Example #1
def pp_fig(name, root=level2_root):
    file_list = os.listdir(layer_root)
    files = [
        file for file in file_list if file.find(name) >= 0
        and file.find('distribution') < 0 and file.find('npy') > 0
    data = np.load(layer_root + files[0])
    a = Lc.imp(data)
    a1 = a.dB(data)
    min_d = -30
    max_d = 0
    img = (a1 - min_d) * 255 / (max_d - min_d)
    img[img > 255] = 255
    img[img < 0] = 0
    rows, cols = a1.shape
    dpi = 100
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cols / dpi, rows / dpi), dpi=dpi)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    rows, cols = img.shape
    cs = np.ones(rows, dtype=np.int)
    rs = np.ones(cols, dtype=np.int)
    cstd = np.arange(rows, dtype=np.int)
    rstd = np.arange(cols, dtype=np.int)
    for r in range(0, rows, 150):
        plt.plot(rstd, rs * r, 'b')
    for c in range(0, cols, 150):
        plt.plot(cs * c, cstd, 'b')
    plt.savefig(root + 'add_grid-' + name + '.png')
Example #2
def save_fig(name, r, c, u, v, root=level2_root):
    file_list = os.listdir(layer_root)
    files = [
        file for file in file_list if file.find(name) >= 0
        and file.find('distribution') < 0 and file.find('npy') > 0
    data = np.load(layer_root + files[0])
    a = Lc.imp(data)
    a1 = a.dB(data)
    min_d = -30
    max_d = 0
    img = (a1 - min_d) * 255 / (max_d - min_d)
    img[img > 255] = 255
    img[img < 0] = 0
    rows, cols = a1.shape
    dpi = 100
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cols / dpi, rows / dpi), dpi=dpi)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    norm = mcolor.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=20)
    m = [np.sqrt(u[i]**2 + v[i]**2) for i in range(len(r))]
    q = ax.quiver(c,
    # q = ax.quiver(c,r,u,v, m,cmap = 'bwr', norm = norm)
    fig.colorbar(q, ax=ax)
    plt.savefig(root + name + '.png')
Example #3
def eliminate(sss):
    # N_list=list(range(38, 72))
    # N_list.remove(39)
    # N_list.remove(58)
    # N_list.remove(69)
    N_list = list(range(36, 67))
    temp = rd.Grid_data()
    wspeed_cds = np.sqrt(temp.u_cds * temp.u_cds + temp.v_cds * temp.v_cds)
    wspeed_s2 = np.sqrt(temp.u_s2 * temp.u_s2 + temp.v_s2 * temp.v_s2)
    wd_cds = np.arctan2(-temp.u_cds, -temp.v_cds) * 180 / np.pi
    wd_s2 = np.arctan2(-temp.u_s2, -temp.v_s2) * 180 / np.pi
    NRCS = temp.NRCS
    del temp
    tt = np.zeros(15, dtype=np.int8)
    ss = np.zeros_like(tt)
    ss[:] = 18
    for r in range(15):
        for c in range(19):
            if wspeed_s2[42, r, c] > 0:
                tt[r] = max(tt[r], c)
                ss[r] = min(ss[r], c)
    nums = len(N_list)
    ws2 = np.zeros([nums, 15, 19], dtype=np.float_)
    wcds = np.zeros_like(ws2)
    ds2 = np.zeros_like(ws2)
    dcds = np.zeros_like(ws2)
    sigma = np.zeros_like(ws2)
    for r in range(15):
        if ss[r] <= tt[r]:
            for c in range(ss[r], tt[r] + 1):
                slist = Lc.Extract_NRCS(r, c, NRCS)
                sigma[:, r, c] = slist
                now = 0
                for n in N_list:
                    ws2[now, r, c] = wspeed_s2[n, r, c]
                    wcds[now, r, c] = wspeed_cds[n, r, c]
                    ds2[now, r, c] = wd_s2[n, r, c]
                    dcds[now, r, c] = wd_cds[n, r, c]
                    now += 1
    # ds2 = np.where(ds2<0, ds2+360, ds2)
    for n in range(len(N_list)):
        for r in range(15):
            for c in range(19):
                if np.logical_not(np.isnan(ds2[n, r, c])):
                    if ds2[n, r, c] < 0:
                        ds2[n, r, c] += 360
                if np.logical_not(np.isnan(dcds[n, r, c])):
                    if dcds[n, r, c] < 0:
                        dcds[n, r, c] += 360
    # dcds = np.where(dcds<0, dcds+360, dcds)
    return sigma, ws2, wcds, ds2, dcds, ss, tt
Example #4
def ResampleWind():
    tt = np.load(coast_root + 'Left coast for each row.npy')
    d = rd.SentinelData()
    for indice in range(len(d.series)):
        temp = rd.Data_Level2(d.series[indice], d.FList[indice])
        mask = temp.windX.mask.reshape(-1)
        Ind = np.where(mask == 0)[0]
        lon = temp.lon.data.reshape(-1)
        lat = temp.lat.data.reshape(-1)
        U = temp.windX.data.reshape(-1)
        V = temp.windY.data.reshape(-1)
        lon, lat, U, V = lon[Ind], lat[Ind], U[Ind], V[Ind]
        r, c, u, v = md2.GridLL_Wind(lon, lat, U, V)
        ind = [xx for xx in range(len(r)) if tt[r[xx]] > c[xx]]
        r_new = [r[xx] for xx in ind]
        c_new = [c[xx] for xx in ind]
        u_new = [u[xx] for xx in ind]
        v_new = [v[xx] for xx in ind]
        r, c, u, v = r_new, c_new, u_new, v_new
