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A general tool set to create a neural network classifier.


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A framework package for text classification.

Internally, the package use two Deep Learning frameworks, SpaCy and Tensorflow.

Spacy packages come with some pre-trained models, and can be easilly applied to proof of concept stories.

In the ideal work flow, Once the PoC works, one could try with more complicated implementation, e.g. implemented Tensorflow DNN, RNN, or CNN (Attention/Transformer will be added later), together with in house word embeddings, with multiple feature inputs, etc.

And the implementation of tensorflow models is fully compatiable with tf-serving, which make the releasing and deployment of the new model very simple.

And the nice part of the package is, everything you need to do is to add more information into the config file.

Let's do it gradually together, step by step.


python develop


1. simple start

Take the test config from cfg/spacy_test.cfg as example.

  • trxml_fields: source files are trxml, and we need the following fields * features: contains input for the model * class: contains labels * doc_id: a field which can be used to easily identify the document
  • datasets: input data
    "trxml_fields": {
        "features": "sec_vacancy.0.sec_vacancy",
        "class": "derived_vac_intermediary.0.derived_vac_intermediary",
        "doc_id": "Document.0.correlationid"

    "datasets": {
        "all_data": "tests/resource/samples/"

and then run:

tk-nn-classifier train cfg/spacy_test.json

and you will see the following logging message:

I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,354] [tk_nn_classifier] use spacy spacy_poc
I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,355] [tk_nn_classifier] starting training process ...
I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,841] [tk_nn_classifier] Loaded model 'en_core_web_sm'
I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,841] [tk_nn_classifier] split all_data into train and test
I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,846] [tk_nn_classifier] split 10 docs into 8 train and 2 eval
I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,846] [tk_nn_classifier] copy the train data to train folder models/poc/train
I [2019-11-28 12:39:10,846] [tk_nn_classifier] copy the eval data to eval folder models/poc/eval
I [2019-11-28 12:39:11,626] [xml_miner] reading trxml documents from dir models/poc/train
I [2019-11-28 12:39:12,891] [xml_miner] reading trxml documents from dir models/poc/eval
I [2019-11-28 12:39:13,649] [tk_nn_classifier] Training the model...
3.311   0.382
2.909   0.541
.... ....
I [2019-11-28 12:41:11,778] [tk_nn_classifier] Saved model to models/poc

Congratulations, you just trained the first classifier. And the model is save in models/poc by default, together with a label mapping file.

The package also support csv file as input, if you start with a csv file, your first config file will looks like this:

    "csv_fields": {
        "features": "full_text",
        "class": "class",
        "doc_id": "id"

    "datasets": {
        "all_data": "tests/resource/samples.csv"

2. What happened behind

  • All data specified in the dataset is splitted into train and eval, and saved.
  • The learner read the feature input text, and tags from the train and eval
  • And derived a mapping from tag to an internal class_id, save in the model path
  • Train the model for a number of epochs, and report the loss and accuracy on eval for each epoch
  • save the final model into the model path folder

3. A bit more config

  • assume you want to work on different field as input, say derived_cond_contract_type
  • and you want to train/eval from different data_set, e.g. ./customer_feedback
  • and test on another data set, e.g. ./another_data_set
  • and you want to train on 10 epochs
  • and split you data with ratio train/eval = 7:3

You will get a config like this:

    "trxml_fields": {
        "features": "sec_vacancy.0.sec_vacancy",
        "class": "derived_cond_contract_type.0.derived_cond_contract_type",
        "doc_id": "Document.0.correlationid"

    "num_epochs": 10,
    "split_ratio": 0.7,

    "datasets": {
        "all_data": "./customer_feedback",
        "test": {
            "eval_contract": "./another_data_set"

run the train command tk-nn-classifier train cfg/spacy_test.json

After the training, there will be a test running, since you specified a test set. And write out the precision/recall and confusion matrix for the prediction.

Example of precision/recall matrix:

label                   Prec    Reca     F1
Tijdelijk               0.714   0.385   0.500
Vast                    0.575   0.676   0.622
Unspecified             0.653   0.810   0.723
Detachering / interim   1.000   0.333   0.500

Example of confusion matrix

I [2019-11-28 12:41:14,672] [tk_nn_classifier] Confusion matrix:
Predicted              Detachering / interim  Tijdelijk  Unspecified  Vast
Detachering / interim                      2          0            4     0
Franchise                                  0          0            1     0
Mogelijk vast                              0          0            0     1
Tijdelijk                                  0         10           10     6
Unspecified                                0          1           47    10
Vast                                       0          3            8    23
Vrijwilliger                               0          0            2     0

And also in models/poc, you can also find the label mapping file, it looks like this: {"0": "Detachering / interim", "1": "Franchise", "2": "Freelance", "3": "Mogelijk vast", "4": "Tijdelijk", "5": "Unspecified", "6": "Vast", "7": "Vrijwilliger"}

4. use batch processing for test listed in test block

You can also try the batch processing command to see which file get wrong prediction:

tk-nn-classifier eval cfg/spacy_test.json

as default, the result is write to a csv file in the res folder, you can also specify the output folder and which test to run if multiple tests listed in the test_sets block.

