Example #1
    def __init__(self, tag, wing_param, OC):
        Constructor for wings based on lifting line theory
        @param wing_geom : the wing geometry
        @param Lref : Reference length for the moments computation
        @param relaxFactor : relaxation factor for induced angles computation
        @param stopCriteria : the stop criteria for the iterative method for computing the wing circulation.
        self.__tag = tag

        self.__wing_param = wing_param
        self.__OC = OC

        self.__Lref = 0.
        self.__Sref = 0.
        self.__Lref_grad = None
        self.__Sref_grad = None

        self.__DLLMMesh = DLLMMesh(self)
        self.__DLLMDirect = DLLMDirect(self)
        self.__DLLMPost = DLLMPost(self)
        self.__DLLMAdjoint = DLLMAdjoint(self)
