Example #1
    def input(self):

        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        theta = self.current_state.rot.yaw
        correction_vector = self.target_state.pos - self.current_state.pos

        facing_vector = Vec3(cos(theta), sin(theta), 0)

        car_to_target = (self.target_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).normalize()
        #Rotated to the car's reference frame on the ground.
        rel_correction_vector = Vec3((correction_vector.x*cos(theta)) + (correction_vector.y * sin(theta)),
                                     (-(correction_vector.x*sin(theta))) + (correction_vector.y * cos(theta)),

        if self.can_reverse and facing_vector.dot(car_to_target) < - 0.5:
            correction_angle = atan2(rel_correction_vector.y, rel_correction_vector.x)
            controller_input.throttle = - 1.0
            if abs(correction_angle) > 1.25:
                controller_input.handbrake = 1
            controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(-5*correction_angle, 1)

            correction_angle = atan2(rel_correction_vector.y, rel_correction_vector.x)
            controller_input.throttle = 1.0
            if abs(correction_angle) > 1.25:
                controller_input.handbrake = 1
            controller_input.steer = cap_magnitude(5*correction_angle, 1)

        return controller_input
def check_kickoff_position(current_state):
    Returns a string encoding which starting position we have for kickoff.
    This only works for "mostly standard" maps.  I'll worry about the others later.

    kickoff_dict = {
        Vec3(0.0, -4608, 10): "Far Back",
        Vec3(0.0, 4608, 10): "Far Back",
        Vec3(-1952, -2464, 10): "Right",
        Vec3(1952, 2464, 10): "Right",
        Vec3(1952, -2464, 10): "Left",
        Vec3(-1952, 2464, 10): "Left",
        Vec3(-256.0, -3840, 10): "Back Right",
        Vec3(256.0, 3840, 10): "Back Right",
        Vec3(256.0, -3840, 10): "Back Left",
        Vec3(-256.0, 3840, 10): "Back Left"

    #Let's figure out which kickoff it is
    for spot in kickoff_dict.keys():
        if abs((current_state.pos - spot).magnitude()) < 500:
            kickoff_position = kickoff_dict[spot]
            kickoff_position = "Other"

    return kickoff_position
Example #3
    def input(self):
        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        current_angle_vec = Vec3(cos(self.current_state.rot.yaw), sin(self.current_state.rot.yaw), 0)
        goal_angle_vec = Vec3(cos(self.goal_state.rot.yaw), sin(self.goal_state.rot.yaw), 0)
        vel_2d = Vec3(self.current_state.vel.x, self.current_state.vel.y, 0)

        if (self.current_state.pos - self.goal_state.pos).magnitude() > 400:

            #Turn towards target. Hold throttle until we're close enough to start stopping.
            controller_input = GroundTurn(self.current_state, self.goal_state).input()

        elif vel_2d.magnitude() < 50 and current_angle_vec.dot(goal_angle_vec) < 0:

            #If we're moving slowly, but not facing the right way, jump to turn in the air.
            #Decide which way to turn.  Make sure we don't have wraparound issues.

            goal_x = goal_angle_vec.x
            goal_y = goal_angle_vec.y
            car_theta = self.current_state.rot.yaw

            #Rotated to the car's reference frame on the ground.
            rel_vector = Vec3((goal_x*cos(car_theta)) + (goal_y * sin(car_theta)),
                              (-(goal_x*sin(car_theta))) + (goal_y * cos(car_theta)),

            correction_angle = atan2(rel_vector.y, rel_vector.x)

            #Jump and turn to reach goal yaw.
            if self.current_state.wheel_contact:
                controller_input.jump = 1
                controller_input.yaw = cap_magnitude(correction_angle, 1)

        elif self.current_state.vel.magnitude() > 400:
            #TODO: Proportional controller to stop in the right place
            controller_input.throttle = -1

            #Wiggle to face ball
            #Check if the goal is ahead of or behind us, and throttle in that direction
            goal_angle = atan2((self.goal_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).y, (self.goal_state.pos - self.current_state.pos).x)
            if abs(angle_difference(goal_angle,self.current_state.rot.yaw)) > pi/2:
                correction_sign = -1
                correction_sign = 1
            controller_input.throttle = correction_sign

