def heuristic_tet_carving(): print("----Heuristic shrinking-wrapping----") #keep all the tetrahedra that have fix facets on the shell #in update_stack() this step is not needed because it has already been handled in carving for fId in ModelData.listShellFaceIDs: if ModelData.dictFaces[fId].get_tag() == ClassFace.FIX: tetId = TetraFunc.find_tetids_by_faceid(fId, 1) keep_tetrahedron(tetId[0], TetraFunc.get_faceids_from_tetid(tetId[0])) #count numCount = 0 #initiate Stack and lists sortedTetIDStack = update_stack() #heruistic carving while len(sortedTetIDStack) > 0: #pop the first not fix element of stack if possible curTet = sortedTetIDStack.pop(0) curTetId = curTet[0] print curTetId #fetch all the shellFaces (indices) from a given Tet shellFaceIDsInCurTet = curTet[1] #fetch all the dictFaces (indices) from a given Tet faceIDsInCurTet = curTet[2] #classify the tetrahedron numTMP = len(shellFaceIDsInCurTet)#equal to the no. of faces on the shell numFIX = 0 for fid in faceIDsInCurTet: if ModelData.dictFaces[fid].get_tag() == ClassFace.FIX: numFIX += 1 numKEEP = len(faceIDsInCurTet) - numTMP - numFIX#keep face is not constrainted as fixed ones numPRESERV = numFIX + numKEEP #test by a set of constraints bStop = False bPostponed = False carveTetList = [] #for infinite tetehedra keepFaceList = [] #for coplanar bounded facets unboundFaceList = [] #for coplanar unbouned facets # new code #if numFIX == 0 and numTMP == 1: # #constraint3 # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) #elif numFIX == 1 and numTMP == 3: # #constraint5 # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint5'] and not bStop: # bStop = constraint_5(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) # #check all faces with constraint 3 not needed in theory (flat tetrahedra) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[1]) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[2]) #elif numFIX in (1, 2) and numTMP == 2: # #c1 5 # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint5'] and not bStop: # bStop = constraint_5(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: # #extract the opposite edge # eList = [] # for i in shellFaceIDsInCurTet: # for j in range(0, 3): # if ModelData.dictFaces[i].get_vids()[j] not in eList: # eList.append(ModelData.dictFaces[i].get_vids()[j]) # else: # eList.remove(ModelData.dictFaces[i].get_vids()[j]) # # if not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList) # # #check all faces with constraint 3 not needed in theory (flat tetrahedra) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[1]) #elif numFIX in (1, 2, 3) and numTMP == 1: # #c1 2 3 5 # #constraint5 # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint5'] and not bStop: # bStop = constraint_5(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) # # #constraint3 # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) # if (constraintsCtrl['Constraint2'] or constraintsCtrl['Constraint1']) and not bStop: # #extract the candidate face, the opposite edge list (three) the and opposite vert # tmpFace = shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0] # #the opposite vertex # oppVert = -1 # #the opposite edge list # eList = [] # for v in ModelData.dictTetrahedrons[curTetId].get_vids(): # if v not in ModelData.dictFaces[tmpFace].get_vids(): # oppVert = v # if numFIX == 1: # #only two edges # fixFace = list(set(faceIDsInCurTet) - set(shellFaceIDsInCurTet)) # for v_1 in ModelData.dictFaces[fixFace[0]].get_vids(): # if v_1 != oppVert: # eList.append((v, v_1)) # else: # #three edges # for n in ModelData.dictFaces[tmpFace].get_vids(): # eList.append((v, n)) # break # #check with constraints 1 2 # #2 # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint2'] and not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_2(curTetId, oppVert) # #1 # if numFIX == 1: # #two edges # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[0]) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[1]) # else: # #three edges # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[0]) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[1]) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: # bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[2]) #elif numFIX == 0: # #check all faces with constraint 3 not needed in theory (flat tetrahedra) # if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: # for fID in shellFaceIDsInCurTet: # bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(fID) #old code #every carving step is constrainted, esp. those without fixed faces if numTMP == 4: print('Isolated tetrahedron') pass #check all faces with constraint 3 not needed in theory if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[1]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[2]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[3]) elif numTMP == 3: #check with constraints 5 if numFIX == 1: if constraintsCtrl['Constraint5'] and not bStop: bStop = constraint_5(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) #check all faces with constraint 3 not needed in theory if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[1]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[2]) elif numTMP == 2: if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1']: #extract the opposite edge eList = [] for i in shellFaceIDsInCurTet: for j in range(0, 3): if ModelData.dictFaces[i].get_vids()[j] not in eList: eList.append(ModelData.dictFaces[i].get_vids()[j]) else: eList.remove(ModelData.dictFaces[i].get_vids()[j]) #1 different with new code if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList) #5 if numFIX != 0: if constraintsCtrl['Constraint5'] and not bStop: bStop = constraint_5(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) #check both faces with constraint 3 not needed in theory if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(shellFaceIDsInCurTet[1]) elif