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Installing and running Flask

You're probably going to need to install a bunch of python packages, like SQLAlchemy, SQLAlchemy-Flask, MySQL-Flask, ulib2, oauth.


The NewsMap is an application which pulls stories from Google News, passes them to OpenCalais, and uses the returned data to visualize a location-time graph via the Google Maps API.


If you've already looked through the code, you might see a bunch of stuff you're not familiar with. I'll break it down real fast.

Stylesheets: Do not edit the.css files. Ever. Look into installing Compass, which will allow you to edit and save the .scss files, located at assets/sass. The styles are concatenated into screen.scss, but the files beginning with "_" are modules which screen.scss includes. So you can edit those and they'll get folded in. To set up a watcher for changes to scss files, run "compass watch assets" from the base dir.

Javascript: Same thing - NEVER edit the .js files in /js. Only edit the coffee files in /coffee. In order to compile them, you'll need to download Coffeescript. The syntax is close to javascript, so the curve should be fairly shallow. To set up a watcher for the coffee, run "coffee -o js -cw coffee" from the base dir. We'll worry about concatenation and minimization later.

Conventions: Keeping with the best practices of the day, it will make everyone's life easier to adhere to some coding conventions.


  1. Comment everything. Seriously. Use "#" for commenting. For long comments use "###"
  2. USE 4 SPACES FOR INDENTATION, NOT TAB. DO DO DO. This will save you so much time with the compiler. Figure out how to do it in your editor of choice.


  1. Make modules. If you find yourself writing SCSS that is all kinda unified but not really in any previously defined category, make a new file in assets/sass like "_filename.scss" and import it. It'll help organization immensely.
  2. Includes go at the top of the block.


  1. Backend is in python running the flask framework for a fully restful interface

Stay thirsty, my friends.


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