        del r_new, c_new, u_new, v_new, ind
        # md2.save_fig(d.series[indice], r, c, u, v)
        if len(r) >= 4:
            u10, v10 = Lc.InterpolationWinds(r, c, u, v)
            np.save(level2_root + 'Interp/' + d.series[indice] + '-u10.npy',
            np.save(level2_root + 'Interp/' + d.series[indice] + '-v10.npy',
        u10 = np.zeros([15, 19], dtype=np.float16)
        v10 = np.zeros_like(u10)
        du = {}
        dv = {}
        for ii in range(len(r)):
            r1, c1 = r[ii] // 150, c[ii] // 150
            if (r1, c1) in du:
                du[r1, c1].append(u[ii])
                dv[r1, c1].append(v[ii])
                du[r1, c1] = [u[ii]]
                dv[r1, c1] = [v[ii]]
        for rr, cc in du.keys():
            u10[rr, cc] = np.mean(du[rr, cc])
            v10[rr, cc] = np.mean(dv[rr, cc])
        np.save(level2_root + 'NotInterp/' + d.series[indice] + '-u10.npy',
        np.save(level2_root + 'NotInterp/' + d.series[indice] + '-v10.npy',
    return None
Example #5
def MatchCDS():
    tt = np.load(coast_root + 'Left coast for each row.npy')
    data = rd.layers()
    for indice in range(len(data.t)):
        lon, lat, u, v = md2.ReadCDSData(data.t[indice][:-1])
        rows, cols = u.shape
        lon_N = [lon[c] for r in range(rows) for c in range(cols)]
        lat_N = [lat[r] for r in range(rows) for c in range(cols)]
        lon_N = np.array(lon_N)
        lat_N = np.array(lat_N)
        u, v = u.reshape(-1), v.reshape(-1)
        r, c, u, v = md2.GridLL_Wind(lon_N, lat_N, u, v)
        # ind = [xx for xx in range(len(r)) if tt[r[xx]] > c[xx]]
        # r_new = [r[xx] for xx in ind]
        # c_new = [c[xx] for xx in ind]
        # u_new = [u[xx] for xx in ind]
        # v_new = [v[xx] for xx in ind]
        # r, c, u, v = r_new, c_new, u_new, v_new
        # del r_new, c_new, u_new, v_new, ind
        # md2.save_fig(data.t[indice][:-1], r, c, u, v, cds_root)
        # if len(r)>=4:
        #     u10, v10 = Lc.InterpolationWinds(r, c, u, v)
        #     np.save(cds_root + 'Interp/' + data.t[indice][:-1] + '-u10.npy', u10)
        #     np.save(cds_root + 'Interp/' + data.t[indice][:-1] + '-v10.npy', v10)
        # u10 = np.zeros([15,19], dtype = np.float16)
        # v10 = np.zeros_like(u10)
        du = {}
        dv = {}
        for ii in range(len(r)):
            r1, c1 = r[ii] // 150, c[ii] // 150
            if (r1, c1) in du:
                du[r1, c1].append(u[ii])
                dv[r1, c1].append(v[ii])
                du[r1, c1] = [u[ii]]
                dv[r1, c1] = [v[ii]]
        # for rr, cc in du.keys():
        #     u10[rr, cc] = np.mean(du[rr, cc])
        #     v10[rr, cc] = np.mean(dv[rr, cc])
        u10, v10 = Lc.InterpolationCDSwind(du, dv)
        np.save(cds_root + 'NotInterp/' + data.t[indice][:-1] + '-u10.npy',
        np.save(cds_root + 'NotInterp/' + data.t[indice][:-1] + '-v10.npy',
    return None
Example #6
def OtherLayer(d, n):
    for indice in range(n, len(d.series)):
        temp = rd.Data_Level1(d.series[indice], d.FList[indice])
        GCP = temp.GCPs
        SigmaNaught = temp.denoiseNRCS
        name = 'Layer' + str(indice) + '-' + d.series[indice]
        del temp
        y1, x1 = SigmaNaught.shape
        gm.AllLonLat(name, x1, y1, GCP, 5)
        start = time.time()
        SigmaNaught = Lc.Resize_SigmaNaught(SigmaNaught, 5)
        print('Time for resize SigmaNaught:', (time.time() - start) / 60,
        Sigma_N, nums_arr = gm.GridSigmaNaught(SigmaNaught)
        print('Time for resampling 1 SAR image:', (time.time() - start) / 60,
        jo.Matrix_save(Sigma_N, name, layer_root)
    return None
Example #7
File: T1.py Project: JieweiL92/P1
def DrawMap(name, layer, alpha, vmin, vmax):
    data = np.load('D:/Academic/MPS/Internship/Data/Sentinel/Level1/Layer/Layer40-20180518.npy')
    a = Lc.imp(data)
    a1 = a.dB(data)
    min_d, max_d = -30, 0
    img = (a1 - min_d) * 255 / (max_d - min_d)
    img[np.isnan(img)] = 255
    img[img > 255] = 255
    img[img < 0] = 0
    del a, a1
    rows, cols = img.shape
    dpi = 100
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cols / dpi, rows / dpi), dpi=dpi)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    cover = ax.imshow(layer.astype(np.float_), cmap = 'seismic', vmin =vmin, vmax = vmax, alpha = alpha)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(cover, fraction = 0.025, pad = 0.08)
    plt.title(name, fontdict={'fontsize':36}, pad = 2.2)
    return None
Example #8
def OneStepCoastline():
    lon_grid, lat_grid = MergeGridLL()
    coastXYZ = Lc.LoadCoastlineXYZ()
    Line2Nodes(coastXYZ, lon_grid, lat_grid)
    line = np.load(coast_root + '/Coastline in Grid.npy')
    return line