Example #1
File: build.py Project: Katetc/cime
def post_build(case, logs, build_complete=False):

    logdir = case.get_value("LOGDIR")

    #zip build logs to CASEROOT/logs
    if logdir:
        bldlogdir = os.path.join(logdir, "bld")
        if not os.path.exists(bldlogdir):

    for log in logs:
        logger.info("Copying build log {} to {}".format(log, bldlogdir))
        with open(log, 'rb') as f_in:
            with gzip.open("{}.gz".format(log), 'wb') as f_out:
                shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
        if "sharedlibroot" not in log:
            shutil.copy("{}.gz".format(log), os.path.join(bldlogdir, "{}.gz".format(os.path.basename(log))))

    if build_complete:

        # Set XML to indicate build complete
        case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", True)
        case.set_value("BUILD_STATUS", 0)
        if "SMP_VALUE" in os.environ:
            case.set_value("SMP_BUILD", os.environ["SMP_VALUE"])


        # must ensure there's an lid
        lid = os.environ["LID"] if "LID" in os.environ else get_timestamp("%y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        save_build_provenance(case, lid=lid)
Example #2
    # copy user_ files
    cloneroot = case.get_case_root()
    files = glob.glob(cloneroot + '/user_*')

    for item in files:
        shutil.copy(item, newcaseroot)

    # copy SourceMod and Buildconf files
    # if symlinks exist, copy rather than follow links
    for casesub in ("SourceMods", "Buildconf"):
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cloneroot, casesub),
                        os.path.join(newcaseroot, casesub),

    # lock env_case.xml in new case
    lock_file("env_case.xml", newcaseroot)

    # apply user_mods if appropriate
    newcase_root = newcase.get_value("CASEROOT")
    if user_mods_dir is not None:
        if keepexe:
            # If keepexe CANNOT change any env_build.xml variables - so make a temporary copy of
            # env_build.xml and verify that it has not been modified
                os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
                os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))

        # Now apply contents of user_mods directory
        apply_user_mods(newcase_root, user_mods_dir, keepexe=keepexe)

        # Determine if env_build.xml has changed
Example #3
    def _xml_phase(self, test):
        test_case = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[0]

        # Create, fill and write an envtest object
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        envtest = EnvTest(test_dir)

        # Determine list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
        # to deal with. This list follows the same order as compset longnames follow.
        files = Files()
        drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
        drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file)
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(files, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.set_value("TESTCASE", test_case)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TESTID", self._test_id)
        envtest.set_value("CASEBASEID", test)
        if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                "memleak_tolerance" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
            envtest.set_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE", self._test_data[test]['options']['memleak_tolerance'])

        test_argv = "-testname %s -testroot %s" % (test, self._test_root)
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            test_argv += " -generate %s" % self._baseline_gen_name
            basegen_case_fullpath = os.path.join(self._baseline_root,self._baseline_gen_name, test)
            logger.debug("basegen_case is %s"%basegen_case_fullpath)
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_GEN", self._baseline_gen_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASEGEN_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_gen_name, test))
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            test_argv += " -compare %s" % self._baseline_cmp_name
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_CMP", self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASECMP_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_cmp_name, test))

        envtest.set_value("TEST_ARGV", test_argv)
        envtest.set_value("CLEANUP", self._clean)

        if self._baseline_gen_name or self._baseline_cmp_name:
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_ROOT", self._baseline_root)
        envtest.set_value("GENERATE_BASELINE", self._baseline_gen_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("COMPARE_BASELINE", self._baseline_cmp_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("CCSM_CPRNC", self._machobj.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC", resolved=False))
        tput_tolerance = self._machobj.get_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE", resolved=False)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE", 0.25 if tput_tolerance is None else tput_tolerance)

        # Add the test instructions from config_test to env_test in the case
        config_test = Tests()
        testnode = config_test.get_test_node(test_case)

        # Determine the test_case from the test name
        test_case, case_opts = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[:2]

