def main(): my_car = car(0) for i in range(10): my_car.computeVoid() my_car.getMilles() other_car = car(42) other_car.getMilles() for i in range(4): my_car.computeVoid()
def car_load(simulation_id): car_data_a = [] car_data_b = [] arr = os.listdir('./' + simulation_id) for i in range(len(arr)): if car_fileend in arr[i]: filename = simulation_id + '/' + arr[i] continue try: f = open(filename, 'r') f = f.readlines() car_data_a.clear() car_data_b.clear() for i in range(len(f)): g = f[i].split() s = [] for j in range(1, 8): s.append(float(g[j])) if g[0] == 'A': s.append(0) else: s.append(1) t = car(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6], s[7]) if s[7] == 0: car_data_a.append(t) else: car_data_b.append(t) return [car_data_a, car_data_b] except: print('Open file fail!!')
def spawn_car(self): auto = car() auto.setup(self.cube_list, self.car_list) auto.time_service(self.hour, self.timer_minute, self.timer_second) self.car_list.append(auto) self.total_car += 1 self.total_car_min += 1
def simulate(carfile, track, inst): instructions = np.loadtxt(open(inst, "rb"), delimiter=",", skiprows=1) track = np.loadtxt(open(track, "rb"), delimiter=",", skiprows=1) carsim = car(carfile) distance = 0 while carsim.evolve(track[distance], instructions[distance]): print(distance, carsim.cur_v) distance += 1 print("GOT TO: " + str(distance))
def __init__(self, mode=1): # random seed random.seed() # mode init self.mode = mode self.record = False self.recordsign = RECORDSIGNINTERVAL # game screen initialization pygame.init() if self.mode != 100: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1024, 768), DOUBLEBUF) # game clock initialization self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.opponent_counter = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(RECORDSIGN, TIMEDELTA * 25) # object queue initialization self.objects = [] self.collideds = [] main_car = car(fname=IMAGE_PATH + 'car.png', sc=0.1) self.objects.append(main_car) # background and text interface init self.background = background(fname=IMAGE_PATH + 'bg.png', frname=IMAGE_PATH + 'road.png') self.status = font(FONT, FONTSIZE, (20, 200)) self.instruction = font(FONT, FONTSIZE, (20, 40)) self.instruction.update("GAME INSTRUCTION") self.instruction.update("--------------------------") self.instruction.update("SPACE: CHANGE GMAE MODE") self.instruction.update("ARROW KEY: MOVE") self.instruction.update("NUMBER: CHANGE LANE NUMBER") self.instruction.update("A-H: CHANGE LANE") self.instruction.update("R: RECORD") # event message = [] self.action = None
def setup(self): self.background_music_list = ["../Sound/traffic.wav"] self.current_background_song = 0 self.play_background_song() y = 1050 for j in map: x = 30 for i in j: self.cube_list.append(cube(x - 30, y - 30, x, y, i)) x = x + 60 y = y - 60 self.car_list = arcade.SpriteList() auto = car() auto.setup(self.cube_list, self.car_list) auto.time_service(self.hour, self.timer_minute, self.timer_second) self.car_list.append(auto) self.total_car += 1 self.total_car_min += 1 self.timer_start =
def update(self): # update message handling self.status.clear() yacc = 0 xacc = 0 lane = 0 lanenum = 0 self.recordsign -= 1 self.opponent_counter += 1 if self.opponent_counter % OPPONENT_CLOCK == 0: opponent_counter = 0 for key in if key == OPPONENTCARSPAWN: l = random.randint(1, self.background.lanenum - 2) pos = self.background.spawnpoint[l] op_car = car(fname=IMAGE_PATH + 'opponent_car.png', posx=pos[0], posy=pos[1], spdy=random.uniform(4, 12), sc=0.1, isdrag=False, lane=l) self.objects.append(op_car) if key == RECORDSIGN: self.recordsign = RECORDSIGNINTERVAL #if key==pygame.K_DOWN: yacc = 1 #if key==pygame.K_UP: yacc = -1 if key == pygame.K_RIGHT: xacc = 1 if key == pygame.K_LEFT: xacc = -1 if key == pygame.K_1: lanenum = 1 if key == pygame.K_2: