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lfm - Last File Manager

:Author: Iñigo Serna, inigoserna AT gmail DOT com

:Version: 2.3, May 21st. 2011

:Home page:  or

:License: \(C\) 2001-11, Iñigo Serna

          This software has been realised under the `GPL License`__ version 3
          or later, read the COPYING_ file that comes with this package for
          more information.

          There is NO WARRANTY.

:Last update: Sat May 21 11:46:07 2011

.. contents:: Table of Contents

**Last File Manager** is a powerful file manager for the UNIX console.
It has a curses interface and it's written in Python.

Some of the features you can find in *lfm*:

- console-based file manager for UNIX platforms
- 1-pane or 2-pane view
- tabs
- bookmarks
- history
- vfs for compressed files
- dialogs with entry completion
- PowerCLI, a command line interface with advanced features
- fast access to the shell
- direct integration of find/grep, df and other tools
- color files by extension [Andrey Skvortsov]
- support for different file names encodings
- fast file viewer with text and binary modes
- ...and many others

From version 0.6 and up *lfm* package also contains **pyview**, a
text / hex file viewer to be used with or without *lfm*.
Read README.pyview_ for more info about it.

Some screenshots:


  .. image:: lfm.png


  .. image:: pyview.png

Type `lfm --help` or `pyview --help` for a complete list of options.

When *lfm* starts the first time, it tries to discover the location of
some apps in your system to configure itself automatically, but it's not
perfect, so you should take a look to the configuration (`General Menu [F9]
-> Edit Configuration [c]`) and change it according to your preferences.

Consult `.lfmrc configuration file`_ section for in-depth knowledgement
about all the settings and their meaning.

Finally, take a look at TODO_ file to check known bugs and
*not-implemented-yet* (tm) features.

*Lfm* and *Pyview* are written in Python_ and require curses module.
It should run on Python v2.5 or higher, but as I'm only have v2.7 on my
computers I haven't tested older versions.

All modern UNIX flavours (Linux, \*BSD, Solaris, etc) should run it without
problems. If they appear please notify me.

Since version 0.90, *lfm* needs ncurses >= v5.x to handle terminal resizing.

Python v2.5+ and ncurses v5.4+ to use wide characters.

Note that python curses module should be linked against ncursesw library
(instead of ncurses) to get wide characters support. This is the usual case
in later versions of Linux distributions, but maybe not the case in older
Linux or other UNIX platforms. Thus, expect problems when using multibyte
file names (f.e. UTF-8 or latin-1 encoded) if your curses module isn't
compiled against ncursesw. Anyway, I hope this issue will disappear with new
releases of those platforms eventually.

Consult `Files name encoding`_ section below for more information
about support of different encodings.

Development, Download, Installation
.. sidebar:: **Files:** all releases
   :class: warning

   | Version |       File       |    Date    |
   |   2.3   | lfm-2.3.tar.gz_  | 2011/05/21 |
   |   2.2   | lfm-2.2.tar.gz_  | 2010/05/22 |
   |   2.1   | lfm-2.1.tar.gz_  | 2008/12/21 |
   |   2.0   | lfm-2.0.tar.gz_  | 2007/09/03 |
   |   1.0   |  Never released  |   ~2006    |
   |   0.92  |  Never released  |   ~2005    |
   |   0.91  | lfm-0.91.tar.gz_ | 2004/07/03 |
   |   0.90  |  Never released  |            |
   |   0.9   | lfm-0.9.tar.gz_  | 2002/09/05 |
   |   0.8   | lfm-0.8.tar.gz_  | 2002/03/04 |
   |   0.7   | lfm-0.7.tar.gz_  | 2001/11/30 |
   |   0.6   |  Never released  |            |
   |   0.5   | lfm-0.5.tar.gz_  | 2001/08/07 |
   |   0.4   | lfm-0.4.tar.gz_  | 2001/07/19 |