            #Correct as we wiggle so that we face goal_yaw.
            if angle_difference(self.goal_state.rot.yaw, self.current_state.rot.yaw) > 0:
                angle_sign = 1
                angle_sign = -1

            controller_input.steer = correction_sign*angle_sign

        return controller_input
Example #4
    def __init__(self, current_slice, team_sign):

        #Position, rotation, velocity, omega for the current slice
        self.x = current_slice.location[0] * team_sign
        self.y = current_slice.location[1] * team_sign
        self.z = current_slice.location[2]
        self.pos = Vec3(self.x, self.y, self.z)
        Irrelevant for a ball.  No idea if a puck will ever be supported.
        pitch = current_slice.pitch
        yaw = current_slice.yaw
        roll = current_slice.roll
        self.rot = Orientation(pyr = [ pitch, yaw, roll] )

        self.vx = current_slice.velocity[0] * team_sign
        self.vy = current_slice.velocity[1] * team_sign
        self.vz = current_slice.velocity[2]
        self.vel = Vec3(self.vx, self.vy, self.vz)

        self.omegax = current_slice.angular_velocity[0] * team_sign
        self.omegay = current_slice.angular_velocity[1] * team_sign
        self.omegaz = current_slice.angular_velocity[2]
        self.omega = Vec3(self.omegax, self.omegay, self.omegaz)

        self.time = current_slice.time
Example #5
def offcenter(game_info=None, x_sign=None, persistent=None):

    controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
    current_state = game_info.me
    ball = game_info.ball
    team_sign = game_info.team_sign

    ball = game_info.ball

    #Set which boost we want based on team and side.
    if team_sign == 1:
        first_boost = 7
        first_boost = 26

    if abs(current_state.pos.x) > 150 and abs(current_state.pos.y) > 1100:
        #If we're not near the center-line of the field, boost towards the first small boost
        controller_input = GroundTurn(
            current_state.copy_state(pos=Vec3(0, -3000, 0))).input()
        controller_input.boost = 1

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 1500 and current_state.pos.z < 30:
        controller_input.jump = 1
        controller_input.boost = 1

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 1000 and not current_state.double_jumped:
        #If we're far away, fast dodge to speed up.
        controller_input = CancelledFastDodge(current_state,
                                              Vec3(1, x_sign, 0)).input()

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 355 and current_state.double_jumped:
        if persistent.aerial_turn.action == None:
            persistent.aerial_turn.initialize = True
            vector_to_ball = game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos
            yaw_to_ball = atan2(vector_to_ball.y, vector_to_ball.x)
            target_rot = Orientation(pitch=pi / 3, yaw=yaw_to_ball, roll=0)
            persistent.aerial_turn.target_orientation = target_rot

            controller_input, persistent = aerial_rotation(
                game_info.dt, persistent)
        controller_input.boost = 1

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 355:
        controller_input = GroundTurn(
            current_state.copy_state(pos=Vec3(0, -team_sign *
                                              100, 0))).input()

        controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()

    return controller_input, persistent
Example #6
def diagonal(game_info=None, x_sign=None, persistent=None):

    current_state = game_info.me
    controls = SimpleControllerState()

    #Set which boost we want based on team and side.
    if x_sign == -1:
        first_boost = 11
        first_boost = 10

    if game_info.boosts[first_boost].is_active:
        #If we haven't taken the small boost yet, drive towards it
        controls = GroundTurn(
            current_state.copy_state(pos=Vec3(0, -1000, 0))).input()
        controls.boost = 1

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 1100 and current_state.wheel_contact:
        controls.jump = 1
        controls.boost = 1

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 1100 and current_state.pos.z < 40:
        controls.jump = 1
        controls.boost = 1

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 500 and not current_state.double_jumped:
        controls = CancelledFastDodge(current_state, Vec3(1, x_sign,