lanenum = 2 if key == pygame.K_3: lanenum = 3 if key == pygame.K_4: lanenum = 4 if key == pygame.K_5: lanenum = 5 if key == pygame.K_a: lane = 1 if key == pygame.K_s: lane = 2 if key == pygame.K_d: lane = 3 if key == pygame.K_f: lane = 4 if key == pygame.K_g: lane = 5 if key == pygame.K_h: lane = 6 if key == pygame.K_j: lane = 7 # update timer & action if OPPONENTCARSPAWN in if RECORDSIGN in if (self.mode == 100 or 3) and self.action in # update main character status: state 1 if self.mode == 1: self.objects[0].accelerate([xacc, yacc]) # update main character status: state 2 # TODO: if lane!=0 and lane<=self.background.lanenum and (not self.objects[0].istargeting): if lane != 0 and lane <= self.background.lanenum: pos = np.array(self.background.spawnpoint[lane - 1]) pos[1] = self.objects[0].position[1] self.objects[0].settarget(pos) # TODO: self.onLane=lane-1 # update main background status: state 2 if lanenum != 0: self.background.updatespawnpoint(lanenum) # update other objects status while self.collideds: self.collideds[-1].load(IMAGE_PATH + 'opponent_car.png') self.collideds.pop() removeid = [] main = self.objects[0] for i, obj in enumerate(self.objects): obj.update() x, y = obj.position rect = obj.surface.get_rect() if i == 0: if x < self.background.minbound[0]: x = self.background.minbound[0] if y < self.background.minbound[1]: y = self.background.minbound[1] if x > self.background.maxbound[0]: x = self.background.maxbound[0] if y > self.background.maxbound[1]: y = self.background.maxbound[1] obj.position = np.array([x, y]) if i != 0: if y > self.background.maxbound[1] + 20: removeid.append(i) if main.rect.colliderect(obj.rect): self.collideds.append(obj) # update background and font interface pos = main.position spd = main.speed # TODO: onLane = self.onLane dist = float('inf') for i, sp in enumerate(self.background.spawnpoint): if abs(sp[0] - main.position[0]) < dist: dist = abs(sp[0] - main.position[0]) onLane = i dist = np.array([float('inf')] * 5) for obj in self.objects[1:]: l = obj.lane if abs(dist[l]) > abs(main.position[1] - obj.position[1]): dist[l] = main.position[1] - obj.position[1] qdist = (dist - 50) / 100 + 0.5 qdist[np.where(dist >= 350)] = 4 qdist[np.where(dist < -449)] = -5 qdist = qdist.astype('int') self.status.update("game mode: %d" % self.mode) self.status.update("position: %d,%d" % (pos[0], pos[1])) self.status.update("speed: %d,%d" % (spd[0], spd[1])) self.status.update("lane: %d" % onLane) for i in range(0, 5): self.status.update("nearest distance: %.3f" % dist[i]) for i in range(0, 5): self.status.update("quantized distance: %d" % qdist[i]) self.background.update() # remove redundant objects for id in removeid: obj = self.objects[id] self.objects.pop(id) del obj # collision cars for collider in self.collideds: collider.load(IMAGE_PATH + 'hit_car.png') # feature parser feature = None legal_action = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) state = np.zeros([5, 11]).astype('int') state[onLane, 0] = 1 for i in range(0, 5): state[i, qdist[i] + 6] = 1 if self.record: feature = [0] * 15 feature[onLane] = 1 feature[qdist[onLane] + 10] = 1 return feature, state, legal_action
default=1.0, help='length of the car from steering column to the back') parser.add_argument('-rf', '--reference_velocity', default=1, help='reference velocity of the car') parser.add_argument('-hr', '--horizons', default=20, help='number of time stamps') #We will further add arguments for cv as well args = parser.parse_args() rc_car = car() mpc = MPC(float(args.max_speed), float(args.min_speed), float(args.discrete_time), float(args.length_car), float(args.reference_velocity), args.horizons) rc_cv = ComputerVision() # rc_pwm = pwm() try: # time1=time.time() coeffs, T ='circle1.jpg') cte = coeffs[2] epsi = atan(-coeffs[1]) print("slope initially", epsi)