   Read about NEWS_ or ChangeLog_

**Last File Manager** development can be followed in the `BitBucket mercurial repository`__.

'lfm' is very easy to install, just keep next steps:

1. Download sources_
2. Uncompress file
3. Build:
    `$ python build`
4. Install, as root:
    `# python install`
5. Run it:
    `$ lfm`
6. Edit settings:
     `General Menu [F9] -> Edit Configuration [c]`

To let 'lfm' to change to panel's current directory after quiting with
`q`, `Q` or `F10` keys, you must add next code to `/etc/bashrc` or to
your `~/.bashrc`::

	/usr/bin/lfm "$@"		# type here full path to lfm script
	cd "`cat $LFMPATHFILE`"

If you don't use bash or csh shell, above lines could differ.

If you upgrade from versions < 2.0, please remove first `~/.lfmrc` to
regenerate a valid configuration as file format has changed. I advise you
to make a backup copy before.

Also, note that some keys have changed since previous versions.
Read carefully following section.

Key bindings
In this section you can find the complete list of key bindings.

+ **Movement**
    - cursor_up, k
    - cursor_down, j
    - previous_page, backspace, Ctrl-B
    - next_page, space, Ctrl-F
    - home, Ctrl-A: first file
    - end, Ctrl-E: last file
    - cursor_left: upper dir
    - cursor_right: enter dir / vfs
    - Ctrl-S: go to file in current panel
    - Ctrl-L: center cursor in current panel
    - Ctrl-P, Ctrl-up: move cursor 1/4th of page upwards
    - Ctrl-N, Ctrl-down: move cursor 1/4th of page downwards

+ **Movement in non active pane** [#]_
    - Alt/Shift-cursor_up, K
    - Alt/Shift-cursor_down, J
    - Alt/Shift-previous_page, B
    - Alt/Shift-next_page, F
    - Alt/Shift-home, A: first file
    - Alt/Shift-end, E: last file
    - Alt/Shift-cursor_left: upper dir
    - Alt/Shift-cursor_right: enter dir / vfs
    - P: move cursor 1/4th of page upwards
    - N: move cursor 1/4th of page downwards

.. [#] Some key shorcuts combinations such as Alt or Shift + key may not work, as it
       depends on the capabilities of the terminal program you are using.
       F.e. it doesn't work in my computer console running Fedora 13 Linux, but it works
       under gnome-terminal in X. Your results could be different.
       Anyway, there are alternative shortcuts (K J B F A E), but not for everything.
       Consult your terminal emulation program documentation to check it.
       Also note that you can allow/disallow this navigation with Ctrl-W, being disabled
       by default.

+ **Changing directory**
    - g, G: go to directory
    - 0..9: go to bookmark #
    - Ctrl-D, Ctrl-\\: select bookmark # from menu
    - b: set bookmark #
    - Ctrl-Y: display directories history

+ **Panes**
    - tab: other pane
    - .: toggle display 1 or 2 panes
    - , Ctrl-U: change panes position (left->right, right->left)
    - =: show same directory in both panes

+ **Tabs**
    - :: new tab
    - !: close tab
    - <: go to left tab
    - >: go to right tab

+ **Selections**
    - insert: select item and go to next file
    - +: select group
    - -: deselect group
    - \*: invert selection

+ **Files / Directories operations**
    - t, T: touch file
    - l: create link
    - L: edit link
    - F2: rename file/dir/selection
    - F3: view file
    - F4: edit file
    - F5: copy file/dir/selection
    - F6: move file/dir/selection
    - F7: make directory
    - F8, del: delete file/dir/selection
    - enter: execute file, enter dir / vfs or view 'specially' depending on the extension of the regular file. It is executed in a thread that can be stopped and captures output
    - i, I: show file info

