Example #1
def as_fiat_cell(cell):
    """Convert a ufl cell to a FIAT cell.

    :arg cell: the :class:`ufl.Cell` to convert."""
    if not isinstance(cell, ufl.AbstractCell):
        raise ValueError("Expecting a UFL Cell")
    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cell)
Example #2
def as_fiat_cell(cell):
    """Convert a ufl cell to a FIAT cell.

    :arg cell: the :class:`ufl.Cell` to convert."""
    if not isinstance(cell, ufl.AbstractCell):
        raise ValueError("Expecting a UFL Cell")
    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cell)
Example #3
def test_mesh_topology_against_fiat(mesh_factory, ghost_mode):
    """Test that mesh cells have topology matching to FIAT reference
    cell they were created from.
    func, args = mesh_factory
    xfail_ghosted_quads_hexes(func, ghost_mode)
    mesh = func(*args)

    # Create FIAT cell
    cell_name = CellType.type2string(mesh.type().cell_type())
    fiat_cell = FIAT.ufc_cell(cell_name)

    # Initialize all mesh entities and connectivities

    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        # Get mesh-global (MPI-local) indices of cell vertices
        vertex_global_indices = cell.entities(0)

        # Loop over all dimensions of reference cell topology
        for d, d_topology in fiat_cell.get_topology().items():

            # Get entities of dimension d on the cell
            entities = cell.entities(d)
            if len(entities) == 0:  # Fixup for highest dimension
                entities = (cell.index(), )

            # Loop over all entities of fixed dimension d
            for entity_index, entity_topology in d_topology.items():

                # Check that entity vertices map to cell vertices in right order
                entity = MeshEntity(mesh, d, entities[entity_index])
                entity_vertices = entity.entities(0)
                assert all(vertex_global_indices[numpy.array(entity_topology)]
                           == entity_vertices)
Example #4
def reference_cell(cell):
    # really want to be using cells only, but sometimes only cellname is passed
    # in. FIAT handles the cases.
    # I hope nothing is still passing in just dimension...
    if isinstance(cell, int):
        error("%s was passed into reference_cell(). Need cell or cellname." % str(cell))

    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cell)
Example #5
def _create_finiteelement(element: ufl.FiniteElement) -> FIAT.FiniteElement:
    """Create FIAT element for UFL base type ufl.FiniteElement."""
    if element.family() == "Real":
        e = create_element(ufl.FiniteElement("DG", element.cell(), 0))
        e.__class__ = type('SpaceOfReals', (type(e), SpaceOfReals), {})
        return e

    if element.family() == "Quadrature":
        assert element.degree() is not None
        assert element.quadrature_scheme() is not None

        # Create quadrature (only interested in points)
        # TODO: KBO: What should we do about quadrature functions that live on ds, dS?
        # Get cell and facet names.
        points, weights = create_quadrature(element.cell().cellname(),
        return FIAT.QuadratureElement(FIAT.ufc_cell(element.cell().cellname()),

    # Handle tensor-product structured elements
    if element.cell().cellname() == "quadrilateral":
        e = _create_element(element.reconstruct(cell=_tpc_quadrilateral))
        return FIAT.tensor_product.FlattenedDimensions(e)
    elif element.cell().cellname() == "hexahedron":
        e = _create_element(element.reconstruct(cell=_tpc_hexahedron))
        return FIAT.tensor_product.FlattenedDimensions(e)

    if element.family() not in FIAT.supported_elements:
        raise ValueError(
            "Finite element of type \"{}\" is not supported by FIAT.".format(

    # Handle Lagrange variants
    if element.family() == "Lagrange" and element.variant() == "spectral":
        assert element.cell().cellname() == "interval"
        element_class = FIAT.GaussLobattoLegendre
        element_class = FIAT.supported_elements[element.family()]

    assert element.degree() is not None
    return element_class(FIAT.ufc_cell(element.cell().cellname()),
Example #6
def reference_cell(cell):
    # really want to be using cells only, but sometimes only cellname is passed
    # in. FIAT handles the cases.

    # I hope nothing is still passing in just dimension...
    if isinstance(cell, int):
        error("%s was passed into reference_cell(). Need cell or cellname." %

    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cell)
Example #7
def test_kronecker(degree):
    cell = FIAT.ufc_cell("quadrilateral")
    element = finat.DirectSerendipity(cell, degree)
    pts = finat.point_set.PointSet(get_pts(cell, degree))
    vertices = np.asarray(((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (0.1, 1.1), (0.95, 1.01)))
    mapping = MyMapping(cell, vertices)
    z = tuple([0] * cell.get_spatial_dimension())
    vals = element.basis_evaluation(0, pts, coordinate_mapping=mapping)[z]
    numvals = gem.interpreter.evaluate([vals])[0].arr
    assert np.allclose(numvals, np.eye(*numvals.shape))
Example #8
def map_facet_points(points, facet, cellname):
    """Map points from a facet to a cell.