#클래스외부에서 변수내용 변경가능 #자동차 클래스 만들어보기 class car: color = "" speed = 0 def upspeed(self, value): self.speed += value def downspeed(self, value): self.speed -= value mycar1 = car() mycar2 = car() mycar3 = car() mycar1.color = "빨강" mycar2.color = "파랑" mycar3.color = "노랑" mycar1.upspeed(30) mycar2.upspeed(60) print("자동차 1의 색상은 %s이며, 현재 속도는 %dkm입니다." % (mycar1.color, mycar1.speed)) print("자동차 2의 색상은 %s이며, 현재 속도는 %dkm입니다." % (mycar2.color, mycar2.speed)) print("자동차 3의 색상은 %s이며, 현재 속도는 %dkm입니다." % (mycar3.color, mycar3.speed)) #모듈화 하여 호출하고, 속도가 150 이상일 경우 속도 고정하기 import code12 as car_code
def update(self, dt): for c in self.loc: # # GAME THEORY STUFF DONE HERE, CHANGE ACCELERATIONS # Coalition Game Start. if len(self.loc) != 0: cars = [] [carInC, carNotInC] = [MergeAndSplit(1, 100, self.loc, 15)[0], MergeAndSplit(1, 100, self.loc, 15)[1]] for cinc in carInC: if before_intersection(cinc): cinc.on_tick(1) else: cinc.on_tick(0) for cnotinc in carNotInC: if before_intersection(cnotinc): cnotinc.on_tick(-1) else: cnotinc.on_tick(0) if len(carInC) != 0: cars.extend(carInC[i] for i in range(len(carInC))) if len(carNotInC) != 0: cars.extend(carNotInC[i] for i in range(len(carNotInC))) if len(cars) != 0: self.loc = deepcopy(cars) # Coalition Game End. # Update car's acceleration each tick #c.on_tick(0) # Randomly generate a new car - TODO: MAKE SURE CARS DONT SPAWN # ON TOP OF EACH OTHER if(randint(0,self.SPAWN_RATE) == 0): lane = randint(0, 11) if lane == 0: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_0), 'blue')) if lane == 1: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_1), 'yellow')) if lane == 2: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_2), 'green')) if lane == 3: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_3), 'pink')) if lane == 4: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_4), 'blue')) if lane == 5: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_5), 'yellow')) if lane == 6: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_6), 'green')) if lane == 7: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_7), 'pink')) if lane == 8: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_8), 'blue')) if lane == 9: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_9), 'yellow')) if lane == 10: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_10), 'green')) if lane == 11: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_11), 'pink')) # Make sure addition didn't cause a collision for c1 in self.loc: if c1.time == 0: for c2 in self.loc: if check_collision(c1,c2) and c1.time != c2.time: self.loc.remove(c1) break # Delete out of bound cars and check for collisions new_loc = [] for c1 in self.loc: for c2 in self.loc: if c1.position != c2.position and check_collision(c1,c2): if after_intersection(c1) and after_intersection(c1): c1.color = 'red' c2.color = 'red' if not check_out_of_bounds(c1): new_loc.append(c1) self.loc = new_loc
lens = [] for p in paths: lens.append(len(p)) maxlen = max(lens) for i in range(len(paths)): paths[i].extend([paths[i][-1]]*(maxlen-lens[i])) return paths if __name__ == '__main__': number_of_cars = 4 init_states = [0, 15, 3, 12] init_directions = [1, 1, 1, 1] goals = [15,0,12,3] cars = [] for i in range(number_of_cars): car_ins = car(init_states[i], init_directions[i], i+1) cars.append(car_ins) route = [] exchange = True for i in range(number_of_cars): if exchange: route.append(cars[i].find_path(cars[i].state, goals[i])) else: route.append(cars[i].find_path(cars[i].state, goals[i], [acar.state for acar in cars if acar != cars[i]])) if len(route[i]) < 2: pass else: cars[i].update_direction(route[i][0], route[i][1]) # s.write(actions[i]) target_achieved = False
import car if __name__ == '__main__': ca = car("aa", 2, [2, 2], 0) print(ca)
