Example #1
def main():
    import FileCabinet
    import FileUtils
    import Volume2
    import Context
    import sys
    import os

    delim = '\t'
    debug = False
    felecterrors = [
        'fee', 'fea', 'fay', 'fays', 'fame', 'fell', 'funk', 'fold', 'haft',
        'fat', 'fix', 'chafe', 'loft'
    selecttruths = [
        'see', 'sea', 'say', 'says', 'same', 'sell', 'sunk', 'sold', 'hast',
        'sat', 'six', 'chase', 'lost'

    # Locate ourselves in the directory structure.

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    cwdparent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, os.pardir))

    # We need to find a directory called 'rulesets,' which we expect to be located
    # either within the working directory or adjacent to it.

    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "rulesets")):
        rulepath = os.path.join(cwd, "rulesets")
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwdparent, "rulesets")):
        rulepath = os.path.join(cwdparent, "rulesets")
        user = input("Please specify a path to the ruleset directory: ")
        if os.path.isdir(user):
            rulepath = user
            print("Invalid path.")

    # Use rulepath to load relevant rules inside modules.


    # Now we enter dialogue with the user. This is all a little 1982,
    # but what can I say? Wetware upgrades are expensive.

    def prompt(promptstring, options):
        user = input(promptstring)
        if user not in options:
            user = prompt(promptstring, options)
        return user

    # Ask the user to tell us how to find files to process.
    print("****************** CorrectOCR 0.1 ******************")
    print("Do you want the full spiel (explanations, caveats, etc.)")
    user = prompt("y/n : ", ["y", "n"])

    if user.lower() == "y":
        spielpath = os.path.join(cwd, "spiel.txt")
        with open(spielpath, encoding='utf-8') as file:
            filelines = file.readlines()
        for line in filelines:
            print(line, end='')

    print("\nThis script will correct .txt files, or extract text")
    print("from zipped archives containing one txt file for each page.")
    print("In either case it writes the cleaned files back to their")
    print("original locations with the new suffix '.clean.txt'.")
    print("\nDo you want to unpack .zip files or .txt files?")
    user = prompt("zip or txt: ", ["zip", "txt"])
    suffix = "." + user
    suffixlen = len(suffix)

    print("\nThere are two ways to identify the location of the")
    print("files to be corrected.")
    print("\n1. Provide the path to a folder that contains them. I'll")
    print("recursively search subdirectories of that folder as well. Or,")
    print("\n2. Provide a file holding a list of pairtree file identifiers,")
    print("e.g. HathiTrust Volume IDs. I can use those identifiers to infer")
    print("the paths to the files themselves.\n")

    user = prompt("Which option do you prefer (1 or 2)? ", ["1", "2"])

    if user == "1":
        rootpath = input("Path to the folder that contains source files: ")
        filelist = FileUtils.recursivefilegetter(rootpath, suffix)

        print("I expect the pairtree identifiers to be listed one per line,")
        print("and to be the only item on a line.")
        filepath = input(
            "Path to the file that contains pairtree identifiers: ")
        filelist = list()
        with open(filepath, encoding='utf-8') as file:
            filelines = file.readlines()

            "Now I need a path to the folder that contains the pairtree structure."
            "If you have multiple folders for different libraries, this should be"
        print("the folder above them all. It should end with a slash.")
        rootpath = input("Path to the folder that contains pairtree: ")
        for line in filelines:
            line = line.rstrip()
            filepath, postfix = FileCabinet.pairtreepath(line, rootpath)
            filename = filepath + postfix + '/' + postfix + suffix

    print("\nI identified", len(filelist), "files in that location.")

