Example #1
 def get_fogbow_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "FogBow"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 8182
     cloud = FogBowCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #2
 def get_one_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "OpenNebula"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 2633
     one_cloud = OpenNebulaCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return one_cloud
Example #3
 def get_kube_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "Kubernetes"
     cloud_info.protocol = "http"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 8080
     cloud = KubernetesCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #4
 def get_docker_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "Kubernetes"
     cloud_info.protocol = "http"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 2375
     cloud = DockerCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #5
 def get_ost_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "OpenStack"
     cloud_info.protocol = "https"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 5000
     one_cloud = OpenStackCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return one_cloud
Example #6
File: OCCI.py Project: indigo-dc/im
 def get_occi_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "OCCI"
     cloud_info.protocol = "https"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 11443
     cloud = OCCICloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #7
 def gen_launch_res(self, inf, radl, requested_radl, num_vm, auth_data):
     res = []
     for _ in range(num_vm):
         cloud = CloudInfo()
         cloud.type = "Dummy"
         vm = VirtualMachine(inf, "1234", cloud, radl, requested_radl)
         vm.get_ssh = Mock(side_effect=self.get_dummy_ssh)
         vm.state = VirtualMachine.RUNNING
         res.append((True, vm))
     return res
Example #8
	def gen_launch_res(self, inf, radl, requested_radl, num_vm, auth_data):
		res = []
		for i in range(num_vm):
			cloud = CloudInfo()
			cloud.type = "DeployedNode"
			vm = VirtualMachine(inf, "1234", cloud, radl, requested_radl)
			# create the mock for the vm finalize function
			vm.finalize = Mock(return_value=(True, vm))
			res.append((True, vm))
		return res
Example #9
File: OCCI.py Project: vigial/im
 def get_occi_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "OCCI"
     cloud_info.protocol = "https"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 11443
     inf = MagicMock()
     inf.id = "1"
     cloud = OCCICloudConnector(cloud_info, inf)
     return cloud
Example #10
 def get_ost_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "OpenStack"
     cloud_info.protocol = "https"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 5000
     inf = MagicMock()
     inf.id = "1"
     one_cloud = OpenStackCloudConnector(cloud_info, inf)
     return one_cloud
Example #11
 def get_kube_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "Kubernetes"
     cloud_info.protocol = "http"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 8080
     inf = MagicMock()
     inf.id = "1"
     cloud = KubernetesCloudConnector(cloud_info, inf)
     return cloud
Example #12
File: Docker.py Project: nakos/im
 def get_docker_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "Docker"
     cloud_info.protocol = "http"
     cloud_info.server = "server.com"
     cloud_info.port = 2375
     inf = MagicMock()
     inf.id = "1"
     cloud = DockerCloudConnector(cloud_info, inf)
     return cloud
Example #13
import logging.config

from IM.CloudInfo import CloudInfo
from IM.auth import Authentication
from radl import radl_parse
from IM.VirtualMachine import VirtualMachine
from IM.VMRC import VMRC
from IM.InfrastructureInfo import InfrastructureInfo

TESTS_PATH = '/home/micafer/codigo/git_im/im/test'
AUTH_FILE = TESTS_PATH + '/auth.dat'

auth = Authentication(Authentication.read_auth_data(AUTH_FILE))
cloud_list = dict([(c.id, c.getCloudConnector())
                   for c in CloudInfo.get_cloud_list(auth)])

class TestConnectors(unittest.TestCase):
    Class to test the IM connectors

    vm_list = []
    """ List of VMs launched in the test """

    # connectors_to_test = "all"
    connectors_to_test = ["fogbow"]
    """ Specify the connectors to test: "all": All the connectors specified in the auth file or a list with the IDs"""
    def setUpClass(cls):
Example #14
 def get_azure_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "Azure"
     cloud = AzureCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #15
 def get_lib_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "LibCloud"
     cloud = LibCloudCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #16
 def get_azure_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "AzureClassic"
     cloud = AzureClassicCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #17
 def get_ec2_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "EC2"
     cloud = EC2CloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #18
    def AddResource(inf_id, radl_data, auth, context=True, failed_clouds=[]):
        Add the resources in the RADL to the infrastructure.