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 250 and not current_state.wheel_contact:
        if persistent.aerial_turn.action == None:
            persistent.aerial_turn.initialize = True
            target_rot = Orientation(pitch=pi / 3,
            persistent.aerial_turn.target_orientation = target_rot

            controls, persistent = aerial_rotation(game_info.dt, persistent)
        controls.boost = 1
        controls.steer = x_sign  #Turn into the ball

    elif abs(current_state.pos.y) > 235:
        controls.throttle = 1
        controls.boost = 1
        controls.steer = x_sign

        controls = FrontDodge(current_state).input()

    return controls, persistent
def pyr_to_matrix(pyr):
    pitch = pyr[0]
    yaw = pyr[1]
    roll = pyr[2]

    front = Vec3(cos(yaw) * cos(pitch), sin(yaw) * cos(pitch), sin(pitch))
    left = Vec3(-cos(yaw) * sin(pitch) * sin(roll) - sin(yaw) * cos(roll),
                -sin(yaw) * sin(pitch) * sin(roll) + cos(yaw) * cos(roll),
                cos(pitch) * sin(roll))
    up = Vec3(-cos(yaw) * sin(pitch) * cos(roll) + sin(yaw) * sin(roll),
              -sin(yaw) * sin(pitch) * cos(roll) - cos(yaw) * sin(roll),
              cos(pitch) * cos(roll))

    return [front, left, up]
Example #8
def goal(plan, game_info, persistent):
    Once we've decided to go to net, this function decides if we're going to net, staying in net, etc.

    current_state = game_info.me

    if game_info.ball.pos.x > 0:
        ball_x_sign = 1
        ball_x_sign = -1

    distance_to_net = (Vec3(0, -5120, 15) - current_state.pos).magnitude()
    ball_arrival = get_ball_arrival(game_info, is_ball_in_scorable_box)

    #TODO: Update what counts as "corner"
    ball_in_defensive_corner = not (game_info.ball.pos.y > -1500
                                    or abs(game_info.ball.pos.x) < 1500)
    ball_in_offensive_corner = not (game_info.ball.pos.y < 950
                                    or abs(game_info.ball.pos.x) < 1500)

    if distance_to_net > 500:
        plan.layers[1] = "Go to net"
    elif ball_in_defensive_corner or ball_in_offensive_corner:
        plan.layers[1] = "Wait in net"
        plan.layers[1] = "Wait in net"

    return plan, persistent
Example #9
def boost(plan, game_info, persistent):
    Decides when to break from "Boost" state.

    current_state = game_info.me
    if current_state.boost > 60:
        #If we were going for boost, but have enough boost, go to net.
        plan.layers[0] = "Goal"
    elif plan.path != None and plan.path.finished:
        #TODO: Will need to be updated once it starts doing things other than sitting in net.
        plan.layers[0] = "Goal"
    elif current_state.pos.y < -1000 and plan.path != None and plan.path.waypoints == [
            Vec3(0, -5120, 0)
        #TODO: Check field info instead of hardcoding the goals everywhere?
        plan.layers[0] = "Goal"

    elif plan.path != None:
        plan.path_lock = True
        plan.layers[0] = "Boost"
        plan.layers[0] = "Boost"

    return plan, persistent
Example #10
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    controls = SimpleControllerState()
    controls = CancelledFastDodge(game_info.me, Vec3(1, 1, 0)).input()

    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
Example #11
def diagonal(game_info, opponent_distance, x_sign):
    controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
    current_state = game_info.me
    ball_angle = atan2((game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos).y,
                       (game_info.ball.pos - current_state.pos).x)
    offset = Vec3(0, 0, 0)

    if current_state.pos.y < -2250:
        #Boost towards the first small boost
        controller_input = GroundTurn(current_state,
        controller_input.boost = 1

    elif current_state.pos.y < - 1500:
        controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()

    elif current_state.pos.y > -700:
        controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()

        #If we're on the ground between stages, boost and turn towards the ball
        controller_input = GroundTurn(current_state,
        if current_state.wheel_contact:
            controller_input.boost = 1

    return controller_input
Example #12
def check_far_post(pos, ball_x_sign):
    Checks if a car position counts as "far post" when looking for teammates.
    x_sign marks which side of the field the ball is on, so that we know what the far post is
    if (pos - Vec3(-ball_x_sign * 1150)).magnitude() < 500:
        return True
    return False
def car_coordinates_2d(current_state, vector):
    Takes a Vec3 for a vector on the field and returns the same vector relative to the car

    x = vector.x * cos(-current_state.rot.yaw) - vector.y * sin(-current_state.rot.yaw)
    y = vector.x * sin(-current_state.rot.yaw) + vector.y * cos(-current_state.rot.yaw)
    return Vec3(x,y,0)
Example #14
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    controls = SimpleControllerState()
    controls = GroundTurn(game_info.me,
                              game_info.me.copy_state(pos = Vec3(0, -900, 0))).input()
    controls.boost = 1

