def errorTotal():
	means = {}
	version  = (30,-1)
	cumDict = {}

	patientDict = DataUtilities.getDictReadofPatients()

	for i in range(100):
		patients = DataUtilities.getDictReadofPatientsFilled(patientDict = patientDict)
		sPatients = sample_wr(patients, 91)

		regs = TCGAlogReg.test_models(version = version, patients = sPatients, printReg = False)
		for reg in regs.regs:
			cumulative_odds = reg.report_odds(means, printCum = False)
			for name, odds, p in cumulative_odds:
				if name in cumDict.keys():
					cumDict[name] = [odds]

	print "ErrorTotal"
	#create table
	print r"\begin{table}[h]"
	print r"\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}"
	print r"\hline"
	print r"\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Odds} & \textbf{Odds Lower} & \textbf{Odds Upper}\\ \hline"

	for key, oddsList in sorted(cumDict.items(), key=lambda e: sum(e[1])):
		if key not in mutationDict.getMutationsGreaterThan(1):
			average = sum(oddsList) / float(len(oddsList))
			lower = getLowerConfidence(oddsList)
			upper= getUpperLowerConfidence(oddsList)
			print key  + " & "  "{:.3f}".format(average) + " & " + "{:.3f}".format(lower)  + " & "  "{:.3f}".format(upper) + r"\\ \hline"

	print "\end{tabular}"
	print "\end{table}"

	print ""
	print r"\begin{table}[h]"
	print r"\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}"
	print r"\hline"
	print r"\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Odds} & \textbf{Odds Lower} & \textbf{Odds Upper}\\ \hline"

	names = []
	averages = []
	lowers = []
	uppers = []
	for key, oddsList in sorted(cumDict.items(), key=lambda e: sum(e[1])):
		if key in mutationDict.getMutationsGreaterThan(1):
			average = sum(oddsList) / float(len(oddsList))
			lower = getLowerConfidence(oddsList)
			upper= getUpperConfidence(oddsList)
			print key  + " & "  "{:.3f}".format(average) + " & (" + "{:.3f}".format(lower)  + ", "  "{:.3f}".format(upper) + r")\\ \hline"
	print "\end{tabular}"
	print "\caption{The above table shows the effect each mutation has when tested in conjunction with the other mutations}"
	print "\end{table}"
	plotRegMult(names, averages, lowers, uppers, "Mutation Log Odds With Total Error","Mutations", "Log Odds")
def errorMissing():
	means = {}
	version  = (30,-1)
	cumDict = {}

	patientDict = DataUtilities.getDictReadofPatients()

	for i in range(100):
		patients = DataUtilities.getDictReadofPatientsFilled(patientDict = patientDict)
		regs = TCGAlogReg.test_models(version = version, patients = patients, printReg = False)
		for reg in regs.regs:
			cumulative_odds = reg.report_odds(means, printCum = False)
			for name, odds, p in cumulative_odds:
				if name in cumDict.keys():
					cumDict[name] = [odds]

	print "ErrorMissing"
	#create table
	print r"\begin{table}[h]"
	print r"\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}"
	print r"\hline"
	print r"\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Odds} & \textbf{Confidence Interval}\\ \hline"

	namesL = []
	averagesL = []
	lowersL = []
	uppersL = []
	for key, oddsList in sorted(cumDict.items(), key=lambda e: sum(e[1])):
		if key not in mutationDict.getMutationsGreaterThan(1):
			average = sum(oddsList) / float(len(oddsList))
			lower = getLowerConfidence(oddsList)
			upper= getUpperConfidence(oddsList)
			print key  + " & "  "{:.3f}".format(average) + " & (" + "{:.3f}".format(lower)  + ", "  "{:.3f}".format(upper) + r")\\ \hline"
	print "\end{tabular}"
	print "\end{table}"

	plotRegMult(namesL, averagesL, lowersL, uppersL, "Life Factor Log Odds With Sampling Error","Factor", "Log Odds")

	print ""
	print r"\begin{table}[h]"
	print r"\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}"
	print r"\hline"
	print r"\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Odds} & \textbf{Confidence Interval}\\ \hline"

	namesM = []
	averagesM = []
	lowersM = []
	uppersM = []
	for key, oddsList in sorted(cumDict.items(), key=lambda e: sum(e[1])):
		if key in mutationDict.getMutationsGreaterThan(1):
			average = sum(oddsList) / float(len(oddsList))
			lower = getLowerConfidence(oddsList)
			upper= getUpperConfidence(oddsList)
			print key  + " & "  "{:.3f}".format(average) + " & (" + "{:.3f}".format(lower)  + ", "  "{:.3f}".format(upper) + r")\\ \hline"
	print "\end{tabular}"
	print "\caption{The above table shows the effect each mutation has when tested independently the other mutations. The confidence intervals are shown for the error due to missing data.}"
	print "\end{table}"
	plotRegMult(namesM, averagesM, lowersM, uppersM, "Mutation Log Odds With Sampling Error","Mutation", "Log Odds")
	plotRegMult(namesL + namesM, averagesL + averagesM, lowersL + lowersM, uppersL + uppersM, "Log Odds With Sampling Error","Factor", "Log Odds")