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Stormpath CLI

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This command line tool allows you to completely manage your Stormpath account. You can:

  • Sign up for Stormpath.
  • Log into your existing Stormpath account.
  • Manage your Stormpath Applications / Directories / Accounts / etc.

If you're using Stormpath to manage your user accounts, this CLI tool gives you complete control over the Stormpath service.


If you're using a Mac, you can install this CLI tool via Homebrew:

brew install stormpath-cli

If you're using Linux, OSX, or Windows, and prefer to install the library via Python and pip, you can do so via:

# NOTE: This may require `sudo` depending on your Python setup.
pip install stormpath-cli


Get an API Key

First things first, if you haven't already go and register for a Stormpath account. All requests to the Stormpath REST API must be authenticated with an API Key.

To get an API key:

  • Log in to the Stormpath Admin Console using the email address and password you used to register with Stormpath.
  • In the top-right corner of the resulting page, visit Settings > My Account.
  • On the Account Details page, under Security Credentials, click Create API Key.

This will generate your API Key and download it to your computer as an file. If you open the file in a text editor, you will see something similar to the following: = 144JVZINOF5EBNCMG9EXAMPLE
apiKey.secret = lWxOiKqKPNwJmSldbiSkEbkNjgh2uRSNAb+AEXAMPLE
  • Save this file in a secure location, such as your home directory in a hidden .stormpath directory.

  • Also change the file permissions to ensure only you can read this file. For example, on *nix operating systems:

    chmod go-rwx $HOME/.stormpath/

It might be useful to fist familiarize yourself with the Stormpath REST API and the naming used there in.

Setting up the CLI

To setup the CLI tool run the following command (if the file $HOME/.stormpath/ exists it will be used automatically):

stormpath setup

If you already had the $HOME/.stormpath/ file in place you should see the following output:

Using API Key file ``/home/myuser/.stormpath/`` for authentication.
API Key written to ``/home/myuser/.stormpath/cli/``
Stormpath CLI is set up and ready to go!

If you don't have the file in place, to setup the CLI tool you will get prompted to enter the API key and secret:

Unable to discover an existing API Key file path or API Key environment variable.
Please input your API Key ID and API Key Secret.
(visit for more information)
API Key Secret:
API Key written to /home/myuser/.stormpath/cli/

Override default settings

To override the default setting we just set up in the previous step there are several options available. You can pass -a or --apikey flags to every command:

stormpath command -a 144JVZINOF5EBNCMG9EXAMPLE:lWxOiKqKPNwJmSldbiSkEbkNjgh2uRSNAb+AEXAMPLE
stormpath command --apikey 144JVZINOF5EBNCMG9EXAMPLE:lWxOiKqKPNwJmSldbiSkEbkNjgh2uRSNAb+AEXAMPLE

WARNING : don't use if there are other users on the machine, since the key and the secret will be visible to anyone using the ps command to list the running processes.

Point to a different file like so:

stormpath command --apikeyfile /home/myuser/

Using Environment variables:

STORMPATH_APIKEY_FILE=/home/myuser/ stormpath command

If none of the described methods are found then the CLI tool will raise an error:

Unable to discover an existing API Key file path or API Key environment variable.

Stormpath CLI actions

The stormpath cli tool uses the following format:

stormpath [<action>] [<resource>] [options] [<attributes>...]

Supported actions are as follows:

  • list - List/search resources on Stormpath
  • create - Create a resource on Stormpath
  • update - Update a resource on Stormpath
  • delete - Remove a resource from Stormpath
  • set - Set context for user/group actions
  • context - Show currently used context for user/group actions
  • setup - Set up credentials for accessing the Stormpath API

And supported resources are:

  • application - Application Resource
  • directory - Directory Resource
  • group - Group Resource
  • account - Account Resource
  • user - User Resource

If no action is specified the CLI defaults to a list actions. So the following 2 commands are the same:

stormpath list applications
stormpath applications

Which results in the following output:

description: dinamo
name:        My Application
status:      ENABLED

defaultAccountStoreMapping: null
defaultGroupStoreMapping:   null
description:                Manages access to the Stormpath Console and API.
name:                       Stormpath
status:                     ENABLED

Note how the CLI tool supports using plural and singular forms (ie. applications and application do the same thing).

The cli tool supports outputting JSON as well, so if you wish to get the above output in json use the --output-json flag.

Piping is supported as well, so a stormpath list application | less will result in a tab separated output.

Creating an Application

To create an application issue the following command:

stormpath create application -n "My Application" -d "My App created with CLI"

To automatically create a Directory for that application use -R or --create-directory flags:

stormpath create application -n "My Application" -R
stormpath create application -n "My Application" --create-directory

Test to see if the app and directory got created:

stormpath list applications
stormpath list directories

Depending on what resource you're referencing there are required and optional flags.

