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ICDS Extensions for CommCare HQ

Information for the custom ICDS reporting dashboard. It can be accessed at <url>/a/<domain>/icds_dashboard. Currently it's only possible for one domain on each environment to access this dashboard, so only test locally and don't add random domains to the feature flag.

Dev Environment Setup

The following two steps must be taken to get the dashboard to load in a development environment. This does not include populating any data.

  1. Clone this repository into the following path:

    git clone [PATH/TO/COMMCARE]/extensions/icds/
  2. Update your settings.SERVER_ENVIRONMENT to 'icds'

  3. Add the following to localsettings:

    LOCAL_APPS = (
  4. Add an 'icds-ucr-citus' entry to localsettings.REPORTING_DATABASES pointing at the desired key from settings.DATABASES where you want the report data tables to live.

Note that this database must be PostgreSQL > v10 and ideally should be CitusDB (details below).

  1. Create a domain named "icds-cas"

  2. Enable the feature flag for that domain

Automated build

If you need to test changes to this codebase in conjunction with changes made to the commcare-hq code you can accomplish this by ensuring that the branch name in the two repositories is the same.

This will cause both the commcare-hq build as well as the build on this repository to checkout the branch prior to running tests.

commcare-icds repo:

git checkout --branch $BRANCH
# make changes and commit
git push origin

commcare-hq repo:

git checkout --branch $BRANCH
# make chnages and commit
git push origin


You can deploy this repo using commcare-cloud to either the icds-cas (icds) or icds-staging environments.

cchq <env> deploy

The configuration for deploying the repo is found in <env>/meta.yml

Deploying a specific branch

cchq icds deploy --icds-rev <my-branch>

or to setup a limited release:

cchq icds fab setup_limited_release --set icds_code_branch=my-branch

Deploying to staging

The icds-staging environment deploys the icds-autostaging branch by default. The contents of this branch is controlled by icds-staging/deploy_branches.yml. This config file can be used to rebuild the branch as follows:

scripts/rebuild-deploy-branch icds-staging --commcare-hq-root=/path/to/commcare/repo/

See commcare-cloud docs

Citus setup

To get setup on CitusDB follow these instructions.

Local data

To get local dashboard data you can run:

./ populate_local_db_with_icds_dashboard_test_data

This will populate your local database with the locations and data used in the tests including the aggregate data.

Note that the above command is destructive to local data and read the warnings before proceeding!

If you are using CitusDB and have already initialized the database via migrations, you will need to comment out the _distribute_tables_for_citus(engine) line in icds_reports/tests/ for the command to succeed.

Local UCRs

To populate local UCRs (on Citus), you can run:

./ bootstrap_icds_citus icds-ucr

If this doesn't create them, you might want to double check your setings.SERVER_ENVIRONMENT = 'icds' (assuming you are testing in a local domain named 'icds-cas').

Aggregate Data Tables

child_health_monthly - unique rows for child_health case and month

agg_child_health - child_health data that is unique for location, age, gender, caste, etc

ccs_record_monthly - unique rows for ccs_record case and month

agg_ccs_record - ccs_record data that is unique for location, age, gender, caste, etc

agg_awc - unique rows for each location

Current workflow to get the data in these tables is shown here

Collecting New Data

A flowchart to help guide you can be found here

Gather Requirements

  • What pages will this be displayed?
  • How will this be aggregated?
  • Is this a property that is set and never changes, or a property that changes over time?
  • How is this set in the app?
  • What filters will be applied to this data?

Collecting data

All data should be collected via a UCR data source. Document lookups in these UCRs should be avoided as they increase processing time and related case changes are not picked up correctly Location lookups are often necessary and ok. Use ancestor_location to ensure that there is only one database lookup. If you absolutely need one, it should be a custom expression and heavily cached.

First look to see if a data source exists for the data you want to track. If a data source does exist, add the appropriate column to the data source as a nullable column and rebuild the data source in place. If an appropriate data source does not exist, create one in the dashboard UCR folder.

New UCRs should have the following data:

  • Associated case or AWC id
  • Supervisor/Sector id (if sharding the data source with Citus)
  • timeEnd (Only for forms. Tables should be partitioned on this attribute)
  • received_on (Only for forms)
  • data points from the app to be collected

Aggregating the data

If you're collecting data from a form, the first step is to aggregate the form data per case id or awc id into a table specifically for that form. e.g. icds_dashboard_growth_monitoring_forms. If you're collecting data from a case, it can be used in the initial setup where appropriate. e.g. when collecting ccs_record data it can be inserted with the initial query for ccs_record_monthly Then insert this data into the appropriate monthly table. If necessary, pass it through to the next tables in the work flow (such as child_health information to agg_awc)

