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A parser generator for recovering the ICC (inter-component communication) data. The ICC data are gathered through hooking Android binder driver .

This project contains the tools for interface source code collection, variable name semantics extraction, and function behavior translation. The interface source code is from Android Framework so far. Our work shall include most of the interfaces of system components so that we can deal with basic ICC data. The function behaviors we should considered are in every onTransact function, locating in every ICC component.

Without directly running these Java code of ICC components, Finder generates python parsers corresponding to ICC components. The main purporse of parsers is to translate the ICC data, raw-byte, into data structures, human-readable. These data structures are also useful for forensic and static analysis.


usage: [-h] [-d] [-s SENDER | -r RECEIVER | -c CONTAIN] [-n]
                 [--black-list FILEPATH] [--info] [--not-solve]
                 [--ps CHROME.PS]

finder - Android ICC parser

positional arguments:
  input                 ICC log file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           enable debug trace
  -s SENDER, --sender SENDER
                        only show filter from the pattern
  -r RECEIVER, --receiver RECEIVER
                        only show filter to the pattern
  -c CONTAIN, --contain CONTAIN
                        only show filter contained the pattern
  -n, --negation        negate the result of filter
  --black-list FILEPATH
                        Block the ICC transaction in blacklist
  --info                show log info
  --not-solve           not to solve ICC data
  --ps CHROME.PS        ps cmd result

Finder need android repo which compiled from android java source code to help for solving transaction data.

Download the repo for your coresponding version of Android

I put the transpiled repo at the directly repo/android-[VERSION].tar.gz

create the destination directory to put repo

mkdir out
cp repo/android-5.1.1_r1.tar.gz out
cd out
tar zxvf android-5.1.1_r1.tar.gz
cd ..

Now your Finder is support version 5.1.1!

Module System

Finder export some hook points for inspecting while solving the log.

The detail of module system can see modules/



Config the path of this project and Android framework for interfaces collection.

class Path(Config):
    TOOLS       = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
    PROJECT     = path.abspath(path.join( TOOLS , ".." ))
    _IINTERFACE = path.abspath(path.join( PROJECT, "_IInterface" ))
    OUT         = path.abspath(path.join( PROJECT, "out" ))

class System(Config):
    WORKINGDIR  = path.abspath("/home/lucas/WORKING_DIRECTORY/")
    FRAMEWORK   = path.abspath(path.join(WORKINGDIR, "frameworks"))
    AIDL_CACHE   = path.abspath(path.join(WORKINGDIR, "out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/framework-base_intermediates/"))


Collect interface-define files into path _IINTERFACE of tools/


Parse files in _IINTERFACE and extract the name of transaction code

Transaction features

Import Packages

Python parsers include/import other parsers when a instance or extends (implements) is created. A instance is a Java Class. The source code of the class will be translated into a Python module. The class extent by other classes will also has a Python module. The Python module contains the translated Python code for control-flow dependent functions.

Whenever a Java class is refered, Finder shall create and include the corresponding parser.

Transaction problems

Java built-in packages

Java have many built-in packages, we need a standard support of these libraries.

Unary operations

Usually are used in loop.

In c/c++ coding. But python dont have these features. a++, if (i++ > 0) are not supported in python. Python doesn't support i++ or ++i type unary operator. Instead of this i += 1.

Assignment in condition

The main problem is java style conditions

while (((event = != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT)) {
    if (event == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
        name = in.getName();

This case have an assignment then comparison.

Multi-times assignment

It is also not supported by Python.

int a = b = 100

Instead of previous case, we translate the above code into the follows:

b = 100
int a = b


This is to-do

Extend outer class

java has a feature to extend outer class like:

public abstract class CharacterStyle {

    public static CharacterStyle () {
        return new Passthrough(cs);

    class Passthrough extends CharacterStyle {
        private CharacterStyle mStyle;

        public CharacterStyle getUnderlying() {
            return mStyle.getUnderlying();

Anonymous Class

Java has anonymous class that let you override the sub-part without explicit declaring a new one like

public static final Parcelable.Creator<PackageInfo> CREATOR
        = new Parcelable.Creator<PackageInfo>() {
    public PackageInfo createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
        return new PackageInfo(source);

    public PackageInfo[] newArray(int size) {
        return new PackageInfo[size];

Function overloading

Java have a feature of function overloading. The caller will call the corresponding function base on the parameters types. This feature call function overloading.

public Intent putExtra(String name, Serializable value) {

public Intent putExtra(String name, boolean[] value) {

public Intent putExtra(String name, byte[] value) {

Python also have this feature. But it have different properties.

def function(para1, para2 = None, para3 = 0):

def function(*args):

def function(**kargs):

But the usage of Python is different with java. So we have to implement an adaptor to convert the type into corresponding function interface.

Casted variable as overloading input

Cycle import


Hardware RPC

Most of Andoird PRC are constructed by Java code which was translated by AIDL or hand craft.

Some of these are written directly with C/CPP and compile to a user space services. These kind of services and almost related to hardware control, Audio control. The differents between Java VM level serivces is the serices are written by C/CPP and directly run as a native program without dalvik VM. Our work aim to focus Java-level serivces. So we still catch these ICC transaction but filter out these kinds serivces.

We filter out these services while translating. Hard coded in lib/

From Java to Cpp code

Finder does not handle the dependencies from Java VM to native CPP.

For some performance concern or the need of low level operation, some Android functions implemented with C/CPP. The file /frameworks/base/core/jni/android_os_Parcel.cpp descript the JNI interface. It connect Java function name to native function always with prefix of native[FUNCTION_NAME].

As previous description. Finder handel only Java level services/program. If services control-flow dependencies has these native functions, the Solveing of services will stop.

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  • Java 60.1%
  • C++ 35.2%
  • Python 4.1%
  • Other 0.6%