def __init__(self, database_name):
            Register a sqlite database
        # setup database
        database = None
        if isinstance(database_name, str):
            if path.exists(database_name):
                database = SqliteDB(database_name)
                self.db_name = database_name
                raise ValueError(
                    "EbeDBReader.__init__: the input argument must be an "
                    "existing database file. %s can not be found" %
                    (red + database_name + normal))
        if isinstance(database, SqliteDB):
            self.db = database
            raise TypeError(
                "EbeDBReader.__init__: the input argument must be a string "
                "or a SqliteDB database.")

        # define centrality boundaries
        self.centrality_boundaries = [(0, 0.2), (0, 1), (0, 5), (5, 10),
                                      (10, 20), (20, 30), (30, 40), (40, 50),
                                      (50, 60), (60, 70), (70, 80)]
        #self.centrality_boundaries = [
        #    (0, 5), (5, 10), (10, 15), (15, 20), (20, 25), (25, 30),
        #    (30, 35), (35, 40), (40, 45), (45, 50), (50, 55), (55, 60),
        #    (60, 65), (65, 70), (70, 75), (75, 80)]

        # get total number of events
        self.nev = self.get_number_of_events()
# first check argv
from sys import argv
if len(argv) < 2:
        "Usage: unpackDatabase dataFilename [unpackToFolder] [useHeaderWithCommentSymbol]"

# next call the function from SqliteDB
from os import path
from DBR import SqliteDB

# get write-to folder
if len(argv) >= 3:
    unpackToFolder = path.abspath(argv[2])
    unpackToFolder = "."

# determine whether to use header
if len(argv) >= 4:
    useHeader = (True, argv[3])
    useHeader = (True, "# ")


print("Thanks for using. Zhi Qiu 03/2013")
Example #3
    def collect_particles_urqmd(self, folder, hydro_event_id, result_filename,
                                particles_to_collect, rap_type, rap_range):
            This function collects particles momentum and space-time
            information from UrQMD format output file "result_filename" into
            database for one hydro event with hydro_event_id.
            It assigns each UrQMD run an additional urqmd_event_id.
        if self.enable_hdf5:
            import h5py

            of_hdf5 = h5py.File("%s.hdf5" % self.output_filename, 'w')
            hydro_event_group = (of_hdf5.create_group("hydro_event_%d" %
        if self.enable_sqlite:
            from DBR import SqliteDB

            of_db = SqliteDB("%s.db" % self.output_filename)
            # first write the pid_lookup table, makes sure there is only one
            # such table
            if of_db.createTableIfNotExists("pid_lookup",
                                            (("name", "text"),
                                             ("pid", "integer"))):
            # write the particle mass table
            if of_db.createTableIfNotExists("pid_Mass", (("name", "text"),
                                                         ("mass", "real"))):
            # create tables
                (("hydroEvent_id", "integer"), ("UrQMDEvent_id", "interger"),
                 ("pid", "integer"), ("tau", "real"), ("x", "real"),
                 ("y", "real"), ("eta", "real"), ("pT", "real"),
                 ("phi_p", "real"), ("rapidity", "real"),
                 ("pseudorapidity", "real")))

        pid_to_collect = []
        for aparticle in particles_to_collect:
            if aparticle == "charged":
                pid_to_collect += (map(lambda x: self.pid_dict[x],
                pid_to_collect += [self.pid_dict[aparticle]]

        # check input file
        urqmd_outputfile = path.join(folder, result_filename)
        if not path.isfile(urqmd_outputfile):
            exit("Cannot find UrQMD output file: " + urqmd_outputfile)

        # convert UrQMD outputs and fill them into database
        # this routine is copied and modified from binUtility
        read_mode = "header_first_part"
        # the first read line is already part of the header line
        header_count = 1
        data_row_count = 0
        urqmd_event_id = 1
        for aLine in open(urqmd_outputfile):
            if read_mode == "header_first_part":
                if header_count <= 14:  # skip first 14 lines
                    header_count += 1
                # now at 15th line
                assert header_count == 15, "No no no... Stop here."
                    data_row_count = int(aLine.split()[0])
                except ValueError as e:
                    print("The file " + urqmd_outputfile +
                          " does not have a valid UrQMD output file header!")
                # perform a random rotation of the each event
                phi_rotation = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
                particle_info = []

                read_mode = "header_second_part"
            elif read_mode == "header_second_part":
                # skip current line by switching to data reading mode
                read_mode = "data_part"
            elif read_mode == "data_part":
                if data_row_count > 0:
                    # have data to read
                        p0, px, py, pz = map(
                            lambda x: float(x.replace("D", "E")),
                        t, x, y, z = map(lambda x: float(x.replace("D", "E")),
                        isospin2 = int(aLine[222:224])
                        pid = int(aLine[216:222])
                        urqmd_pid = pid + isospin2 * 1000
                            if pid == 100 and isospin2 != 0:
                                # UrQMD seems to have a bug for decay photon
                                # isospin and charge
                                    "Warning: decay photon's isospin is "
                                    "not correct!")
                                urqmd_pid = 100
                            database_pid = self.pid_dict[
                        except ValueError as e:
                                "Can not find particle id in the dictionary!")
                        if database_pid in pid_to_collect:
                            p_mag = np.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz)
                            rap = 0.5 * np.log((p0 + pz) / (p0 - pz))
                            pseudorap = (0.5 * np.log(
                                (p_mag + pz) / (p_mag - pz)))
                            if rap_type == 'rapidity':
                                rap_judge = rap
                                rap_judge = pseudorap
                            if rap_range[1] > rap_judge > rap_range[0]:
                                p_t = np.sqrt(px * px + py * py)
                                x_rotated = (x * np.cos(phi_rotation) -
                                             y * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                y_rotated = (y * np.cos(phi_rotation) +
                                             x * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                px_rotated = (px * np.cos(phi_rotation) -
                                              py * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                py_rotated = (py * np.cos(phi_rotation) +
                                              px * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                phi = np.arctan2(py_rotated, px_rotated)

                                tau = np.sqrt(t * t - z * z)
                                eta = 0.5 * np.log((t + z) / (t - z))
                                    urqmd_pid, tau, x_rotated, y_rotated, eta,
                                    p_t, phi, rap, pseudorap
                                # output data for sqlite database
                                if self.enable_sqlite:
                                        (hydro_event_id, urqmd_event_id,
                                         database_pid, float(tau),
                                         float(x_rotated), float(y_rotated),
                                         float(eta), float(p_t), float(phi),
                                         float(rap), float(pseudorap)))
                    except ValueError as e:
                        print("The file " + urqmd_outputfile +
                              " does not have valid UrQMD data!")
                    data_row_count -= 1
                if data_row_count == 1:
                    particle_info = np.asarray(particle_info)
                    if self.enable_hdf5:
                        urqmd_event_group = (hydro_event_group.create_group(
                            "urqmd_event_%d" % urqmd_event_id))
                        pid_list = list(set(list(particle_info[:, 0])))
                        for ipid in range(len(pid_list)):
                            particle_name = self.urqmd_pid_dict[pid_list[ipid]]
                            particle_group = urqmd_event_group.create_group(
                                "%s" % particle_name)
                                'mass', self.mass_pid_dict[particle_name])
                            idx = particle_info[:, 0] == pid_list[ipid]
                            particle_data = particle_info[idx, 1:9]
                            n_particle = len(particle_data[:, 0])
                                'N_particle', n_particle)
                    if urqmd_event_id % 100 == 0:
                        print("processing UrQMD events %d finished." %
                    urqmd_event_id += 1
                    # switch back to header mode
                    data_row_count = 0
                    header_count = 0  # not pointing at the header line yet
                    read_mode = "header_first_part"

        if self.enable_hdf5:
        # close connection to commit changes
        if self.enable_sqlite:
Example #4
    print("Usage: parent_folder")

from DBR import SqliteDB
from EbeCollector import EbeCollector
collector = EbeCollector()
# loop over subdirectories
for aSubfolder in listdir(parentFolder):
    subfolder = path.join(parentFolder, aSubfolder)
    if not path.isdir(subfolder): continue  # not a directory
    for aFile in listdir(subfolder):
        if path.splitext(aFile)[1] == ".db":
            print("Merging %s from %s..." % (aFile, aSubfolder))
            if path.splitext(aFile)[0] == "particles":
                    SqliteDB(path.join(parentFolder, aFile)),
                    SqliteDB(path.join(subfolder, aFile))
                )  # merge a database to a database in parent folder with the same name.
            elif path.splitext(aFile)[0] == "minbiasEcc":
                    SqliteDB(path.join(parentFolder, aFile)),
                    SqliteDB(path.join(subfolder, aFile))
                )  # merge a database to a database in parent folder with the same name.
                    SqliteDB(path.join(parentFolder, aFile)),
                    SqliteDB(path.join(subfolder, aFile))
                )  # merge a database to a database in parent folder with the same name.

sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/Chun/Documents/pythonPlotUtilities')

from os import path, remove
from DBR import SqliteDB
from numpy import *

   fromDBName = str(argv[1])
   toDBName = str(argv[2])
   totalCent = str(argv[3]).split('-')
   subcutCent = str(argv[4]).split('-')
   print("Usage: totalDatabaseName subcutDataabaseName Centrality_of_totalDatabase Centrality_of_subcutDatabase")

fromDB = SqliteDB(path.abspath(fromDBName))

if path.exists(path.abspath(toDBName)):

toDB = SqliteDB(path.abspath(toDBName))

nevent = len(fromDB._executeSQL("select event_id from multiplicities where pid = 1001").fetchall())
nsample = int(nevent*(float(subcutCent[1]) - float(subcutCent[0]))/(float(totalCent[1]) - float(totalCent[0])))
noffset = int(nevent*(float(subcutCent[0]) - float(totalCent[0]))/(float(totalCent[1])- float(totalCent[0])))

if noffset > nevent or noffset < 0:
    sys.stderr.write('offset is out of boundary!\n')
if nsample + noffset > nevent or nsample < 0:
    sys.stderr.write('centrality cut is out of boundary!\n')
    def __init__(self, database, analyzed_database="analyzed_particles.db"):
            Register databases
        # setup database for analysis
        if isinstance(database, str):
            if path.exists(database):
                database = SqliteDB(database)
                raise ValueError(
                    "ParticleReader.__init__: input database %s can not be "
                    "found!" % database)
        if isinstance(database, SqliteDB):
            self.db = database
            raise TypeError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: the input database must be "
                "a string or a SqliteDB database.")

        if isinstance(analyzed_database, str):
            self.analyzed_db = SqliteDB(analyzed_database)
            raise ValueError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: output database %s has to be a "

        # setup lookup tables
        self.pid_lookup = dict(self.db.selectFromTable("pid_lookup"))

        # define all charged hadrons
        self.charged_hadron_list = [
            "pion_p", "pion_m", "kaon_p", "kaon_m", "proton", "anti_proton",
            "sigma_p", "sigma_m", "anti_sigma_p", "anti_sigma_m",
            "xi_m", "anti_xi_m"]

        # create index for the particle_list table
        if not self.db.doesIndexExist("particleListIndex"):
            print("Create index for particle_list table ...")
                "CREATE INDEX particleListIndex ON "
                "particle_list (hydroEvent_id, UrQMDEvent_id, pid)")

        # get number of events
        # pre-collect it to shorten the initial loading time of the database
        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists(
                "number_of_events", (("Nev_tot", "integer"),
                                     ("Nev_hydro", "integer"))):
            self.totNev = self.getNumberOftotalEvents()
            self.hydroNev = self.getNumberOfHydroEvents()
                                    (int(self.totNev), int(self.hydroNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
            self.totNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_tot from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]
            self.hydroNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_hydro from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]

        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists(
                "UrQMD_NevList", (("hydroEventId", "integer"),
                                  ("Number_of_UrQMDevents", "integer"))):
            for hydroEventId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                UrQMDNev = self.getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(hydroEventId)
                                        (int(hydroEventId), int(UrQMDNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

        # copy information tables to analyzed_db
        for aTable in ['pid_lookup', 'pid_Mass', 'number_of_events',
            if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                    aTable, self.db.getTableInfo(aTable)):
                    aTable, self.db.selectFromTable(aTable))
class ParticleReader(object):
        This class is used to perform statistical analysis on particle 
        database from UrQMD.

    def __init__(self, database, analyzed_database="analyzed_particles.db"):
            Register databases
        # setup database for analysis
        if isinstance(database, str):
            if path.exists(database):
                database = SqliteDB(database)
                raise ValueError(
                    "ParticleReader.__init__: input database %s can not be "
                    "found!" % database)
        if isinstance(database, SqliteDB):
            self.db = database
            raise TypeError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: the input database must be "
                "a string or a SqliteDB database.")

        if isinstance(analyzed_database, str):
            self.analyzed_db = SqliteDB(analyzed_database)
            raise ValueError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: output database %s has to be a "

        # setup lookup tables
        self.pid_lookup = dict(self.db.selectFromTable("pid_lookup"))

        # define all charged hadrons
        self.charged_hadron_list = [
            "pion_p", "pion_m", "kaon_p", "kaon_m", "proton", "anti_proton",
            "sigma_p", "sigma_m", "anti_sigma_p", "anti_sigma_m",
            "xi_m", "anti_xi_m"]

        # create index for the particle_list table
        if not self.db.doesIndexExist("particleListIndex"):
            print("Create index for particle_list table ...")
                "CREATE INDEX particleListIndex ON "
                "particle_list (hydroEvent_id, UrQMDEvent_id, pid)")

        # get number of events
        # pre-collect it to shorten the initial loading time of the database
        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists(
                "number_of_events", (("Nev_tot", "integer"),
                                     ("Nev_hydro", "integer"))):
            self.totNev = self.getNumberOftotalEvents()
            self.hydroNev = self.getNumberOfHydroEvents()
                                    (int(self.totNev), int(self.hydroNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
            self.totNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_tot from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]
            self.hydroNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_hydro from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]

        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists(
                "UrQMD_NevList", (("hydroEventId", "integer"),
                                  ("Number_of_UrQMDevents", "integer"))):
            for hydroEventId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                UrQMDNev = self.getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(hydroEventId)
                                        (int(hydroEventId), int(UrQMDNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

        # copy information tables to analyzed_db
        for aTable in ['pid_lookup', 'pid_Mass', 'number_of_events',
            if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                    aTable, self.db.getTableInfo(aTable)):
                    aTable, self.db.selectFromTable(aTable))

    # functions to get number of events
    def getNumberOfHydroEvents(self):
            return total number hydro events stored in the database
        Nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select count(*) from (select distinct hydroEvent_id "
            "from particle_list)").fetchall()[0][0]
        return (Nev)

    def getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(self, hydroEventid):
            return number of UrQMD events for the given hydro event
        Nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select count(*) from (select distinct UrQMDEvent_id from "
            "particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d)"
            % hydroEventid).fetchall()[0][0]
        return (Nev)

    def getNumberOftotalEvents(self):
            return total number of events stored in the database
        hydroEventid = self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select distinct hydroEvent_id from particle_list").fetchall()
        Nev = 0
        for iev in range(len(hydroEventid)):
            Nev += self.getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(hydroEventid[iev][0])
        return (Nev)

    def getPidString(self, particleName):
        if isinstance(particleName, list):
            pidList = []
            for aPart in particleName:
            pidString = " or ".join(map(lambda (x): 'pid = ' + x, pidList))
            pid = self.pid_lookup[particleName]
            if pid == 1:  # all charged hadrons
                pidString = self.getPidString(self.charged_hadron_list)
                pidString = "pid = %d" % pid
        return (pidString)

    # functions to collect particle spectra and yields
    def get_particle_spectra_hist(self, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string,
                                  rap_type='rapidity', rap_range=(-0.5, 0.5)):
            return pT binned results of particle spectra as a numpy 2-D array
            (pT, dN/dy dpT) or (pT, dN/deta dpT)
            for one given event
        #set pT bin boundaries
        npT = 30
        pT_boundaries = linspace(0, 3, npT + 1)
        dpT = pT_boundaries[1] - pT_boundaries[0]
        pT_avg = (pT_boundaries[0:-1] + pT_boundaries[1:]) / 2.
        dNdydpT = zeros(npT)

        #fetch data from the database
        data = array(self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select pT from particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d and "
            "UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s) and (%g <= %s and %s <= %g)"
            % (hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, rap_range[0], rap_type,
               rap_type, rap_range[1])).fetchall())
        #bin data
        if data.size != 0:
            for ipT in range(len(pT_boundaries) - 1):
                pT_low = pT_boundaries[ipT]
                pT_high = pT_boundaries[ipT + 1]
                temp_data = data[data[:, 0] < pT_high]
                if temp_data.size != 0:
                    temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[:, 0] >= pT_low]
                    if temp_data.size != 0:
                        pT_avg[ipT] = mean(temp_data)
                        dNdydpT[ipT] = len(temp_data) / dpT

        return array([pT_avg, dNdydpT]).transpose()

    def collect_particle_spectra(
            self, particle_name="pion_p", rap_type='rapidity'):
            collect histogram of particle pT-spectra
            (pT, dN/(dydpT) or (pT, dN/(detadpT))
            for each event and store them into analyzed database
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pidString = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if rap_type == 'rapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_pT_spectra'
        elif rap_type == 'pseudorapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_pT_spectra_eta'
            raise TypeError("ParticleReader.collect_particle_spectra: "
                            "invalid input rap_type : %s" % rap_type)