        - inf_id(str): infrastructure id.
        - radl(str): RADL description.
        - auth(Authentication): parsed authentication tokens.
        - context(bool): Flag to specify if the ctxt step will be made
        - failed_clouds(list of CloudInfo): A list of failed Cloud providers to avoid launching the VMs in them.

        Return(list of int): ids of the new virtual machine created.
        auth = InfrastructureManager.check_auth_data(auth)

            "Adding resources to inf: " + str(inf_id))

        if isinstance(radl_data, RADL):
            radl = radl_data
            radl = radl_parse.parse_radl(radl_data)


        sel_inf = InfrastructureManager.get_infrastructure(inf_id, auth)

        # Update infrastructure RADL with this new RADL

        # If any deploy is defined, only update definitions.
        if not radl.deploys:
            sel_inf.update_radl(radl, [])
                "Infrastructure without any deploy. Exiting.")
            return []

        for system in radl.systems:
            # Add apps requirements to the RADL
            apps_to_install = system.getApplications()
            for app_to_install in apps_to_install:
                for app_avail, _, _, _, requirements in Recipe.getInstallableApps():
                    if requirements and app_avail.isNewerThan(app_to_install):
                        # This app must be installed and it has special
                        # requirements
                            requirements_radl = radl_parse.parse_radl(
                                requirements_radl, conflict="other", missing="other")
                        except Exception:
                                "Error in the requirements of the app: " +
                                app_to_install.getValue("name") +
                                ". Ignore them.")

        # Get VMRC credentials
        vmrc_list = []
        for vmrc_elem in auth.getAuthInfo('VMRC'):
            if ('host' in vmrc_elem and 'username' in vmrc_elem and
                    'password' in vmrc_elem):
                vmrc_list.append(VMRC(vmrc_elem['host'], vmrc_elem['username'],

        # Concrete systems using VMRC
        # NOTE: consider not-fake deploys (vm_number > 0)
        systems_with_vmrc = {}
        for system_id in set([d.id for d in radl.deploys if d.vm_number > 0]):
            s = radl.get_system_by_name(system_id)

            if not s.getValue("disk.0.image.url") and len(vmrc_list) == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "No correct VMRC auth data provided nor image URL")

            # Remove the requested apps from the system
            s_without_apps = radl.get_system_by_name(system_id).clone()

            # Set the default values for cpu, memory
            defaults = (Feature("cpu.count", ">=", Config.DEFAULT_VM_CPUS),
                        Feature("memory.size", ">=", Config.DEFAULT_VM_MEMORY,
                        Feature("cpu.arch", "=", Config.DEFAULT_VM_CPU_ARCH))
            for f in defaults:
                if not s_without_apps.hasFeature(f.prop, check_softs=True):

            vmrc_res = [s0 for vmrc in vmrc_list for s0 in vmrc.search_vm(s)]
            # Check that now the image URL is in the RADL
            if not s.getValue("disk.0.image.url") and not vmrc_res:
                raise Exception(
                    "No VMI obtained from VMRC to system: " + system_id)

            n = [s_without_apps.clone().applyFeatures(s0, conflict="other", missing="other")
                 for s0 in vmrc_res]
            systems_with_vmrc[system_id] = n if n else [s_without_apps]

        # Concrete systems with cloud providers and select systems with the greatest score
        # in every cloud
        cloud_list = dict([(c.id, c.getCloudConnector())
                           for c in CloudInfo.get_cloud_list(auth) if c not in failed_clouds])
        concrete_systems = {}
        for cloud_id, cloud in cloud_list.items():
            for system_id, systems in systems_with_vmrc.items():
                s1 = [InfrastructureManager._compute_score(s.clone().applyFeatures(s0,
                      for s in systems for s0 in cloud.concreteSystem(s, auth)]
                # Store the concrete system with largest score
                concrete_systems.setdefault(cloud_id, {})[system_id] = (
                    max(s1, key=lambda x: x[1]) if s1 else (None, -1e9))

        # Group virtual machines to deploy by network dependencies
        deploy_groups = InfrastructureManager._compute_deploy_groups(radl)
        InfrastructureManager.logger.debug("Groups of VMs with dependencies")

