Example #1
    def erase_column(self, player):
            player : PLAYER
                player with a column deletion in his board

            Removes a column if 3 card values in the same column (not hidden) are equal
        flag = False
        for i in range(4):
            if player.board[0][i].value == player.board[1][
                    i].value == player.board[2][i].value:
                if player.board[0][i].hidden == player.board[1][
                        i].hidden == player.board[2][i].hidden and not (
                    if player.board[0][i].value != 0:
                        card1 = Card(player.board[0][i].value)
                        card2 = Card(player.board[0][i].value)
                        card3 = Card(player.board[0][i].value)
                        player.board[0][i].value, player.board[1][
                            i].value, player.board[2][i].value = 0, 0, 0
                        flag = True
        return flag
Example #2
def create_initial_deck_and_market():
    # Create the whole deck
    cards = [Card(c) for c in config.get('cards')]
    deck = Game.create_initial_deck(cards)

    # Initial market will be first 9
    initial_market = Market(deck[:9])
    rest = deck[9:]

    # Add the phase 3 card

    return initial_market, rest
Example #3
    def setBoard(self):

        b = []  # Card[]
        t = []

        for i in range(40):

        # Add PropertyCards

    # for i in range(len(ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCards())):
    # b[ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCards()[i].getPosition()] = ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCards()[i]
    # t[ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCards()[i].getPosition()] = 0

    # Add CommunityChestCards

    # for i in range(len(ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCommunityCardPositions())):
    #b[ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCommunityCardPositions()[i]] = CommandCard()
    #t[ApplicationContext().get_instance().getCommunityCardPositions()[i]] = 1

    # Add ChanceCards
    # for i in range(len(ApplicationContext().get_instance().getChanceCardPositions())):
    #   b[ApplicationContext().get_instance().getChanceCardPositions()[i]] = CommandCard()
    #  t[ApplicationContext().get_instance().getChanceCardPositions()[i]] = 2

        b = [Card() for i in range(40)]  # empty card array
        t = [-1] * 40  # int array of -1

        # Specify that every position left on board is a special position ( GO, Jail, etc... )
        # We'll take care of what occurs on every case in a different method
        for i in range(len(b)):
            if t[i] < 0:
                t[i] = 3
                b[i] = SpecialPositionCard()
Example #4
    def initialiseBoard(self):

        b = [Card() for i in range(40)]  # empty card array
        t = [-1] * 40  # int array of -1

        # Add PropertyCards

        for i in range(len(self.getCards())):
           b[int(self.getCards()[i].getPosition())] = self.getCards()[i]
           t[int(self.getCards()[i].getPosition())] = 0

        # Add CommunityChestCards

        for i in range(len(self.getCommunityCardPositions())):
            b[int(self.getCommunityCardPositions()[i])] = CommandCard()
            t[int(self.getCommunityCardPositions()[i])] = 1

        # Add ChanceCards
        for i in range(len(self.getChanceCardPositions())):
            b[int(self.getChanceCardPositions()[i])] = CommandCard()
            t[int(self.getChanceCardPositions()[i])] = 2

        # Specify that every position left on board is a special position ( GO, Jail, etc... )
        # We'll take care of what occurs on every case in a different method
        for i in range(len(b)):
            if t[i] < 0:
                t[i] = 3
                b[i] = SpecialPositionCard()

        # Set the global board parameter
        self.setBoard(Board(b, t))
Example #5
    def reset(self):
            Reset the Skyjo Environment and return an initial observation
            Basically doing the same thing as __init__
        self.defausse = []
        self.history = []
        self.cards_thrown = []
        self.state = 0
        self.reward = 0
        self.not_done = False
        self.unfinished = True
        de = [-2] * 5 + [-1] * 10 + [0] * 15 + [
            i for i in range(1, 13) for j in range(10)
        self.deck = []
        self.deck_card = Card(5)
        self.columns_made = []
        self.reward2 = 0

        for u in de:

        if self.num_players == 1:
            L = [-2, 0, -2] + [-2] * 12
            H = [12, 100, 12] + [12] * 12
            self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L),
            board_int, board_bool = self.players[0].get_board_as_int(
            self.observation = np.concatenate((np.array(
                [self.defausse[-1].value, self.state,
                 self.deck_card.value]), board_int))
            #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
        elif self.num_players == 2:
            #L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12+[0]*12+[-2]*12+[0]*12
            #H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12+[1]*12+[12]*12+[1]*12
            #L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12+[-20,0]                 # only score of the opponent
            #H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12+[150,10]
            L = [
                -2, 0, -2
            ] + [-2] * 12 + [-2] * 12  # board of the opponent without booleans
            H = [12, 100, 12] + [12] * 12 + [12] * 12
            self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L),
            board_int, board_bool = self.players[0].get_board_as_int(
            self.observation = np.concatenate((np.array(
                [self.defausse[-1].value, self.state,
                 self.deck_card.value]), board_int))
            #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
            board_int, board_bool = self.players[1].get_board_as_int(
            self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation, board_int))
            #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
            #score = self.players[1].compute_score(self.mean_value_deck())
            #tiles = len(self.players[1].undiscovered_tiles())
            #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,np.array([score,tiles])))

        return self.observation
Example #6
    def __init__(self, players, human_mode=False):
            players : List
                List containing player instances