        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(analyzed_table_name,
                                                     'integer'), (
                                                    ('pid', 'integer'),
                                                    ('pT', 'real'),
                                                    ('dN_dydpT', 'real'))):
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery(
                "select pT, dN_dydpT from %s where "
                "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and "
                "pid = %d" % (analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("particle spectra of %s has already been collected!"
                  % particle_name)
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" % (
                                                     analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag:
            print("collect particle spectra of %s ..." % particle_name)
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    hist = self.get_particle_spectra_hist(hydroId, urqmdId,
                                                          pidString, rap_type)
                    for ipT in range(len(hist[:, 0])):
                            (hydroId, urqmdId, pid, hist[ipT, 0], hist[ipT, 1])
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    def collect_basic_particle_spectra(self):
            collect particle spectra into database for commonly interested 
        basic_particle_list = ['pion_p', 'kaon_p', 'proton']
        for aParticle in basic_particle_list:
            self.collect_particle_spectra(aParticle, rap_type='rapidity')
            self.collect_particle_spectra(aParticle, rap_type='pseudorapidity')

    def get_particle_yield_vs_rap_hist(self, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string,
            return rap binned results of particle yield as a numpy 2-D array
            (y, dN/dy) or (eta, dN/deta) for one given event in the database
        #set rap bin boundaries
        nrap = 40
        rap_min = -2.0
        rap_max = 2.0
        rap_boundaries = linspace(rap_min, rap_max, nrap + 1)
        drap = rap_boundaries[1] - rap_boundaries[0]
        rap_avg = (rap_boundaries[0:-1] + rap_boundaries[1:]) / 2.
        dNdy = zeros(nrap)

        #fetch data from the database
        data = array(self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select (%s) from particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d and "
            "UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s) and (%g <= %s and %s <= %g)"
            % (rap_type, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, rap_min, rap_type,
               rap_type, rap_max)).fetchall())

        #bin data
        if data.size != 0:
            for irap in range(len(rap_boundaries) - 1):
                rap_low = rap_boundaries[irap]
                rap_high = rap_boundaries[irap + 1]
                temp_data = data[data[:, 0] < rap_high]
                if temp_data.size != 0:
                    temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[:, 0] >= rap_low]
                    if temp_data.size != 0:
                        rap_avg[irap] = mean(temp_data)
                        dNdy[irap] = len(temp_data) / drap

        return array([rap_avg, dNdy]).transpose()

    def collect_particle_yield_vs_rap(
            self, particle_name='pion_p', rap_type='rapidity'):
            collect particle yield as a function of rapidity
            (y, dN/dy) or (eta, dN/deta)
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pidString = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if rap_type == 'rapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_yield_vs_rap'
        elif rap_type == 'pseudorapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_yield_vs_psedurap'
            raise TypeError("ParticleReader.collect_particle_yield_vs_rap: "
                            "invalid input rap_type : %s" % rap_type)
        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(analyzed_table_name,
                                                     'integer'), (
                                                    ('pid', 'integer'),
                                                    ('rap', 'real'),
                                                    ('dN_drap', 'real'))):
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery(
                "select rap, dN_drap from %s where "
                "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and "
                "pid = %d" % (analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("%s dependence of particle yield for %s has already been "
                  "collected!" % (rap_type, particle_name))
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" % (
                                                     analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag:
            print("collect %s dependence of particle yield for %s ..."
                  % (rap_type, particle_name))
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    hist = self.get_particle_yield_vs_rap_hist(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pidString, rap_type)
                    for irap in range(len(hist[:, 0])):
                            analyzed_table_name, (hydroId, urqmdId, pid,
                                                  hist[irap, 0], hist[irap, 1])
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    def collect_basic_particle_yield(self):
            collect particle yield into database for commonly interested 
        basic_particle_list = ['pion_p', 'kaon_p', 'proton']
        for aParticle in basic_particle_list:
            self.collect_particle_yield_vs_rap(aParticle, rap_type='rapidity')

    # functions to collect particle emission function
    def get_particle_yield_vs_sv_hist(self, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string,
                                      sv_type, sv_boundaries, rap_type,
            return [sv_type, dN/dsv_type] as a numpy 2D-array for one given 
            event in the database
        #set sv_type bin boundaries
        nsv = len(sv_boundaries) - 1
        dsv = sv_boundaries[1] - sv_boundaries[0]
        sv_avg = (sv_boundaries[0:-1] + sv_boundaries[1:]) / 2.
        dNdsv = zeros(nsv)

        #fetch data from the database
        data = array(self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select %s from particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d and "
            "UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s) and (%g <= %s and %s <= %g)"
            % (sv_type, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, rap_range[0], rap_type,
               rap_type, rap_range[1])).fetchall())

        #bin data
        if data.size != 0:
            for isv in range(len(sv_boundaries) - 1):
                sv_low = sv_boundaries[isv]
                sv_high = sv_boundaries[isv + 1]
                temp_data = data[data[:, 0] < sv_high]
                if temp_data.size != 0:
                    temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[:, 0] >= sv_low]
                    if temp_data.size != 0:
                        sv_avg[isv] = mean(temp_data)
                        dNdsv[isv] = len(temp_data) / dsv

        return array([sv_avg, dNdsv]).transpose()

    def collect_particle_yield_vs_spatial_variable(
            self, particle_name, sv_type, sv_range, rap_type, rap_range):
            collect particle yield per spacial variable, (tau, x, y, or eta_s) 
            for each event and store them into analyzed database
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pid_string = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if rap_type == 'rapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_emission_d%s' % sv_type
        elif rap_type == 'pseudorapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_emission_d%s_eta' % sv_type
            raise ValueError("ParticleReader.collect_particle_yield_vs_"
                             "spatial_variable: invalid input rap_type : %s"
                             % rap_type)

        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(analyzed_table_name,
                                                     'integer'), (
                                                    ('pid', 'integer'),
                                                    ('%s' % sv_type, 'real'),
                                                    ('dN_d%s' % sv_type,
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery(
                "select %s, dN_d%s from %s where "
                "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and pid = %d"
                % (sv_type, sv_type, analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("dN/d%s of %s has already been collected!"
                  % (sv_type, particle_name))
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" % (
                                                     analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag:
            print("collect particle yield as a function of %s for %s"
                  % (sv_type, particle_name))
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    hist = self.get_particle_yield_vs_sv_hist(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pid_string, sv_type, sv_range,
                        rap_type, rap_range)
                    for isv in range(len(hist[:, 0])):
                            analyzed_table_name, (hydroId, urqmdId, pid,
                                                  hist[isv, 0], hist[isv, 1])
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    # functions to collect particle anisotropic flows
    def get_Qn_vector(self, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string,
                      weight_type, rap_type):
            return Qn_data, Qn_pTdata for partitle with pid_string with 
            weight_type from one given event
            Qn_data = (n, Nparticle, Qn_real, Qn_imag, Nparticle_sub, 
                       QnA_real, QnA_imag, QnB_real, QnB_imag,
                       QnC_real, QnC_imag, QnD_real, QnD_imag)
            Qn_pTdata = (n, pT, Nparticle, Qn_real, Qn_imag, Nparticle_sub, 
                         QnA_real, QnA_imag, QnB_real, QnB_imag, 
                         QnC_real, QnC_imag, QnD_real, QnD_imag)
            Qn is taken particles havging -0.5 <= rap <= 0.5
            QnA is taken particles having -1.5 <= rap < -0.5
            QnB is taken particles having 0.5 < rap <= 1.5
            QnC is taken particles having -2.5 <= rap < -1.5
            QnD is taken particles having 1.5 < rap <= 2.5
            Nparticle_sub = min(len(QnA), len(QnB), len(QnC), len(QnD))
        rap_gap = (0.5, 1, 5, 2.5)
        eps = 1e-15
        norder = 6
        npT = 30
        pT_boundaries = linspace(0.0, 3.0, npT + 1)
        dpT = pT_boundaries[1] - pT_boundaries[0]
        Qn_data = zeros([norder, 13])
        Qn_pTdata = zeros([norder * npT, 14])
        for iorder in range(norder):
            Qn_data[iorder, 0] = iorder + 1
            for ipT in range(npT):
                Qn_pTdata[iorder * npT + ipT, 0] = iorder + 1
                Qn_pTdata[iorder * npT:(iorder + 1) * npT, 1] = (
                    (pT_boundaries[0:npT] + pT_boundaries[1:npT + 1]) / 2.)

        print("processing event: (%d, %d) " % (hydro_id, urqmd_id))
        particleList = array(self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select pT, phi_p, %s from particle_list where "
            "hydroEvent_id = %d and UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s)"
            % (rap_type, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string)).fetchall())

        # no particle in the event
        if particleList.size == 0: return (Qn_data, Qn_pTdata)

        pT = particleList[:, 0]
        phi = particleList[:, 1]
        rap = particleList[:, 2]
        if weight_type == 'pT':
            weight = pT
        elif weight_type == '1':
            weight = ones(len(pT))

