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FA Forever - Server

This is the source code for the Forged Alliance Forever server.

master develop
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Install docker.

Follow the steps to get faf-db setup, the following assumes the db container is called faf-db.

docker build -t faf/server .
docker run --link faf-db:db -p 8001:8001 -p 30351:30351 faf/server

Running the tests

Run py.test

docker run --link faf-db:db faf/server bash -c py.test


To contribute, please fork this repository and make pull requests to the develop branch.

Use the normal git conventions for commit messages, with the following rules:

  • Subject line shorter than 80 characters
  • Proper capitalized sentence as subject line, with no trailing period
  • For non-trivial commits, always include a commit message body, describing the change in detail
  • If there are related issues, reference them in the commit message footer


GPLv3. See the license file.

Network Protocol

The protocol is mainly JSON-encoded maps, containing at minimum a command key, representing the command to dispatch.

The wire format uses QDataStream (UTF-16, BigEndian).

For the lobbyconnection, each message is of the form:


With most carrying a footer containing:

LOGIN: QString

With a few message-types (UPLOAD_MOD, UPLOAD_MAP), there are more fields.

Incoming Packages

Mod Vault
  • {command: modvault, type: start}: show the last 100 mods
  • {command: modvault, type: like, uid: <uid>}: check if user liked the mod, otherwise increase the like counter
  • {command: modvault, type: download, uid: <uid>}: notify server about an download (for download counter), does not start the download
  • {command: modvault, type: addcomment}: not implemented

Can be combined !, e.g. {command: social, teaminvite: <...>, friends: <..>}

  • {command: social, teaminvite: <player_name>}: Invite a Player to a Team
  • {command: social, friends: <list of ALL friends>}: Update the friends on the db
  • {command: social, foes: <list of ALL foes>}: Update the foe (muted players) on the db
  • {command: avatar, action: upload_avatar, name: <avatar_name>, file: <file_content>, description: <desc>}: Admin Command to upload an avatar
  • {command: avatar, action: list_avatar}: Send a list of available avatars
  • {command: avatar, action: select, avatar: <avatar_url>}: Select a valid avatar for the player
  • [deprecated] {command: ask_session}: response with an welcome command and an valid session (can be delayed)
  • {command: fa_state, state: <on|...>}: notify the server if the game has launched or closed
  • {command: quit_team}: Leave a team
  • {command: accept_team_proposal, leader: <leader_name>}: Accept Team Invitation
  • {command: hello, version: <...>, login: <...>, password: <...>, unique_id: <...>, (session: <...>)}: Accept Team Invitation


The stream API is deprecated, but currently the following message types are supported:

  • PING: response with a PONG
  • PONG: internal state changed to ponged
  • UPLOAD_MOD, login, session, zipmap, infos, size, fileDaatas: Upload a mod
  • UPLOAD_MAP, login, session, zipmap, infos, size, fileDatas: Upload a map


The servercode for the Forged Alliance Forever lobby







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  • Python 100.0%