
from ABElectronics_ADCDACPi import ADCDACPi
import time

# ================================================
# ABElectronics ADCDAC Pi 2-Channel ADC, 2-Channel DAC | DAC Write Demo
# Version 1.0 Created 17/05/2014
# run with: python demo-dacwrite.py
# ================================================

# this demo will generate a 1.5V p-p square wave at 1Hz

adcdac = ADCDACPi()

while True:
   adcdac.setDACvoltage(1, 1.5) # set the voltage on channel 1 to 1.5V
   time.sleep(0.5) # wait 0.5 seconds
   adcdac.setDACvoltage(1, 0) # set the voltage on channel 1 to 0V
   time.sleep(0.5) # wait 0.5 seconds