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Current Setup

Known Bugs

WiFi broadcast cannot restart without doing a soft reboot

  • It stops after the message 'clock synced to UTC'

WiFi broadcast won't keep open connection with Android devices

When Android interacts with the WebSocket connection the following happens:

  • ECP will not complete the request
  • Android disconnects or hangs
  • The ECP needs to be restarted

Steps to reproduce

  1. Broadcast WiFi from device
  2. Connect to device via Android and go to
  3. Click any of the buttons that use WebSocket connection
  4. The

Status Alerts

Mode LED Melody
WiFi connecting Double blink
Low fluid Single blink
Double blink One note per blink
Single blink One note per blink

Config Params

Param Type Description Enabled
unit_id string The ID of the device
bag_id int The ID of the doypack
enable_led int
enable_wifi bool
mute bool
ota_github_url string The URL of the GitHub repo to update the project from
ota_tgt_dir string The default directory to update via OTA
pump_delay int How many milliseconds the pump waits before turning on after the spray button is pressed Yes
pump_ms int How long (in milliseconds) the pump runs for each spray burst Yes
relay_delay int How long to wait after the pump starts before the relay opens Yes
relay_ms int How long the relay is open Yes
bag_spray_ms int Total tiem (in milliseconds) the current doypack has sprayed solution
unit_spray_ms int Total time (in milliseconds) the unit has sprayed solution
wifi_on_boot bool True if the unit automatically connects to WiFi when turned on Yes
has_wifi bool True if the unit is connected to the WiFi network Yes
wifi_ssid string The name of the WiFi network the ShoeTizer connects to for internet access Yes
wifi_pass string The password for the WiFi network Yes
Needed Features
|-- Button on unit to enable WiFi broadcast so users can edit the settings
|-- Easy way for people to specify the bag has been replaced with a new one

OTA Update

  • In REPL run foce_ota(). This will pull the most recent commit to the master branch.
  • Run force_ota('dir_name') if you want to update a specific directory with the same dir in master branch

REPL Commands

# View contents of a directory
import os

# Remove file
import os

# View contents of file
with open('', 'r') as f:
for f in os.listdir():



WebSocket Multi

  1. Connect to the ESP WiFi network
  2. In REPL call setup() in the
  3. Open the browser and go to:


Working Features

Future Features

Keep Track of Doypack Usage

Know how much fluid is remaining in each doypack. Be able to show the user the level of remaining solution. Alert the user if the solution is running low.

Keep Track of Device Usage

Know how frequently devices are being used. Helpful to determine lifespan of units or components.

Know what software version each device is using

We know which devices are using what version. Use the API to push the tizer software version to the database. Probably need to push this to the 'usage' database tables as well so we can monitor how different versions are used. Wouldn't be a bad idea to include the current version in the config.txt file.

Detect Overuse

If the device is used too heavily/frequently within a small time window, alert the user the spray area may need to be dried.