+ **Other**
    - #: show selected/all directories size
    - s, S: sort files
    - /: find/grep files
    - @: do something on file. Output is not captured
    - Ctrl-H: toggle show/hide dot files
    - Ctrl-W: toggle allow navigate in non-active pane
    - Ctrl-O: open shell. Type 'exit' or press Ctrl-D to return to lfm
    - Ctrl-X: toggle show/hide PowerCLI
    - Ctrl-T: tree
    - F12: file menu
        - @: do something on file(s)
        - i: file(s) info
        - p: change file permissions, owner, group
        - a: backup file. You can specify the extension to use in settings
        - d: diff file with backup. Can be unified, context or ndiff, configured in settings
        - z: Compress/uncompress file(s)...
           - g: gzip/gunzip
           - b: bzip2/bunzip2
           - x: xz/unxz
        - x: uncompress .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar, .zip, .rar, .7z
        - u: uncompress .tar.gz, etc in other panel
        - c: compress directory to format...
           - g: .tar.gz
           - b: .tar.bz2
           - x: .tar.xz
           - t: .tar
           - z: .zip
           - r: .rar
           - 7: .7z
    - F9: general menu
        - /: find/grep file
        - #: show directories size
        - s: sort files
        - t: tree
        - f: show filesystems info
        - o: open shell
        - c: edit configuration
        - r: regenerate programs
        - h: delete history
    - Ctrl-R: refresh screen
    - h, H, F1: help
    - q, Q, F10: exit changing to current path
    - Ctrl-Q: quit

+ ***EntryLine* window**
    - enter: return path or execute command in *PowerCLI*
    - Ctrl-C, ESC: quit
    - Ctrl-X: toggle show/hide in *PowerCLI*
    - insert, ...
    - special:
        - up, down: history
        - tab: change to next entry or button or complete in *PowerCLI*
        - Ctrl-T: complete
    - movement
        - home, Ctrl-A: move start of line
        - end, Ctrl-E: move end of line
        - left, Ctrl-B: move cursor left
        - right, Ctrl-F: move cursor right
        - Ctrl-P, Ctrl-left: move cursor previous special character
        - Ctrl-N, Ctrl-right: move cursor next special character
    - deletion
        - backspace, del
        - Ctrl-W: delete whole line
        - Ctrl-H: delete from start to position
        - Ctrl-K: delete from position to end of line
        - Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-Backspace: delete until previous special character
        - Ctrl-R, Ctrl-Del: delete until next special character
    - insertion
        - Ctrl-Z: restore original content (undo)
        - Ctrl-V: insert filename at position
        - Ctrl-S: insert path at position
        - Ctrl-O: insert other pane path at position
        - Ctrl-D, Ctrl-\: select bookmark at position
        - Ctrl-Y: select previous path at position
        - Ctrl-G: select historic (not PowerCLI)
        - Ctrl-G: select PowerCLI stored (from config) or history command (PowerCLI)

+ ***SelectItem* window**
    - up, k, K
    - down, j, J
    - previous page, backspace, Ctrl-B
    - next page, space, Ctrl-F
    - home, Ctrl-A
    - end, Ctrl-E
    - Ctrl-L: go to entry in the middle
    - 0..9: go to entry number # (0->10)
    - Ctrl-S: go to entry starting by...
    - enter: return entry
    - Ctrl-C, q, Q, ESC: quit

+ ***Permissions* window**
    - tab, cursor: move
    - in permissions: r, w, x, s, t to toggle read, write, exec, setuid or setgid, sticky bit
    - in user, group: space or enter to select
    - in recursive: space or enter to toggle
    - in buttons: space or enter to accept that action
    - everywhere: space or enter to accept, a to accept all, i to ignore and c, q, esc, Ctrl-c to cancel

+ ***Tree* panel**
    - down, j, K: down within current depth, without going out from directory
    - up, k, K: up within current depth, without going out from directory
    - previous page, backspace, Ctrl-B: same as up but page-size scroll
    - next page, space, Ctrl-F: same as down but page-size scroll
    - home, Ctrl-A: first directory
    - end, Ctrl-E: last directory
    - left: go out from directory
    - right: enter in directory
    - enter: return changing to directory
    - Ctrl-H: toggle show/hide dot files
    - Ctrl-C, q, Q, F10, ESC: quit

Files name encoding
Since v2.0, *lfm* uses the encoding defined in the locale of your system
if found, this will be UTF-8 likely.