        # bin particle samples
        idx = []
        idxA = []
        idxB = []
        idxC = []
        idxD = []
        idx_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxA_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxB_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxC_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxD_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        for ipart in range(len(pT)):
            pTpos = int((pT[ipart] - pT_boundaries[0]) / dpT)
            # Qn is taken particles havging -0.5 <= rap <= 0.5
            if rap[ipart] <= rap_gap[0] and rap[ipart] >= - rap_gap[0]:
                if pTpos < npT: idx_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnA is taken particles having -1.5 <= rap < -0.5
            elif rap[ipart] < - rap_gap[0] and rap[ipart] >= - rap_gap[1]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxA_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnB is taken particles having 0.5 < rap <= 1.5
            elif rap[ipart] <= rap_gap[1] and rap[ipart] > rap_gap[0]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxB_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnC is taken particles having -2.5 <= rap < -1.5
            elif rap[ipart] < - rap_gap[1] and rap[ipart] >= - rap_gap[2]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxC_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnD is taken particles having 1.5 < rap <= 2.5
            elif rap[ipart] <= rap_gap[2] and rap[ipart] > rap_gap[1]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxD_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)

        # calculate Qn vectors
        Nparticle = len(idx)
        Nparticle_sub = min(len(idxA), len(idxB), len(idxC), len(idxD))
        for iorder in range(1, norder + 1):
            # Qn vectors at mid rapidity
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idx] * cos(iorder * phi[idx]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idx] * sin(iorder * phi[idx]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 1] = Nparticle
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 2] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 3] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle + eps)

            # sub event Qn vectors
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 4] = Nparticle_sub
            # QnA vectors at (-1.5, -0.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * cos(iorder * phi[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * sin(iorder * phi[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 5] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 6] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            # QnB vector at (0.5, 1.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * cos(iorder * phi[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * sin(iorder * phi[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 7] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 8] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            # QnC vector at (-2.5, -1.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * cos(iorder * phi[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * sin(iorder * phi[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 9] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 10] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            # QnD vector at (1.5, 2.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * cos(iorder * phi[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]]
                            * sin(iorder * phi[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 11] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 12] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)

            # pT differential Qn vectors
            for ipT in range(npT):
                data_idx = (iorder - 1) * npT + ipT
                # pT differential Qn vectors at mid rapidity
                if idx_pT[ipT] != []:
                    Nparticle_pT = len(idx_pT[ipT])
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 1] = mean(pT[idx_pT[ipT]])
                    temp_Qn_x = sum(
                        weight[idx_pT[ipT]] * cos(iorder * phi[idx_pT[ipT]]))
                    temp_Qn_y = sum(
                        weight[idx_pT[ipT]] * sin(iorder * phi[idx_pT[ipT]]))
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 2] = Nparticle_pT
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 3] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_pT + eps)
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 4] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_pT + eps)

                # pT differential Qn vectors from sub events
                Nparticle_sub_pT = min(len(idxA_pT[ipT]), len(idxB_pT[ipT]),
                                       len(idxC_pT[ipT]), len(idxD_pT[ipT]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 5] = Nparticle_sub_pT
                if Nparticle_sub_pT == 0: continue
                # pT differential QnA vectors at (-1.5, -0.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    * cos(iorder * phi[idxA_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    * sin(iorder * phi[idxA_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 6] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 7] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                # pT differential QnB vector at (0.5, 1.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    * cos(iorder * phi[idxB_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    * sin(iorder * phi[idxB_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 8] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 9] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                # pT differential QnC vectors at (-2.5, -1.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    * cos(iorder * phi[idxC_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    * sin(iorder * phi[idxC_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 10] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 11] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                # pT differential QnD vector at (1.5, 2.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    * cos(iorder * phi[idxD_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    * sin(iorder * phi[idxD_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 12] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 13] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)

        return (Qn_data, Qn_pTdata)

    def collect_flow_Qn_vectors(self, particle_name):
            collect nth order flow Qn vector and sub-event QnA, QnB, QnC, QnD
            vectors for all the events. n is from 1 to 6
            Qn := 1/Nparticle * sum_i exp[i*n*phi_i]
            Qn is taken particles havging -0.5 <= rap <= 0.5
            QnA is taken particles having -1.5 <= rap < -0.5
            QnB is taken particles having 0.5 < rap <= 1.5
            QnC is taken particles having -2.5 <= rap < -1.5
            QnD is taken particles having 1.5 < rap <= 2.5
            (rapidity is used for identified particles 
             and pseudorapidity is used for all charged particles)
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pid_string = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if particle_name == "charged":
            rap_type = 'pseudorapidity'
            rap_type = 'rapidity'

        weight_type = '1'
        analyzed_table_name = 'flow_Qn_vectors'
        analyzed_table_pTdiff_name = 'flow_Qn_vectors_pTdiff'

        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
                 ('pid', 'integer'), ('weight_type', 'text'), ('n', 'integer'),
                 ('Nparticle', 'integer'), ('Qn_real', 'real'),
                 ('Qn_imag', 'real'), ('Nparticle_sub', 'integer'),
                 ('QnA_real', 'real'), ('QnA_imag', 'real'),
                 ('QnB_real', 'real'), ('QnB_imag', 'real'),
                 ('QnC_real', 'real'), ('QnC_imag', 'real'),
                 ('QnD_real', 'real'), ('QnD_imag', 'real'))
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Qn_real from %s where "
                "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and pid = %d and "
                "n = 1" % (analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("flow Qn vectors for %s has already been collected!"
                  % particle_name)
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" % (
                                                     analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # check whether the pT differential data are already collected
        collected_pTdiff_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
                 ('pid', 'integer'), ('weight_type', 'text'), ('n', 'integer'),
                 ('pT', 'real'), ('Nparticle', 'integer'), ('Qn_real', 'real'),
                 ('Qn_imag', 'real'), ('Nparticle_sub', 'integer'),
                 ('QnA_real', 'real'), ('QnA_imag', 'real'),
                 ('QnB_real', 'real'), ('QnB_imag', 'real'),
                 ('QnC_real', 'real'), ('QnC_imag', 'real'),
                 ('QnD_real', 'real'), ('QnD_imag', 'real'))
            collected_pTdiff_flag = False
            try_data = array(self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Qn_real from %s where "
                "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and pid = %d and "
                "n = 1" % (analyzed_table_pTdiff_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_pTdiff_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_pTdiff_flag:
            print("pT differential flow Qn vectors for %s has already been "
                  "collected!" % particle_name)
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                    "delete from %s where pid = %d"
                    % (analyzed_table_pTdiff_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_pTdiff_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag or not collected_pTdiff_flag:
            print("collect flow Qn vectors for %s ..." % particle_name)
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    Qn_data, Qn_pTdata = self.get_Qn_vector(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pid_string, weight_type, rap_type)
                    if not collected_flag:
                        for item in range(len(Qn_data[:, 0])):
                                analyzed_table_name, ((hydroId, urqmdId, pid,
                                                       weight_type) + tuple(
                                    Qn_data[item, :]))
                    if not collected_pTdiff_flag:
                        for item in range(len(Qn_pTdata[:, 0])):
                                ((hydroId, urqmdId, pid, weight_type)
                                 + tuple(Qn_pTdata[item, :]))
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    # functions to collect two particle correlation

    def generateAnalyzedDatabase(self):
        self.collect_particle_spectra("charged", rap_type='pseudorapidity')
        for aPart in ['pion_p', 'kaon_p', 'proton']:

    def mergeAnalyzedDatabases(self, toDB, fromDB):
            Merge the analyzed particle database "fromDB" to "toDB"; 
            both are assumed to be databases created from ebe hybrid 
            calculations, which contains exact tables as in 
        for aTable in fromDB.getAllTableNames():
            # first copy table structure
            firstCreation = toDB.createTableIfNotExists(
                aTable, fromDB.getTableInfo(aTable))
            if firstCreation:
                if aTable == 'number_of_events': continue
                # just copy
                toDB.insertIntoTable(aTable, fromDB.selectFromTable(aTable))
            else:  # treatment depends on table type
                # if it's a pid info table, nothing to be done
                if "pid" in aTable: continue
                if aTable == 'number_of_events': continue
                # not a pid info table: shift up hydroEvent_id by the 
                # current existing max
                currentEventIdMax = toDB.selectFromTable(
                    aTable, "max(hydroEvent_id)")[0][0]

                def shiftEID(row):
                    newRow = list(row)
                    newRow[0] += currentEventIdMax
                    return newRow

                    aTable, list(map(shiftEID, fromDB.selectFromTable(aTable)))
        toDB.closeConnection()  # commit
Example #8
    def __init__(self, database, analyzed_database="analyzed_particles.db"):
            Register databases
        # setup database for analysis
        if isinstance(database, str):
            if path.exists(database):
                database = SqliteDB(database)
                raise ValueError(
                    "ParticleReader.__init__: input database %s can not be "
                    "found!" % database)
        if isinstance(database, SqliteDB):
            self.db = database
            raise TypeError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: the input database must be "
                "a string or a SqliteDB database.")