numTMP == 1: if constraintsCtrl['Constraint2'] or constraintsCtrl['Constraint1']: #extract the candidate face, the opposite edge list (three) the and opposite vert tmpFace = shellFaceIDsInCurTet[0] #the opposite vertex oppVert = -1 #the opposite edge list eList = [] for v in ModelData.dictTetrahedrons[curTetId].get_vids(): if v not in ModelData.dictFaces[tmpFace].get_vids(): oppVert = v for n in ModelData.dictFaces[tmpFace].get_vids(): eList.append((v, n)) break #check with constraints 1 2 3 5 #2 different with new code if constraintsCtrl['Constraint2'] and not bStop: bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_2(curTetId, oppVert) #1 different with new code if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[0]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[1]) if constraintsCtrl['Constraint1'] and not bStop: bStop, bPostponed, carveTetList = constraint_1(curTetId, eList[2]) if numFIX != 0 and constraintsCtrl['Constraint5'] and not bStop: #5 bStop = constraint_5(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) #3 if numFIX != 3 and constraintsCtrl['Constraint3'] and not bStop: bStop, keepFaceList, unboundFaceList = constraint_3(tmpFace) else: print("Isolated Tetrahedron!", numTMP, numKNOWN) #raise Exception #manipulate the tetrahedron numTet = len(ModelData.dictTetrahedrons) if bStop: #keep if len(keepFaceList) != 0: #keep a bunch of "coplanar" tetrehedra for faceId in keepFaceList: tetId = TetraFunc.find_tetids_by_faceid(faceId, 1) if tetId != []: keep_tetrahedron(tetId[0], TetraFunc.get_faceids_from_tetid(tetId[0])) #carve a bunch of "coplanar" unbouned tetrehedra if len(unboundFaceList) != 0: for faceId in unboundFaceList: tetId = TetraFunc.find_tetids_by_faceid(faceId, 1) if tetId != []: carve_tetrahedron(tetId[0], TetraFunc.get_faceids_from_tetid(tetId[0])) else: #keep keep_tetrahedron(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) else: #carve or postpone if not bPostponed: #Carve bIsCarved = True carve_tetrahedron(curTetId, faceIDsInCurTet) else: #postpone if ModelData.dictTetrahedrons[curTetId].get_tag() == ClassFace.INF: #all the tetrehedra are infinite (INF) for tetId in carveTetList: #carve a bunch of tetrahedra carve_tetrahedron(tetId, TetraFunc.get_faceids_from_tetid(tetId)) else: #postphone the tetrahedron ModelData.dictTetrahedrons[curTetId].set_tag(ClassFace.INF) #Update the dictFaces ModelDataFuncs.remove_faces() #Update the stack and lists sortedTetIDStack = update_stack() #Output intermediate results if globalOutputCarve and numTet > len(ModelData.dictTetrahedrons) and len(ModelData.dictTetrahedrons) % globalOutputFreq == 0: ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName + '_' + str(len(ModelData.dictTetrahedrons)) + "_CARVE_.obj")
def do_the_work(inputFilePath, isSemantic, debugControl): #Init mid files if os.path.exists(MIDFILEPATH): os.remove(MIDFILEPATH) #Init datastructure ModelDataFuncs.Init() ModelData.strInputFileName, ext = os.path.splitext(inputFilePath) #read file print ("----Processing file----") print (inputFilePath) if isSemantic == True: if os.path.splitext(inputFilePath)[1] == '.obj': print('WARNING: obj format does not contain semantics') print('Semantics will be deduced') print ("Check and tessellate the file...") MyCov = ConvProvider() MyCov.convert(inputFilePath, MIDFILEPATH, True) #read a tesselated objfile if ModelDataFuncs.reader_obj(MIDFILEPATH) == False: raise Exception else: #poly with semantics try: if not ModelDataFuncs.reader_poly_with_semantics(inputFilePath): return except: raise ImportError else: #preprocess (convert and tessellation) print ("Check and tessellate the file...") MyCov = ConvProvider() MyCov.convert(inputFilePath, MIDFILEPATH, True) #read a tesselated objfile if ModelDataFuncs.reader_obj(MIDFILEPATH) == False: raise Exception #invert the normal of the input model if ModelData.global_INVERT_NORMAL: ModelDataFuncs.invert_poly_normal() #only for debug #tmp = ModelData.centerVertex #ModelData.centerVertex = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_CLS.obj") #ModelData.centerVertex = tmp # if int(debugControl) == 1: #Decomposit all the triangles DecomposeFunc.model_decompositionEx() #Merge all the coplaner dictFaces #coplaner_face_merge() #ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_DEC.obj") elif int(debugControl) == 2: #Constrained Tetrahedralization if False == TetraFunc.CDT(): print("Constrained Delauney Tetrahedralization FAILED!") return #ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_CDT.obj") #Heuristic carving CarveFunc.heuristic_tet_carving() #ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_CARVE.obj") #Reconstruct the mesh from tetrahedron TetraFunc.extract_mesh_from_tet(isSemantic) #Output ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_OUTPUT.obj") if isSemantic: ModelDataFuncs.writer_poly_with_semantics(ModelData.strInputFileName + "_OUTPUT.poly") elif int(debugControl) == 3: #only deduce the semantics TetraFunc.deduce_semantics_of_poly(isSemantic) ModelDataFuncs.writer_poly_with_semantics(ModelData.strInputFileName + "_OUTPUT.poly") else: #Decomposit all the triangles DecomposeFunc.model_decompositionEx() #Merge all the coplaner dictFaces #coplaner_face_merge() ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName +"_DEC.obj") #Constrained Tetrahedralization if False == TetraFunc.CDT(): print("Constrained Delauney Tetrahedralization FAILED!") return ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_CDT.obj") #Heuristic carving CarveFunc.heuristic_tet_carving() ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName+"_CARVE.obj") #Reconstruct the mesh from tetrahedron TetraFunc.extract_mesh_from_tet(isSemantic) #Output ModelDataFuncs.writer_obj(ModelData.strInputFileName + "_OUTPUT.obj") if isSemantic: ModelDataFuncs.writer_poly_with_semantics(ModelData.strInputFileName + "_OUTPUT.poly")