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Beer Manager API

An implementation of a beer manager application for keeping track of beers, users, beer reviews, and user favorites. The implementation is using Flask, flask-restful, and deployed to the Google App Engine. Flask micro framework.

Run Locally

  1. Install the App Engine Python SDK. See the README file for directions. You'll need python 2.7 and pip 1.4 or later installed too.

  2. Clone this repo with

    git clone
  3. Install dependencies in the project's lib directory. Note: App Engine can only import libraries from inside your project directory.

    pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
  4. Run this project locally from the command line: .

Visit the application http://localhost:8080


To deploy the application:

  1. Use the Admin Console to create a project/app id. (App id and project id are identical)

  2. Deploy the application with -A <your-project-id> --oauth2 update .
  3. Congratulations! Your application is now live at

API Documentation

General Commands:

  1. Command format:


    object - specifies the object you want to act on (beers, beer_glasses, beer_reviews, users, favorites)

    id - (optional) the object ID you want to act on

    sub_object - (optional) if ID is specified, gets the sub object, ie all user reviews would be:

  2. Authentication:

    The api supports basic authentication using user name and password.

    When the application first runs, it creates a default admin user to allow access to the system.

    Default admin credentials:

    user_name: admin

    password: beer_app1

  3. Sorting:

    To sort lists returned from get specify the sort parameter via url arguments.

    sort=[field name] - (optional) sort on specified field name, returns 400 result if sort field is not available

    order=[asc|desc] - (optional) if sort is selected, order descending or ascending (default) sort order

  4. Return:

    All data is returned as a JSON object.

    Each object returns the uri reference back to the object

    When posting or putting an object, a single entry with the object put is returned

    When getting an object, the single object is returned

       "beer": { <beer object> }

    When getting multiple object an array of the object is returned

       "beers": [<beer object>`1, ... <beer object>`n]

    When deleting an object, the object is returned along with the action: deleted.

  5. Errors:

    400 - Bad Input

    404 - Object not found

    405 - Not allowed

    429 - Rate limit exceeded (includes allowed_in seconds when action is allowed next)

  6. Supported Input:

    The API supports a variety of input including JSON, form, url args, and anything that can be parsed from the request as long as the variable name matches the input name

    The method of input is supported via almost all commands, commands that have multiple ways to post are get are documented below

Beer Commands

beer input:

    'name': string, [Required, unique]
    'description': string, [Required]
    'ibu': float,
    'calories': float,
    'abv': float,
    'style': float,
    'brewery_location': float,
    'beer_glass_id': int,

beer object:

    'name': fields.String,
    'description': fields.String,
    'ibu': fields.Float,
    'calories': fields.Float,
    'abv': fields.Float,
    'style': fields.String,
    'brewery_location': fields.String,
    'beer_glass': ReferenceUrlField('beer_glass', absolute=True),
    'uri': IdUrlField('beer', absolute=True),
  1. Get list of beers:
    /api/v1.0/beers - GET
    Input: None Output: beers array
  2. Get specific beer:
    /api/v1.0/beers/<id> - GET
    Input: Beer ID Output: beer object
  3. Add new beer:
    /api/v1.0/beers - POST
    Input: Required fields passed in with request Output: beer object or error
  4. Update beer:
    /api/v1.0/beers/<id> - PUT
    Input: Beer ID, Fields that need to be updated Output: updated beer object or error
  5. Delete beer:
    /api/v1.0/beers/<id> - DELETE
    Input: Beer ID Output: deleted beer object and action or error

User Commands

user input:

    'user_name': string, [Required]
    'first_name': string, [Required]
    'last_name': string, [Required]
    'password': string [Required]

user object:

    'user_name': fields.String,
    'first_name': fields.String,
    'last_name': fields.String,
    'last_beer_add_date': fields.DateTime,
    'uri': IdUrlField('user', absolute=True),
  1. Get list of users:
    /api/v1.0/users - GET
    Input: None Output: user array
  2. Get specific user:
    /api/v1.0/users/<id> - GET
    Input: User ID Output: user object
  3. Add new user:
    /api/v1.0/user - POST
    Input: Required fields passed in with request Output: user object or error
  4. Update user:
    /api/v1.0/users/<id> - PUT
    Input: User ID, Fields that need to be updated Output: updated user object or error
  5. Delete user:
    /api/v1.0/users/<id> - DELETE
    Input: User ID Output: deleted user object and action or error