        if isinstance(analyzed_database, str):
            self.analyzed_db = SqliteDB(analyzed_database)
            raise ValueError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: output database %s has to be a "

        # setup lookup tables
        self.pid_lookup = dict(self.db.selectFromTable("pid_lookup"))

        # define all charged hadrons
        self.charged_hadron_list = [
            "pion_p", "pion_m", "kaon_p", "kaon_m", "proton", "anti_proton",
            "sigma_p", "sigma_m", "anti_sigma_p", "anti_sigma_m", "xi_m",

        # create index for the particle_list table
        if not self.db.doesIndexExist("particleListIndex"):
            print("Create index for particle_list table ...")
                "CREATE INDEX particleListIndex ON "
                "particle_list (hydroEvent_id, UrQMDEvent_id, pid)")

        # get number of events
        # pre-collect it to shorten the initial loading time of the database
        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists("number_of_events",
                                          (("Nev_tot", "integer"),
                                           ("Nev_hydro", "integer"))):
            self.totNev = self.getNumberOftotalEvents()
            self.hydroNev = self.getNumberOfHydroEvents()
                                    (int(self.totNev), int(self.hydroNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
            self.totNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_tot from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]
            self.hydroNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_hydro from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]

        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists(
                "UrQMD_NevList", (("hydroEventId", "integer"),
                                  ("Number_of_UrQMDevents", "integer"))):
            for hydroEventId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                UrQMDNev = self.getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(hydroEventId)
                                        (int(hydroEventId), int(UrQMDNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

        # copy information tables to analyzed_db
        for aTable in [
                'pid_lookup', 'pid_Mass', 'number_of_events', 'UrQMD_NevList'
            if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                    aTable, self.db.getTableInfo(aTable)):
                    aTable, self.db.selectFromTable(aTable))
Example #9
class ParticleReader(object):
        This class is used to perform statistical analysis on particle 
        database from UrQMD.
    def __init__(self, database, analyzed_database="analyzed_particles.db"):
            Register databases
        # setup database for analysis
        if isinstance(database, str):
            if path.exists(database):
                database = SqliteDB(database)
                raise ValueError(
                    "ParticleReader.__init__: input database %s can not be "
                    "found!" % database)
        if isinstance(database, SqliteDB):
            self.db = database
            raise TypeError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: the input database must be "
                "a string or a SqliteDB database.")

        if isinstance(analyzed_database, str):
            self.analyzed_db = SqliteDB(analyzed_database)
            raise ValueError(
                "ParticleReader.__init__: output database %s has to be a "

        # setup lookup tables
        self.pid_lookup = dict(self.db.selectFromTable("pid_lookup"))

        # define all charged hadrons
        self.charged_hadron_list = [
            "pion_p", "pion_m", "kaon_p", "kaon_m", "proton", "anti_proton",
            "sigma_p", "sigma_m", "anti_sigma_p", "anti_sigma_m", "xi_m",

        # create index for the particle_list table
        if not self.db.doesIndexExist("particleListIndex"):
            print("Create index for particle_list table ...")
                "CREATE INDEX particleListIndex ON "
                "particle_list (hydroEvent_id, UrQMDEvent_id, pid)")

        # get number of events
        # pre-collect it to shorten the initial loading time of the database
        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists("number_of_events",
                                          (("Nev_tot", "integer"),
                                           ("Nev_hydro", "integer"))):
            self.totNev = self.getNumberOftotalEvents()
            self.hydroNev = self.getNumberOfHydroEvents()
                                    (int(self.totNev), int(self.hydroNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
            self.totNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_tot from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]
            self.hydroNev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                "select Nev_hydro from number_of_events").fetchall()[0][0]

        if self.db.createTableIfNotExists(
                "UrQMD_NevList", (("hydroEventId", "integer"),
                                  ("Number_of_UrQMDevents", "integer"))):
            for hydroEventId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                UrQMDNev = self.getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(hydroEventId)
                                        (int(hydroEventId), int(UrQMDNev)))
            self.db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

        # copy information tables to analyzed_db
        for aTable in [
                'pid_lookup', 'pid_Mass', 'number_of_events', 'UrQMD_NevList'
            if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                    aTable, self.db.getTableInfo(aTable)):
                    aTable, self.db.selectFromTable(aTable))

    # functions to get number of events
    def getNumberOfHydroEvents(self):
            return total number hydro events stored in the database
        Nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select count(*) from (select distinct hydroEvent_id "
            "from particle_list)").fetchall()[0][0]
        return (Nev)

    def getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(self, hydroEventid):
            return number of UrQMD events for the given hydro event
        Nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select count(*) from (select distinct UrQMDEvent_id from "
            "particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d)" %
        return (Nev)

    def getNumberOftotalEvents(self):
            return total number of events stored in the database
        hydroEventid = self.db.executeSQLquery(
            "select distinct hydroEvent_id from particle_list").fetchall()
        Nev = 0
        for iev in range(len(hydroEventid)):
            Nev += self.getNumberOfUrQMDEvents(hydroEventid[iev][0])
        return (Nev)

    def getPidString(self, particleName):
        if isinstance(particleName, list):
            pidList = []
            for aPart in particleName:
            pidString = " or ".join(map(lambda (x): 'pid = ' + x, pidList))
            pid = self.pid_lookup[particleName]
            if pid == 1:  # all charged hadrons
                pidString = self.getPidString(self.charged_hadron_list)
                pidString = "pid = %d" % pid
        return (pidString)

    # functions to collect particle spectra and yields
    def get_particle_spectra_hist(self,
                                  rap_range=(-0.5, 0.5)):
            return pT binned results of particle spectra as a numpy 2-D array
            (pT, dN/dy dpT) or (pT, dN/deta dpT)
            for one given event
        #set pT bin boundaries
        npT = 30
        pT_boundaries = linspace(0, 3, npT + 1)
        dpT = pT_boundaries[1] - pT_boundaries[0]
        pT_avg = (pT_boundaries[0:-1] + pT_boundaries[1:]) / 2.
        dNdydpT = zeros(npT)

        #fetch data from the database
        data = array(
                "select pT from particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d and "
                "UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s) and (%g <= %s and %s <= %g)" %
                (hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, rap_range[0], rap_type,
                 rap_type, rap_range[1])).fetchall())
        #bin data
        if data.size != 0:
            for ipT in range(len(pT_boundaries) - 1):
                pT_low = pT_boundaries[ipT]
                pT_high = pT_boundaries[ipT + 1]
                temp_data = data[data[:, 0] < pT_high]
                if temp_data.size != 0:
                    temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[:, 0] >= pT_low]
                    if temp_data.size != 0:
                        pT_avg[ipT] = mean(temp_data)
                        dNdydpT[ipT] = len(temp_data) / dpT

        return array([pT_avg, dNdydpT]).transpose()

    def collect_particle_spectra(self,
            collect histogram of particle pT-spectra
            (pT, dN/(dydpT) or (pT, dN/(detadpT))
            for each event and store them into analyzed database
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pidString = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if rap_type == 'rapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_pT_spectra'
        elif rap_type == 'pseudorapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_pT_spectra_eta'
            raise TypeError("ParticleReader.collect_particle_spectra: "
                            "invalid input rap_type : %s" % rap_type)

        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
            (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
             ('pid', 'integer'), ('pT', 'real'), ('dN_dydpT', 'real'))):
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(
                    "select pT, dN_dydpT from %s where "
                    "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and "
                    "pid = %d" % (analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("particle spectra of %s has already been collected!" %
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" %
                                                 (analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag:
            print("collect particle spectra of %s ..." % particle_name)
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    hist = self.get_particle_spectra_hist(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pidString, rap_type)
                    for ipT in range(len(hist[:, 0])):
                            (hydroId, urqmdId, pid, hist[ipT, 0], hist[ipT,
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    def collect_basic_particle_spectra(self):
            collect particle spectra into database for commonly interested 
        basic_particle_list = ['pion_p', 'kaon_p', 'proton']
        for aParticle in basic_particle_list:
            self.collect_particle_spectra(aParticle, rap_type='rapidity')
            self.collect_particle_spectra(aParticle, rap_type='pseudorapidity')

    def get_particle_yield_vs_rap_hist(self,
            return rap binned results of particle yield as a numpy 2-D array
            (y, dN/dy) or (eta, dN/deta) for one given event in the database
        #set rap bin boundaries
        nrap = 40
        rap_min = -2.0
        rap_max = 2.0
        rap_boundaries = linspace(rap_min, rap_max, nrap + 1)
        drap = rap_boundaries[1] - rap_boundaries[0]
        rap_avg = (rap_boundaries[0:-1] + rap_boundaries[1:]) / 2.
        dNdy = zeros(nrap)

        #fetch data from the database
        data = array(
                "select (%s) from particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d and "
                "UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s) and (%g <= %s and %s <= %g)" %
                (rap_type, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, rap_min, rap_type,
                 rap_type, rap_max)).fetchall())

