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This "Next Generation" library is not intended to replace the various configuration libraries out there, only mine. I had a very old module that I created way back in the 1.5 or 2.0 days, when the place to go for Python libraries was the old Vaults of Parnassus. There are many good choices now, but none of them seems like the right fit for me, and certainly wouldn't work with my existing configurations. My old module had many deficiencies, and cried out for a thorough refactoring. I have finally answered this call.


There may be some remarks that are not, as yet, well translated for a wider audience, being originally intended for my own reference. I am working through the package to remedy this. Sorry about the mess!


Containers are all lists until they are out of scope. then a new container of the intended type is constructed from the list. this is necessary to support immutable containers, but it means no complaining about unhashable set elements or other incompatible elements until the end.


immutable (configuration) container/tree item type declared defined command (un)ordered validate/convert

children are defined by a command, %dict or %odict. they may be inline or external. an inline child begins with an open brace at the end of the line, and ends with a close brace on a line by itself. an externally defined child has a filename to load, as though included.

Tips and Tricks

Containers can't contain containers, but items may be anything your custom validator can parse.

Containers with mixed type elements are possible, but a custom type is needed that can validate them all. obviously, one needs to conform to the rules of the underlying container. for instance, all elements of a set must be hashable.

replacing types is allowed, but existing references to the previous type will persist, unless it's refetched at every call, or some explicit updating mechanism is included.

Enforced limitations

  • not a class interface. all customizations are global.
  • requires Python 2.7
  • three-space indents!
  • no containers in containers


external dependencies (from my private library, oh my!)

  • do_string()
  • make_grid()

unit tests (someday!)

  • test lists of dictionaries
  • test multiline items
  • use parser on a stream
  • added untyped items

The parser could be generated automagically from some syntax definition, maybe.

The API/programming reference is good, but some examples and maybe a tutorial are indicated.


Python configuration library







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