The output is a csv file, and it looks like this:

Document.0.correlationid        new     old     probabilities
02756a2de47d4e92875cc4d2007d9a83        Unspecified     Vast    {'Detachering / interim': 0.04226701334118843, 'Franchise': 0.11610068380832672, 'Freelance': 0.03618886321783066, 'Mogelijk vast': 0.08675872534513474, 'Tijdelijk': 0.08308562636375427, 'Unspecified': 0.27037227153778076, 'Vast': 0.2207392156124115, 'Vrijwilliger': 0.14448758959770203}
03a3095422f44e6c9f2dcd04049a4a30        Vast    Vast    {'Detachering / interim': 0.00029618313419632614, 'Franchise': 0.0018887267215177417, 'Freelance': 0.0008601720910519361, 'Mogelijk vast': 0.0066970945335924625, 'Tijdelijk': 0.012247717939317226, 'Unspecified': 0.02053450606763363, 'Vast': 0.9532108306884766, 'Vrijwilliger': 0.004264758434146643}

5. more config

You might give the model with different name for each version, and maybe set to different path to export the model. Those could be set with the follow configuration options:

"model_type": "spacy_simple",
"model_name": "vac_staffing_agency_spacy_v2",
"model_path": "models/spacy_v2",

You can also add more training parameters, e.g. the dropout rate, number of epochs:

"dropout_rate": 0.2,
"num_epochs": 20,

6. and more config

There are many options one can add, e.g. Now you have train and eval set, and you probably don't want to change it all the time, specially when tweaking the RNN/CNN hyper-parameters.

You can specify them in your config. You can also specify more test sets, as mentioned earlier, and label mapping files. For example:

"datasets": {
    "train": "data_set/train_big",
    "eval": "data_set/eval_big",
    "test": {
        "unindentified": "test_set/unidentified/",
        "annotated": "test_set/annotated/",
        "eval": "test_set/eval",
        "random": "test_set/final_eval/random",
        "us": "test_set/us.csv"
    "label_mapper": "models/label_mapper.json"

Note that the data set can be eithor folder contains trxml/xml files, or simply csv file. And you can just put them in any order in the test block or as train, or eval data.

Just remember that for csv files, one needs another entry to tell the learner which fields to take, similar to the trxml files. E.g.

"csv_fields": {
    "features": "full_text",
    "class": "source_type",
    "doc_id": "posting_id",
    "extra": ["advertiser_name", "source_website", "source_url"]

7. with tensorflow model

Use tensorflow model should be as easy as switch the model type and add the embedding file:

  • swith model type from 'spacy_simple': currently, it support "tf_cnn_simple", "tf_cnn_multi", "tf_lstm_simple", "tf_lstm_multi", or "tf_multi_feat_cnn". And still expanding (attention and transformer is on the way).

e.g. using a one lay cnn as feature extractor + fully connection layer

"model_type": "tf_cnn_simple",
"model_name": "staffing_agency_detector",
"model_path": "models/tf/cnn_v3",
  • to add the embedding, add this block into your config:
"embedding": {
    "file": "../../embeddings//en-cv.bin",

If Tensforflow models are used, one can use all tf-serving tool to run export the model, show model API, and run as service direct. e.g.

saved_model_cli show --dir your_model_path --tag_set serve --signature_def serving_default

will show infor for model input and output:

The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following input(s):
  inputs['input'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_INT32
      shape: (-1, 512)
      name: input_text:0
The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
  outputs['classes'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_INT64
      shape: (-1)
      name: ArgMax:0
  outputs['probabilities'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_FLOAT
      shape: (-1, 2)
      name: softmax_tensor:0
Method name is: tensorflow/serving/predict

8. even more config

To be explained later:

    "model_type": "tf_cnn_simple",
    "model_name": "staffing_agency_detector",
    "model_path": "models/tf/cnn",

    "dropout_rate": 0.5,
    "optimizer": "Adam",
    "learning_rate": 0.003,
    "num_epochs": 100,
    "batch_size": 128,

    "log_dir": "log",
    "max_sequence_length": 512,
    "max_steps_without_increase": 500,
    "min_train_steps": 1000,
    "check_per_steps": 100,

    "trxml_fields": {
        "features": "sec_vacancy.0.sec_vacancy",
        "class": "derived_vac_intermediary.0.derived_vac_intermediary",
        "doc_id": "Document.0.correlationid",
        "extra": ["derived_org_name.0.derived_org_name",

    "csv_fields": {
        "features": "full_text",
        "class": "source_type",
        "doc_id": "posting_id",
        "extra": ["advertiser_name", "source_website", "source_url"]

    "lstm": {
        "hidden_size": 150,
        "nr_layers": 2

    "cnn": {
        "nr_layers": 1,
        "filter_size": 32,
        "kernel_size": 3

    "embedding": {
        "file": "../../embeddings/en-wv.bin",
        "dimension": 150,
        "token_encoding": "max_embedding",
        "trainable": false

    "datasets": {
        "train": "data/train_big",
        "eval": "data/eval_big",
        "test": {
            "unindentified": "data/unidentified/",
            "annotated": "data/annotated/",
            "eval": "data/eval",
            "random": "data/final_eval/random",
            "us": "data/us.csv"
        "label_mapper": "models/label_mapper.json"


TRAIN: (example config_file can be found in cfg/)

tk-nn-classifier train config_file


tk-nn-classifier eval config_file [output_folder] [test_set_name]


A general tool set to create a neural network classifier.







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