Since v2.2, *lfm* was rewritten to always use unicode strings internally,
but employ terminal encoding (f.e. UTF-8) to interact with the user in
input forms, to display contents, and to pass commands to run in shell.

When *lfm* detects a file with invalid encoding name it asks the user to
convert it (can be automatic with the proper option in the configuration).
If not converted, *lfm* will display the file but won't operate on it.

Please note there are some restrictions to support wide characters by now,
as explained in the `Requirements`_ section.

Virtual File Systems (VFS)
You can navigate inside some special files (known as vfs files in *lfm*)
just *entering into* them (press *enter* or *cursor_right* when the
cursor bar is over one of these files). By now, supported types are
`.tar.gz`, `.tar.bz2`, `.tar.xz`, `.zip`, `.rar`, and `.7z` files.

The virtual directory name ('path_to_vfs_file#vfs/dir') is not propagated, so
tmpdir (`/tmp/@6421.2/dir`) is showed in the copy/move/... dialogs or when
view/edit/... a file, but this is just an estetic issue.

When returning from one of such vfs files, a question dialog appears asking to
allow you to regenerate the vfs file and update all changes (i.e., it is
compressed again, so it could be slow in some machines), but `lfm` checks if it
can do first, to avoid waste of time. This behaviour (rebuild or not rebuild, ask
it or not) can be modified in the configuration file. By default the question is
showed but it's set to *not regenerate vfs*.
In case of `panelize` vfs type (after find/grep), deleted / moved files
are not deleted / moved in real path.

*lfm* doesn't implement remote vfs such as ssh, ftp, smb, webdav, ...
This is a design criterion, we don't want to add external dependencies
beyond python standard library. If you need to access remote file
systems you could mount them using something like *fuse* and treat them
as local directories from inside *lfm*. Look at the FAQ section to learn how.

*PowerCLI* is a command line interface with advanced features.
To show it press Ctrl-X, and same again to hide, ENTER to run.
Line contents are restored next time PowerCLI is showed.

Some features:

- uses *EntryLine*, so same key bindings are available.
  You can press Ctrl-V to paste file name for instance
- completion (Ctrl-T or TAB key), both for system programs or path files
  and directories
- loops to run the same command for all the selected files
- variable substitution
- can execute python code
- persistent history between sessions
- faster than opening a shell (Ctrl-O)

*lfm* waits until the command is finished, showing output or error.
You can stop the command if it seems to run forever.

To run a command in background just add a "&" at the end of the command.
This is useful to open a graphical program and come back to *lfm* quickly.
But note you won't get any feedback about the command, even if it has been
able to run or not.

If the program you want to run needs the terminal (pyview, less, vim...),
add "%" at the end of the command to let *lfm* know it must temporary free
the terminal. Not passing it will fill your screen with garbage.

Variables substitution
They are a lot of variables you can use to simplify your command typing.
Specially useful in loops to apply the same command to many files.

- *$f*: file including extension
- *$v*: same
- *$E*: file without extension
- *$e*: extension
- *$F*: path/file.ext
- *$d*: directory
- *$o*: other panel directory
- *$b#*: path in bookmark #
- *$s*: all selected files, space-separated and enclosed between "
- *$a*: all files, space-separated and enclosed between "
- *$i*: loop index, starting at 1
- *$tm*: file modification time
- *$ta*: file access time
- *$tc*: file creation time
- *$tn*: now

Python execution
You can run a subset of python language code in a sandbox, but note
this sandbox doesn't allow to import modules or access anything outside
for security reasons. But DON'T TRUST IT'S SECURE.

