Example #1
def stringToPiece(game_state):
    for y in range(len(game_state)):
        for x in range(len(game_state[y])):
            column = Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS[y]
            row = Constants.ROW_NUMBERS[x]
            piece = game_state[x][y]

            if piece == Constants.PIECE_BLACK:
                TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, "Black")
            elif piece == Constants.PIECE_WHITE:
                TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, "White")
                TurtleMove.resetSquare(column, row)
def stringToPiece(game_state):
	index = 0
	for y in range(len(Constants.ROW_NUMBERS)):
		for x in range(len(Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS)):
			#Get location
			x_coord = Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS[x]
			y_coord = Constants.ROW_NUMBERS[y]

			#Check each piece at the index in the game state
			piece = game_state[index]
			if piece == "B":
				TurtleMove.placePiece(x_coord, y_coord, "Black")
			elif piece == "W":
				TurtleMove.placePiece(x_coord, y_coord, "White")

			#Increment index
			index += 1
def stringInterpret(game_state, NewMove, turn):

	column = NewMove[0].upper()
	row = int(NewMove[1])

	column_IDX = (Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS.index(column))
	row_IDX = (Constants.ROW_NUMBERS.index(row))

 	#Equation for converting a move coordinate to the index number to be changed
#	moveIDX = ((row_IDX * Constants.NUM_OF_ROWS) + column_IDX)

	moveIDX = moveToIndex(NewMove)

	turn_colour = whoseTurn(turn)

	new_state = game_state[:moveIDX] + turn_colour + game_state[moveIDX + 1:]

#	new_state = PieceChange.ChangePieces(game_state, NewMove, whoseTurn(turn))

	if whoseTurn(turn) == "W":
		color = "White"
		color = "Black"

	TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, color)

#	stringToPiece(new_state)

	if __name__ == "__main__":
			print("turn ", turn)
			print(column_IDX, "column_IDX") # Column index number from letters
			print(row_IDX, "row_IDX")	#Row index number from numbers
			print(column, "Column")	#Prints the Column Letter
			print(row, "Row") #Prints the Row Number
#			print(game_state[moveIDX], ": Character at the move's index number.") #Prints the character at the index [moveIDX]
			print(moveIDX, "Index number of new move") #Takes the move and converts it to the index number for the string
			print(new_state)	#Prints the new_state with the character at index.moveIDX in place
	return new_state	#returns the new_state, The updated move.
Example #4
def updateGameState(game_state, move, turn_letter):
    #Get the x and y coordinates in the move,
    #Subtract 1 so they can be used as list indexes
    xy = convertMove(move)
    x = xy[0] - 1
    y = xy[1] - 1

    temp_game_state = game_state[:]

    #Update the column
    temp_game_state = updateColumn(game_state, x, y, turn_letter)

    temp_row = updateRow(temp_game_state[y], x, turn_letter)
    temp_game_state[y] = temp_row
    #Update the row

    #Because updateRow does not draw the pieces on the board, unlike the other update functions, we must draw them here
    counter = 0
    for i in temp_row:

        conv_move = convertMoveType(counter, y + 1)
        Tx = conv_move[0]
        Ty = conv_move[1]
        if i != 'N':
            if i == "B":
                temp_piece = "Black"
                temp_piece = "White"
            TurtleMove.placePiece(Tx, Ty, temp_piece)
        counter = counter + 1

    #Update the diagnals in both directions
    temp_game_state = updateDiagnalDU2(temp_game_state, x, y, turn_letter)
    temp_game_state = update_diagnalUD2(game_state, x, y, turn_letter)

    #Ensure that the move is updated in the token
    final_row = temp_game_state[y]
    final_row[x] = turn_letter
    temp_game_state[y] = final_row

    return temp_game_state
def stringInterpret(game_state, NewMove, turn):
    column = NewMove[0].upper()
    row = int(NewMove[1])

    column_IDX = (Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS.index(column))
    row_IDX = (Constants.ROW_NUMBERS.index(row))

    turn_colour = whoseTurn(turn)

    new_state = game_state[:]

    new_state = ListUpdater.updateGameState(new_state, NewMove, turn_colour)

    if whoseTurn(turn) == Constants.PIECE_WHITE:
        color = "White"
        color = "Black"

    TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, color)

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print("turn ", turn)
        print(column_IDX, "column_IDX")  # Column index number from letters
        print(row_IDX, "row_IDX")  #Row index number from numbers
        print(column, "Column")  #Prints the Column Letter
        print(row, "Row")  #Prints the Row Number
              ": Character at the move's index number."
              )  #Prints the character at the index [move_to_string]
            move_to_string, "Index number of new move"
        )  #Takes the move and converts it to the index number for the string
        )  #Prints the new_state with the character at index.move_to_string in place
    return new_state  #Return the updated game state
Example #6
def updateColumn(game_state, x, y, turn_letter):
    #Create a temporary row of all of ther vertical letters for easy updating
    temp_row = []
    for row in game_state:

    #Update the row
    temp_row = updateRow(temp_row, y, turn_letter)

    #Using the updated row, change the game_state
    new_game_state = game_state[:]
    loop_count = 0

    #loop_count is what tracks where we are in the updated row, and acts as an index
    for row in new_game_state:
        if loop_count < len(temp_row):
            #Update the piece in the location in the game_state
            temp_piece = temp_row[loop_count]
            row[x] = temp_piece

            #We now need to update the board, so we need a coordinate in the A6 format
            conv_move = convertMoveType(x, loop_count)
            Tx = conv_move[0]
            Ty = conv_move[1] + 1  #Add 1 in order to start counting at 1

            #Get the colour of the piece
            if temp_piece != 'N':
                if temp_piece == "B":
                    temp_piece = "Black"
                    temp_piece = "White"
                #Place the piece on the board in the appropriate spot
                TurtleMove.placePiece(Tx, Ty, temp_piece)

        loop_count = loop_count + 1

    return new_game_state
def stringToPiece(token, i):
    for y in range(len(Constants.ROW_NUMBERS)):
        for x in range(len(Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS)):
            x_coord = Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS[x]
            y_coord = Constants.ROW_NUMBERS[y]
            if token[
                    i] == "N":  #if index i on the string equals N place a green piece which is a non-piece.
                TurtleMove.placePiece(x_coord, y_coord, "Green")
            elif token[i] == "B":
                TurtleMove.placePiece(x_coord, y_coord, "Black")
            elif token[i] == "W":
                TurtleMove.placePiece(x_coord, y_coord, "White")
            i = i + 1
Example #8
def update_diagnalUD2(game_state, x, y, turn_letter):
    #Get the diagnals in both directions
    left_row = get_diagnalSE(game_state, x, y)
    right_row = get_diagnalNW(game_state, x, y)

    #Form the the row that is to updated, and add in the turn_letter
    temp_row = left_row
    temp_row = temp_row + right_row

    #This gives us the row where bottom is the left row.

    #find the location of the turn_letter relative to the diagnal, which is needed to update the row
    relative = len(left_row)

    #Update the row
    diag_row = updateRow(temp_row, relative - 1, turn_letter)

    #Apply the update to the old game_state

    edge_found = False
    xTracker = x
    yTracker = y
    iteration = relative - 1

    for letter in diag_row:
        if 0 <= yTracker <= 7:
            temp_row = game_state[yTracker]
            if 0 <= xTracker <= 7:
                if 0 <= iteration <= len(diag_row) - 1:
                    piece = diag_row[iteration]
                    temp_row[xTracker] = piece
                    game_state[yTracker] = temp_row

                    #Place the piece on the board
                    conv_move = convertMoveType(xTracker, yTracker)
                    Tx = conv_move[0]
                    Ty = conv_move[1] + 1
                    temp_piece = piece

                    if temp_piece != 'N':
                        if temp_piece == "B":
                            temp_piece = "Black"
                            temp_piece = "White"