        # Determine case_opts from the test_case
        if case_opts is not None:
            logger.debug("case_opts are %s " %case_opts)
            for opt in case_opts:

                logger.debug("case_opt is %s" %opt)
                if opt == 'D':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("DEBUG", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" DEBUG set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'E':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("USE_ESMF_LIB", "TRUE")
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("COMP_INTERFACE", "ESMF")
                    logger.debug (" USE_ESMF_LIB set to TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" COMP_INTERFACE set to ESMF")

                elif opt == 'CG':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("CALENDAR", "GREGORIAN")
                    logger.debug (" CALENDAR set to %s" %opt)

                elif opt.startswith('L'):
                    match =  re.match('L([A-Za-z])([0-9]*)', opt)
                    stop_option = {"y":"nyears", "m":"nmonths", "d":"ndays", "h":"nhours",
                                   "s":"nseconds", "n":"nsteps"}
                    opt = match.group(1)
                    opti = match.group(2)
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("STOP_N", opti)
                    logger.debug (" STOP_OPTION set to %s" %stop_option[opt])
                    logger.debug (" STOP_N      set to %s" %opti)
		elif opt.startswith('R'):
                    # R option is for testing in PTS_MODE or Single Column Model 
                    #  (SCM) mode
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_MODE", "TRUE")
                    # For PTS_MODE, compile with mpi-serial
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("MPILIB", "mpi-serial")
                    for comp in comps:
                    # Set latitude and longitude for the appropriate case
                    # Below for ARM97, default SCM test case
                    if 'A97' in test:
                        envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_LAT", "36.6")
                        envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_LON", "262.5")
                elif opt.startswith('M'):
                    # M option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('P'):
                    # P option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('N'):
                    # handled in create_newcase
                elif opt.startswith('IOP'):
                    logger.warn("IOP test option not yet implemented")
                    expect(False, "Could not parse option '%s' " %opt)

        lock_file("env_run.xml", caseroot=test_dir, newname="env_run.orig.xml")

        with Case(test_dir, read_only=False) as case:
            if self._output_root is None:
                self._output_root = case.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")
            # if we are running a single test we don't need sharedlibroot
            if len(self._tests) > 1 and get_model() != "acme":
            case.set_value("TEST", True)
            case.set_value("SAVE_TIMING", self._save_timing)
Example #4
        if "sharedlibroot" not in log:
                os.path.join(bldlogdir, "{}.gz".format(os.path.basename(log))))

    if build_complete:

        # Set XML to indicate build complete
        case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", True)
        case.set_value("BUILD_STATUS", 0)
        if "SMP_VALUE" in os.environ:
            case.set_value("SMP_BUILD", os.environ["SMP_VALUE"])


        # must ensure there's an lid
        lid = os.environ["LID"] if "LID" in os.environ else get_timestamp(
        save_build_provenance(case, lid=lid)

def case_build(caseroot,
    functor = lambda: _case_build_impl(caseroot, case, sharedlib_only,
Example #5
    def _xml_phase(self, test):
        test_case = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[0]

        # Create, fill and write an envtest object
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        envtest = EnvTest(test_dir)

        # Determine list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
        # to deal with. This list follows the same order as compset longnames follow.
        files = Files()
        drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
        drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file, "CPL")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(files, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.set_value("TESTCASE", test_case)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TESTID", self._test_id)
        envtest.set_value("CASEBASEID", test)
        if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                "memleak_tolerance" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
            envtest.set_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE", self._test_data[test]['options']['memleak_tolerance'])

        test_argv = "-testname {} -testroot {}".format(test, self._test_root)
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            test_argv += " -generate {}".format(self._baseline_gen_name)
            basegen_case_fullpath = os.path.join(self._baseline_root,self._baseline_gen_name, test)
            logger.debug("basegen_case is {}".format(basegen_case_fullpath))
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_GEN", self._baseline_gen_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASEGEN_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_gen_name, test))
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            test_argv += " -compare {}".format(self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_CMP", self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASECMP_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_cmp_name, test))

        envtest.set_value("TEST_ARGV", test_argv)
        envtest.set_value("CLEANUP", self._clean)

        envtest.set_value("BASELINE_ROOT", self._baseline_root)
        envtest.set_value("GENERATE_BASELINE", self._baseline_gen_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("COMPARE_BASELINE", self._baseline_cmp_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("CCSM_CPRNC", self._machobj.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC", resolved=False))
        tput_tolerance = self._machobj.get_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE", resolved=False)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE", 0.25 if tput_tolerance is None else tput_tolerance)