            Initializes the Skyjo environment

        self.players = players  # List of players in the game

        # not_done is a Boolean, as a player's turn can be composed of 2 actions,
        # It is True if the player has not done all his action, False otherwise
        self.not_done = False
        self.drew = False
        self.num_players = len(players)  # The number of players
        self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([2, 13])
        self.take = 0  # Int representing a global of an action
        self.draw = 1  # Int representing a global of an action
        self.throw = 2  # Int representing a global of an action
        self.defausse = []  # The discard pile, list containing discarded cards
        self.deck_card = Card(5)  # First deck_card
        self.reward = 0  # The reward
        self.state = 0
        self.unfinished = True
        self.cards_thrown = []
        self.human_mode = human_mode
        self.columns_made = []
        self.reward2 = 0

        # Deck card initialized as the real game
        de = [-2] * 5 + [-1] * 10 + [0] * 15 + [
            i for i in range(1, 13) for j in range(10)
        self.deck = []  # The deck, list of cards composing the deck
        for u in de:
        self.deck_copy = self.deck.copy()

        self.setup()  # Call set up, initialize the env
        L = [-2, 0, -2] + [-2] * 12
        H = [12, 100, 12] + [12] * 12
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L), high=np.array(H))
        # The observation space, created respecting GYM env
        if self.num_players == 1:
            L = [-2, 0, -2] + [-2] * 12
            H = [12, 100, 12] + [12] * 12
            self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L),
            board_int, board_bool = self.players[0].get_board_as_int(
            self.observation = np.concatenate((np.array(
                [self.defausse[-1].value, self.state,
                 self.deck_card.value]), board_int))
            #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
        elif self.num_players == 2:
            #L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12+[0]*12+[-2]*12+[0]*12   # boolean boards  and board of the opponent
            #H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12+[1]*12+[12]*12+[1]*12
            #L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12+[-20,0]                 # only score of the opponent
            #H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12+[150,10]
            L = [
                -2, 0, -2
            ] + [-2] * 12 + [-2] * 12  # board of the opponent without booleans
            H = [12, 100, 12] + [12] * 12 + [12] * 12

            self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L),
            board_int, board_bool = self.players[0].get_board_as_int(
            self.observation = np.concatenate((np.array(
                [self.defausse[-1].value, self.state,
                 self.deck_card.value]), board_int))
            #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
            board_int, board_bool = self.players[1].get_board_as_int(
            self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation, board_int))
Example #7
        def __init__(self,players,human_mode = False):
            players : List
                List containing player instances

            Initializes the Skyjo environment

            self.players = players  # List of players in the game

            self.not_done = False # Boolean, as a player's turn can be composed of 2 actions, True if the player has not done all his actions
            self.drew = False
            self.num_players = len(players) # The number of players
            self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([2,13])
            self.take = 0 # Int representing a global of an action
            self.draw = 1 # Int representing a global of an action
            self.throw = 2 # Int representing a global of an action
            self.defausse = [] # The discard pile, list containing discarded cards
            self.deck_card = Card(5) # First deck_card
            self.reward = 0 # The reward
            self.state = 0
            self.cards_thrown = []
            self.testing = False
            self.cards_known = []
            self.unfinished = True
            self.human_mode = human_mode
            self.columns_made = []
            self.reward2 = 0

            # Deck card initialized as the real game
            de = [-2]*5 + [-1]*10 + [0]*15 + [i for i in range(1,13) for j in range(10)]
            self.deck=[] # The deck, list of cards composing the deck
            for u in de:
            self.deck_copy = self.deck.copy()

            self.setup() # Call set up, initialize the env

            # The observation space, created respecting GYM env
            if self.num_players == 1:
                L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12
                H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12
                self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L),high=np.array(H))
                board_int,board_bool = self.players[0].get_board_as_int(self.mean_value_deck())
                self.observation = np.concatenate((np.array([self.defausse[-1].value,self.state,self.deck_card.value]),board_int))
                #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
            elif self.num_players == 2:
                #L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12+[0]*12+[-2]*12+[0]*12
                #H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12+[1]*12+[12]*12+[1]*12
                L = [-2,0,-2]+[-2]*12+[-2]*12
                H = [12,100,12]+[12]*12+[12]*12
                self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array(L),high=np.array(H))
                board_int,board_bool = self.players[0].get_board_as_int(self.mean_value_deck())
                self.observation = np.concatenate((np.array([self.defausse[-1].value,self.state,self.deck_card.value]),board_int))
                #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
                board_int,board_bool = self.players[1].get_board_as_int(self.mean_value_deck())
                self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_int))
                #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,board_bool))
                #score = self.players[1].compute_score(self.mean_value_deck())
                #tiles = len(self.players[1].undiscovered_tiles())
                #self.observation = np.concatenate((self.observation,np.array([score,tiles])))

            # Display variables from tkinter library
            if self.testing:
                self.root = Tk()
                self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, bg="white", height=650, width=1000)