def __init__(self, mode): self.mode = mode cu.mem('Reinforcement Learning Started') self.environment = BoxSearchEnvironment( config.get(mode + 'Database'), mode, config.get(mode + 'GroundTruth')) self.controller = QNetwork() cu.mem('QNetwork controller created') self.learner = None self.agent = BoxSearchAgent(self.controller, self.learner) self.task = BoxSearchTask(self.environment, config.get(mode + 'GroundTruth')) self.experiment = Experiment(self.task, self.agent)
def __init__(self, mode): self.mode = mode cu.mem('Reinforcement Learning Started') self.environment = BoxSearchEnvironment(config.get(mode+'Database'), mode, config.get(mode+'GroundTruth')) self.controller = QNetwork() cu.mem('QNetwork controller created') self.learner = None self.agent = BoxSearchAgent(self.controller, self.learner) self.task = BoxSearchTask(self.environment, config.get(mode+'GroundTruth')) self.experiment = Experiment(self.task, self.agent)
class BoxSearchRunner(): def __init__(self, mode): self.mode = mode cu.mem('Reinforcement Learning Started') self.environment = BoxSearchEnvironment(config.get(mode+'Database'), mode, config.get(mode+'GroundTruth')) self.controller = QNetwork() cu.mem('QNetwork controller created') self.learner = None self.agent = BoxSearchAgent(self.controller, self.learner) self.task = BoxSearchTask(self.environment, config.get(mode+'GroundTruth')) self.experiment = Experiment(self.task, self.agent) def runEpoch(self, interactions, maxImgs): img = 0 s = cu.tic() while img < maxImgs: k = 0 while not self.environment.episodeDone and k < interactions: self.experiment._oneInteraction() k += 1 self.agent.learn() self.agent.reset() self.environment.loadNextEpisode() img += 1 s = cu.toc('Run epoch with ' + str(maxImgs) + ' episodes', s) def run(self): if self.mode == 'train': self.agent.persistMemory = True self.agent.startReplayMemory(len(self.environment.imageList), config.geti('trainInteractions')) self.train() elif self.mode == 'test': self.agent.persistMemory = False self.test() def train(self): networkFile = config.get('networkDir') + config.get('snapshotPrefix') + '_iter_' + config.get('trainingIterationsPerBatch') + '.caffemodel' interactions = config.geti('trainInteractions') minEpsilon = config.getf('minTrainingEpsilon') epochSize = len(self.environment.imageList)/1 epsilon = 1.0 self.controller.setEpsilonGreedy(epsilon, self.environment.sampleAction) epoch = 1 exEpochs = config.geti('explorationEpochs') while epoch <= exEpochs: s = cu.tic() print 'Epoch',epoch,': Exploration (epsilon=1.0)' self.runEpoch(interactions, len(self.environment.imageList)) self.task.flushStats() self.doValidation(epoch) s = cu.toc('Epoch done in ',s) epoch += 1 self.learner = QLearning() self.agent.learner = self.learner egEpochs = config.geti('epsilonGreedyEpochs') while epoch <= egEpochs + exEpochs: s = cu.tic() epsilon = epsilon - (1.0-minEpsilon)/float(egEpochs) if epsilon < minEpsilon: epsilon = minEpsilon self.controller.setEpsilonGreedy(epsilon, self.environment.sampleAction) print 'Epoch',epoch ,'(epsilon-greedy:{:5.3f})'.format(epsilon) self.runEpoch(interactions, epochSize) self.task.flushStats() self.doValidation(epoch) s = cu.toc('Epoch done in ',s) epoch += 1 maxEpochs = config.geti('exploitLearningEpochs') + exEpochs + egEpochs while epoch <= maxEpochs: s = cu.tic() print 'Epoch',epoch,'(exploitation mode: epsilon={:5.3f})'.format(epsilon) self.runEpoch(interactions, epochSize) self.task.flushStats() self.doValidation(epoch) s = cu.toc('Epoch done in ',s) shutil.copy(networkFile, networkFile + '.' + str(epoch)) epoch += 1 def test(self): interactions = config.geti('testInteractions') self.controller.setEpsilonGreedy(config.getf('testEpsilon')) self.runEpoch(interactions, len(self.environment.imageList)) def doValidation(self, epoch): if epoch % config.geti('validationEpochs') != 0: return auxRL = BoxSearchRunner('test') indexType = config.get('evaluationIndexType') category = config.get('category') if indexType == 'pascal': categories, catIndex = bse.get20Categories() elif indexType == 'relations': categories, catIndex = bse.getCategories() elif indexType == 'finetunedRelations': categories, catIndex = bse.getRelationCategories() if category in categories: catI = categories.index(category) else: catI = -1 scoredDetections = bse.loadScores(config.get('testMemory'), catI) groundTruthFile = config.get('testGroundTruth') #ps,rs = bse.evaluateCategory(scoredDetections, 'scores', groundTruthFile) pl,rl = bse.evaluateCategory(scoredDetections, 'landmarks', groundTruthFile) line = lambda x,y,z: x + '\t{:5.3f}\t{:5.3f}\n'.format(y,z) #print line('Validation Scores:',ps,rs) print line('Validation Landmarks:',pl,rl)