For applications, directories, groups:

-n, --name              required, the name of the resource
-d, --description       optional, the description of the resource
-R, --create-directory  optional, auto create directory

For accounts:

-e, --email             required, the email property of the account
-p, --password          required, the password property of the account
-g, --given-name        required, the givenName property of the account
-s, --surname           required, the surname property of the account
-u, --username          optional, the username property
-m, --middle-name       optional, the middleName property
-f, --full-name         optional, the full name property

For Accounts and Groups:

-A, --in-application
-D, --in-directory      For All Resources
-S, --status            optional, the status of the resource
-j, --json              JSON representation of the resource

Update an Application

To update an application we use the update action and the -n or --name flags to specify the application name we wish to update:

stormpath update application -n "My Application"  -d "Updated description for this app"

Update commands require an identifier that identifies the resource:

For Applications, Directories, Groups:

-n, --name  required, identifier name

For Accounts:

-e, --email required, account email

Deleting a Resource

To delete a resource, a resource must be identified.

For Applications, Directories, Groups:

-n, --name  required, identifier name

For Accounts:

-e, --email required, account email

For example to delete an Application:

stormpath delete -n "My Application"

Or and Account:

stormpath delete -e ""

You are going to be prompted to confirm the deletion. If you wish to avoid getting prompted use the -F flag.

Using raw JSON instead of flags

If you wish you can use raw JSON to represent the Resource your trying to access:

stormpath create application --json='{"name": "My App", "description": "My App created with CLI"}'

Creating Accounts/Groups

Since Accounts and Groups are tied to Applications and Directories when creating them we need to specify the flags -A (that is --in-applications) or -D (that is --in-directory). For example:

stormpath create account --username myuser --email --password SomePassword12 --in-application "My Application"
stormpath create group "My Group" --in-application "My Application"

Or we can use the JSON representation:

stormpath create account --json '{"username": "myuser", "email": "", "password": "SomePassword12"}' --in-application "My Application"

To avoid having to use the --in-application or --in-directory flags over and over you can set the context for all of the Accounts/Groups commands using the set command like so:

stormpath set application -n "My Application"

Which will yield the following output:

Current context is set to the application "My Application". Account / Groups actions are configured to target "My Application"

The same goes for directories:

stormpath set directory --name "My Directory"

From here on out all the Account / Group actions are going to be targeted for the set application/directory.

To see the current context use the following command:

stormpath context


Using context from file /home/myuser/.stormpath/cli/
Current context set to the application 'My Application'.
Account / Groups actions are configured to target 'My Application'.

Note: To clear the current context use the stormpath unset command.

Note: Resource attributes can be specified with or without the --. For instance:

stormpath create account -e username=dvader given-name=Anakin surname=Skywalker


stormpath create account -e --username=dvader --given-name=Anakin --surname=Skywalker

Both wil result in the same thing. Identifier flags such as -e still require the the dash.

Creating Account Store Mappings

When creating an application it's possible to create the default account store using the -R or --create-directory flag. However one might wish to be able to add additional groups or directories to an application.

First set the context to the desired application using the set command:

stormpath set application -n "MyApplication"

Then when the context is set (note: you can check the current context using the stormpath context command) it's possible to create a new account store mapping like so:

stormpath create mapping "href_to_desired_directory_or_group" --is-default-account-store true

To list the mappings for the current application use the command below:

stormpath list mappings

To update an account store mapping use the update command:

stormpath update mapping "href_for_desired_mapping" --is-default-group-store true

Status command

Using the command stormpath status you get the following output:

API Key ID:           USED_API_KEY
Tenant:               tenant-name
Application context:
Directory context:    null
Group context:        null
Communication Status: up

The command list the current context and used API credentials as well as showing if the CLI tool is able to communicate with the Stormpath API.

Copyright & Licensing

Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014 Stormpath, Inc. and contributors.

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License.

For additional information, please see the full Project Documentation.


Contributing to the Stormpath CLI project is easy!

Here's how you should do it:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Create a new branch based on the master branch, which has a relevant name. For instance, if you're going to add a feature, you might say: git checkout -b some-new-feature.
  • Write your code!
  • Open a pull request back to the master branch of this main project.

To install this project locally for testing, you should use pip:

$ pip install -e .[test]

This will make this command line program runnable locally while you're working on the project.

To run the project tests, you can do the following:

$ python test

While tests are encouraged for any submissions you make, if you don't include them I'll just take care of it myself: so no worries =)