    Map points from the (UFC) reference simplex of dimension d - 1 to a
    given facet on the (UFC) reference simplex of dimension d. This may
    be used to transform points tabulated for example on the 2D
    reference triangle to points on a given facet of the reference


    # Extract the geometric dimension of the points we want to map
    dim = len(points[0]) + 1

    # Special case, don't need to map coordinates on vertices
    if dim == 1:
        return [[(0.0, ), (1.0, )][facet]]

    # Get the FIAT reference cell
    fiat_cell = FIAT.ufc_cell(cellname)

    # Extract vertex coordinates from cell and map of facet index to
    # indicent vertex indices
    coordinate_dofs = fiat_cell.get_vertices()
    facet_vertices = fiat_cell.get_topology()[dim - 1]

    # coordinate_dofs = \
    #    {1: ((0.,), (1.,)),
    #     2: ((0., 0.), (1., 0.), (0., 1.)),
    #     3: ((0., 0., 0.), (1., 0., 0.),(0., 1., 0.), (0., 0., 1))}

    # Facet vertices
    # facet_vertices = \
    #    {2: ((1, 2), (0, 2), (0, 1)),
    #     3: ((1, 2, 3), (0, 2, 3), (0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 2))}

    # Compute coordinates and map the points
    coordinates = [coordinate_dofs[v] for v in facet_vertices[facet]]
    new_points = []
    for point in points:
        w = (1.0 - sum(point), ) + tuple(point)
        x = tuple(
            sum([w[i] * numpy.array(coordinates[i]) for i in range(len(w))]))
        new_points += [x]

    return new_points
Example #9
def create_quadrature(shape, degree: int, scheme: str = "default"):
    """Generate quadrature rule.

    Quadrature rule(points, weights) for given shape that will integrate
    an polynomial of order 'degree' exactly.

    if isinstance(shape, int) and shape == 0:
        return (numpy.zeros((1, 0)), numpy.ones((1, )))

    if shape in ufl.cell.cellname2dim and ufl.cell.cellname2dim[shape] == 0:
        return (numpy.zeros((1, 0)), numpy.ones((1, )))

    quad_rule = FIAT.create_quadrature(FIAT.ufc_cell(shape), degree, scheme)
    points = numpy.asarray(quad_rule.get_points())
    weights = numpy.asarray(quad_rule.get_weights())
    return points, weights
Example #10
def test_mesh_topology_against_fiat(mesh_factory,
    """Test that mesh cells have topology matching to FIAT reference
    cell they were created from.
    func, args = mesh_factory
    xfail_ghosted_quads_hexes(func, ghost_mode)
    mesh = func(*args)
    if not is_simplex(mesh.topology.cell_type):

    # Create FIAT cell
    cell_name = cpp.mesh.to_string(mesh.topology.cell_type)
    fiat_cell = FIAT.ufc_cell(cell_name)

    # Initialize all mesh entities and connectivities

    map = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim)
    num_cells = map.size_local + map.num_ghosts
    for i in range(num_cells):
        cell = MeshEntity(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, i)
        # Get mesh-global (MPI-local) indices of cell vertices
        vertex_global_indices = cell.entities(0)

        # Loop over all dimensions of reference cell topology
        for d, d_topology in fiat_cell.get_topology().items():

            # Get entities of dimension d on the cell
            entities = cell.entities(d)
            if len(entities) == 0:  # Fixup for highest dimension
                entities = (i, )

            # Loop over all entities of fixed dimension d
            for entity_index, entity_topology in d_topology.items():

                # Check that entity vertices map to cell vertices in correct order
                entity = MeshEntity(mesh, d, entities[entity_index])
                vertices_dolfin = np.sort(entity.entities(0))
                vertices_fiat = np.sort(
                assert all(vertices_fiat == vertices_dolfin)
Example #11
def test_mesh_topology_against_fiat(mesh_factory, ghost_mode):
    """Test that mesh cells have topology matching to FIAT reference
    cell they were created from.
    func, args = mesh_factory
    xfail_ghosted_quads_hexes(func, ghost_mode)
    mesh = func(*args)
    assert mesh.ordered()
    tdim = mesh.topology().dim()

    # Create FIAT cell
    cell_name = CellType.type2string(mesh.type().cell_type())
    fiat_cell = FIAT.ufc_cell(cell_name)

    # Initialize all mesh entities and connectivities

    for cell in cells(mesh):
        # Get mesh-global (MPI-local) indices of cell vertices
        vertex_global_indices = cell.entities(0)

        # Loop over all dimensions of reference cell topology
        for d, d_topology in fiat_cell.get_topology().items():

            # Get entities of dimension d on the cell
            entities = cell.entities(d)
            if len(entities) == 0:  # Fixup for highest dimension
                entities = (cell.index(),)

            # Loop over all entities of fixed dimension d
            for entity_index, entity_topology in d_topology.items():

                # Check that entity vertices map to cell vertices in right order
                entity = MeshEntity(mesh, d, entities[entity_index])
                entity_vertices = entity.entities(0)
                assert all(vertex_global_indices[numpy.array(entity_topology)]
                           == entity_vertices)
Example #12
def reference_cell(cellname):
    """Return FIAT reference cell."""
    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cellname)
Example #13
def reference_cell_vertices(cellname):
    """Return dict of coordinates of reference cell vertices for this 'cellname'."""
    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cellname).get_vertices()
Example #14
def reference_cell(cellname):
    "Return FIAT reference cell"
    return FIAT.ufc_cell(cellname)