The sandbox is a very limited environment but powerful enough to satisfy
common needs, even you can use the variables inside the code.

Code must be enclosed between { }. Even you can use different code chunks
in the same command. Consult the examples.

* copy current file (or all selected files in a loop) to the other pane path::

    cp $f $o

* move selected files to path stored in bookmark #3 (no loop)::

    mv $s "$b3"

  We have enclosed $b3 between " here in case the path could contain spaces.

* show all python files in a directory::

    find /to/path -name "*.py"

* open current file with gthumb in background and continue inmediately in *lfm*::

    gthumb [Ctrl-v] &

* find python files containing some special words in the background
  and redirect output to a file::

    find . -name "*py" -print0 | xargs --null grep -EHcni "TODO|WARNING|FIXME|BUG" > output.txt &

  Note that if you run a command in the background you won't get any feedback
  by default, that's why we redirect the output to a file.

* edit current file with vim in the console::

    vim %F %

  Note you must end the line with a % if the command will use the terminal.

* convert file (or all selected) to lowercase and change .bak extension to .orig.
  F.e., "FiLeFOO.bak" => "filefoo.orig"::

    mv $f {$f.lower().replace('.bak', '.orig')}

* loop over selected files, copy to the other pane path and rename.
  F.e., if "/current/path/img1234.jpeg" is the 13th file in the
  selection and was created on 2010/07/22 at 19:43:22
  => "/other/path/13. 20100722194322 - IMG1234.jpg"::

    cp $f "$o/{'%2.2d. %s - %s' % ($i, $tm.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%S'), $E.upper())}.jpg"

  Yes, a stupid convoluted example, but it clearly shows how powerful *PowerCLI* is.
  Also observe that as the target file name contain spaces, the whole destination
  must be surrounded with ".

Random notes
* Paths or filenames with spaces or special characters must be enclosed between ".
  Study last example above

* Loops are only executed with selected files AND at least one of next variables
  present within the command: $f, $v, $F, $E, $i, $tm, $ta, $tc.
  Remember $a or $s never loop

* Note the differences of running commands with trailing "&" vs. "%" vs. nothing

* If cursor is at the beginning of line, completion will try system programs.
  If it is in any other position, it will try files or directories first and
  if nothing is found then programs

* Although python code is executed inside a sandbox, it's not completely secure.
  Anyway, it's the same kind of security issues your system is exposed to when
  shell access is allowed

.lfmrc configuration file
Program preferences are saved in `~/.lfmrc` file.

To configure *lfm* `General Menu [F9] -> Edit Configuration [c]`.
To restore default configuration exit from all instances of *lfm* and
delete  `~/.lfmrc` file.

In next subsections we will discuss the default configuration.

Always the same text. It is used to validate the configuration file::

    ########## lfm - Last File Manager Configuration File ##########

Default programs *lfm* use for common file types::

    audio: mplayer
    ebook: FBReader
    editor: vi
    graphics: gthumb
    pager: pyview
    pdf: evince
    shell: bash
    video: mplayer
    web: firefox

[File Types]
File extensions associated with default programs. See previous subsection::

    audio: ogg, flac, mp3, wav, au, midi
    ebook: epub, chm, mobi, prc, azw, lit, fb2
    graphics: png, jpeg, jpg, gif, tiff, tif, xpm, svg
    pdf: pdf, ps
    video: mpeg, mpg, avi, asf, ogv, flv, mkv
    web: html, htm

User-defined 10 bookmarks. / by default::

    0: /
    1: /
    2: /
    3: /
    4: /
    5: /
    6: /
    7: /
    8: /
    9: /

[PowerCLI commands]
User-defined 10 favourites PowerCLI stored commands::