Other Notes

  • Don't look up other documents in a UCR
  • Only collect raw data in the UCR. Use as few expressions in the UCR as possible.
  • Keep the same names as the app as far as possible into the aggregation. It's very confusing when properties change between tables such as sex changing to gender.
  • Prefer small_integer when possible and always use small_boolean instead of boolean
  • When recording a property that can have multiple results, prefer an enumeration (using switch) instead of storing the raw value

Rebuilding UCR Data Sources


  1. Make changes to the UCR data source
    • Always add nullable columns so that the rebuilds can be done without deleting the table first
  2. Kick off a rebuild using ./ async_rebuild_table
    • This uses celery queues to rebuild the table so that the rebuild is parallelized
  3. Monitor rebuild with "Asynchronous UCR Dashboard" in datadog

Estimating Time to Rebuild

This is to give a small idea of how long a rebuild will take. These should be periodically reviewed and updated as they will change as the project scales and improvements to scale data sources are added.

Important variables

  • Number of forms/cases to be rebuilt
  • Time it takes for one doc to be processed
    • Data sources without extra document lookups will be faster
    • Forms and cases likely have different times to process by default because forms also need to fetch from riak, but no current data on what that difference is
  • Number of "ucr_indicator_queue"s we have deployed
  • Size of current table/indexes
    • Theoretically larger tables and tables with more indexes are more expensive to insert to. We haven't done any performance tests on this
    • Can use table partitioning to solve this
  • Other concurrent rebuilds
    • Currently the monthly tables for child_health and ccs_record are in the same queues and will take some processing as well

Basic formula

(number of forms/cases) * (doc processing time) / (number of queues)


Currently number of queues on ICDS is 79

Data Source Table Per Doc Processing Estimate of number of documents
child_health monthly 1.5 s 100 per AWC
ccs_record monthly 1.5 s 50 per AWC
Complementary Feeding/PNC forms 0.25 s

The complementary feeding and PNC forms should give a good baseline for documents we haven't rebuilt before, as they have few related documents.

Metrics to follow/tradeoff

Processing time

UCR query time

Dashboard query time

Aggregation task

To perform our large aggregation task we use Airflow. Airflow is a workflow management system that allows us to specify dependencies between tasks and schedule each task appropriately. Our configuration of our workflow is stored in That repository only stores information about the workflow. The queries and commands being run are stored as part of this repository.

Running only one month

Currently this must be done manually. To run one month, you must access the airflow server (behind the VPN), go to the dashboard aggregation, click "previous month" and select "mark success".

Aggregation running slowly

Airflow collects some metrics that show the history of a task. If you are unfamiliar with how long a task is expected to run, then you can view the history of the task by looking at the "task duration" tab. Once you find the task(s) that have slowed, you should check if the query was blocked by another. If you find that the query could not acquire the appropriate lock, reference the below troubleshooting section about locks. Otherwise reference the slow query section in troubleshooting.


Currently any errors are emailed to the dashboard aggregation email group. The emails contain information such as the aggregation step that failed and a link to the log output of the task.

Useful notes about Citus

Insert performance

It's generally better to use many inserts to insert data as noted in the Citus docs


Connect to ICDS database: ./manage dbshell --database icds-ucr

Slow Queries

Find the current longest running queries: select pid, query_start, query from pg_stat_activity order by query_start limit 10

EXPLAIN (statement) should be the first step to understanding a slow query. An official introduction into explain can be found in postgres's docs There can be a lot of information to understand when looking at your first queries. A good rule of thumb is to take note of the estimated total costs displayed and begin looking at the inner most operations. From the innermost operation, take one step out at a time and find where you see the largest cost increases. The largest cost increase is a good place to begin looking to optimize your query.

Another issue we've seen before is Disk IO contention. We run many tasks in parallel and therefore there may be too many tasks running at one time and using much of the disk. You can look at the "Postgres - Overview" DataDog dashboard to see if IO wait or disk queue size is very high during the task

Note that while its largely the same, there are differences in tuning Citus queries vs postgres queries. Citus docs provide an overview of tuning both.

Locking queries

We log the number of locked queries to datadog under postgresql.locks.not_granted. There is a graph of this on our Postgres - Overview dashboard.

For more specific troubleshooting for each lock that is currently occurring on the database:

Find locks that haven't been granted: SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE NOT GRANTED Queries that are blocked on a lock: SELECT query_start, query FROM pg_locks, pg_stat_activity WHERE = AND NOT granted

Depending on the type of lock acquired (pg_locks.locktype), you can adjust your query to find the query that's blocking. For example if locktype is virtualxid, you can run SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE virtualxid = 'xid' AND GRANTED to find the process(s) that currently have the lock acquired.