def eval_genomes(ge, config): width = 1920 height = 900 fps = 60 playerSprite = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(localpath, "car.png")) map = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(localpath, "map.png")) mapRect = map.get_rect() pygame.init() display = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption('racecar') #initialize and track each genome nets = [] genomes = [] playerList = pygame.sprite.Group() for id, genome in ge: = 0 nets.append(neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config)) genomes.append(genome) playerList.add(car([200, 300], 0)) #60 fps clock = pygame.time.Clock() deltaT = clock.tick(fps) #intialize player (human) # player = car([200, 300], 0) # playerList.add(player) quit = False drawRays = False while not quit: deltaT = clock.tick(fps) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit = True if event.type == pygame.KEYUP and event.key == pygame.K_r: drawRays = not drawRays #human controls # keysPressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() # input = [-(int(keysPressed[pygame.K_w]) - int(keysPressed[pygame.K_s])), (int(keysPressed[pygame.K_a]) - int(keysPressed[pygame.K_d]))] #update genomes for x, player in enumerate(playerList): inputs = nets[x].activate(player.rayDistances(map)) roundedInputs = [round(a) for a in inputs] player.updateMovement(roundedInputs, deltaT) status = player.checkStatus(map) if (status[0] == 'finish'): print('finished a lap, time: ', status[1]) genomes[x].fitness += 50 + int(100 / status[1]) if (status[0] == 'checkpoint'): print('checkpoint achieved') genomes[x].fitness += 5 if (status[0] == 'crash'): print('crashed') player.changeStatus(False) if (player.playerSpeed > 0.5): genomes[x].fitness += 0.001 survivingPlayerList = pygame.sprite.Group() # survivingGenomes = [] # survivingNets = [] # for x, player in enumerate(playerList): if player.status == True: survivingPlayerList.add(player) # survivingGenomes.append(genomes[x]) # survivingNets.append(nets[x]) # playerList = survivingPlayerList # genomes = survivingGenomes # nets = survivingNets #check current generation population if len(playerList) < 1: quit = True break #render goes bottom first, top last display.blit(map, mapRect) playerList.draw(display) if drawRays: for player in playerList: for ray in player.drawRay(display, map): pygame.draw.line(display, ray[1], ray[2], ray[3], ray[4]) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()
def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers): if key == arcade.key.F: self.set_fullscreen(not self.fullscreen) width, height = self.get_size() self.set_viewport(0, width, 0, height) if key == arcade.key.C: if (self.change == 1): for auto in self.car_list: if (auto.fov.sprite.alpha != 0): auto.fov.sprite.alpha = 0 auto.fov.stop_sprite.alpha = 0 self.change = 0 else: for auto in self.car_list: if (auto.fov.sprite.alpha == 0): auto.fov.sprite.alpha = 255 auto.fov.stop_sprite.alpha = 255 self.change = 1 if key == arcade.key.KEY_1: auto = car() auto.setup(self.cube_list, self.car_list) auto.time_service(self.hour, self.timer_minute, self.timer_second) self.car_list.append(auto) self.total_car += 1 self.total_car_min += 1 if key == arcade.key.P: auto = car() auto.ignore = True auto.speed = 500 auto.setup(self.cube_list, self.car_list) auto.time_service(self.hour, self.timer_minute, self.timer_second) self.car_list.append(auto) self.total_car += 1 self.total_car_min += 1 if key == arcade.key.UP: if (self.hour < 23): self.hour = self.hour + 1 self.timer_start = microsecond=0) self.timer_second = 0 self.timer_minute = 0 self.timer_string_min = "00" self.timer_string_sec = "00" self.incidenti_min = 0 self.total_car_min = 0 if key == arcade.key.DOWN: if (self.hour > 0): self.hour = self.hour - 1 self.timer_start = microsecond=0) self.timer_second = 0 self.timer_minute = 0 self.timer_string_min = "00" self.timer_string_sec = "00" self.incidenti_min = 0 self.total_car_min = 0
