Example #1
fileNames = ['TES1_20180323_152115.h5']  # 100kOhm with 15nF, normal
fileNames = ['TES1_20180323_043927.h5']  # 60mK, SC, 100kOhm, 15nF
fileNames = ['TES1_20180323_042352.h5']  # 60mK, Vbias=2.15, 100kOhm, 1.5nF

# Compare all the superconducting 100kOhm, 1.5nF -> They are right on top of each other, good!
fileNames = ['TES1_20180326_204354.h5',
             'TES1_20180326_155444.h5']  # 60mK, 55mK

# Compare all the normal 100kOhm, 1.5nF -> also right on top each other, good!
fileNames = ['TES1_20180326_213552.h5', 'TES1_20180323_152543.h5']

ivFileNames = ['TES1_IV_20180326_213434.h5', 'TES1_IV_20180326_213211.h5']

ax = None
for fileName in fileNames:
    ss = SineSweep(path + fileName)
    metaData = ast.literal_eval(ss.comment)
    Rfb = metaData['Rfb']
    Cfb = metaData['Cfb']
    Vbias = metaData['Vbias']
    Vcoil = metaData['Vcoil']
    Rsq = tes.Rsquid(Rfb)

    Rmean = ss.adrR.mean()
    Tsensor = cal.calculateTemperature(Rmean)

    print('Filename:', fileName)
    print('Rfb:', Rfb)
    print('Cfb:', Cfb)
    print('Vbias:', Vbias)
    print('Sensor temperature:', Tsensor)
Example #2
        ivFileName = 'TES2_IV_20180529_230801.h5'
        Rfb = 100E3
        tfFileName = 'TES2_20180529_231509.h5'
        Rn = 0.006801558

    tes = obtainTes(cooldown, deviceId)
    Rsq = tes.Rsquid(Rfb)
    #Rn = tes.Rnormal
    doPlot = True

    plotType = 'admittance'
    #plotType = 'impedance'

    axes = None

    ssSc = SineSweep(pathTf + tfScFileName)
    ssNormal = SineSweep(pathTf + tfNormalFileName)
    #axes = ssSc.plotRPhi()

    thevenin = TheveninEquivalentCircuit(ssNormal, ssSc, Rn, Rsq)
    #axes = thevenin.plot(None)

    ss = SineSweep(pathTf + tfFileName)
    print('Sine sweep comment:', ss.comment)

    metaData = ast.literal_eval(ss.comment)
    Rfb = metaData['Rfb']
    Cfb = metaData['Cfb']
    Vbias = metaData['Vbias']
    Vcoil = metaData['Vcoil']
Example #3
        ivScFileName = 'TES2_IV_20180529_230801.h5'

    if True:
        deviceId = 'TES2'
        tfNormalFileName = 'TES2_20180611_111210.h5'
        tfScFileName = 'TES2_20180608_191741.h5'
        ivNormalFileName = 'TES2_IV_20180611_111114.h5'  # Rfb=100kOhm
        ivNormalFileName = 'TES2_IV_20180611_110944.h5'  # Rfb=10kOhm
        ivScFileName = 'TES2_IV_20180608_191252.h5'

    tes = obtainTes(cooldown, deviceId)
    Rsq = tes.Rsquid(Rfb)
    #Rsq = MiOverMfb * Rfb
    Rn = tes.Rnormal

    tfNormal = SineSweep(pathTf + tfNormalFileName)
    ivNormalSweeps = IvSweepCollection(pathIv + ivNormalFileName)
    ivNormal = ivNormalSweeps[1]
    Tnormal = ivNormal.Tadr
    print('Normal IV sweep temperature:', Tnormal)
    print('Normal TF comment:', tfNormal.comment)

    tfSc = SineSweep(pathTf + tfScFileName)
    ivSc = IvSweepCollection(pathIv + ivScFileName)[1]
    Tsc = ivSc.Tadr
    print('SC IV sweep temperature:', Tsc)
    print('SC TF comment:', tfSc.comment)
    f = tfSc.f
    ratio = tfSc.TF / tfNormal.TF
    Tsc = ivSc.Tadr