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Vectra Active Enforcement Dynamic Blocklist


VAE supplies a list of source or destination IPs via a webserver that can be consumed by firewalls and similar technology to enforce a policy when a threat has been detected in Cognito Detect.


  • Supply source IP based on threat and certain scoring of the source host
  • Supply a source IP based on an applied host tag
  • Supply a source IP based on the host triggering Ransomware File Activity detection
  • Supply the destination IP(s) found in specific Command & Control detections
  • Supply the destination IPs of C&C detections for hosts that meet threat and certainty scoring thresholds

Getting Started

System Requirements

The following software and python3 packages are required.

  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • libxml2-dev
  • libxslt-dev

    Example: sudo apt install python3 python3-pip libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

Python modules

  • flask
  • lxml
  • requests
  • tinydb
  • vectra_api_tools

    Example: sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Setup can be performed manually by following the steps below, or by running the setup script

Once configuration has been successfully run, start VAE: systemctl start vae

Manual setup

  1. Edit conf/systemd.service
    • set user to non-privileged user
    • set working directory to location of repo
    • set flask path for ExecStart (will be different for global vs local install)
  2. Edit conf/supervisor.conf
    • set environment=FLASK_APP= to full path to
  3. cp conf/systemd.service /etc/systemd/system/vae.service
  4. touch /var/log/vae.log
  5. chown <user>:<user> /var/log/vae.log
  6. systemctl enable vae.service
  7. systemctl daemon-reload


Once setup is complete a configuration page is available at http://<host>:8080/config by default.
The brain's URL, API token are required. The API token once entered will be retained and won't need to be added every time a change is made even though it is not displayed. Additional parameters configure which IPs are supplied in the source and destination blocklists.

Alternate method
Manual configuration of the configuration is also possible:

  1. Edit

    • set brain url
    • set token
    • set bogon IP (eliminates possible firewall error due to empty list)
    • set mail parameters (if desired)
    • configure source host query (tags, scores)
    • configure destination host query (detections)

    Source hosts:
    Queries for source hosts are configured under the /dbl/src endpoint. There are two options available for retrieving sources hosts: tags, scores. It is important to note that there should not be any spaces between tag values.
    To configure scores, replace the threat and certainty placeholders ("certainty_gte": 0, "threat_gte": 0) with the minimum threshold you would like to retrieve.

    Source host based on detection type:
    Queries for source hosts with a specific detection type under the /dbl/src_det endpoint. Configure the placeholder ("src_detection_types") with a list of exact detection type names.

    Destination IPs from C&C detections form source hosts with minimum threat/certainty scoring:
    Queries hosts that have minimum T/C scoring thresholds for C&C detections under the /dbl/tc_dest endpoint.
    Returns a list of those detections' destination IP addresses. To configure, replace the placeholders ("c2_certainty_gte": 0, "c2_threat_gte": 0) with minimum values.

    Destination IPs from C&C detections:
    Queries for specified detections that are configured under the /dbl/dest endpoint. Configured the placeholder ("src_detection_types") with a list of the exact detection type names to return.

  2. The default port for vaedbl is 8080. To change this port, edit the configuration (systemd.conf or supervisor.conf) and restart the service

  3. After any configuration changes to vaedbl, ensure you restart the service

    systemctl restart vae

Blocklist URLs

Source IPs based on Host's T/C, tags: http://<host>:8080/dbl/src
Source IPs based on Host's Detection typ: http://<host>:8080/dbl/src_det
Destination IPs based on Detection type: http://<host>:8080/dbl/dest
Destination IPs of C2 detection for Hosts with Threat/Certainty threshold: http://<host>:8080/dbl/tc_dest

Note: port 8080 by default


Chris Johnson - Original work
Matt Pieklik - Contributing author
Carson Ham - Contributing author
Deirdre Murphy - Contributing author