        # Add the test instructions from config_test to env_test in the case
        config_test = Tests()
        testnode = config_test.get_test_node(test_case)
        # Determine the test_case from the test name
        test_case, case_opts = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[:2]

        # Determine case_opts from the test_case
        if case_opts is not None:
            logger.debug("case_opts are {} ".format(case_opts))
            for opt in case_opts: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

                logger.debug("case_opt is {}".format(opt))
                if opt == 'D':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("DEBUG", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" DEBUG set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'E':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("USE_ESMF_LIB", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" USE_ESMF_LIB set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'CG':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("CALENDAR", "GREGORIAN")
                    logger.debug (" CALENDAR set to {}".format(opt))

                elif opt.startswith('L'):
                    match =  re.match('L([A-Za-z])([0-9]*)', opt)
                    stop_option = {"y":"nyears", "m":"nmonths", "d":"ndays", "h":"nhours",
                                   "s":"nseconds", "n":"nsteps"}
                    opt = match.group(1)
                    opti = match.group(2)
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("STOP_N", opti)

                    logger.debug (" STOP_OPTION set to {}".format(stop_option[opt]))
                    logger.debug (" STOP_N      set to {}".format(opti))

                elif opt.startswith('R'):
                    # R option is for testing in PTS_MODE or Single Column Model
                    #  (SCM) mode
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("PTS_MODE", "TRUE")

                    # For PTS_MODE, compile with mpi-serial
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("MPILIB", "mpi-serial")

                elif (opt.startswith('I') or # Marker to distinguish tests with same name - ignored
                      opt.startswith('M') or # handled in create_newcase
                      opt.startswith('P') or # handled in create_newcase
                      opt.startswith('N') or # handled in create_newcase
                      opt.startswith('C') or # handled in create_newcase
                      opt.startswith('V')):  # handled in create_newcase

                elif opt.startswith('IOP'):
                    logger.warning("IOP test option not yet implemented")
                    expect(False, "Could not parse option '{}' ".format(opt))

        lock_file("env_run.xml", caseroot=test_dir, newname="env_run.orig.xml")

        with Case(test_dir, read_only=False) as case:
            if self._output_root is None:
                self._output_root = case.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")
            # if we are running a single test we don't need sharedlibroot
            if len(self._tests) > 1 and get_model() != "e3sm":
            case.set_value("TEST", True)
            case.set_value("SAVE_TIMING", self._save_timing)

            # Scale back build parallelism on systems with few cores
            if self._model_build_cost > self._proc_pool:
                case.set_value("GMAKE_J", self._proc_pool)
                self._model_build_cost = self._proc_pool

        return True, ""
Example #6
    def _xml_phase(self, test):
        test_case = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[0]

        # Create, fill and write an envtest object
        test_dir = self._get_test_dir(test)
        envtest = EnvTest(test_dir)

        # Determine list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
        # to deal with. This list follows the same order as compset longnames follow.
        files = Files()
        drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
        drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file)
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(files, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp, {}, "env_test.xml")
        envtest.set_value("TESTCASE", test_case)
        envtest.set_value("TEST_TESTID", self._test_id)
        envtest.set_value("CASEBASEID", test)
        if test in self._test_data and "options" in self._test_data[test] and \
                "memleak_tolerance" in self._test_data[test]['options']:
            envtest.set_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE", self._test_data[test]['options']['memleak_tolerance'])

        test_argv = "-testname {} -testroot {}".format(test, self._test_root)
        if self._baseline_gen_name:
            test_argv += " -generate {}".format(self._baseline_gen_name)
            basegen_case_fullpath = os.path.join(self._baseline_root,self._baseline_gen_name, test)
            logger.debug("basegen_case is {}".format(basegen_case_fullpath))
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_GEN", self._baseline_gen_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASEGEN_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_gen_name, test))
        if self._baseline_cmp_name:
            test_argv += " -compare {}".format(self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_NAME_CMP", self._baseline_cmp_name)
            envtest.set_value("BASECMP_CASE", os.path.join(self._baseline_cmp_name, test))

        envtest.set_value("TEST_ARGV", test_argv)
        envtest.set_value("CLEANUP", self._clean)

        if self._baseline_gen_name or self._baseline_cmp_name:
            envtest.set_value("BASELINE_ROOT", self._baseline_root)
        envtest.set_value("GENERATE_BASELINE", self._baseline_gen_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("COMPARE_BASELINE", self._baseline_cmp_name is not None)
        envtest.set_value("CCSM_CPRNC", self._machobj.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC", resolved=False))

