Example #1
def test_morley():
    ref_cell = FIAT.ufc_simplex(2)
    ref_element = finat.Morley(ref_cell, 2)
    ref_pts = finat.point_set.PointSet(ref_cell.make_points(2, 0, 4))

    phys_cell = FIAT.ufc_simplex(2)
    phys_cell.vertices = ((0.0, 0.1), (1.17, -0.09), (0.15, 1.84))

    mapping = MyMapping(ref_cell, phys_cell)
    z = (0, 0)
    finat_vals_gem = ref_element.basis_evaluation(0, ref_pts, coordinate_mapping=mapping)[z]
    finat_vals = evaluate([finat_vals_gem])[0].arr

    phys_cell_FIAT = FIAT.Morley(phys_cell)
    phys_points = phys_cell.make_points(2, 0, 4)
    phys_vals = phys_cell_FIAT.tabulate(0, phys_points)[z]

    assert np.allclose(finat_vals, phys_vals.T)
Example #2
def test_awnc():
    ref_cell = FIAT.ufc_simplex(2)
    ref_el_finat = finat.ArnoldWintherNC(ref_cell, 2)
    ref_element = ref_el_finat._element
    ref_pts = ref_cell.make_points(2, 0, 3)
    ref_vals = ref_element.tabulate(0, ref_pts)[0, 0]

    phys_cell = FIAT.ufc_simplex(2)
    phys_cell.vertices = ((0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.1), (0.0, 1.0))
    phys_element = ref_element.__class__(phys_cell, 2)

    phys_pts = phys_cell.make_points(2, 0, 3)
    phys_vals = phys_element.tabulate(0, phys_pts)[0, 0]

    # Piola map the reference elements
    J, b = FIAT.reference_element.make_affine_mapping(ref_cell.vertices,
    detJ = np.linalg.det(J)

    ref_vals_piola = np.zeros(ref_vals.shape)
    for i in range(ref_vals.shape[0]):
        for k in range(ref_vals.shape[3]):
            ref_vals_piola[i, :, :, k] = \
                J @ ref_vals[i, :, :, k] @ J.T / detJ**2

    # Zany map the results
    mappng = MyMapping(ref_cell, phys_cell)
    Mgem = ref_el_finat.basis_transformation(mappng)
    M = evaluate([Mgem])[0].arr
    ref_vals_zany = np.zeros((15, 2, 2, len(phys_pts)))
    for k in range(ref_vals_zany.shape[3]):
        for ell1 in range(2):
            for ell2 in range(2):
                ref_vals_zany[:, ell1, ell2, k] = \
                    M @ ref_vals_piola[:, ell1, ell2, k]

    assert np.allclose(ref_vals_zany[:12], phys_vals[:12])
Example #3
    def __init__(self, L, order):
        assert L.ref_el == FIAT.ufc_simplex(1)

        for ell in L.dual.nodes:
            assert isinstance(ell, FIAT.functional.PointEvaluation)

        c = numpy.asarray([list(ell.pt_dict.keys())[0][0]
                           for ell in L.dual.nodes])

        num_stages = len(c)

        Q = FIAT.make_quadrature(L.ref_el, 2*num_stages)
        qpts = Q.get_points()
        qwts = Q.get_weights()

        Lvals = L.tabulate(0, qpts)[0, ]

        # integrates them all!
        b = Lvals @ qwts

        # now for A, which means we have to adjust the interval
        A = numpy.zeros((num_stages, num_stages))
        for i in range(num_stages):
            qpts_i = qpts * c[i]
            qwts_i = qwts * c[i]
            Lvals_i = L.tabulate(0, qpts_i)[0, ]
            A[i, :] = Lvals_i @ qwts_i