                        TurtleMove.placePiece(Tx, Ty, temp_piece)

        xTracker = xTracker - 1
        yTracker = yTracker - 1
        iteration = iteration + 1

    #Update the game_state and board in the SE direction

    xTracker = x
    yTracker = y
    iteration = relative - 1
    for letter in diag_row:
        if 0 <= yTracker <= 7:
            temp_row = game_state[yTracker]
            if 0 <= xTracker <= 7:
                if 0 <= iteration <= len(diag_row) - 1:

                    piece = diag_row[iteration]
                    temp_row[xTracker] = piece
                    game_state[yTracker] = temp_row

                    #Place the piece on the board
                    conv_move = convertMoveType(xTracker, yTracker)
                    Tx = conv_move[0]
                    Ty = conv_move[1] + 1
                    temp_piece = piece

                    if temp_piece != 'N':
                        if temp_piece == "B":
                            temp_piece = "Black"
                            temp_piece = "White"

        xTracker = xTracker + 1
        yTracker = yTracker + 1
        iteration = iteration - 1

    return game_state
Example #9
def updateDiagnalDU2(game_state, x, y, turn_letter):

    #Get the diagnals in both directions
    left_row = getDiagnalSW(game_state, x, y)
    right_row = getDiagnalNE(game_state, x, y)

    #Form the the row that is to updated, and add in the turn_letter
    temp_row = left_row
    temp_row = temp_row + right_row

    #find the location of the turn_letter relative to the diagnal, which is needed to update the row
    relative = len(left_row)

    #Update the row
    diag_row = updateRow(temp_row, relative - 1, turn_letter)

    #NE Letter reinsertion

    edge_found = False
    xTracker = x
    yTracker = y
    iteration = relative - 1

    #If the x and y trackers are indexes on the board, update the piece to match the diag_row index

    for letter in diag_row:
        if 0 <= yTracker <= 7:
            temp_row = game_state[yTracker]
            if 0 <= xTracker <= 7:
                if 0 <= iteration <= len(diag_row) - 1:
                    #If all of the above if statements are true, then all indexes are within range
                    #Update the piece based on the location in the diag_row
                    #and the x and y trackers
                    piece = diag_row[iteration]
                    temp_row[xTracker] = piece
                    game_state[yTracker] = temp_row

                    #We need to place the piece on the board
                    #convert the coords into the appropriate format
                    conv_move = convertMoveType(xTracker, yTracker)
                    Tx = conv_move[0]
                    Ty = conv_move[1] + 1  #Add 1 to move out of list IDX format
                    temp_piece = piece

                    #Find the piece colour
                    if temp_piece != 'N':
                        if temp_piece == "B":
                            temp_piece = "Black"
                            temp_piece = "White"
                        #Place the piece
                        TurtleMove.placePiece(Tx, Ty, temp_piece)

        #Change the trackers in the desired directions
        xTracker = xTracker + 1
        yTracker = yTracker - 1
        iteration = iteration + 1

    #We now repeat the same process just in a different direction

    edge_found = False
    xTracker = x
    yTracker = y
    iteration = relative - 1
    for letter in diag_row:
        if 0 <= yTracker <= 7:
            temp_row = game_state[yTracker]
            if 0 <= xTracker <= 7:
                if 0 <= iteration <= len(diag_row) - 1:

                    piece = diag_row[iteration]
                    temp_row[xTracker] = piece
                    game_state[yTracker] = temp_row

                    conv_move = convertMoveType(xTracker, yTracker)
                    Tx = conv_move[0]
                    Ty = conv_move[1] + 1
                    temp_piece = piece

                    if temp_piece != 'N':
                        if temp_piece == "B":
                            temp_piece = "Black"
                            temp_piece = "White"