        # Add the test instructions from config_test to env_test in the case
        config_test = Tests()
        testnode = config_test.get_test_node(test_case)
        # Determine the test_case from the test name
        test_case, case_opts = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test)[:2]

        # Determine case_opts from the test_case
        if case_opts is not None:
            logger.debug("case_opts are {} ".format(case_opts))
            for opt in case_opts: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

                logger.debug("case_opt is {}".format(opt))
                if opt == 'D':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("DEBUG", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" DEBUG set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'E':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("USE_ESMF_LIB", "TRUE")
                    logger.debug (" USE_ESMF_LIB set to TRUE")

                elif opt == 'CG':
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("CALENDAR", "GREGORIAN")
                    logger.debug (" CALENDAR set to {}".format(opt))

                elif opt.startswith('L'):
                    match =  re.match('L([A-Za-z])([0-9]*)', opt)
                    stop_option = {"y":"nyears", "m":"nmonths", "d":"ndays", "h":"nhours",
                                   "s":"nseconds", "n":"nsteps"}
                    opt = match.group(1)
                    opti = match.group(2)
                    envtest.set_test_parameter("STOP_N", opti)
                    logger.debug (" STOP_OPTION set to {}".format(stop_option[opt]))
                    logger.debug (" STOP_N      set to {}".format(opti))

                elif opt.startswith('M'):
                    # M option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('P'):
                    # P option handled by create newcase

                elif opt.startswith('N'):
                    # handled in create_newcase
                elif opt.startswith('IOP'):
                    logger.warn("IOP test option not yet implemented")
                    expect(False, "Could not parse option '{}' ".format(opt))

        lock_file("env_run.xml", caseroot=test_dir, newname="env_run.orig.xml")

        with Case(test_dir, read_only=False) as case:
            if self._output_root is None:
                self._output_root = case.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")
            # if we are running a single test we don't need sharedlibroot
            if len(self._tests) > 1 and get_model() != "acme":
            case.set_value("TEST", True)
            case.set_value("SAVE_TIMING", self._save_timing)

            # Scale back build parallelism on systems with few cores
            if self._model_build_cost > self._proc_pool:
                case.set_value("GMAKE_J", self._proc_pool)
                self._model_build_cost = self._proc_pool
Example #7
def create_case_clone(case, newcase, keepexe=False, mach_dir=None, project=None,
                      cime_output_root=None, exeroot=None, rundir=None,
    Create a case clone

    If exeroot or rundir are provided (not None), sets these directories
    to the given paths; if not provided, uses default values for these
    directories. It is an error to provide exeroot if keepexe is True.
    if cime_output_root is None:
        cime_output_root = case.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")

    newcaseroot = os.path.abspath(newcase)
    expect(not os.path.isdir(newcaseroot),
           "New caseroot directory {} already exists".format(newcaseroot))
    newcasename = os.path.basename(newcaseroot)
    newcase_cimeroot = os.path.abspath(get_cime_root())

    # create clone from case to case
    clone_cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT")
    if newcase_cimeroot != clone_cimeroot:
        logger.warning(" case  CIMEROOT is {} ".format(newcase_cimeroot))
        logger.warning(" clone CIMEROOT is {} ".format(clone_cimeroot))
        logger.warning(" It is NOT recommended to clone cases from different versions of CIME.")

    # *** create case object as deepcopy of clone object ***
    srcroot = os.path.join(newcase_cimeroot,"..")
    newcase = case.copy(newcasename, newcaseroot, newsrcroot=srcroot)
    newcase.set_value("CIMEROOT", newcase_cimeroot)

    # if we are cloning to a different user modify the output directory
    olduser = case.get_value("USER")
    newuser = os.environ.get("USER")
    if olduser != newuser:
        cime_output_root = cime_output_root.replace(olduser, newuser)
        newcase.set_value("USER", newuser)
    newcase.set_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT", cime_output_root)

