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cherubplay README

Project structure

  • cherubplay/ - contains the main Pyramid application.
    • scripts/ - various scripts.
      • - script for creating database tables. Installed as initialize_cherubplay_db.
    • tasks/ - Celery tasks for async work.
  • cherubplay_live/ - contains Tornado applications for WebSockets.
    • - application for live updates in chats. Installed as cherubplay_chat.
    • - application for prompts on the front page. Installed as cherubplay_search.

Setting up a dev environment

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the Cherubplay package:

pip install -e .

sample.ini contains an example Paste configuration file. Copy this to development.ini and fill in the details.

Create the database tables:

initialize_cherubplay_db development.ini

Run the Pyramid application:

pserve development.ini --reload

Run the search handler:

cherubplay_search development.ini

Run the chat handler:

cherubplay_chat development.ini

Run a Celery worker:

celery worker -A pyramid_celery.celery_app --ini development.ini -l DEBUG -Q celery,export,cleanup

Note that using different Celery workers for the different queues is recommended in production. See for more details.