    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
Example #15
def Car(packet, rigid_body_tick, jumped_last_frame, index, my_index,
    Gets the game info for a given car, and returns the values.  Should be fed into a CarState object.
    this_car = packet.game_cars[index]
    pos = Vec3(team_sign * this_car.physics.location.x,
               team_sign * this_car.physics.location.y,

    pitch = this_car.physics.rotation.pitch
    yaw = this_car.physics.rotation.yaw
    if team_sign == -1:
        yaw = rotate_to_range(this_car.physics.rotation.yaw + pi, [-pi, pi])
    roll = this_car.physics.rotation.roll
    rot = Orientation(pitch=pitch, yaw=yaw, roll=roll)

    vel = Vec3(team_sign * this_car.physics.velocity.x,
               team_sign * this_car.physics.velocity.y,

    omega = Vec3(team_sign * this_car.physics.angular_velocity.x,
                 team_sign * this_car.physics.angular_velocity.y,

    demo = this_car.is_demolished
    wheel_contact = this_car.has_wheel_contact
    supersonic = this_car.is_super_sonic
    jumped = this_car.jumped
    double_jumped = this_car.double_jumped
    boost = this_car.boost

    return CarState(pos=pos,
Example #16
    def __init__(self, current_slice, team_sign):

        #Position, rotation, velocity, omega for the current slice
        self.x = current_slice.physics.location.x * team_sign
        self.y = current_slice.physics.location.y * team_sign
        self.z = current_slice.physics.location.z
        self.pos = Vec3(self.x, self.y, self.z)

        self.vx = current_slice.physics.velocity.x * team_sign
        self.vy = current_slice.physics.velocity.y * team_sign
        self.vz = current_slice.physics.velocity.z
        self.vel = Vec3(self.vx, self.vy, self.vz)

        self.omegax = current_slice.physics.angular_velocity.x * team_sign
        self.omegay = current_slice.physics.angular_velocity.y * team_sign
        self.omegaz = current_slice.physics.angular_velocity.z
        self.omega = Vec3(self.omegax, self.omegay, self.omegaz)

        self.time = current_slice.game_seconds
    def input(self):
        controls = SimpleControllerState()
        if self.me.pos.z < 40 and not self.me.double_jumped:
            controls.jump = 1
        elif self.double_jumped:
        elif self.me.pos.z > 40:
            controls = AirDodge(Vec3(1, 0, 0),

        return controls
def transition(game_info, next_states, sub_state_machine):

    ball_x_sign = sign(game_info.ball.pos.x)
    far_post_distance = (game_info.me.pos -
                         Vec3(-893 * ball_x_sign, -5120, 0)).magnitude()


    def transition_to_defend(game_info):

        should_transition = False
        if game_info.me.pos.y < -4500:
            should_transition = True
        return should_transition, game_info.persistent


    def transition_to_transition_forward(game_info):
        should_transition = False
        return should_transition, game_info.persistent


    def transition_to_attack(game_info):
        should_transition = False
        return should_transition, game_info.persistent


    def transition_to_transition_back(game_info):
        should_transition = False
        return should_transition, game_info.persistent


    def transition_to_kickoff(game_info):

        should_transition = False
        if game_info.is_kickoff_pause:
            should_transition = True
        return should_transition, game_info.persistent


    state_transitions = [
        transition_to_kickoff, transition_to_attack,
        transition_to_transition_back, transition_to_defend,

    for i in range(len(state_transitions)):
        should_transition, persistent = state_transitions[i](game_info)
        if should_transition:
            return next_states[i], persistent
Example #19
def car_coordinates_2d(current_state, direction):
    Takes a Vec3 for a direction on the field and returns the same direction relative to the car

    x = direction.x * cos(-current_state.rot.yaw) - direction.y * sin(
    y = direction.x * sin(-current_state.rot.yaw) + direction.y * cos(

    return Vec3(x, y, 0)
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    ball_angle = atan2((game_info.ball.pos - game_info.me.pos).y,
                       (game_info.ball.pos - game_info.me.pos).x)
    post_angle = atan2((Vec3(880, 50, 0) - game_info.me.pos).y,
                       (Vec3(880, 50, 0) - game_info.me.pos).x)

    rot = Orientation(
        pyr=[game_info.me.rot.pitch, ball_angle, game_info.me.rot.roll])
    target_state = game_info.me.copy_state(pos=Vec3(0, -5120 - 400, 0),
    controls = NavigateTo(game_info.me, target_state).input()

    if game_info.me.wheel_contact:
        if game_info.me.rot.roll > 0.15:
            controls.steer = 1
        elif game_info.me.rot.roll < -0.15:
            controls.steer = -1