    0: mv "$f" "{$f.replace('', '')}"
    1: pyview "$f" %
    2: find "$d" -name "*" -print0 | xargs --null grep -EHcni "TODO|WARNING|FIXME|BUG"
    3: find "$d" -name "*" -print0 | xargs --null grep -EHcni "TODO|WARNING|FIXME|BUG" >output.txt &
    4: cp $s "$o"

User interface colors. Each entry represents a different entity.
Allowed colors are: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white and yellow::

    archive_files: yellow black
    buttons: yellow red
    cli_prompt: blue black
    cli_text: white black
    current_file: blue cyan
    current_file_otherpane: black white
    current_selected_file: yellow cyan
    current_selected_file_otherpane: yellow white
    data_files: magenta black
    directories: green black
    document_files: blue black
    error_messages1: white red
    error_messages2: black red
    exe_files: red black
    file_info: red black
    files: white black
    graphics_files: magenta black
    help: green black
    media_files: blue black
    messages: magenta cyan
    selected_file: yellow black
    source_files: cyan black
    tabs: white blue
    temp_files: white black
    title: yellow blue

Main settings::

    # automatic_file_encoding_conversion: never = -1, ask = 0, always = 1
    # sort:	None = 0, byName = 1, byName_rev = 2, bySize = 3,
    # 	bySize_rev = 4, byDate = 5, byDate_rev = 6
    automatic_file_encoding_conversion: 0
    color_files: 1
    detach_terminal_at_exec: 1
    grep_ignorecase: 1
    grep_regex: 1
    manage_otherpane: 0
    num_panes: 2
    rebuild_vfs: 0
    save_conf_at_exit: 1
    save_history_at_exit: 1
    show_dotfiles: 1
    show_output_after_exec: 1
    sort: 1
    sort_mix_cases: 1
    sort_mix_dirs: 0

* *automatic_file_encoding_conversion*: Automatically convert filenames when wrong encoding found? Default 1 (yes)
* *color_files*: Colorize files by extension? Default 1 (yes)
* *detach_terminal_at_exec*: Detach terminal at execute? Default 1 (yes)
* *grep_ignorecase*: Ignore case in grep? Default 1 (yes)
* *grep_regex*: Use regex as grep pattern? Default 1 (yes)
* *manage_otherpane*: Allow cursor navigation for the non-active panel? Default 0 (no), but can be enabled with Ctrl-W
* *num_panes*: Number of panels to show? Default 2
* *rebuild_vfs*: Rebuild vfs? Useful if automatic in confirmations->ask_rebuild_vfs. Default 0 (no)
* *save_conf_at_exit*: Save configuration at exit? Default 1 (yes)
* *save_history_at_exit*: Save history at exit for future sessions? Default 1 (yes)
* *show_dotfiles*: Show .files? Default 1 (yes)
* *show_output_after_exec*: Show output after exec? Default 1 (yes)
* *sort*: Sort type. Default 1 (sort by name)
* *sort_mix_cases*: Mix upper and lower case files in sort? Default 1 (yes)
* *sort_mix_dirs*: Mix files and directories in sort? Default 0 (no)

Settings which require a string value::

    # diff_type: context, unified, ndiff
    backup_extension: .bak
    diff_type: unified

* *backup_extension*: Backup file extensions? Default .bak
* *diff_type*: Diff output format? Default unified

These settings indicate whether the user will be prompted in these actions::

    ask_rebuild_vfs: 1
    delete: 1
    overwrite: 1
    quit: 1

*ask_rebuild_vfs*: when abandoning compressed files, prompt if we should
rebuild the file in case we've modified contents.

