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Archival copy of restraints grid servlet code by Jurgen Dorelejers plus containerized version of the NMR Restraints Grid servlet.

  • wattos_orig.tar.gz : SVN checkout from Google Code
  • wattos/ : source tree that builds as of 2019
  • mysql/ : DB Docker container
  • tomcat/ : Tomcat Docker container


Wattos was originally on google code and its commit history went away with that. It was imported into git from out local working copy in 2019, a decade after it was written.

NRG containers:

  1. mysql

  2. tomcat

Tomcat container needs to talk to mysql, the easiest way to do this is --link (where supported). Tomcat container also needs mysql server's (container's) name in file.


DB filesystem (/wattos in the containers):

  • bfiles
  • wattos tables (need to be loaded on startup & update w/ docker exec)

-- NOTE that the paths are hardcoded in SQL scripts and servlet's

DB init to create wattos DB on mysql startup.

ftp/pub/wwpdb/images (/wattos/html/molgrap/images in the container) ftp/pub/wwpdb/imagesWhite - as above ftp/pub/pdb/data/structures (/pdb/data/structures in the container) -- servlet container only

httpd config

apache 2.4, adjust to taste

<Proxy *>
    Require all granted

ProxyPass         /NRG/ ajp://
ProxyPassReverse  /NRG/ ajp://
AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html

RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ /NRG/MRGridServlet
RedirectMatch permanent ^/NRG(/*)$ /NRG/MRGridServlet

<DirectoryMatch /CVS/>
    Require all denied
<DirectoryMatch /.svn/>
    Require all denied
<DirectoryMatch /.git/>
    Require all denied

DocumentRoot "/websites/wattos/html"
<Directory "/websites/wattos/html">
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted