More information about the Gazebo simulation engine, please visit GAZEBOsim

For more information about Modlab at Penn, please visit Modlab

For more information about Autonomous Systems Lab at Cornell, please visit Autonomous Systems Lab

Installation and Quick Start

Gazebo (API level 4.0)

To use the simulator, you will first need to install Gazebo. Both precompiled binaries and source codes are available. Please follow the instruction on their website for installation.

Simulator Repositories

Development of the SMORES simulator is currently split into two repositories: one for plugins and one for models. The plugins repository contains the code used to control the SMORES modules and generate custom behaviors in the simulator, such as the docking and undocking actions between two modules. The models repository contains the description of the robot models, sensor models, and world parameters. This repository uses the plugins created in the plugin repository to give the models their functionality.

To get the simulator, clone the two repositories using git. In order to get the sensor models and testing platform, you will additionally need to fetch the sensors branch on the amptrofa/ fork of each of the repositories. As of this writing, the models repository contains compiled binary files of the plugins; you may need to recompile these for your platform.

Simulation Setup

The instruction of setting up the simulation could be found on the github wiki of this project through this link.

File Relationships

In order to use the models from the models repository in Gazebo, they must be copied to the ~/.gazebo/models directory. The simplest thing to do is copy all directories in the GAZEBO_models repository to this location. In order to use a plugin within a model, Gazebo needs to know where to find the plugin. Currently, all of the plugins used by a given model are in the ~.gazebo/models/<model name>/plugins/ directory, and are referenced with a relative path as "plugins/<plugin>.so". Gazebo is then invoked with either the commands "gzserver" or "gazebo" from the <model name>/ directory, and finds the plugins relative to this directory. As such, even plugins used by models that are attached to the current model via an <include> (for example, the sensor models) must be in the <model name>/plugins directory for any model that they will be used with.

An alternative to the above steps is to export the paths of the models and plugins to the Gazebo model path and Gazebo plugin path. This will likely be the preferred option once the simulator has reached a more stable state of development. A short tutorial could be found here.

Using the Simulator

The most up to date version of the SMORES simulator is currently in the SMORES6Uriah model. To run the simulator, navigate to this model's folder and run "gazebo World.sdf -u". This will start the simulator with parameters described in "World.sdf" and paused (-u). The initial configuration will be loaded into the simulation world if specified, and commands will be executed if there is any.

A short video could be found here

We also designed Configuration designer tools and command recorder for people who want to play with this simulator. The instruction of how to setup and use these tools can also be found on this project github wiki.

People from both lab are preparing a competetion on the configration design and gait control design, the competetion kit will also be launched soon.

For developers

You may find the APIs(documentation) for all the simulation plugins and python program on this page.

Known problems of GAZEBO

  1. It doesn't provide a function to delete an entity, this feature probabily wull be supported in the future, which also means we likely cannot delete the dynamic joints cleanly. For more information, please see the link here.
  2. In the world plugin, when add entity event called response function, the entity itself(The object) hasn't been created, ehich means we cannot get the pointer pointing to that object. In our case that entity is a model. So the temporary solution is to set the pointer somewhere else. Haven't searched for gazebo answer or post a question. Will do it later.
  3. One method from boost library GAZEBO 1.9 using now is no longer supported by the newest version of boost library. The known version of boost library that compatible with GAZEBO 1.9 is boost 1.46


  1. shared_ptr: make_shared function will not generate a pointer point to the input variable. Instead, this function will copy the input variable to a new address and makes a pointer point to the new address.
  2. For c++ compiler, it is OK that you define a method(function) in the class in the header file, but you don't specify it in the .cc file. However it is not ok in gazebo. It will show a symbol undefined error.


This repo is built for coding plugins for gazebo







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