def gradient(X, Y, gd_lambda, descent=True, max_iterations=1000, binary=False):
    accepted = False
    iterations = 0

    if type(X) is pd.DataFrame:
        X = pandas_to_data(X)
    # add column of ones
    X = add_col(X, 1)
    w = [0 for _ in range(len(X[0]))]
    hrows = [0 for _ in range(len(X))]
    print type(list(Y))
    not_converged = len(X)
    while iterations < max_iterations and not_converged > 0:
        not_converged = len(X)
        iterations += 1
        for r in range(len(X)):  # r = i, c = j
            row = X[r]
            h = get_hw(row, w, binary)
            hrows[r] = h
            #TODO this doesn't seem right!
            #print 'values: {} {} '.format(list(Y)[r], h)
            if h-list(Y)[r] == 0:
                not_converged -= 1
            for c in range(len(row)):
                w[c] = w[c] - (gd_lambda * (h - list(Y)[r]) * row[c])

        debug_print(iterations, not_converged, hrows, Y)
    return w
def test_add_col():
    array = []
    for i in range(5):
        row = []
        for j in range(3):
    print array
    array = utils.add_col(array, 1)
    print array