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this is a gRPC exercise that makes fun of politicians

demonstrates how to use grpc to write a server that talks to an external server written in another language

implements Prof.Yair Sovran's design idea to create a candidate_server, which takes client request and answers in an evasive way.

(*candidate server talks to an external campaign_manager server to get retorted answer, incorporates it to form the final answer)

sample client request: "what is your campaign budget"
sample server response: "You asked me what is my campaign budget but I want to say that you can't be a Pro-Macbook, and own a Macbook Pro. That's unfair"
how to invoke protoc in order to generate the stubs:
$ protoc -I . --python_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_python_plugin` debate.proto
how run the server (on localhost):

    this is running on local host port 80000

$ python
how to run command lint tool:
$ chmod +x 

$ ./ elaborate finance 2 3 1

$ ./ answer "what is your campaign budget" 5


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