Example #1
def showSTFT(x, samp_rate=16000):
#    plt.plot(range(len(x)), x)
#    plt.show()
    print (x.shape)
    print (type(x))
    y, p = STFT.stft(x, 1024, 128)

    # ordinary plot
#    plt.imshow(y, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto')
    plt.imshow(y, aspect='auto')

#    plt.imshow(p, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto')
    plt.imshow(p, aspect='auto')

    # more sophisticated plot
    time = np.asarray( range(y.shape[0]), dtype="float64") * 128. / samp_rate,
    freq = np.asarray( range(y.shape[1]), dtype="float64") / 512. * samp_rate / 2.
    ext = [0, y.shape[0] * 128. / samp_rate,
           0, y.shape[1] / 512. * samp_rate / 2.]

    fig = plt.figure()  # create a figure object
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)  # create an axes object in the figure
#    ax.imshow(y.T ** 0.6, aspect='auto', extent=ext, origin="lower", cmap="hot")
    ax.imshow(y.T ** 0.2, aspect='auto', extent=ext, origin="lower", cmap="hot")
    ax.set_xlabel("time [s]")
    ax.set_ylabel("frequency [Hz]")

    fig = plt.figure()  # create a figure object
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)  # create an axes object in the figure
    ax.imshow(p.T, aspect='auto', extent=ext, origin="lower", cmap="hot")
    ax.set_xlabel("time [s]")
    ax.set_ylabel("frequency [Hz]")
Example #2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import WAV as wav
import STFT as stft
from Oscillator import *

# Load sample input...
# x, sr = wav.read("wav/tomsawyer.wav")

# or produce cos wave
# sr = 44100.0
# osc = Oscillator(sr, 440.0)
# x = 0.5 * osc.getBuffer(123456)

# Set STFT parameters
winSize = 1024 * 2  # in samples
hopSize = winSize / 4  # in samples

# Build output signal
frames = stft.stft(x, winSize, hopSize)
y = stft.istft(frames, winSize, hopSize)

# Plot x-y difference
n = min(len(x), len(y))
diff = abs(x[0:n] - y[0:n])
plot.plot(diff, "b")

# Write out results
wav.write(x, sr, "wav/stft_input.wav")
wav.write(y, sr, "wav/stft_output.wav")
Example #3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import WAV as wav
import STFT as stft
from Oscillator import *

# Load sample input...
# x, sr = wav.read("wav/tomsawyer.wav")

# or produce cos wave
# sr = 44100.0
# osc = Oscillator(sr, 440.0)
# x = 0.5 * osc.getBuffer(123456)

# Set STFT parameters
winSize = 1024*2      # in samples
hopSize = winSize/4   # in samples

# Build output signal
frames = stft.stft(x, winSize, hopSize)
y = stft.istft(frames, winSize, hopSize)

# Plot x-y difference
n = min(len(x), len(y))
diff = abs(x[0:n] - y[0:n])
plot.plot(diff, "b")

# Write out results
wav.write(x, sr, "wav/stft_input.wav")
wav.write(y, sr, "wav/stft_output.wav")
Example #4

# Input signal
t = arange(0, 1, 1.0 / SR)
f = 1000
x = sin(2 * pi * f * t)
for i in range(2, 6):
    x += sin(2 * pi * (f * i) * t)
x = x[0:signalSize]

#x, SR = wav.read("wav/la.wav")
#x = x[2000:5000]

phasogram = stft.stft(x, windowSize, 1)

phasogram = angle(phasogram)
#phasogram = log(abs(phasogram))
phasogram = fft.irfft(phasogram)

# Frequency bin of the input signal
k = len(phasogram) * f / (SR / 2)

#r=range(0, len(phasogram)) # display range
#plot.plot(r, x[r])
Example #5
signalSize = windowSize*2

# Input signal
t = arange(0, 1, 1.0/SR)
f = 1000
x = sin(2*pi*f*t)
for i in range(2,6): x += sin(2*pi*(f*i)*t)
x = x[0:signalSize]

#x, SR = wav.read("wav/la.wav")
#x = x[2000:5000]

phasogram = stft.stft(x, windowSize, 1)

phasogram = angle(phasogram)
#phasogram = log(abs(phasogram))
phasogram = fft.irfft(phasogram)

# Frequency bin of the input signal
k = len(phasogram) * f / (SR/2)

#r=range(0, len(phasogram)) # display range
#plot.plot(r, x[r])
Example #6
SR = 44100
windowSize = 512
hopSize = windowSize / 4
signalSize = windowSize*5

# Input signal
t = arange(0, 1, 1.0/SR)
f = 5000
x = sin(2*pi*f*t) 
x = x[0:signalSize]

frames = stft.stft(x, windowSize, hopSize)

phases = zeros(len(frames[0]))

tau = 1
for n in range(0, len(frames)):

    frameIn = frames[n]
    frameOut = zeros(len(frameIn),dtype=complex)

    maxA = (len(frameIn)-1)/2
    for a in range(0, maxA):

        b = a * 2 + 0.5;
        phases[a] += (2*pi*(b-a)/windowSize)*hopSize
        frameOut[b] = frameIn[a] * exp(1j*phases[a])