        #bin data
        if data.size != 0:
            for irap in range(len(rap_boundaries) - 1):
                rap_low = rap_boundaries[irap]
                rap_high = rap_boundaries[irap + 1]
                temp_data = data[data[:, 0] < rap_high]
                if temp_data.size != 0:
                    temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[:, 0] >= rap_low]
                    if temp_data.size != 0:
                        rap_avg[irap] = mean(temp_data)
                        dNdy[irap] = len(temp_data) / drap

        return array([rap_avg, dNdy]).transpose()

    def collect_particle_yield_vs_rap(self,
            collect particle yield as a function of rapidity
            (y, dN/dy) or (eta, dN/deta)
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pidString = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if rap_type == 'rapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_yield_vs_rap'
        elif rap_type == 'pseudorapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_yield_vs_psedurap'
            raise TypeError("ParticleReader.collect_particle_yield_vs_rap: "
                            "invalid input rap_type : %s" % rap_type)
        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
            (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
             ('pid', 'integer'), ('rap', 'real'), ('dN_drap', 'real'))):
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(
                    "select rap, dN_drap from %s where "
                    "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and "
                    "pid = %d" % (analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
                "%s dependence of particle yield for %s has already been "
                "collected!" % (rap_type, particle_name))
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" %
                                                 (analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag:
            print("collect %s dependence of particle yield for %s ..." %
                  (rap_type, particle_name))
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    hist = self.get_particle_yield_vs_rap_hist(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pidString, rap_type)
                    for irap in range(len(hist[:, 0])):
                            (hydroId, urqmdId, pid, hist[irap, 0], hist[irap,
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    def collect_basic_particle_yield(self):
            collect particle yield into database for commonly interested 
        basic_particle_list = ['pion_p', 'kaon_p', 'proton']
        for aParticle in basic_particle_list:
            self.collect_particle_yield_vs_rap(aParticle, rap_type='rapidity')

    # functions to collect particle emission function
    def get_particle_yield_vs_sv_hist(self, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string,
                                      sv_type, sv_boundaries, rap_type,
            return [sv_type, dN/dsv_type] as a numpy 2D-array for one given 
            event in the database
        #set sv_type bin boundaries
        nsv = len(sv_boundaries) - 1
        dsv = sv_boundaries[1] - sv_boundaries[0]
        sv_avg = (sv_boundaries[0:-1] + sv_boundaries[1:]) / 2.
        dNdsv = zeros(nsv)

        #fetch data from the database
        data = array(
                "select %s from particle_list where hydroEvent_id = %d and "
                "UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s) and (%g <= %s and %s <= %g)" %
                (sv_type, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, rap_range[0],
                 rap_type, rap_type, rap_range[1])).fetchall())

        #bin data
        if data.size != 0:
            for isv in range(len(sv_boundaries) - 1):
                sv_low = sv_boundaries[isv]
                sv_high = sv_boundaries[isv + 1]
                temp_data = data[data[:, 0] < sv_high]
                if temp_data.size != 0:
                    temp_data = temp_data[temp_data[:, 0] >= sv_low]
                    if temp_data.size != 0:
                        sv_avg[isv] = mean(temp_data)
                        dNdsv[isv] = len(temp_data) / dsv

        return array([sv_avg, dNdsv]).transpose()

    def collect_particle_yield_vs_spatial_variable(self, particle_name,
                                                   sv_type, sv_range, rap_type,
            collect particle yield per spacial variable, (tau, x, y, or eta_s) 
            for each event and store them into analyzed database
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pid_string = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if rap_type == 'rapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_emission_d%s' % sv_type
        elif rap_type == 'pseudorapidity':
            analyzed_table_name = 'particle_emission_d%s_eta' % sv_type
            raise ValueError("ParticleReader.collect_particle_yield_vs_"
                             "spatial_variable: invalid input rap_type : %s" %

        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
            (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
             ('pid', 'integer'), ('%s' % sv_type, 'real'),
             ('dN_d%s' % sv_type, 'real'))):
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(
                    "select %s, dN_d%s from %s where "
                    "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and pid = %d"
                    % (sv_type, sv_type, analyzed_table_name, 1, 1,
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("dN/d%s of %s has already been collected!" %
                  (sv_type, particle_name))
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" %
                                                 (analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag:
            print("collect particle yield as a function of %s for %s" %
                  (sv_type, particle_name))
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    hist = self.get_particle_yield_vs_sv_hist(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pid_string, sv_type, sv_range,
                        rap_type, rap_range)
                    for isv in range(len(hist[:, 0])):
                            (hydroId, urqmdId, pid, hist[isv, 0], hist[isv,
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    # functions to collect particle anisotropic flows
    def get_Qn_vector(self, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string, weight_type,
            return Qn_data, Qn_pTdata for partitle with pid_string with 
            weight_type from one given event
            Qn_data = (n, Nparticle, Qn_real, Qn_imag, Nparticle_sub, 
                       QnA_real, QnA_imag, QnB_real, QnB_imag,
                       QnC_real, QnC_imag, QnD_real, QnD_imag)
            Qn_pTdata = (n, pT, Nparticle, Qn_real, Qn_imag, Nparticle_sub, 
                         QnA_real, QnA_imag, QnB_real, QnB_imag, 
                         QnC_real, QnC_imag, QnD_real, QnD_imag)
            Qn is taken particles havging -0.5 <= rap <= 0.5
            QnA is taken particles having -1.5 <= rap < -0.5
            QnB is taken particles having 0.5 < rap <= 1.5
            QnC is taken particles having -2.5 <= rap < -1.5
            QnD is taken particles having 1.5 < rap <= 2.5
            Nparticle_sub = min(len(QnA), len(QnB), len(QnC), len(QnD))
        rap_gap = (0.5, 1, 5, 2.5)
        eps = 1e-15
        norder = 6
        npT = 30
        pT_boundaries = linspace(0.0, 3.0, npT + 1)
        dpT = pT_boundaries[1] - pT_boundaries[0]
        Qn_data = zeros([norder, 13])
        Qn_pTdata = zeros([norder * npT, 14])
        for iorder in range(norder):
            Qn_data[iorder, 0] = iorder + 1
            for ipT in range(npT):
                Qn_pTdata[iorder * npT + ipT, 0] = iorder + 1
                Qn_pTdata[iorder * npT:(iorder + 1) * npT, 1] = (
                    (pT_boundaries[0:npT] + pT_boundaries[1:npT + 1]) / 2.)

        print("processing event: (%d, %d) " % (hydro_id, urqmd_id))
        particleList = array(
                "select pT, phi_p, %s from particle_list where "
                "hydroEvent_id = %d and UrQMDEvent_id = %d and (%s)" %
                (rap_type, hydro_id, urqmd_id, pid_string)).fetchall())

        # no particle in the event
        if particleList.size == 0: return (Qn_data, Qn_pTdata)

        pT = particleList[:, 0]
        phi = particleList[:, 1]
        rap = particleList[:, 2]
        if weight_type == 'pT':
            weight = pT
        elif weight_type == '1':
            weight = ones(len(pT))

        # bin particle samples
        idx = []
        idxA = []
        idxB = []
        idxC = []
        idxD = []
        idx_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxA_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxB_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxC_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        idxD_pT = [[] for _ in range(npT)]
        for ipart in range(len(pT)):
            pTpos = int((pT[ipart] - pT_boundaries[0]) / dpT)
            # Qn is taken particles havging -0.5 <= rap <= 0.5
            if rap[ipart] <= rap_gap[0] and rap[ipart] >= -rap_gap[0]:
                if pTpos < npT: idx_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnA is taken particles having -1.5 <= rap < -0.5
            elif rap[ipart] < -rap_gap[0] and rap[ipart] >= -rap_gap[1]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxA_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnB is taken particles having 0.5 < rap <= 1.5
            elif rap[ipart] <= rap_gap[1] and rap[ipart] > rap_gap[0]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxB_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnC is taken particles having -2.5 <= rap < -1.5
            elif rap[ipart] < -rap_gap[1] and rap[ipart] >= -rap_gap[2]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxC_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)
            # QnD is taken particles having 1.5 < rap <= 2.5
            elif rap[ipart] <= rap_gap[2] and rap[ipart] > rap_gap[1]:
                if pTpos < npT: idxD_pT[pTpos].append(ipart)

        # calculate Qn vectors
        Nparticle = len(idx)
        Nparticle_sub = min(len(idxA), len(idxB), len(idxC), len(idxD))
        for iorder in range(1, norder + 1):
            # Qn vectors at mid rapidity
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idx] * cos(iorder * phi[idx]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idx] * sin(iorder * phi[idx]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 1] = Nparticle
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 2] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 3] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle + eps)