    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
Example #21
    def __init__(self):
        self.check = False
        self.action = None
        self.data = None
        self.initialize = False

        #Aerial Turn
        self.target_orientation = None

        self.target_location = None
        self.target_time = None
        self.target_up = Vec3(0, 0, 1)
Example #22
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    ball_angle = atan2((game_info.ball.pos - game_info.me.pos).y,
                       (game_info.ball.pos - game_info.me.pos).x)
    rot = Orientation(
        pyr=[game_info.me.rot.pitch, ball_angle, game_info.me.rot.roll])
    target_state = game_info.me.copy_state(pos=Vec3(
        -3072 * game_info.ball_x_sign, -4096, 0),

    controls = NavigateTo(game_info.me, target_state).input()
    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
Example #23
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    controls = SimpleControllerState()

    ball_angle = atan2((game_info.ball.pos - game_info.me.pos).y,
                       (game_info.ball.pos - game_info.me.pos).x)
    rot = Orientation(
        pyr=[game_info.me.rot.pitch, ball_angle, game_info.me.rot.roll])
    target_state = game_info.me.copy_state(pos=Vec3(0, -5120 - 80, 0), rot=rot)
    controls = NavigateTo(game_info.me, target_state).input()

    persistent = game_info.persistent
    return controls, persistent
Example #24
def startup(game_info):

    state = None
    state_list = None

    target_direction = Vec3(500, 0, 0) - game_info.me.pos
    target_yaw = atan2(target_direction.x, target_direction.y)
    persistent = game_info.persistent
    #persistent.aerial_turn.action = RLU_AerialTurn(game_info.utils_game.my_car)
    target_rot = Orientation(pitch=0, yaw=target_yaw, roll=0)
    #persistent.aerial_turn.action.target = rot_to_mat3(target_rot, game_info.team_sign)

    return state, state_list, persistent
def startup(game_info):

    state = PathState
    state_list = [PathState, ChallengeState, AerialState]
    persistent = game_info.persistent

    end_tangent = Vec3(0, 1, 0)

    #TODO: Dynamically update end_tangent as well
    intercept_slice, persistent.path_follower.path, persistent.path_follower.action = ball_contact_binary_search(
        game_info, end_tangent=end_tangent)
    #persistent.path_follower.end = intercept_slice.pos

    return state, state_list, persistent
Example #26
def is_ball_in_scorable_box(loc,
                            theta_top=pi / 6,
                            theta_side=pi / 6,
    Returns whether location is in the angled box in front of net of the given dimensions

    goal_distance = loc.y + 5120
    if loc.x < 0:
        x_sign = -1
        x_sign = 1

    near_post_vector = Vec3(x_sign * 920, -5120, 0) - Vec3(loc.x, loc.y, 0)
    far_post_vector = Vec3(-x_sign * 920, -5120, 0) - Vec3(loc.x, loc.y, 0)

    angle_to_near_post = atan2(near_post_vector.y, near_post_vector.x)
    angle_to_far_post = atan2(far_post_vector.y, far_post_vector.x)
    ball_towards_net = (x_sign * angle_to_far_post < x_sign *
                        atan2(vel.y, vel.x) < x_sign * angle_to_near_post)

    if loc.y > -5120 + max_distance:
        #If the ball is far away from the net, it's not scorable
        return False
    elif abs(loc.x) > 893 + goal_distance * tan(theta_side):
        #If the ball is far to the side, the angle is too tight to score
        return False
    elif loc.z > 642.775 + goal_distance * tan(theta_top):
        #If the ball is too high, the angle is too tight to score
        return False
    elif not ball_towards_net and loc.z < 150:
        return False
        return True
Example #27
    def follow_waypoint(self, current_state):
        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        controller_input = GroundTurn(
        waypoint_distance = (current_state.pos - self.waypoints[0]).magnitude()
        wobble = Vec3(current_state.omega.x, current_state.omega.y,
        epsilon = 0.3
        angle_to_waypoint = atan2((self.waypoints[0] - current_state.pos).y,
                                  (self.waypoints[0] - current_state.pos).x)
        facing_waypoint = angles_are_close(angle_to_waypoint,
                                           current_state.rot.yaw, pi / 12)
        good_direction = facing_waypoint and abs(
            current_state.omega.z) < epsilon
        speed = current_state.vel.magnitude()