File extensions for different file types. Used to color them::

    archive_files: .gz, .bz2, .xz, .tar, .tgz, .Z, .zip, .rar, .7z, .arj, .cab, .lzh, .lha, .zoo, .arc, .ark, .rpm, .deb
    data_files: .dta, .nc, .dbf, .mdn, .db, .mdb, .dat, .fox, .dbx, .mdx, .sql, .mssql, .msql, .ssql, .pgsql, .cdx, .dbi, .sqlite
    document_files: .txt, .text, .rtf, .odt, .odc, .odp, .abw, .gnumeric, .sxw, .sxc, .sxp, .sdw, .sdc, .sdp, .ps, .pdf, .djvu, .dvi, .bib, .tex, .epub, .chm, .prc, .mobi, .azw, .lit, .imp, .xml, .xsd, .xslt, .sgml, .dtd, .html, .shtml, .htm, .css, .mail, .msg, .letter, .ics, .vcs, .vcard, .lsm, .po, .man, .1, .info, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .pps
    graphics_files: .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .tif, .tiff, .pcx, .bmp, .xpm, .xbm, .eps, .pic, .rle, .ico, .wmf, .omf, .ai, .cdr, .xcf, .dwb, .dwg, .dxf, .svg, .dia
    media_files: .mp2, .mp3, .mpg, .ogg, .flac, .mpeg, .wav, .avi, .asf, .mov, .mol, .mpl, .xm, .med, .mid, .midi, .umx, .wma, .acc, .wmv, .swf, .flv, .ogv
    source_files: .c, .h, .cc, .hh, .cpp, .hpp, .py, .pl, .pm, .inc, .rb., .asm, .pas, .f, .f90, .pov, .m, .pas, .cgi, .php, .phps, .tcl, .tk, .js, .java, .jav, .jasm, .diff, .patch, .sh, .bash, .awk, .m4, .el, .st, .mak, .sl, .ada, .caml, .ml, .mli, .mly, .mll, .mlp, .prg
    temp_files: .tmp, .$$$, ~, .bak

+ **How and why lfm born?**

  Everything is explained in next sections. `` and `midnight commander`
  were the muses who guided.

+ **Isn't python slow? why develop lfm on python?**

  No. It's fast enough. And programming in python is funny.

+ **I've been reading the sources and you don't use newer python features like ternary operator, with statement, and many others**

  We want to mantain compatibility with python v2.4 by now. Btw, you
  can find some of these interesting new features in the TODO_ file.

+ **Does it work with Python v3.x?**

  No. We'll support Python v3.x when it is mainline (read, when my linux
  distribution of choice package it as default).

+ **lfm does not change to current directory after quiting**

  This can't be made inside the program, but you could get it using
  the shell tip mentioned in `Development, Download, Installation`_ section.

+ **Why doesn't lfm implement remote vfs such as ssh, ftp, smb, webdav, ...?**

  One of the design goals for *lfm* is simplicity, we don't want to add
  external dependencies beyond python standard library. Nevertheless
  you can use something like *fuse* to mount those remote volumes anyway.

  To use fuse with ssh you need *fuse* and *sshfs* packages installed
  on your system::

    $ mkdir mount_point_for_ssh_server
    $ sshfs user@ip_or_hostname:/path mount_point_for_ssh_server

  For ftp you need *fuse* and *curlftpfs*::

    $ mkdir mount_point_for_ftp_server
    $ curlftpfs ftp://user:password@ip_or_hostname mount_point_for_ftp_server

  For webdav you need *fuse* and *wdfs* or davfs2 (non fuse based)::

    $ mkdir mount_point_for_webdav_server
    $ wdfs mount_point_for_webdav_server

  For smb take a look at *fuse-smb*.

  And to umount::

    $ fusermount -u mount_point
    $ rm -rf mount_point

+ **Request: add advanced file rename tool**

  Use *PowerCLI*, it's much... uhmmm... powerful!

+ **Keybindings customization?**

  Not for the near future. Anyway, you can modify `` in the
  sources if it's so important for you.

+ **Mouse support? UI to configure settings?**

  I'm afraid we speak different languages.