    print("\nI can just write clean text files (with suffix clean.txt)")
    print("or I can also write tab-separated files that count the words")
    print("in each file after correction.")
    user = prompt("1) Text only or 2) text-plus-wordcounts? (1 or 2): ",
                  ["1", "2"])
    if user == "1":
        wordcountflag = False
        wordcountflag = True

    print("Now proceeding to process the files.\n")

    def subtract_counts(token, adict, tosubtract):
        '''Adjusts a dictionary by subtracting tosubtract instances of token.'''
        if token in adict:
            adict[token] = adict[token] - tosubtract
            if adict[token] < 0:
                del adict[token]
            elif adict[token] < 1:
                del adict[token]
        return adict

    def add_counts(token, adict, toadd):
        '''Adjusts a dictionary by adding toadd instances of token.'''
        if token in adict:
            adict[token] = adict[token] + toadd
            adict[token] = toadd
        return adict


    processedmeta = list()
    errorlog = list()
    longSfiles = list()

    count = 0

    for filename in filelist:

            if suffix == ".zip":
                lines = FileUtils.readzip(filename)
                successflag = True
                with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as file:
                    lines = file.readlines()
                    successflag = True
        except IOError as e:
            successflag = False

        if not successflag:
            print(filename + " is missing.")
            errorlog.append(filename + '\t' + "missing")

        tokens, pre_matched, pre_english = Volume2.as_stream(lines,

        tokencount = len(tokens)

        if len(tokens) < 10:
            print(filename, "has only tokencount", len(tokens))
            errorlog.append(filename + '\t' + 'short')

        correct_tokens, pages, post_matched, post_english = Volume2.correct_stream(
            tokens, verbose=debug)

        # Combine page dictionaries into a master dictionary.
        # If you ask, why didn't you just produce one in the first place? ...
        # answer has to do with flexibility of the Volume module for other purposes.

        pagecounter = 0
        masterdict = dict()
        for page in pages:
            for item in page:
                if item in masterdict:
                    masterdict[item] += page[item]
                    masterdict[item] = page[item]

        # Now that we have a master dictionary, consider whether there are long-s problems.
        # This algorithm works adequately.

        errors = 1
        truths = 1

        totaladded = 0
        totaldeleted = 0

        # Initialized to 1 as a Laplacian correction.

        for word in felecterrors:
            errors = errors + masterdict.get(word, 0)
        for word in selecttruths:
            truths = truths + masterdict.get(word, 0)

        if truths > errors:
            LongSproblem = False
            LongSproblem = True

        if LongSproblem == False:
            corrected = correct_tokens
            deleted, added, corrected, changedphrases, unchanged = Context.catch_ambiguities(
                correct_tokens, debug)

            ## Adjust wordcounts to reflect contextual spellchecking.

            if wordcountflag:

                for word, count in deleted.items():
                    masterdict = subtract_counts(word, masterdict, count)
                    totaldeleted = totaldeleted + count

                for word, count in added.items():
                    masterdict = add_counts(word, masterdict, count)
                    totaladded = totaladded + count

        # Write corrected file.

        outfilename = filename[:-suffixlen] + ".clean.txt"

        with open(outfilename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            lasttoken = ""
            for token in corrected:
                if lasttoken == '\n' and (token == '"' or token == "'"):
                    token = token
                elif token != '\n' and token != "“" and not (
                        token.startswith('<') and token.endswith('>')):
                    token = token + " "

                lasttoken = token


        ## If we're also writing wordcount files, we need to write the .tsv file.

        if wordcountflag:

            outlist = sorted(masterdict.items(),
                             key=lambda x: x[1],

            outfilename = outfilename[:-10] + ".vol.tsv"
            totalwordsinvol = 0

            with open(outfilename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
                for item in outlist:
                    outline = item[0] + delim + str(item[1]) + '\n'
                    totalwordsinvol += item[1]


            metatuple = (outfilename, str(totalwordsinvol), str(pre_matched),
                         str(pre_english), str(post_matched),
                         str(post_english), str(totaladded), str(totaldeleted))

        count += 1
        if count > 200:


    # Write the errorlog and list of long S files.
    errorpath = FileUtils.clearpath(rootpath, "processingerrors.txt")
    longSpath = FileUtils.clearpath(rootpath, "longSfiles.txt")
    metapath = FileUtils.clearpath(rootpath, "processing_metadata.tsv")

    if len(errorlog) > 0:
        with open(errorpath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            for line in errorlog:
                file.write(line + '\n')
        print("Writing", errorpath)

    if len(longSfiles) > 0:
        with open(longSpath, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            for line in longSfiles:
                file.write(line + '\n')
        print("Writing", longSpath)

    if len(processedmeta) > 0:
        with open(metapath, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file:
            for atuple in processedmeta:
                outline = '\t'.join(atuple) + '\n'
        print("Writing", metapath)
Example #2
def main():
    import FileCabinet
    import FileUtils
    import Volume2
    import Context
    import sys
    import os

    delim = '\t'
    debug = False
    felecterrors = ['fee', 'fea', 'fay', 'fays', 'fame', 'fell', 'funk', 'fold', 'haft', 'fat', 'fix', 'chafe', 'loft']
    selecttruths = ['see', 'sea', 'say', 'says', 'same', 'sell', 'sunk', 'sold', 'hast', 'sat', 'six', 'chase', 'lost']