class BoxSearchRunner(): def __init__(self, mode): self.mode = mode cu.mem('Reinforcement Learning Started') self.environment = BoxSearchEnvironment( config.get(mode + 'Database'), mode, config.get(mode + 'GroundTruth')) self.controller = QNetwork() cu.mem('QNetwork controller created') self.learner = None self.agent = BoxSearchAgent(self.controller, self.learner) self.task = BoxSearchTask(self.environment, config.get(mode + 'GroundTruth')) self.experiment = Experiment(self.task, self.agent) def runEpoch(self, interactions, maxImgs): img = 0 s = cu.tic() while img < maxImgs: k = 0 while not self.environment.episodeDone and k < interactions: self.experiment._oneInteraction() k += 1 self.agent.learn() self.agent.reset() self.environment.loadNextEpisode() img += 1 s = cu.toc('Run epoch with ' + str(maxImgs) + ' episodes', s) def run(self): if self.mode == 'train': self.agent.persistMemory = True self.agent.startReplayMemory(len(self.environment.imageList), config.geti('trainInteractions')) #self.agent.assignPriorMemory(self.environment.priorMemory) self.train() elif self.mode == 'test': self.agent.persistMemory = False self.test() def train(self): networkFile = config.get('networkDir') + config.get( 'snapshotPrefix') + '_iter_' + config.get( 'trainingIterationsPerBatch') + '.caffemodel' interactions = config.geti('trainInteractions') minEpsilon = config.getf('minTrainingEpsilon') epochSize = len(self.environment.imageList) / 1 epsilon = 1.0 self.controller.setEpsilonGreedy(epsilon, self.environment.sampleAction) epoch = 1 exEpochs = config.geti('explorationEpochs') while epoch <= exEpochs: s = cu.tic() print 'Epoch', epoch, ': Exploration (epsilon=1.0)' self.runEpoch(interactions, len(self.environment.imageList)) self.task.flushStats() s = cu.toc('Epoch done in ', s) epoch += 1 self.learner = QLearning() self.agent.learner = self.learner egEpochs = config.geti('epsilonGreedyEpochs') while epoch <= egEpochs + exEpochs: s = cu.tic() epsilon = epsilon - (1.0 - minEpsilon) / float(egEpochs) if epsilon < minEpsilon: epsilon = minEpsilon self.controller.setEpsilonGreedy(epsilon, self.environment.sampleAction) print 'Epoch', epoch, '(epsilon-greedy:{:5.3f})'.format(epsilon) self.runEpoch(interactions, epochSize) self.task.flushStats() self.doValidation(epoch) s = cu.toc('Epoch done in ', s) epoch += 1 maxEpochs = config.geti('exploitLearningEpochs') + exEpochs + egEpochs while epoch <= maxEpochs: s = cu.tic() print 'Epoch', epoch, '(exploitation mode: epsilon={:5.3f})'.format( epsilon) self.runEpoch(interactions, epochSize) self.task.flushStats() self.doValidation(epoch) s = cu.toc('Epoch done in ', s) shutil.copy(networkFile, networkFile + '.' + str(epoch)) epoch += 1 def test(self): interactions = config.geti('testInteractions') self.controller.setEpsilonGreedy(config.getf('testEpsilon')) self.runEpoch(interactions, len(self.environment.imageList)) def doValidation(self, epoch): if epoch % config.geti('validationEpochs') != 0: return auxRL = BoxSearchRunner('test') indexType = config.get('evaluationIndexType') category = config.get('category') if indexType == 'pascal': categories, catIndex = bse.get20Categories() elif indexType == 'relations': categories, catIndex = bse.getCategories() elif indexType == 'finetunedRelations': categories, catIndex = bse.getRelationCategories() catI = categories.index(category) scoredDetections = bse.loadScores(config.get('testMemory'), catI) groundTruthFile = config.get('testGroundTruth') ps, rs = bse.evaluateCategory(scoredDetections, 'scores', groundTruthFile) pl, rl = bse.evaluateCategory(scoredDetections, 'landmarks', groundTruthFile) line = lambda x, y, z: x + '\t{:5.3f}\t{:5.3f}\n'.format(y, z) print line('Validation Scores:', ps, rs) print line('Validation Landmarks:', pl, rl)