+ **When will be support for internationalization?**

  If we are talking about translating *lfm*, the answer is mostly
  never. Ncurses programming makes very difficult to control the
  length of every text for every possible language translation.

  If you mean support for file names in foreign languages and
  encodings then it's almost here already.

+ **Some Chinese, Japanese or Korean files make lfm crash**

  Known issue. The characters of these languages span over 2 cells, so
  it's not possible for *lfm* to guess the real width they need.
  We expect to solve this in a near future as we are studying
  different methods.

+ **[Any other question / feature request]**

  Consult if it's mentioned in the TODO_ file and/or send me an email.

Many many years ago I began to write a program like this in C, but after
some weeks of coding I never finished it... I'm too lazy, yes.
Then I saw the light and I started writing `lfm` to learn python_.

Code evolved and application got more and more features, used by many
people around the world on different UNIX systems.

But after the release of version 0.91 (June 2004) they were not more releases.
Not that I had stopped working on *lfm*, new code was written, tested,
rewritten again... silently... but different reasons made me to postpone public
releases... code refactoring, a new essential feature, source cleaning,
a wedding, a child, ahem... more code refactoring....

Anyway, from now on I'll do my best to release often.

Thanks are obviously due to the whole python community, specially to GvR
(of course! ;-) and all the people who answered my questions in c.l.p.

It's a great pleasure to code in a language like this.

Alexei Gilchrist, for his cfm program from which I took some ideas.

`Midnight Commander`__ developers, whose program was the guide.

`Vernon D. Buerg's`__, the best program ever coded (well, just after emacs ;-).

And also to all the people who have contributed with ideas, reporting
bugs and code over these years: Antoni Aloy, Sebastien Bacher, Grigory
Bakunov, Luigi M. Bianchi, Hunter Blanks, Witold Bołt, Fabian Braennstroem,
Jason Buberel, Ondrej Certik, Kevin Coyner, Tim Daneliuk, Mike Dean,
Arnå DG, Christian Eichert, Steve Emms, Murat Erten, Daniel Echeverry,
Luca Falavigna, Stephen R. Figgins, f1ufx, Francisco Gama, Vlad Glagolev,
Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez, Kelly Hopkins, Tjabo Kloppenburg, Zoran Kolic,
Max Kutny, Martin Lüethi, James Mills, Bartosz Oler, Piotr Ozarowski,
Mikhail A. Pokidko, Jerome Prudent, Mikhail Ramendik, Rod, Daniel T. Schmitt,
Chengqi Song, Robin Siebler, Andrey Skvortsov, Espartaco Smith,
Jörg Sonnenberger, Martin Steigerwald, Joshua Tasker, Tim Terlegård,
Edd Thompson, Walter van den Broek, Jesper Vestergaard, Xin Wang,
Alejandro Weil, Yellowprotoss, Hai Zaar and many others...

You have made posible to run *lfm* in all those platforms!

.. _sources: lfm-2.3.tar.gz
.. _README.pyview: README.pyview.html
.. _ChangeLog: ChangeLog
.. _GPL:
.. _mc:
.. _buerg:
.. _python:
__ GPL_
__ mc_
__ buerg_
.. _lfm-2.3.tar.gz: lfm-2.3.tar.gz
.. _lfm-2.2.tar.gz: lfm-2.2.tar.gz
.. _lfm-2.1.tar.gz: lfm-2.1.tar.gz
.. _lfm-2.0.tar.gz: lfm-2.0.tar.gz
.. _lfm-0.91.tar.gz: lfm-0.91.tar.gz
.. _lfm-0.9.tar.gz: lfm-0.9.tar.gz
.. _lfm-0.8.tar.gz: lfm-0.8.tar.gz
.. _lfm-0.7.tar.gz: lfm-0.7.tar.gz
.. _lfm-0.5.tar.gz: lfm-0.5.tar.gz
.. _lfm-0.4.tar.gz: lfm-0.4.tar.gz


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