More specifically for finding distributed Citus locks:

WITH citus_xacts AS (
  SELECT * FROM get_all_active_transactions() WHERE initiator_node_identifier = 0
citus_wait_pids AS (
    (SELECT process_id FROM citus_xacts WHERE transaction_number = waiting_transaction_num) AS waiting_pid,
    (SELECT process_id FROM citus_xacts WHERE transaction_number = blocking_transaction_num) AS blocking_pid
  waiting_pid AS blocked_pid,
  waiting.query AS blocked_statement,
  blocking.query AS current_statement_in_blocking_process
  pg_stat_activity waiting ON (waiting_pid =
  pg_stat_activity blocking ON (blocking_pid =

More about locks:

Killing queries

Killing a query should be done with SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) when possible. If that doesn't work SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) probably will. The difference is cancel is SIGTERM and terminate is SIGKILL described in more detail here

Reducing load on the database

Stopping all ucr_indicator_queue to reduce load: cchq icds celery stop --only ucr_indicator_queue

Stopping pillows: cchq icds pillowtop stop

Useful references

Postgres documentation: Citus documentation:

Front End

The front end is a legacy AngularJS application (version 1.4.4).


Directives are heavily used. A few important gotchas about directives and non-standard Angular usage:

  • The templates are served by a Django view (see IcdsDynamicTemplateView), and therefore are rendered by Django.
  • What this means is that normal {{ variable.binding }} in Angular can't be used because it would be rendered by Django. Because of this we override interpolateProvider.startSymbol and interpolateProvider.endSymbol in icds_app.js. Which means that Angular variables can be referenced in the directive templates like: {$ variable.binding $}.

Mobile Dashboard

The mobile version of the dashboard should share all directive javascript and swap out functionality at the template / HTML level.

This can be done by:

  1. Adding a new template to icds_reports/icds_app/mobile/ with the same name as the web directive template.
  2. Updating the templateUrl in the directive's javascript file to use the templateProviderService, which will return the mobile template for the mobile version of the page. (This is done using an Angular constant isMobile).

See program-summary.directive.js for an example of this.

Change Management

Overall Process

There are two common ways development is done on Dashboard.

For small features and fixes, changes are generally tested locally, merged and deployed. This would include text / style changes, indicator calculation changes, and often the addition of new indicators to existing reports.

For larger features, development is generally done behind a feature flag, tested on production, and then released to all users (by removing the flag).

Typically, the same feature flag is used for all pre-release features. The ID for this feature flag is "features_in_dashboard_icds_reports", and it can be accessed by any superuser by going to [server_root]/hq/flags/edit/features_in_dashboard_icds_reports/.

This flag is available in backend code, by calling icds_pre_release_features(user) and in the dashboard front-end code by passing the angular constant haveAccessToFeatures to any directive. In both cases a value of true indicates the user has access to the pre-release features.

Change Management between Web and Mobile

Generally, moving forwards the goal should be that any change made on the web dashboard to a piece of functionality that exists on mobile should also be made to mobile. Eventually, the goal is to get to ~feature parity on mobile, at which point all changes made to web dashboard should also be made on mobile.

Because web and mobile dashboard share a lot of code, much of this will happen automatically. Here is an approximate guide to the types of changes that can be made and how they are impacted on mobile.

It is expected this section will evolve over time as the scope of mobile dashboard increases and as new types of changes are better understood.

Current Mobile Dashboard Scope

Currently the mobile dashboard includes:

  1. Program Summary
  2. All Map views across four major areas of Program Summary, drilling down to block level.
  3. In the above reports, instead of charts, a "rankings" page is displayed on mobile.
  4. KPIs on AWC reports.

An internal document of the scope can be found here and a more detailed version can be found on Trello.

Changes to Indicators

Almost any change to indicators should automatically update on web and mobile. This includes changes to indicator calculations as well as the addition and removal of indicators.

Addition of New Reports in Four Program Summary Areas

The addition of a new report in one of the four main program summary areas (Maternal and Child Nutrition, ICDS-CAS Reach, Demographics, and AWC Infrastructure) should require very little additional work.

The report should be coded as per the above standards and it should work out-of-the-box on mobile.

The only additional piece of work will be adding the report to the mobile navigation menu, in addition to the web navigation menu. It is expected that this step will be unnecessary soon as we reconcile those two items.

Addition of New Reports outside the Four Program Summary Areas

Since mobile dashboard does not currently include any additional reports (e.g. Service Delivery Dashboard, AWC Report, etc.) it is not necessary to do anything when working with these reports.

This section will be updated once those reports are added to mobile dashboard.

Addition of new Features to existing reports

If the report is not on mobile dashboard as per above, then nothing needs to be done. If the report is already on mobile dashboard then by default, the feature should be added to the mobile dashboard as well.

For features that have UI components, they should be ported to mobile-friendly versions and added to the mobile versions of the report templates in addition to the web versions.

If for some reason the feature is difficult to implement for mobile, or doesn't make sense to add to mobile, then a discussion should be raised with the product owner as to why it doesn't make sense to add to mobile, and they should sign off on the decision.

Other types of changes

For any other type of change please follow up with product and technical owners to get them documented here.


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