Beer Glasses

beer_glass input:

    'name': fields.String, [Required]
    'description': fields.String,
    'capacity': fields.Float,

beer_glass object:

    'name': fields.String,
    'description': fields.String,
    'capacity': fields.Float,
    'uri': IdUrlField('beer_glass', absolute=True),
  1. Get list of beer glasses:
    /api/v1.0/beer_glasses - GET
    Input: None Output: beer_glass array
  2. Get specific beer glass:
    /api/v1.0/beer_glasses/<id> - GET
    Input: Beer Glass ID Output: beer_glass object
  3. Add new beer glass:
    /api/v1.0/beer_glasses - POST
    Input: Required fields passed in with request Output: beer_glass object or error
  4. Update beer glass:
    /api/v1.0/beer_glasses/<id> - PUT
    Input: Beer Glass ID, Fields that need to be updated Output: updated beer_glass object or error
  5. Delete beer glass:
    /api/v1.0/beer_glasses/<id> - DELETE
    Input: Beer Glass ID Output: deleted beer_glass object and action or error

Beer Review

beer_review input

    'beer_id': int, [Required]
    'aroma': float, [Required]
    'appearance': float, [Required]
    'taste': float, [Required]
    'palate': float, [Required]
    'bottle_style': float, [Required]
    'comments': fields.String,

beer_review object

    'user': fields.Nested(user_reference_fields), [Required]
    'beer': fields.Nested(beer_reference_fields), [Required]
    'date_created': fields.DateTime, [auto generated]
    'aroma': fields.Float, [Required]
    'appearance': fields.Float, [Required]
    'taste': fields.Float, [Required]
    'palate': fields.Float, [Required]
    'bottle_style': fields.Float, [Required]
    'overall': fields.Float, [output - calculated]
    'comments': fields.String,
    'uri': IdUrlField('review', absolute=True)

beer_review_summary object

    'count': fields.Integer,
    'aroma': fields.Float,
    'appearance': fields.Float,
    'taste': fields.Float,
    'palate': fields.Float,
    'bottle_style': fields.Float,
    'overall': fields.Float,
    'comments': fields.String,
    'beer': fields.Nested(beer_reference_fields),

To get summaries of reviews use type argument to specify summary


  1. Get all beer reviews:
    /api/v1.0/beer_reviews - GET
    Input: None Output: beer_review array or beer_review_summary array
  2. Get specific beer review:
    /api/v1.0/beer_reviews/<id> - GET
    Input: Beer Review ID Output: beer_review object
  3. Get beer review for a beer:
    /api/v1.0/beers/<id>/reviews - GET
    Input: Beer ID Output: beer_review array or beer_review_summary object
  4. Get reviews for specific user:
    /api/v1.0/users/<id>/reviews - GET
    Input: Beer ID Output: beer_review array
  5. Add beer review:
    /api/v1.0/beer_reviews - POST
    /api/v1.0/beers/<id>/reviews - POST
    Input: Beer ID and beer_review input object Output: beer_review object


favorites input

    'beer_id': int, [Required]

favorites object

    'beer': fields.Nested(beer_summary_fields),
    'user': fields.Nested(user_summary_fields),
    'uri': IdUrlField('favorite', absolute=True),
  1. Get all favorites for logged in user:
    /api/v1.0/favorites - GET
    Input: None Output: favorites array
  2. Get specific favorite:
    /api/v1.0/favorites/<id> - Get
    Input: Favorite ID Output: favorite object
  3. Get favorites for a user:
    /api/v1.0/users/<user id>/favorites - GET
    Input: User ID Output: favorite array
  4. Get favorites for a beer:
    /api/v1.0/beers/<beer id>/favorites - GET
    Input: None Output: favorites array
  5. Add favorite beer for logged in user:
    /api/v1.0/favorites - POST
    /api/v1.0/beers/<beer id>/favorites - POST
    Input: Beer ID Output: favorite object
  6. Delete favorite by id:
    /api/v1.0/favorites/<id> - DELETE
    Input: Favorite ID Output: deleted favorite object and action: deleted
  7. Delete favorite beer for logged in user:
    /api/v1.0/beers/<beer id>/favorites - DELETE
    Input: Beer ID Output: deleted favorite object and action: deleted


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