def __on_document_changed(self, document, userData=None):
     # make sure the php-file-index gets updated when the text get changed
     if document.get_location() != None:
         filepath = document.get_location().get_path()
     return False
    def __do_fill_info_widget(self, sourceBuffer, infoLabel, proposal, labelText):
        if len(labelText) > 0:

        decType = proposal.get_type()
        decName = proposal.get_word()
        containingClass = proposal.get_additional_info()

        AddiksPhpIndexApp.get().update_info_window(self.__pluginView, (decType, decName, containingClass))
    def do_activate(self):

        completion = self.view.get_completion()
        provider = self.get_completion_provider()
        if provider not in completion.get_providers():

        self.view.connect("move-cursor", self.on_textview_move_cursor)
        self.view.connect("button-press-event", self.on_textview_move_cursor)
#        self.view.connect("key-press-event", self.on_textview_move_cursor)

        document = self.view.get_buffer()
        document.connect("changed", self.__on_document_changed)
        document.connect("insert-text", self.__on_document_insert)
        document.connect("saved", self.__on_document_saved)
 def on_index_paths_manager(self, action, data=None):
     if self.get_index_path_manager() != None:
         window = self.getGladeBuilder().get_object("windowIndexPathsManager")
         window = AddiksPhpIndexApp.get().get_window_by_view(self).window
         dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "Not a git project!")
         dialog.format_secondary_text("The index-include/-exclude path'scan only be configured for files in a git workspace.")
    def __fill_info_widget(self, sourceBuffer, infoLabel, proposal):
        storage = self.__pluginView.get_index_storage()
        decType = proposal.get_type()
        decName = proposal.get_word()
        containingClass = proposal.get_additional_info()

        labelText = AddiksPhpIndexApp.get().build_info_text(storage, decType, decName, containingClass)

        GLib.idle_add(self.__do_fill_info_widget, sourceBuffer, infoLabel, proposal, labelText)
    def __on_document_insert(self, document, textIter, insertedText, length, userData=None):
        if document.get_location() != None and insertedText in ['\n', ';', '=', '}']:

            line = textIter.get_line()
            column = textIter.get_line_offset()
            lineBeginIter = document.get_iter_at_line_index(line, 0)

            codeLine = document.get_text(lineBeginIter, document.get_iter_at_line_index(line+1, 0), True)

            indention = ""
            while len(codeLine) > len(indention) and column > len(indention) and codeLine[len(indention)] in [" ", "\t", "*"]:
                indention += codeLine[len(indention)]

            if insertedText in [';', '=', '}']:
                code = document.get_text(document.get_start_iter(), document.get_end_iter(), True)
                analyzer = PhpFileAnalyzer(code, self, self.get_index_storage())
                tokens = analyzer.get_tokens()
                tokenIndex = analyzer.get_token_index_by_position(textIter.get_line()+1, textIter.get_line_offset()+1)
                isInMethod = analyzer.is_in_method(tokenIndex)

                if insertedText == ';' and tokenIndex != None:
                    # finished writing a statement?
                    declarationType, declaredName, className = analyzer.get_declaration_by_token_index(tokenIndex)

                    if declarationType == 'member' and tokens[tokenIndex][1] == declaredName and not isInMethod:
                        # finished a member, add a doc-comment for that
                        tokenIndexComment = analyzer.get_token_index_by_position(line+1, 0)
                        if tokens[tokenIndexComment][0] not in [T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT]:
                            commentCode  = indention + "/**\n"
                            commentCode += indention + " * @var mixed\n"
                            commentCode += indention + " */\n"
                            GLib.idle_add(self.do_textbuffer_insert, document, line, 0, commentCode)

                if insertedText == '=' and tokenIndex != None:
                    # writing a new variable?
                    if tokens[tokenIndex][0] == T_VARIABLE and tokens[tokenIndex-1][1] in [';', '{']:
                        methodBlock = analyzer.get_method_block_is_in(tokenIndex)
                        if methodBlock != None:
                            variableName = tokens[tokenIndex][1]

                            isFirstUsage = True
                            for token in tokens[methodBlock[0]:tokenIndex]:
                                if token[0] == T_VARIABLE and token[1] == variableName:
                                    isFirstUsage = False

                            if isFirstUsage:
                                # added a new variable, add a doc-comment for that
                                commentCode = indention + "/* @var " + variableName + " mixed */\n"
                                GLib.idle_add(self.do_textbuffer_insert, document, line, 0, commentCode)

                if insertedText in [';', '}']:
                    # finished writing a method, class or function?
                    # print(code)
                    # TODO

            if insertedText == '\n':
                # new line, add indention
                GLib.idle_add(self.do_textbuffer_insert, document, line+1, 0, indention)

 def do_deactivate(self):
 def on_index_not_build(self):
     window = AddiksPhpIndexApp.get().get_window_by_view(self).window
     dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(window, 0, Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, Gtk.ButtonsType.NONE, "Build index first!")
     dialog.format_secondary_text("To perform this action, you first need to build the index for this working directory.")
     return False
 def on_textview_move_cursor(self, textView=None, step=None, count=None, extendSelection=None, userData=None):
     GLib.idle_add(AddiksPhpIndexApp.get().update_info_window, self)
Example #10
 def on_show_info_window(self, action, data=None):
     if not self.is_index_built():
         return self.on_index_not_build()
Example #11
 def get_settings(self):
     return AddiksPhpIndexApp.get().get_settings()