                        TurtleMove.placePiece(Tx, Ty, temp_piece)

        xTracker = xTracker - 1
        yTracker = yTracker + 1
        iteration = iteration - 1

    return game_state
Example #10
def stringInterpret(game_state, NewMove, turn, setup=False):
    column = NewMove[0].upper()
    row = int(NewMove[1])

    column_IDX = (Constants.COLUMN_LETTERS.index(column))
    row_IDX = (Constants.ROW_NUMBERS.index(row))

    turn_colour = whoseTurn(turn)

    new_state = game_state[:]

    if setup == True:
        new_state[row_IDX][column_IDX] = turn_colour

    file = open("testCode.txt", "r+")
    print("Before : ")
    file.write("Before updater : " + '\n')
    for i in game_state:

        file.write(str(i) + '\n')

    file.write(NewMove + " " + turn_colour + '\n')
    print(NewMove, " ", turn_colour)
    if setup == False:
        new_state = ListUpdater.updateToken(game_state, NewMove, turn_colour)

    print("After : ")
    file.write("After updater : " + '\n')
    for i in new_state:
        #file = open("testCode.txt", "r+")

        file.write(str(i) + '\n')

    if whoseTurn(turn) == Constants.PIECE_WHITE:
        color = "White"
        color = "Black"

    if setup == True:
        TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, color)

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        print("turn ", turn)
        print(column_IDX, "column_IDX")  # Column index number from letters
        print(row_IDX, "row_IDX")  #Row index number from numbers
        print(column, "Column")  #Prints the Column Letter
        print(row, "Row")  #Prints the Row Number
              ": Character at the move's index number."
              )  #Prints the character at the index [move_to_string]
            move_to_string, "Index number of new move"
        )  #Takes the move and converts it to the index number for the string
        )  #Prints the new_state with the character at index.move_to_string in place
    return new_state  #Return the updated game state
Example #11
def CheckNorthWest(game_state, stringID, turn_colour, isTesting=False):
    NofChanges = 0  #Counts the number of pieces to change.
    PlaceHolder = ""  #This will be sections of string.
    slice_new_state = ""  #This will make a bigger section of the game state string from PlaceHolders.
    new_state = ""  #This is going to be the new string for the games state.
    MoveXID = 0  #This is going to be where the token across from
    other_colour = OtherColour(turn_colour)  #Determines the other colour.
    MoveID = stringID  #Makes a copy of the index of the current player's move.
    copy_state = game_state

    if stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST > len(
            game_state) or stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST < 0:
        return copy_state

    if game_state[stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST] == "N":
        print("N detected")
        return copy_state

    #While the next token to check is the other colour.
    #NORTHWEST = -9
    while game_state[stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST] == other_colour:

        #Catch invalid moves
        if NofChanges > (MoveID // 8) - 1:
            print("Out of bounds!")
            return copy_state

        if game_state[stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST] == "N":
            print("N detected")
            return copy_state

    #		if game_state[stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST] != other_colour and game_state[stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST] != turn_colour:
    #			print("!= any colour")
    #			return game_state

    #Move to the next piece.
        stringID = stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST

        #Counts one more for the number of pieces to change.
        NofChanges = NofChanges + 1

        #If the next piece is the turn player's colour....
        if game_state[stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST] == turn_colour:

            #The token across is the ID of the last piece to change plus NORTHWEST
            MoveXID = stringID + Constants.NORTHWEST

            #While there is still a number of pieces left to change.
            while NofChanges != 0:

                #Create a block of string with the character changed at the beginning
                PlaceHolder = turn_colour + game_state[stringID + 1:stringID -

                if turn_colour == "W":
                    colour = "White"
                    colour = "Black"

                ColumnRow = StringInterpret.pieceToString(stringID)
                column = ColumnRow[0]
                row = int(ColumnRow[1])
                TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, colour)

                #Create another block of string that was assembled from the blocks of Placeholder.
                slice_new_state = slice_new_state + PlaceHolder