            # sub event Qn vectors
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 4] = Nparticle_sub
            # QnA vectors at (-1.5, -0.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            cos(iorder * phi[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            sin(iorder * phi[idxA[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 5] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 6] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            # QnB vector at (0.5, 1.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            cos(iorder * phi[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            sin(iorder * phi[idxB[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 7] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 8] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            # QnC vector at (-2.5, -1.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            cos(iorder * phi[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            sin(iorder * phi[idxC[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 9] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 10] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            # QnD vector at (1.5, 2.5)
            temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            cos(iorder * phi[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]] *
                            sin(iorder * phi[idxD[0:Nparticle_sub]]))
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 11] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub + eps)
            Qn_data[iorder - 1, 12] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub + eps)

            # pT differential Qn vectors
            for ipT in range(npT):
                data_idx = (iorder - 1) * npT + ipT
                # pT differential Qn vectors at mid rapidity
                if idx_pT[ipT] != []:
                    Nparticle_pT = len(idx_pT[ipT])
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 1] = mean(pT[idx_pT[ipT]])
                    temp_Qn_x = sum(weight[idx_pT[ipT]] *
                                    cos(iorder * phi[idx_pT[ipT]]))
                    temp_Qn_y = sum(weight[idx_pT[ipT]] *
                                    sin(iorder * phi[idx_pT[ipT]]))
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 2] = Nparticle_pT
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 3] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_pT + eps)
                    Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 4] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_pT + eps)

                # pT differential Qn vectors from sub events
                Nparticle_sub_pT = min(len(idxA_pT[ipT]), len(idxB_pT[ipT]),
                                       len(idxC_pT[ipT]), len(idxD_pT[ipT]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 5] = Nparticle_sub_pT
                if Nparticle_sub_pT == 0: continue
                # pT differential QnA vectors at (-1.5, -0.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    weight[idxA_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    cos(iorder * phi[idxA_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    weight[idxA_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    sin(iorder * phi[idxA_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 6] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 7] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                # pT differential QnB vector at (0.5, 1.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    weight[idxB_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    cos(iorder * phi[idxB_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    weight[idxB_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    sin(iorder * phi[idxB_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 8] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 9] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                # pT differential QnC vectors at (-2.5, -1.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    weight[idxC_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    cos(iorder * phi[idxC_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    weight[idxC_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    sin(iorder * phi[idxC_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 10] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 11] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                # pT differential QnD vector at (1.5, 2.5)
                temp_Qn_x = sum(
                    weight[idxD_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    cos(iorder * phi[idxD_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                temp_Qn_y = sum(
                    weight[idxD_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]] *
                    sin(iorder * phi[idxD_pT[ipT][0:Nparticle_sub_pT]]))
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 12] = temp_Qn_x / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)
                Qn_pTdata[data_idx, 13] = temp_Qn_y / (Nparticle_sub_pT + eps)

        return (Qn_data, Qn_pTdata)

    def collect_flow_Qn_vectors(self, particle_name):
            collect nth order flow Qn vector and sub-event QnA, QnB, QnC, QnD
            vectors for all the events. n is from 1 to 6
            Qn := 1/Nparticle * sum_i exp[i*n*phi_i]
            Qn is taken particles havging -0.5 <= rap <= 0.5
            QnA is taken particles having -1.5 <= rap < -0.5
            QnB is taken particles having 0.5 < rap <= 1.5
            QnC is taken particles having -2.5 <= rap < -1.5
            QnD is taken particles having 1.5 < rap <= 2.5
            (rapidity is used for identified particles 
             and pseudorapidity is used for all charged particles)
        # get pid string
        pid = self.pid_lookup[particle_name]
        pid_string = self.getPidString(particle_name)
        if particle_name == "charged":
            rap_type = 'pseudorapidity'
            rap_type = 'rapidity'

        weight_type = '1'
        analyzed_table_name = 'flow_Qn_vectors'
        analyzed_table_pTdiff_name = 'flow_Qn_vectors_pTdiff'

        # check whether the data are already collected
        collected_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
            (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
             ('pid', 'integer'), ('weight_type', 'text'), ('n', 'integer'),
             ('Nparticle', 'integer'), ('Qn_real', 'real'),
             ('Qn_imag', 'real'), ('Nparticle_sub', 'integer'),
             ('QnA_real', 'real'), ('QnA_imag', 'real'), ('QnB_real', 'real'),
             ('QnB_imag', 'real'), ('QnC_real', 'real'), ('QnC_imag', 'real'),
             ('QnD_real', 'real'), ('QnD_imag', 'real'))):
            collected_flag = False
            try_data = array(
                    "select Qn_real from %s where "
                    "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and pid = %d and "
                    "n = 1" % (analyzed_table_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_flag:
            print("flow Qn vectors for %s has already been collected!" %
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                self.analyzed_db.executeSQLquery("delete from %s "
                                                 "where pid = %d" %
                                                 (analyzed_table_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_flag = False

        # check whether the pT differential data are already collected
        collected_pTdiff_flag = True
        if self.analyzed_db.createTableIfNotExists(
            (('hydro_event_id', 'integer'), ('urqmd_event_id', 'integer'),
             ('pid', 'integer'), ('weight_type', 'text'), ('n', 'integer'),
             ('pT', 'real'), ('Nparticle', 'integer'), ('Qn_real', 'real'),
             ('Qn_imag', 'real'), ('Nparticle_sub', 'integer'),
             ('QnA_real', 'real'), ('QnA_imag', 'real'), ('QnB_real', 'real'),
             ('QnB_imag', 'real'), ('QnC_real', 'real'), ('QnC_imag', 'real'),
             ('QnD_real', 'real'), ('QnD_imag', 'real'))):
            collected_pTdiff_flag = False
            try_data = array(
                    "select Qn_real from %s where "
                    "hydro_event_id = %d and urqmd_event_id = %d and pid = %d and "
                    "n = 1" %
                    (analyzed_table_pTdiff_name, 1, 1, pid)).fetchall())
            if try_data.size == 0: collected_pTdiff_flag = False

        # check whether user wants to update the analyzed data
        if collected_pTdiff_flag:
                "pT differential flow Qn vectors for %s has already been "
                "collected!" % particle_name)
            inputval = raw_input(
                "Do you want to delete the existing one and collect again?")
            if inputval.lower() == 'y' or inputval.lower() == 'yes':
                    "delete from %s where pid = %d" %
                    (analyzed_table_pTdiff_name, pid))
                self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes
                collected_pTdiff_flag = False

        # collect data loop over all the events
        if not collected_flag or not collected_pTdiff_flag:
            print("collect flow Qn vectors for %s ..." % particle_name)
            for hydroId in range(1, self.hydroNev + 1):
                urqmd_nev = self.db.executeSQLquery(
                    "select Number_of_UrQMDevents from UrQMD_NevList where "
                    "hydroEventId = %d " % hydroId).fetchall()[0][0]
                for urqmdId in range(1, urqmd_nev + 1):
                    Qn_data, Qn_pTdata = self.get_Qn_vector(
                        hydroId, urqmdId, pid_string, weight_type, rap_type)
                    if not collected_flag:
                        for item in range(len(Qn_data[:, 0])):
                                ((hydroId, urqmdId, pid, weight_type) +
                                 tuple(Qn_data[item, :])))
                    if not collected_pTdiff_flag:
                        for item in range(len(Qn_pTdata[:, 0])):
                                ((hydroId, urqmdId, pid, weight_type) +
                                 tuple(Qn_pTdata[item, :])))
        self.analyzed_db._dbCon.commit()  # commit changes

    # functions to collect two particle correlation

    def generateAnalyzedDatabase(self):
        self.collect_particle_spectra("charged", rap_type='pseudorapidity')
        for aPart in ['pion_p', 'kaon_p', 'proton']:

    def mergeAnalyzedDatabases(self, toDB, fromDB):
            Merge the analyzed particle database "fromDB" to "toDB"; 
            both are assumed to be databases created from ebe hybrid 
            calculations, which contains exact tables as in 
        for aTable in fromDB.getAllTableNames():
            # first copy table structure
            firstCreation = toDB.createTableIfNotExists(
                aTable, fromDB.getTableInfo(aTable))
            if firstCreation:
                if aTable == 'number_of_events': continue
                # just copy
                toDB.insertIntoTable(aTable, fromDB.selectFromTable(aTable))
            else:  # treatment depends on table type
                # if it's a pid info table, nothing to be done
                if "pid" in aTable: continue
                if aTable == 'number_of_events': continue
                # not a pid info table: shift up hydroEvent_id by the
                # current existing max
                currentEventIdMax = toDB.selectFromTable(
                    aTable, "max(hydroEvent_id)")[0][0]

                def shiftEID(row):
                    newRow = list(row)
                    newRow[0] += currentEventIdMax
                    return newRow

                    aTable, list(map(shiftEID,
        toDB.closeConnection()  # commit
    db_source_file = path.join(from_folder, "event-1",
                               urQMD_output_pattern % inode)
    db_source_file_renamed = path.join(from_folder, "event-1",
    rename(db_source_file, db_source_file_renamed)
                                       rap_range=(-1.5, 1.5),
    # reverse the name of source file
    rename(db_source_file_renamed, db_source_file)
    print "Data from node %s has been collected!" % db_source_file.split(