        # Sort by score the cloud providers
        # NOTE: consider fake deploys (vm_number == 0)
        deploys_group_cloud_list = {}
        for deploy_group in deploy_groups:
            suggested_cloud_ids = list(
                set([d.cloud_id for d in deploy_group if d.cloud_id]))
            if len(suggested_cloud_ids) > 1:
                raise Exception("Two deployments that have to be launched in the same cloud provider "
                                "are asked to be deployed in different cloud providers: %s" % deploy_group)
            elif len(suggested_cloud_ids) == 1:
                if suggested_cloud_ids[0] not in cloud_list:
                    InfrastructureManager.logger.debug("Cloud Provider list:")
                    raise Exception("No auth data for cloud with ID: %s" % suggested_cloud_ids[0])
                    cloud_list0 = [
                        (suggested_cloud_ids[0], cloud_list[suggested_cloud_ids[0]])]
                cloud_list0 = cloud_list.items()

            scored_clouds = []
            for cloud_id, _ in cloud_list0:
                total = 0
                for d in deploy_group:
                    if d.vm_number:
                        total += d.vm_number * concrete_systems[cloud_id][d.id][1]
                        total += 1
                scored_clouds.append((cloud_id, total))

            ordered_cloud_list = [c.id for c in CloudInfo.get_cloud_list(auth)]
            # reverse the list to use the reverse order in the sort function
            # Order the clouds first by the score and then using the cloud
            # order in the auth data
            sorted_scored_clouds = sorted(scored_clouds, key=lambda x: (
                x[1], ordered_cloud_list.index(x[0])), reverse=True)
            deploys_group_cloud_list[id(deploy_group)] = [
                c[0] for c in sorted_scored_clouds]

        # Launch every group in the same cloud provider
        deployed_vm = {}
        cancel_deployment = []
            if Config.MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_LAUNCHES > 1:
                pool = ThreadPool(processes=Config.MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_LAUNCHES)
                    lambda ds: InfrastructureManager._launch_group(sel_inf, ds, deploys_group_cloud_list[id(ds)],
                                                                   cloud_list, concrete_systems, radl, auth,
                                                                   deployed_vm, cancel_deployment), deploy_groups)
                for ds in deploy_groups:
                    InfrastructureManager._launch_group(sel_inf, ds, deploys_group_cloud_list[id(ds)],
                                                        cloud_list, concrete_systems, radl,
                                                        auth, deployed_vm, cancel_deployment)
        except Exception, e:
            # Please, avoid exception to arrive to this level, because some virtual
            # machine may lost.
Example #19
File: GCE.py Project: amcaar/im
 def get_gce_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "GCE"
     one_cloud = GCECloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return one_cloud
Example #20
File: GCE.py Project: indigo-dc/im
 def get_gce_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "GCE"
     one_cloud = GCECloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return one_cloud
Example #21
 def get_lib_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "LibCloud"
     cloud = LibCloudCloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud
Example #22
import unittest, time
import logging, logging.config

from IM.CloudInfo import CloudInfo
from IM.auth import Authentication
from IM.radl import radl_parse
from IM.VirtualMachine import VirtualMachine
from IM.VMRC import VMRC
from IM.InfrastructureInfo import InfrastructureInfo

TESTS_PATH = '/home/micafer/codigo/git_im/im/test'
AUTH_FILE = TESTS_PATH + '/auth.dat'

auth = Authentication(Authentication.read_auth_data(AUTH_FILE))
cloud_list = dict([ (c.id, c.getCloudConnector()) for c in CloudInfo.get_cloud_list(auth) ])

class TestConnectors(unittest.TestCase):
    Class to test the IM connectors
    vm_list = []
    """ List of VMs launched in the test """
    #connectors_to_test = "all"
    connectors_to_test = ["kub"]
    """ Specify the connectors to test: "all": All the connectors specified in the auth file or a list with the IDs"""

    def setUpClass(cls):
Example #23
File: EC2.py Project: indigo-dc/im
 def get_ec2_cloud():
     cloud_info = CloudInfo()
     cloud_info.type = "EC2"
     cloud = EC2CloudConnector(cloud_info)
     return cloud