                #Moveing backwards through the index of the pieces that need to be changed.
                stringID = stringID - Constants.NORTHWEST

                #One less piece to change.
                NofChanges = NofChanges - 1

                if isTesting:
                    print(PlaceHolder, "PlaceHolder")
                    print(slice_new_state, "slice_new_state")
                    print(stringID, "Index of Change")
                    print(NofChanges, "Number of Changes left")

            #If there are no pieces left to change, assemble the new string.
            if NofChanges == 0:
                new_state = game_state[:MoveXID - Constants.
                                       NORTHWEST] + slice_new_state + game_state[

                if isTesting:

        #Return the new string with all the pieces changed in the corresponding direction.
                return new_state
    return game_state
Example #12
def CheckWest(game_state, stringID, turn_colour, isTesting=False):
    NofChanges = 0  #Counts the number of pieces to change.
    PlaceHolder = ""  #This will be a section of the new string.
    slice_new_state = ""  #This will be a bigger section of the new game state string.
    new_state = ""  #This going to be the new game stat.
    MoveID = 0  #This will make a copy of the index of the players move.
    MoveXID = 0  #This will be a marker for where the players piece is accross from their move.
    other_colour = OtherColour(
        turn_colour)  #This Determines the colour of the other player's piece.
    MoveID = stringID  #This will make a copy of the index of the players move.
    copy_state = game_state

    if stringID + Constants.WEST > len(
            game_state) or stringID + Constants.WEST < 0:
        return copy_state

    if game_state[stringID + Constants.WEST] == "N":
        print("N detected")
        return copy_state

        #While the next token to check is the other colour.
        #WEST = -1
    while game_state[stringID + Constants.WEST] == other_colour:
        #Possible statements for catching invalid moves.
        if NofChanges > (MoveID % 8) - 1:
            print("out of bounds")
            return copy_state

        if game_state[stringID + Constants.WEST] == "N":
            print("N detected")
            return copy_state

        if isTesting:
            print(NofChanges, "NofChanges Number of other colours")
            print(stringID + (Constants.WEST), "index of other_colour")

        #Move on to the Next Token
        stringID = stringID + Constants.WEST

        NofChanges = NofChanges + 1

        if game_state[stringID + Constants.WEST] == turn_colour:

            NofPieces = NofChanges

            while NofChanges != 0:

                if turn_colour == "W":
                    colour = "White"
                    colour = "Black"

                ColumnRow = StringInterpret.pieceToString(stringID)
                column = ColumnRow[0]
                row = int(ColumnRow[1])
                TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, colour)

                stringID = stringID - Constants.WEST

                NofChanges = NofChanges - 1

            if NofChanges == 0:
                new_state = game_state[:MoveID + 1] + (
                    turn_colour * NofPieces) + game_state[MoveID + NofPieces +
                return new_state
    return game_state
Example #13
def CheckSouth(game_state, stringID, turn_colour, isTesting=False):
    NofChanges = 0  #Counts the number of pieces to change.
    PlaceHolder = ""  #This will be a section of the new string.
    slice_new_state = ""  #This will be a bigger section of the new game state string.
    new_state = ""  #This going to be the new game stat.
    MoveID = 0  #This will make a copy of the index of the players move.
    MoveXID = 0  #This will be a marker for where the players piece is accross from their move.
    other_colour = OtherColour(
        turn_colour)  #This Determines the colour of the other player's piece.
    MoveID = stringID  #This will make a copy of the index of the players move.
    copy_state = game_state

    if stringID + Constants.SOUTH > len(
            game_state) or stringID + Constants.SOUTH < 0:
        print("Out of range")
        return copy_state

    if game_state[stringID + Constants.SOUTH] == "N":
        print("N detected")
        return copy_state

    #while game_state[stringID + Constants.SOUTH] != "N":
    #While the next token to check is the other colour.
    #SOUTH = 8
    while game_state[stringID + Constants.SOUTH] == other_colour:

        #Check if move is invalid
        if NofChanges > (8 - (MoveID // 8)) - 1:
            print("Out of bounds")
            return copy_state

        if game_state[stringID + Constants.SOUTH] == "N":
            print("N detected")
            return copy_state

            #Move to the next piece.
        stringID = stringID + Constants.SOUTH

        #Counts one more for the number of pieces to change.
        NofChanges = NofChanges + 1

        #If the next piece is the turn player's colour....
        if game_state[stringID + Constants.SOUTH] == turn_colour:

            #The token across is the ID of the last piece to change plus SOUTH.
            MoveXID = stringID + Constants.SOUTH

            #While there is still a number of pieces left to change.
            while NofChanges != 0:

                #Create a block of string with the character changed at the beginning.
                PlaceHolder = turn_colour + game_state[stringID + 1:stringID +

                if turn_colour == "W":
                    colour = "White"
                    colour = "Black"

                ColumnRow = StringInterpret.pieceToString(stringID)
                column = ColumnRow[0]
                row = int(ColumnRow[1])
                TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, colour)

                #Create another block of string that was assembled from the blocks of Placeholder.
                slice_new_state = PlaceHolder + slice_new_state

                #Moving backwards through the index of the pieces that need to be changed.
                stringID = stringID - Constants.SOUTH

                #One less piece to change.
                NofChanges = NofChanges - 1

                if isTesting:
                    print(PlaceHolder, "PlaceHolder")
                    print(slice_new_state, "slice_new_state")
                    print(stringID, "Index of Change")
                    print(NofChanges, "Number of Changes left")

            #If there are no pieces left to change, assemble the new string.
            if NofChanges == 0:
                new_state = game_state[:MoveID + Constants.
                                       SOUTH] + slice_new_state + game_state[

                if isTesting:
                    print(MoveID + Constants.SOUTH, " MoveID")
                    print(MoveXID, " MoveXID")

        #Return the new string with all the pieces changed in the corresponding direction.
                return new_state
    return game_state
Example #14
def CheckEast(game_state, stringID, turn_colour, isTesting=False):
    NofChanges = 0  #Counts the number of pieces to change.
    MoveID = 0  #This will make a copy of the index of the players move.
    NofPieces = 0
    other_colour = OtherColour(
        turn_colour)  #This Determines the colour of the other player's piece.
    MoveID = stringID  #This will make a copy of the index of the players move.
    new_state = ""
    copy_state = game_state

    if stringID + Constants.EAST > len(
            game_state) - 1 or stringID + Constants.EAST < 0:
        return copy_state
    #While the next token to check is the other colour.
    #EAST = 1
    #while game_state[stringID + Constants.EAST] != "N":
    while game_state[stringID + Constants.EAST] == other_colour:
        #Possible statements for catching invalid moves.
        if NofChanges > ((8 - (MoveID % 8)) - 1):
            print("Out of bounds.")
            return copy_state

        if game_state[stringID + Constants.EAST] == "N":
            print("N detected")
            return copy_state

        if isTesting:
            print(NofChanges, "NofChanges Number of other colours")
            print(stringID + (Constants.EAST), "index of other_colour")

        #Move on to the Next Token
        stringID = stringID + Constants.EAST

        NofChanges = NofChanges + 1

        if game_state[stringID + Constants.EAST] == turn_colour:

            NofPieces = NofChanges

            while NofChanges != 0:

                if turn_colour == "W":
                    colour = "White"
                    colour = "Black"

                ColumnRow = StringInterpret.pieceToString(stringID)
                column = ColumnRow[0]
                row = int(ColumnRow[1])
                TurtleMove.placePiece(column, row, colour)

                stringID = stringID - Constants.EAST

                NofChanges = NofChanges - 1

            if NofChanges == 0:

                new_state = game_state[:MoveID + 1] + (
                    turn_colour * NofPieces) + game_state[MoveID + NofPieces +
                return new_state
    return game_state