# merge all subsequent databases to database 1
from DBR import SqliteDB
collector = EbeCollector()
toDB = SqliteDB(path.join("./", "node_0.db"))
for inode in range(1, num_of_split):
    fromDB = SqliteDB(path.join("./", "node_%d.db" % inode))
    # merge two database
    collector.mergeparticle_parallel_Databases(toDB, fromDB)
    # delete merged databse

# rename database
rename(path.join("./", "node_0.db"), path.join("./", database_filename))

print "All database merged to %s" % database_filename
Example #11
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/Chun/Documents/pythonPlotUtilities')

from os import path, remove
from DBR import SqliteDB
from numpy import *

    fromDBName = str(sys.argv[1])
    toDBName = str(sys.argv[2])
    totalCent = str(sys.argv[3]).split('-')
    subcutCent = str(sys.argv[4]).split('-')
    print("Usage: totalDatabaseName subcutDataabaseName "
          "Centrality_of_totalDatabase Centrality_of_subcutDatabase")
fromDB = SqliteDB(path.abspath(fromDBName))

if path.exists(path.abspath(toDBName)):

toDB = SqliteDB(path.abspath(toDBName))

nevent = fromDB.executeSQLquery(
    "select count(*) from multiplicities where pid = 1001").fetchall()[0][0]
nsample = int(nevent * (float(subcutCent[1]) - float(subcutCent[0]))
              / (float(totalCent[1]) - float(totalCent[0])))
noffset = int(nevent * (float(subcutCent[0]) - float(totalCent[0]))
              / (float(totalCent[1]) - float(totalCent[0])))

if noffset > nevent or noffset < 0:
    sys.stderr.write('offset is out of boundary!\n')
    def collect_particles_urqmd(self, folder, hydro_event_id, result_filename,
                                particles_to_collect, rap_type, rap_range):
            This function collects particles momentum and space-time
            information from UrQMD format output file "result_filename" into
            database for one hydro event with hydro_event_id.
            It assigns each UrQMD run an additional urqmd_event_id.
        if self.enable_hdf5:
            import h5py

            of_hdf5 = h5py.File("%s.hdf5" % self.output_filename, 'w')
            hydro_event_group = (
                of_hdf5.create_group("hydro_event_%d" % int(hydro_event_id)))
        if self.enable_sqlite:
            from DBR import SqliteDB

            of_db = SqliteDB("%s.db" % self.output_filename)
            # first write the pid_lookup table, makes sure there is only one
            # such table
            if of_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                    "pid_lookup", (("name", "text"), ("pid", "integer"))):
                    "pid_lookup", list(self.pid_dict.items()))
            # write the particle mass table
            if of_db.createTableIfNotExists(
                    "pid_Mass", (("name", "text"), ("mass", "real"))):
                    "pid_Mass", list(self.mass_pid_dict.items()))
            # create tables
                "particle_list", (
                    ("hydroEvent_id", "integer"),
                    ("UrQMDEvent_id", "interger"), ("pid", "integer"),
                    ("tau", "real"), ("x", "real"), ("y", "real"),
                    ("eta", "real"), ("pT", "real"), ("phi_p", "real"),
                    ("rapidity", "real"), ("pseudorapidity", "real"))

        pid_to_collect = []
        for aparticle in particles_to_collect:
            if aparticle == "charged":
                pid_to_collect += (
                    map(lambda x: self.pid_dict[x], self.charged_hadron_list))
                pid_to_collect += [self.pid_dict[aparticle]]

        # check input file
        urqmd_outputfile = path.join(folder, result_filename)
        if not path.isfile(urqmd_outputfile):
            exit("Cannot find UrQMD output file: " + urqmd_outputfile)

        # convert UrQMD outputs and fill them into database
        # this routine is copied and modified from binUtility
        read_mode = "header_first_part"
        # the first read line is already part of the header line
        header_count = 1
        data_row_count = 0
        urqmd_event_id = 1
        for aLine in open(urqmd_outputfile):
            if read_mode == "header_first_part":
                if header_count <= 14:  # skip first 14 lines
                    header_count += 1
                # now at 15th line
                assert header_count == 15, "No no no... Stop here."
                    data_row_count = int(aLine.split()[0])
                except ValueError as e:
                        "The file " + urqmd_outputfile +
                        " does not have a valid UrQMD output file header!")
                # perform a random rotation of the each event
                phi_rotation = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
                particle_info = []

                read_mode = "header_second_part"
            elif read_mode == "header_second_part":
                # skip current line by switching to data reading mode
                read_mode = "data_part"
            elif read_mode == "data_part":
                if data_row_count > 0:
                    # have data to read
                        p0, px, py, pz = map(
                            lambda x: float(x.replace("D", "E")),
                        t, x, y, z = map(lambda x: float(x.replace("D", "E")),
                        isospin2 = int(aLine[222:224])
                        pid = int(aLine[216:222])
                        urqmd_pid = pid + isospin2 * 1000
                            if pid == 100 and isospin2 != 0:
                                # UrQMD seems to have a bug for decay photon
                                # isospin and charge
                                    "Warning: decay photon's isospin is "
                                    "not correct!")
                                urqmd_pid = 100
                            database_pid = self.pid_dict[
                        except ValueError as e:
                                "Can not find particle id in the dictionary!")
                        if database_pid in pid_to_collect:
                            p_mag = np.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz)
                            rap = 0.5 * np.log((p0 + pz) / (p0 - pz))
                            pseudorap = (
                                0.5 * np.log((p_mag + pz) / (p_mag - pz)))
                            if rap_type == 'rapidity':
                                rap_judge = rap
                                rap_judge = pseudorap
                            if rap_range[1] > rap_judge > rap_range[0]:
                                p_t = np.sqrt(px * px + py * py)
                                x_rotated = (
                                    x * np.cos(phi_rotation)
                                    - y * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                y_rotated = (
                                    y * np.cos(phi_rotation)
                                    + x * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                px_rotated = (
                                    px * np.cos(phi_rotation)
                                    - py * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                py_rotated = (
                                    py * np.cos(phi_rotation)
                                    + px * np.sin(phi_rotation))
                                phi = np.arctan2(py_rotated, px_rotated)

                                tau = np.sqrt(t * t - z * z)
                                eta = 0.5 * np.log((t + z) / (t - z))
                                    [urqmd_pid, tau, x_rotated, y_rotated, eta,
                                     p_t, phi, rap, pseudorap])
                                # output data for sqlite database
                                if self.enable_sqlite:
                                        (hydro_event_id, urqmd_event_id,
                                         database_pid, float(tau),
                                         float(x_rotated), float(y_rotated),
                                         float(eta), float(p_t), float(phi),
                                         float(rap), float(pseudorap))
                    except ValueError as e:
                            "The file " + urqmd_outputfile +
                            " does not have valid UrQMD data!")
                    data_row_count -= 1
                if data_row_count == 1:
                    particle_info = np.asarray(particle_info)
                    if self.enable_hdf5:
                        urqmd_event_group = (hydro_event_group.create_group(
                            "urqmd_event_%d" % urqmd_event_id))
                        pid_list = list(set(list(particle_info[:, 0])))
                        for ipid in range(len(pid_list)):
                            particle_name = self.urqmd_pid_dict[pid_list[ipid]]
                            particle_group = urqmd_event_group.create_group(
                                "%s" % particle_name)
                                'mass', self.mass_pid_dict[particle_name])
                            idx = particle_info[:, 0] == pid_list[ipid]
                            particle_data = particle_info[idx, 1:9]
                            n_particle = len(particle_data[:, 0])
                                'N_particle', n_particle)
                                "particle_info", data=particle_data,
                                compression='gzip', compression_opts=9)
                    if urqmd_event_id % 100 == 0:
                        print("processing UrQMD events %d finished."
                              % urqmd_event_id)
                    urqmd_event_id += 1
                    # switch back to header mode
                    data_row_count = 0
                    header_count = 0  # not pointing at the header line yet
                    read_mode = "header_first_part"

        if self.enable_hdf5:
        # close connection to commit changes
        if self.enable_sqlite:
Example #13
#!/usr/bin/env python

from DBR import SqliteDB

fromDB = SqliteDB("/home/qiu/Downloads/Pb_30_40_Glb_More_2000.db")
toDB = SqliteDB("/home/qiu/Downloads/Pb_30_40_Glb_More_2000_truncated.db")

for aTable in fromDB.getAllTableNames():
    # first copy table structure
    firstCreation = toDB.createTableIfNotExists(aTable, fromDB.getTableInfo(aTable))
    if "lookup" in aTable: # just copy
        toDB.insertIntoTable(aTable, fromDB.selectFromTable(aTable))
    else: # truncate
        toDB.insertIntoTable(aTable, fromDB.selectFromTable(aTable, whereClause="event_id<=1000"))
toDB.closeConnection() # commit