    # Locate ourselves in the directory structure.

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    cwdparent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, os.pardir))

    # We need to find a directory called 'rulesets,' which we expect to be located
    # either within the working directory or adjacent to it.

    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "rulesets")):
        rulepath = os.path.join(cwd, "rulesets")
    elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwdparent, "rulesets")):
        rulepath = os.path.join(cwdparent, "rulesets")
        user = input("Please specify a path to the ruleset directory: ")
        if os.path.isdir(user):
            rulepath = user
            print("Invalid path.")

    # Use rulepath to load relevant rules inside modules.


    # Now we enter dialogue with the user. This is all a little 1982,
    # but what can I say? Wetware upgrades are expensive.

    def prompt(promptstring, options):
        user = input(promptstring)
        if user not in options:
            user = prompt(promptstring, options)
        return user

    # Ask the user to tell us how to find files to process.
    print("****************** CorrectOCR 0.1 ******************")
    print("Do you want the full spiel (explanations, caveats, etc.)")
    user = prompt("y/n : ", ["y", "n"])
    if user.lower() == "y":
        spielpath = os.path.join(cwd, "spiel.txt")
        with open(spielpath, encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
            filelines = file.readlines()
        for line in filelines:
            print(line, end='')

    print("\nThis script will correct .txt files, or extract text")
    print("from zipped archives containing one txt file for each page.")
    print("In either case it writes the cleaned files back to their")
    print("original locations with the new suffix '.clean.txt'.")
    print("\nDo you want to unpack .zip files or .txt files?")
    user = prompt("zip or txt: ", ["zip", "txt"])
    suffix = "." + user
    suffixlen = len(suffix)
    print("\nThere are two ways to identify the location of the")
    print("files to be corrected.")
    print("\n1. Provide the path to a folder that contains them. I'll")
    print("recursively search subdirectories of that folder as well. Or,")
    print("\n2. Provide a file holding a list of pairtree file identifiers,")
    print("e.g. HathiTrust Volume IDs. I can use those identifiers to infer")
    print("the paths to the files themselves.\n")

    user = prompt("Which option do you prefer (1 or 2)? ", ["1", "2"])
    if user == "1":
        rootpath = input("Path to the folder that contains source files: ")
        filelist = FileUtils.recursivefilegetter(rootpath, suffix)
        print("I expect the pairtree identifiers to be listed one per line,")
        print("and to be the only item on a line.")  
        filepath = input("Path to the file that contains pairtree identifiers: ")
        filelist = list()
        with open(filepath, encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
            filelines = file.readlines()

        print("Now I need a path to the folder that contains the pairtree structure.")
        print("If you have multiple folders for different libraries, this should be")
        print("the folder above them all. It should end with a slash.")
        rootpath = input("Path to the folder that contains pairtree: ")
        for line in filelines:
            line = line.rstrip()
            filepath, postfix = FileCabinet.pairtreepath(line, rootpath)
            filename = filepath + postfix + '/' + postfix + suffix

    print("\nI identified", len(filelist), "files in that location.")

    print("\nI can just write clean text files (with suffix clean.txt)")
    print("or I can also write tab-separated files that count the words")
    print("in each file after correction.")
    user = prompt("1) Text only or 2) text-plus-wordcounts? (1 or 2): ", ["1", "2"])
    if user == "1":
        wordcountflag = False
        wordcountflag = True
    print("Now proceeding to process the files.\n")

    def subtract_counts (token, adict, tosubtract):
        '''Adjusts a dictionary by subtracting tosubtract instances of token.'''
        if token in adict:
            adict[token] = adict[token] - tosubtract
            if adict[token] < 0:
                del adict[token]
            elif adict[token] < 1:
                del adict[token]
        return adict