    # try to make the new output directory and raise an exception
    # on any error other than directory already exists.
    if os.path.isdir(cime_output_root):
        expect(os.access(cime_output_root, os.W_OK), "Directory {} is not writable "
               "by this user.  Use the --cime-output-root flag to provide a writable "
               "scratch directory".format(cime_output_root))
            if not os.path.isdir(cime_output_root):

    # determine if will use clone executable or not
    if keepexe:
        orig_exeroot = case.get_value("EXEROOT")
        newcase.set_value("EXEROOT", orig_exeroot)
        orig_bld_complete = case.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE")
        if not orig_bld_complete:
            logger.warning("\nWARNING: Creating a clone with --keepexe before building the original case may cause PIO_TYPENAME to be invalid in the clone")
            logger.warning("Avoid this message by building case one before you clone.\n")

    # set machdir
    if mach_dir is not None:
        newcase.set_value("MACHDIR", mach_dir)

    # set exeroot and rundir if requested
    if exeroot is not None:
        expect(not keepexe, "create_case_clone: if keepexe is True, "
               "then exeroot cannot be set")
        newcase.set_value("EXEROOT", exeroot)
    if rundir is not None:
        newcase.set_value("RUNDIR", rundir)

    # Set project id
    # Note: we do not just copy this from the clone because it seems likely that
    # users will want to change this sometimes, especially when cloning another
    # user's case. However, note that, if a project is not given, the fallback will
    # be to copy it from the clone, just like other xml variables are copied.
    if project is None:
        project = case.get_value("PROJECT", subgroup="case.run")
    if project is not None:
        newcase.set_value("PROJECT", project)

    # create caseroot

    # copy user_ files
    cloneroot = case.get_case_root()
    files = glob.glob(cloneroot + '/user_*')

    for item in files:
        shutil.copy(item, newcaseroot)

    # copy SourceMod and Buildconf files
    # if symlinks exist, copy rather than follow links
    for casesub in ("SourceMods", "Buildconf"):
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cloneroot, casesub),
                        os.path.join(newcaseroot, casesub),

    # lock env_case.xml in new case
    lock_file("env_case.xml", newcaseroot)

    # apply user_mods if appropriate
    newcase_root = newcase.get_value("CASEROOT")
    if user_mods_dir is not None:
        if keepexe:
            # If keepexe CANNOT change any env_build.xml variables - so make a temporary copy of
            # env_build.xml and verify that it has not been modified
            shutil.copy(os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
                        os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))

        # Now apply contents of user_mods directory
        apply_user_mods(newcase_root, user_mods_dir, keepexe=keepexe)

        # Determine if env_build.xml has changed
        if keepexe:
            success, comment = compare_files(os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
                                             os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))
            if not success:
                expect(False, "env_build.xml cannot be changed via usermods if keepexe is an option: \n "
                           "Failed to clone case, removed {}\n".format(newcase_root))

    # if keep executable, then remove the new case SourceMods directory and link SourceMods to
    # the clone directory
    if keepexe:
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(newcase_root, "SourceMods"))
        os.symlink(os.path.join(cloneroot, "SourceMods"),
                   os.path.join(newcase_root, "SourceMods"))

    # Update README.case
    fclone   = open(cloneroot + "/README.case", "r")
    fnewcase = open(newcaseroot  + "/README.case", "a")
    fnewcase.write("\n    *** original clone README follows ****")
    fnewcase.write("\n " +  fclone.read())

    clonename = case.get_value("CASE")
    logger.info(" Successfully created new case {} from clone case {} ".format(newcasename, clonename))


    return newcase
Example #8
            check_lockedfile(case, os.path.basename(env_batch.filename))
        except SystemExit:
            env_batch_has_changed = True

        if env_batch.get_batch_system_type() != "none" and env_batch_has_changed:
            # May need to regen batch files if user made batch setting changes (e.g. walltime, queue, etc)
env_batch.xml appears to have changed, regenerating batch scripts
manual edits to these file will be lost!


        if job in ("case.test","case.run"):
            if case.get_value("MACH") == "mira":
                with open(".original_host", "w") as fd:
                    fd.write( socket.gethostname())

    #Load Modules


    logger.warning("submit_jobs {}".format(job))
    job_ids = case.submit_jobs(no_batch=no_batch, job=job, skip_pnl=skip_pnl,