Example #1
metrics = ['MSE', 'R^2', 'Rp']

''' Load data '''
location = project_location+"DI_MMTF/data/datasets_drug_sensitivity/overlap/"
location_data = location+"data_row_01/"
R, M_original, _, _ = load_data_without_empty(location_data+"ctrp_ec50_row_01.txt")

#''' Seed all of the methods the same '''

''' Generate matrices M - one list of (M_train,M_test)'s for each fraction '''
M_attempts = 10000
all_Ms_train_test = [ 
    [try_generate_M_from_M(M=M_original,fraction=fraction,attempts=M_attempts) for r in range(0,repeats)]
    for fraction in fractions_unknown

''' Make sure each M has no empty rows or columns '''
def check_empty_rows_columns(M,fraction):
    sums_columns = M.sum(axis=0)
    sums_rows = M.sum(axis=1)
    for i,c in enumerate(sums_rows):
        assert c != 0, "Fully unobserved row in M, row %s. Fraction %s." % (i,fraction)
    for j,c in enumerate(sums_columns):
        assert c != 0, "Fully unobserved column in M, column %s. Fraction %s." % (j,fraction)
for Ms_train_test,fraction in zip(all_Ms_train_test,fractions_unknown):
    for (M_train,M_test) in Ms_train_test:
Example #2
R_ctrp, M_ctrp, cell_lines, drugs = load_data_without_empty(
    location_data + "ctrp_ec50_row_01.txt")
R_ccle_ec, M_ccle_ec = load_data_filter(location_data + "ccle_ec50_row_01.txt",
                                        cell_lines, drugs)
R_gdsc, M_gdsc = load_data_filter(location_data + "gdsc_ic50_row_01.txt",
                                  cell_lines, drugs)
R_ccle_ic, M_ccle_ic = load_data_filter(location_data + "ccle_ic50_row_01.txt",
                                        cell_lines, drugs)

#''' Seed all of the methods the same '''
''' Generate matrices M - one list of (M_train,M_test)'s for each fraction '''
M_attempts = 10000
all_Ms_train_test = [[
    try_generate_M_from_M(M=M_ctrp, fraction=fraction, attempts=M_attempts)
    for r in range(0, repeats)
] for fraction in fractions_unknown]
''' Make sure each M has no empty rows or columns '''

def check_empty_rows_columns(M, fraction):
    sums_columns = M.sum(axis=0)
    sums_rows = M.sum(axis=1)
    for i, c in enumerate(sums_rows):
        assert c != 0, "Fully unobserved row in M, row %s. Fraction %s." % (
            i, fraction)
    for j, c in enumerate(sums_columns):
        assert c != 0, "Fully unobserved column in M, column %s. Fraction %s." % (
            j, fraction)
Example #3
priors = {'alpha': alpha, 'beta': beta, 'lambdaU': lambdaU, 'lambdaV': lambdaV}

metrics = ['MSE', 'R^2', 'Rp']
''' Load data '''
location = project_location + "DI_MMTF/data/datasets_drug_sensitivity/overlap/"
location_data = location + "data_row_01/"
R, M_original, _, _ = load_data_without_empty(location_data +

#''' Seed all of the methods the same '''
''' Generate matrices M - one list of (M_train,M_test)'s for each fraction '''
M_attempts = 10000
all_Ms_train_test = [[
    try_generate_M_from_M(M=M_original, fraction=fraction, attempts=M_attempts)
    for r in range(0, repeats)
] for fraction in fractions_unknown]
''' Make sure each M has no empty rows or columns '''

def check_empty_rows_columns(M, fraction):
    sums_columns = M.sum(axis=0)
    sums_rows = M.sum(axis=1)
    for i, c in enumerate(sums_rows):
        assert c != 0, "Fully unobserved row in M, row %s. Fraction %s." % (
            i, fraction)
    for j, c in enumerate(sums_columns):
        assert c != 0, "Fully unobserved column in M, column %s. Fraction %s." % (
            j, fraction)