        if len(self.waypoints) > 1:
            angle_to_next_waypoint = atan2(
                (self.waypoints[1] - current_state.pos).y,
                (self.waypoints[0] - current_state.pos).x)
            facing_next_waypoint = angles_are_close(angle_to_next_waypoint,
                                                    pi / 6)
            good_direction = facing_waypoint and abs(
                current_state.omega.z) < epsilon and facing_next_waypoint

        if waypoint_distance < 400 * speed / 1410:
            #If we're close, start turning, and we'll hit the point through the turn.
            #TODO: Figure out a good path through waypoints, taking future points into account.
            self.waypoints = self.waypoints[1:]
            if len(self.waypoints) == 0:
                self.finished = True

        elif len(
        ) > 0 and 1000 < speed < 2250 and waypoint_distance > 1200 * (
                speed + 500) / 1410 and wobble < epsilon and good_direction:
            #If we're decently far away from the next point, front flip for speed.
            controller_input = FrontDodge(current_state).input()

        elif facing_waypoint and current_state.wheel_contact and speed < 2300 and current_state.boost > 40:
            #If we're not supersonic and pointed the right way, boost to speed up
            controller_input.boost = 1

        return controller_input
Example #28
    def __init__(self, current_state,
                 direction = 1,
                 oversteer = True,
                 boost_threshold = None):
        direction = 1 for right, direction = -1 for left.
        self.current_state = current_state
        self.goal_state = goal_state
        self.boost = self.current_state.boost
        self.direction = left_or_right(current_state, goal_state.pos)
        self.oversteer = oversteer

        #If we don't have a boost threshold, find it based on how much boost we want to use.
        if boost_threshold == None:
            self.boost_threshold = 1200
            self.boost_threshold = boost_threshold

        self.accel_threshold = min(1000, self.boost_threshold)

        self.dodge_direction = Vec3(1/sqrt(2), self.direction * (1/sqrt(2)), 0)

        #questionable if we're still turning
        #but it should be okay if we're driving straight.
        if self.dodge_direction.y > 0:
            self.dodge_angle = atan2((goal_state.pos - current_state.pos).y,
                                     (goal_state.pos - current_state.pos).x) - (pi/10)
            self.dodge_angle = atan2((goal_state.pos - current_state.pos).y,
                                     (goal_state.pos - current_state.pos).x) + (pi/10)

        self.movement_angle = atan2(current_state.vel.y, current_state.vel.x)

        #Currently set to opposite of the dodge direction.  This should be good for general use, up to oversteer.
        #Eventually wrap this into set_dodge_direction?

        if (self.dodge_angle - self.current_state.rot.yaw) >=0:
            self.turn_direction = 1
            self.turn_direction = -1
    def input(self):
        Returns the controller input to perform an air dodge on the frame called,
        in the desired direction.

        controller_input = SimpleControllerState()
        if (not self.jumped_last_frame):
            if (self.direction.x == self.direction.y == self.direction.z == 0):
                controller_input.jump = 1
                return controller_input
                plane_direction = Vec3(self.direction.x, self.direction.y, 0)
                plane_direction_normalized = plane_direction.normalize()

                controller_input.jump = 1
                controller_input.yaw = plane_direction_normalized.y
                controller_input.pitch = -plane_direction_normalized.x

        return controller_input
Example #30
def get_controls(game_info, sub_state_machine):

    controls = SimpleControllerState()

    persistent = game_info.persistent

    if persistent.path_follower.action != None:
        controls = persistent.path_follower.action.controls
        print("No path found!")
        end_tangent = Vec3(0, 1, 0)

        #If we didn't have a path already, try to find one. Just ground turn for now, but
        #when we find one we'll follow it starting next tick.
        intercept_slice, persistent.path_follower.path, persistent.path_follower.action = ball_contact_binary_search(
            game_info, end_tangent=end_tangent)
        #persistent.path_follower.end = intercept_slice.pos

        controls = GroundTurn(

    return controls, persistent