    def add_counts (token, adict, toadd):
        '''Adjusts a dictionary by adding toadd instances of token.'''
        if token in adict:
            adict[token] = adict[token] + toadd
            adict[token] = toadd
        return adict

    processedmeta = list()
    errorlog = list()
    longSfiles = list()

    count = 0

    for filename in filelist:

            if suffix == ".zip":
                lines = FileUtils.readzip(filename)
                successflag = True
                with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as file:
                    lines = file.readlines()
                    successflag = True
        except IOError as e:
            successflag = False

        if not successflag:
            print(filename + " is missing.")
            errorlog.append(filename + '\t' + "missing")
        tokens, pre_matched, pre_english = Volume2.as_stream(lines, verbose=debug)

        tokencount = len(tokens)
        if len(tokens) < 10:
            print(filename, "has only tokencount", len(tokens))
            errorlog.append(filename + '\t' + 'short')

        correct_tokens, pages, post_matched, post_english = Volume2.correct_stream(tokens, verbose = debug)

        # Combine page dictionaries into a master dictionary.
        # If you ask, why didn't you just produce one in the first place? ...
        # answer has to do with flexibility of the Volume module for other purposes.

        pagecounter = 0
        masterdict = dict()
        for page in pages:
            for item in page:
                if item in masterdict:
                    masterdict[item] += page[item]
                    masterdict[item] = page[item]

        # Now that we have a master dictionary, consider whether there are long-s problems.
        # This algorithm works adequately.

        errors = 1
        truths = 1

        totaladded = 0
        totaldeleted = 0
        # Initialized to 1 as a Laplacian correction.
        for word in felecterrors:
            errors = errors + masterdict.get(word, 0)
        for word in selecttruths:
            truths = truths + masterdict.get(word, 0)

        if truths > errors:
            LongSproblem = False
            LongSproblem = True

        if LongSproblem == False:
            corrected = correct_tokens
            deleted, added, corrected, changedphrases, unchanged = Context.catch_ambiguities(correct_tokens, debug)

            ## Adjust wordcounts to reflect contextual spellchecking.

            if wordcountflag:
                for word, count in deleted.items():
                    masterdict = subtract_counts(word, masterdict, count)
                    totaldeleted = totaldeleted + count

                for word, count in added.items():
                    masterdict = add_counts(word, masterdict, count)
                    totaladded = totaladded + count

        # Write corrected file.
        outfilename = filename[:-suffixlen] + ".clean.txt"
        with open(outfilename, mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
            lasttoken = ""
            for token in corrected:
                if lasttoken == '\n' and (token == '"' or token == "'"):
                    token = token
                elif token != '\n' and token != "“" and not (token.startswith('<') and token.endswith('>')):
                    token = token + " "
                lasttoken = token


        ## If we're also writing wordcount files, we need to write the .tsv file.

        if wordcountflag:
            outlist = sorted(masterdict.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
            outfilename = outfilename[ :-10] + ".vol.tsv"
            totalwordsinvol = 0
            with open(outfilename, mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
                for item in outlist:
                    outline = item[0] + delim + str(item[1]) + '\n'
                    totalwordsinvol += item[1]


            metatuple = (outfilename, str(totalwordsinvol), str(pre_matched), str(pre_english), str(post_matched),
                         str(post_english), str(totaladded), str(totaldeleted))
        count += 1
        if count > 200:
    # Write the errorlog and list of long S files.
    errorpath = FileUtils.clearpath(rootpath, "processingerrors.txt")
    longSpath = FileUtils.clearpath(rootpath, "longSfiles.txt")
    metapath = FileUtils.clearpath(rootpath, "processing_metadata.tsv")
    if len(errorlog) > 0:
        with open(errorpath, mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
            for line in errorlog:
                file.write(line + '\n')
        print("Writing", errorpath)

    if len(longSfiles) > 0:
        with open(longSpath, mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as file:
            for line in longSfiles:
                file.write(line + '\n')
        print("Writing", longSpath)

    if len(processedmeta) > 0:
        with open(metapath, mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as file:
            for atuple in processedmeta:
                outline = '\t'.join(atuple) + '\n'
        print("Writing", metapath)