Example #1
    def download( self, pathsrc, type, progressbar_cb=None, dialogProgressWin=None ):
        Telecharge les elements a un chemin specifie ( repertoires, sous repertoires et fichiers )
        a dans un repertorie local dependant du type de telechargement ( theme, scraper, script ... )
        pathsrc     : chemin sur le serveur de l'element a telecharger
        rootdirsrc  : Repertoire root sur le server ( correspondant a un type de download ) - Exemple : "/Scraper/" pour les scrapers
        typeIndex   : Index correspondant au type de telechargement, permet notamment de definir le repertorie local de telechargement
        Renvoi le status du download:
            - ( -1 ) pour telechargement annule
            - ( 1 )  pour telechargement OK

        typeIndex = Item.get_type_index(type)
        #self.curLocalDirRoot = self.localdirList[ typeIndex ]
        self.curLocalDirRoot = self.CACHEDIR # Downloading in cache directory first
        #self.curRemoteDirRoot = rootdirsrc
        self.curRemoteDirRoot = self.remotedirList[ typeIndex ]

        #if typeIndex == "Themes":
        if typeIndex == Item.TYPE_SKIN:
            isSingleFile = False
            isSingleFile = True

        # Appel de la fonction privee en charge du download - on passe en parametre l'index correspondant au type
        status = self._download( self.curRemoteDirRoot+pathsrc, isSingleFile, progressbar_cb, dialogProgressWin, 0, 1 )

        #TODO: disconenct form server once big downlaod is done
        print "FtpDownloadCtrl - download - status: %s"%status
        return  status # retour du status du download recupere
    def getNextList(self, index=0):
        Returns the list of item (dictionary) on the server depending on the location we are on the server
        Retrieves list of the items and information about each item
        Other possible name: down
        # Check type of selected item
        list = []
        # TODO: manage exception
            if len(self.curList) > 0:
                if self.curList[index]["type"] == "CAT":
                    if self.curList[index]["xbmc_type"] == Item.TYPE_PLUGIN:
                        # root plugin case
                        self.type = Item.TYPE_PLUGIN
                        self.curCategory, list = self._createPluginList()

                    elif self.curList[index]["xbmc_type"] == Item.TYPE_SCRAPER:
                        # root scraper case
                        self.type = Item.TYPE_SCRAPER
                        self.curCategory, list = self._createScraperList()

                        # List of item to download
                        self.type = self.curList[index]["xbmc_type"]
                        self.curCategory = Item.get_type_title(self.type)
                        listOfItem = self.passionFTPCtrl.getDirList(self.remotedirList[Item.get_type_index(self.type)])
                        print "listOfItem in a cat"
                        print listOfItem
                        for elt in listOfItem:
                            item = {}
                            item["name"] = os.path.basename(elt).replace("_", " ")
                            item["downloadurl"] = elt
                            item["type"] = "FIC"
                            item["xbmc_type"] = self.type
                            item["previewpictureurl"] = None
                            item["description"] = _(604)
                            item["language"] = ""
                            item["version"] = ""
                            item["author"] = ""
                            item["date"] = ""
                            item["added"] = ""
                            # TODO: have different icon between cat and item without thumb
                            # item['thumbnail']         = Item.THUMB_NOT_AVAILABLE
                            item["thumbnail"] = Item.get_thumb(item["xbmc_type"])
                            item["previewpicture"] = ""  # Item.THUMB_NOT_AVAILABLE
                            ] = (
                            )  # Temporary patch for reseting the flag after download (would be better in the thread in charge of the download)

                            self._set_item_infos(item)  # Update infos
                            print item

                    # Save the current item name as category
                    self.curCategory = self.curList[index]["name"]
                    # Return the current list
                    # TODO: start download here?
                    print "This is not a category but an item (download)"
                    list = self.curList

            else:  # len(self.curList)<= 0
                # 1st time (init), we display root list
                self.type = Item.TYPE_ROOT
                # List the main categorie at the root level
                self.curCategory, list = self._createRootList()
        except Exception, e:
            print "Exception during getNextList"
    def getNextList(self, index=0):
        Returns the list of item (dictionary) on the server depending on the location we are on the server
        Retrieves list of the items and information about each item
        Other possible name: down
        # Check type of selected item
        list = []
        #TODO: manage exception
            if len(self.curList) > 0:
                if self.curList[index]['type'] == 'CAT':
                    if self.curList[index]['xbmc_type'] == Item.TYPE_PLUGIN:
                        # root plugin case
                        self.type = Item.TYPE_PLUGIN
                        self.curCategory, list = self._createPluginList()

                    elif self.curList[index]['xbmc_type'] == Item.TYPE_SCRAPER:
                        # root scraper case
                        self.type = Item.TYPE_SCRAPER
                        self.curCategory, list = self._createScraperList()

                        # List of item to download
                        self.type = self.curList[index]['xbmc_type']
                        self.curCategory = Item.get_type_title(self.type)
                        listOfItem = self.passionFTPCtrl.getDirList(
                        print "listOfItem in a cat"
                        print listOfItem
                        for elt in listOfItem:
                            item = {}
                            item['name'] = os.path.basename(elt).replace(
                                "_", " ")
                            item['downloadurl'] = elt
                            item['type'] = 'FIC'
                            item['xbmc_type'] = self.type
                            item['previewpictureurl'] = None
                            item['description'] = _(604)
                            item['language'] = ""
                            item['version'] = ""
                            item['author'] = ""
                            item['date'] = ""
                            item['added'] = ""
                            #TODO: have different icon between cat and item without thumb
                            #item['thumbnail']         = Item.THUMB_NOT_AVAILABLE
                            item['thumbnail'] = Item.get_thumb(
                                'previewpicture'] = ""  #Item.THUMB_NOT_AVAILABLE
                                'image2retrieve'] = False  # Temporary patch for reseting the flag after download (would be better in the thread in charge of the download)

                            self._set_item_infos(item)  # Update infos
                            print item

                    # Save the current item name as category
                    self.curCategory = self.curList[index]['name']
                    # Return the current list
                    #TODO: start download here?
                    print "This is not a category but an item (download)"
                    list = self.curList

            else:  # len(self.curList)<= 0
                # 1st time (init), we display root list
                self.type = Item.TYPE_ROOT
                # List the main categorie at the root level
                self.curCategory, list = self._createRootList()
        except Exception, e:
            print "Exception during getNextList"