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ID Mapping


docker-compose up

What just happened:

  • Docker downloaded the necessary files to build two images: web and db
  • Docker booted up one container for each image and set up a link between them so that web can talk to db
  • Docker forwarded web container port 80 to host port 8000 so it can be accessed from outside

Connect Docker to the 'default' machine

eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

Initialize Database

docker exec -it idmapping_web_1 python migrate

Create Superuser

docker exec -it idmapping_web_1 python createsuperuser

Follow the prompt to enter the admin info.

Connect to Mongo instance

docker exec -it idmapping_db_1 mongo

Load Fixtures

use iam
db.users.insert({"ubcEduCwlPUID" : "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "displayName" : "Smith, John", "uid" : "jsmith", "ubcEduStudentNumber" : "12345678", "edx_id" : "f526523a5ca0466714082c80e2a07904", "cn" : "John Smith" })

Insert more data as needed.

Get Docker Host IP

To access backend, you need the host IP. Replace default with the machine name if you are using custom machine name.

docker-machine ip default

Test Backend

If everything runs well, the backend will be available at http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:8000. The following command can be use to test:

curl -u ADMIN_USERNAME:ADMIN_PASSWORD http://DOCKER_HOST_IP:8000/api/attribute

It should return a json array with all available attributes.

Run the script

# For Node 17 and above
node --dns-result-order=ipv4first map.js -t TOKEN SOURCE.csv > mapped.csv

# For Node 16 and below
./map.js -t TOKEN SOURCE.csv > mapped.csv