        Aexplicit = numpy.zeros((num_stages, num_stages))
        for i in range(num_stages):
            qpts_i = 1 + qpts * c[i]
            qwts_i = qwts * c[i]
            Lvals_i = L.tabulate(0, qpts_i)[0, ]
            Aexplicit[i, :] = Lvals_i @ qwts_i

        self.Aexplicit = Aexplicit

        V = vander(c, increasing=True)
        rhs = numpy.array([1.0/(s+1) for s in range(num_stages-1)] + [0])
        btilde = numpy.linalg.solve(V.T, rhs)

        super(CollocationButcherTableau, self).__init__(A, b, btilde, c, order)
def cell(request):
    dim = request.param
    return FIAT.ufc_simplex(dim)
Example #5
def gauss_lobatto_legendre_line_rule(degree):
    fiat_make_rule = FIAT.quadrature.GaussLobattoLegendreQuadratureLineRule
    fiat_rule = fiat_make_rule(FIAT.ufc_simplex(1), degree + 1)
    finat_ps = finat.point_set.GaussLobattoLegendrePointSet
    finat_qr = finat.quadrature.QuadratureRule
    return finat_qr(finat_ps(fiat_rule.get_points()), fiat_rule.get_weights())
Example #6
def reference_cell(dim):
    if isinstance(dim, int):
        return FIAT.ufc_simplex(dim)
        return FIAT.ufc_simplex(cellname2dim[dim])
def test_assembly_into_quadrature_function():
    """Test assembly into a Quadrature function.

    This test evaluates a UFL Expression into a Quadrature function space by
    evaluating the Expression on all cells of the mesh, and then inserting the
    evaluated values into a PETSc Vector constructed from a matching Quadrature
    function space.

    Concretely, we consider the evaluation of:

        e = B*(K(T)))**2 * grad(T)


        K = 1/(A + B*T)

    where A and B are Constants and T is a Coefficient on a P2 finite element
    space with T = x + 2*y.

    The result is compared with interpolating the analytical expression of e
    directly into the Quadrature space.

    In parallel, each process evaluates the Expression on both local cells and
    ghost cells so that no parallel communication is required after insertion
    into the vector.
    mesh = dolfinx.UnitSquareMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 3, 6)

    quadrature_degree = 2
    quadrature_points = FIAT.create_quadrature(FIAT.ufc_simplex(
    Q_element = ufl.VectorElement("Quadrature",
    Q = dolfinx.FunctionSpace(mesh, Q_element)

    def T_exact(x):
        return x[0] + 2.0 * x[1]

    P2 = dolfinx.FunctionSpace(mesh, ("P", 2))
    T = dolfinx.Function(P2)
    A = dolfinx.Constant(mesh, 1.0)
    B = dolfinx.Constant(mesh, 2.0)

    K = 1.0 / (A + B * T)
    e = B * K**2 * ufl.grad(T)

    e_expr = dolfinx.Expression(e, quadrature_points)

    map_c = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim)
    num_cells = map_c.size_local + map_c.num_ghosts
    cells = np.arange(0, num_cells, dtype=np.int32)

    e_eval = e_expr.eval(cells)

    # Assemble into Function
    e_Q = dolfinx.Function(Q)
    with e_Q.vector.localForm() as e_Q_local:

    def e_exact(x):
        T = x[0] + 2.0 * x[1]
        K = 1.0 / (A.value + B.value * T)

        grad_T = np.zeros((2, x.shape[1]))
        grad_T[0, :] = 1.0
        grad_T[1, :] = 2.0

        e = B.value * K**2 * grad_T
        return e

    e_exact_Q = dolfinx.Function(Q)

    assert (np.isclose((e_exact_Q.vector - e_Q.vector).norm(), 0.0))
def cell(request):
    dim = request.param
    return FIAT.ufc_simplex(dim)
Example #9
 def __init__(self, num_stages):
     assert num_stages > 0
     U = FIAT.ufc_simplex(1)
     L = FIAT.GaussLegendre(U, num_stages - 1)
     super(GaussLegendre, self).__init__(L, 2 * num_stages)
Example #10
 def __init__(self, num_stages):
     assert num_stages >= 1
     U = FIAT.ufc_simplex(1)
     L = FIAT.GaussRadau(U, num_stages - 1)
     super(RadauIIA, self).__init__(L, 2 * num_stages - 1)
Example #11
 def __init__(self, num_stages):
     assert num_stages > 1
     U = FIAT.ufc_simplex(1)
     L = FIAT.GaussLobattoLegendre(U, num_stages - 1)
     super(LobattoIIIA, self).__init__(L, 2 * num_stages - 2)