from car import * # Instantiating an object arr = [12,25,27,28] car1 = car('toyota','red','sedan',25, 15, arr) car2 = car('lexus','blue','SUV',17, 15, arr) print(car1.get_range()) print(car2.get_range()) print(car1.mileage) car1.set_mileage(15) print(car1.mileage) print(car1.get_avg_mileage()) print('Hello World')
if down != 0: print("------------stall {} seconds.--------------". format(down)) total += down down = 0 show(rep, per_res, fit_car) fit_car.base += rep[0].dest.dist_to_D() / speed for r in rep: #print(type(self.graph.get_task(r.number))) self.graph.remove(self.graph.get_task(r.number)) else: down_cars_base(cars, 1) down += 1 #print("down {}".format(down)) continue else: return print("totally stall : {} seconds".format(total)) tasks = [] with open('tasks1.txt', 'r') as f: Lines = f.readlines() for line in Lines: tasks.append(map_dataline_to_task(line)) cars = [car(1), car(2)] inst = instance(tasks=tasks, cars=cars)
def update(self, dt): # Randomly generate a new car - TODO: MAKE SURE CARS DONT SPAWN # ON TOP OF EACH OTHER if (randint(0, self.SPAWN_RATE) == 0): lane = randint(0, 11) if lane == 0: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_0), 'blue')) if lane == 1: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_1), 'yellow')) if lane == 2: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_2), 'green')) if lane == 3: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_3), 'pink')) if lane == 4: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_4), 'blue')) if lane == 5: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_5), 'yellow')) if lane == 6: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_6), 'green')) if lane == 7: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_7), 'pink')) if lane == 8: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_8), 'blue')) if lane == 9: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_9), 'yellow')) if lane == 10: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_10), 'green')) if lane == 11: self.loc.append(car(deepcopy(self.lane_11), 'pink')) if len(self.loc) != 0: cars = [] [carInC, carNotInC] = [ MergeAndSplit(0, 1000, self.loc, 5)[0], MergeAndSplit(0, 1000, self.loc, 5)[1] ] for cinc in carInC: cinc.on_tick(1) for cnotinc in carNotInC: cnotinc.on_tick(-1) if len(carInC) != 0: cars.extend(carInC[i] for i in range(len(carInC))) if len(carNotInC) != 0: cars.extend(carNotInC[i] for i in range(len(carNotInC))) if len(cars) != 0: self.loc = deepcopy(cars) # a list of cars who are inside the intersection ################# This is a Strategic Game ################# if self.SWITCH == True: crashCars = [] cars_in_intersection = [] for eachCar in self.loc: if after_intersection(eachCar) == False and before_intersection( eachCar) == False: # the car inside the intersection cars_in_intersection.append(eachCar) cars_positions = [ next_position(eachCar) for eachCar in cars_in_intersection ] #print('cars-positions = ', cars_positions) if len(cars_in_intersection) >= 2: for i in range(len(cars_positions)): crashCars.append( tellCollapse(cars_positions[i], cars_positions[i + 1:]).copy()) for group in crashCars: if len(group) != 0: velocity_assign = strategicGame(crashCars) velocity_cars_index = [] velocity_cars = [] velocity_cars_index.append( cars_positions.index(group[i]) for i in range(len(group))) velocity_cars.append(cars_in_intersection[i]) for i in range(len(velocity_cars)): velocity_cars[i].on_tick(velocity_assign[i]) # strategicGame(crashCars) self.SWITCH = not self.SWITCH ################# This is a Strategic Game ################# new_loc = [] for c in self.loc: if not check_out_of_bounds(c): new_loc.append(deepcopy(c)) self.loc = new_loc