Example #1
 def send_call_messages_for_call_start(self, called_user, calling_users, call_name, database_access):
     Handles the sending of all CallMessage object to allow a new voice chat call.
     This function uniquely requires access to the database in order to send user pictures.
     :param called_user: User, the user who is being called.
     :param calling_users: [User], list of the calling users (the calling user and the users who are
     already in a call with him).
     :param call_name: str, the name of the call group that the voice chat belongs to.
     :param database_access: DataBaseHandler, access to the database object.
     called_user_peers_list, calling_users_peers_dict = database_access.create_voice_chat_peers(called_user, calling_users)
     self.send_p2p_call_message_to_calling_users(calling_users_peers_dict, call_name)
     called_user_start_call_message = Common_Elements.StartNewCallMessage(called_user_peers_list, call_name)
     self.send_full_message(called_user.client_socket, called_user_start_call_message)
Example #2
 def send_p2p_call_message_to_calling_users(self, calling_users_peers_dict, call_name):
     Handles the sending of all CallMessages to the calling users in order to
     let them start a call with the new participant.
     Also distinguishes between the need to start a completely new call or the need to just add
     a new participant to an already existing call.
     :param calling_users_peers_dict: {calling_user(User):VoiceChatPeer}, a dictionary that contains the calling
     users as keys and VoiceChatPeer objects of the called user as values.
     :param call_name: str, the name of the call group.
     if len(calling_users_peers_dict) == 1:  # only one caller, should start new call
         calling_user = calling_users_peers_dict.keys()[0]
         calling_user_start_call_message = Common_Elements.StartNewCallMessage([calling_users_peers_dict[calling_user]], call_name)
         self.send_full_message(calling_user.client_socket, calling_user_start_call_message)
     else:  # multiple participants, should add new participant
         for calling_user in calling_users_peers_dict.keys():
             calling_user_add_participant_message = Common_Elements.AddParticipantToCallMessage(calling_users_peers_dict[calling_user], call_name)
             self.send_full_message(calling_user.client_socket, calling_user_add_participant_message)